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Meet the AK's: Squall250 - All questions answered, all done here people

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3/20/2006 22:07:22   

Okay, you know the drill. You got questions, I got answers. Ya know ya wanna ask... Something. I dunno what.

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 13:54:29 >
AQ  Post #: 1
3/20/2006 23:27:30   

Hello Krey!

Do you like that your a AK and can boss people around?
I can boss people around? O.o Nobody ever told me that :P

I am just joking you would never do that!
Nah, torture's more my thing. Ask... Several RPers.

Umm, if you where eagle88 i would have asked you alot of stuff, but your not.
Discrimination! :P

I like to bother him.
Eh, that's alright, plenty of people like to bother me. If Zylo manages to get on for some reason I expect two or three hundred questions.

Well i guess this is it, i hope to RP with you soon!
Okay, see ya

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 12:07:35 >
AQ  Post #: 2
3/21/2006 0:16:51   

*Is poked*
How are ya? I'm sleepy. -yawns-
I'm good, I think. Last I checked I was anyways.
Oh..I apologize...
...for not posting often enough in 'Lost Love.' -makes a sad face- Would you still like to continue?
Ahh. Yep, me still wishes to continue.
Do you like chocolate? What kind?
Chocolate... Milk is good, dark is okay.
I think you deserve a cookie...
...please note that I said you deserved one, not necessarily that you actually got one....
Aww. Meanie
But here is one anyway, 'cause you're speshal. :D -hands over giant chocolate chip cookie-
YAY! *Swallows it whole*
Do you like being an AK?
Yeah, it's cool to help out ^_^
Shiny... WHERE!?
I like rAnDoMnEsS.
You should RP with Zylo sometime, he's the same.
Did you know about the bleu cheese that ate sharpie markers and ran off with the spoon that jumped over the moon?
Nope, should I?
No? Oh.
Still wondering if I should.
It made local news...
Depends on where ya live, might not be local for me.
-shrugs- Your loss.
My loss. Oh well. I'll live... I think.
What's your favorite smiley? The one you least like?
Favorite... The old tongue out one I think on the old boards, least favorite... No idea. Never really use the smilies.
-fires potatoes at you-
*Is hit with potatoes* Ouch?
Thanks for answering all my strange questions; you're a cool guy. -hands over a bag of cookies and suddenly POOFs away-
Cookies!!! *Eats* Thanks ^_^ And see ya

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 12:11:22 >
AQ  Post #: 3
3/21/2006 11:35:19   
Gradius the Guide

Wow, yet again I seem to be about 17 moves behind you mate!
Seventeen to the thirteenth power squared, rather.
If I can indeed call you mate...to be honest I rarely even talk to you, let alone RP with you!
Sure, why not?
But please! This is not a thing I hold against either of us! Just letting you know that you are one of the most successful RPers I have been honoured to witness, and being a rather meadioka RPer myself (as I rarely have the time) it is the RPers like youthat I aspire to be like!
Why thank you, though perhaps you should be looking at a different model. *Points to Afina and hides*
The again, just a title would be nice, do ya kno how long I've been trying to get one of those dam things!
Seventeen to the thirteenth power squared?
Well, I'm not worthy enough of one anyway....
Depends on the titles, you've got Advanced RPer.
...back in the good old days I had a title you know? 'Tidy' I was! How I got that tile I'll never know!
I remember that. Dunno how ya got it.
I remember a time in 1934.... *falls asleep and begins snoring, then wakes up because he realises he is in the presence of an AK mod!!!!!*
You were alive in 1934? Thought you were a teenager. >.> Oh right, and just AK as AK's are not mods. *Thwaps Grapy for the mistake*
Erm, well, I suppose I better ask a question, shouldn't I?
Up to you.
Well, what's been the higlight of your RPing career?
DOAR... Or GTKP. One of the two, not sure which.
And what's been your favourite title to date (on thiese forums and any others!)
I think the one I have now, don't have a lot of titles.
All the best!
You too
Oh oh oh! I know this one!!! GTG.... Gotta go? :P

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 12:14:32 >
AQ  Post #: 4
3/21/2006 12:00:13   

*Raises eyebrow* ....Meh. I can't say honestly that I myself haven't acted like that before. Okay Squally, sorry about this but I'm not much of a questions person, so I'll keep this short, sweet, and the point.
Short, sweet, and to the point. *Glances down* Suuuure. :P
Okay, so maybe that's not that bad, but still....I like asking questions. *Pouts*
Ask away
..Okay, let's begin. *Shakes head*
Shaking your head for?
HEYA SQUALLY! *Supersnugglehuggle* Heheh...I have to keep you on your toes.
*Blinks* Awkward...
Question: How long have you actively Rped on these forums?
Since November '04
Any significance with the number "250"? If so, then wait exactly?
Yes. The name Squall is generally used already, but Squall250 usually isn't taken. So that's what I use. :P Simple. Just didn't realize when I was beta testing these boards that Squall most likely WASN'T taken. <.<
....Feel free to wack me in the head with whatever you desire (Except herring!! That's mine....Myyy Preeeccciioouss....), But I have forgotten. What game is Squally from again? I know it's one of the Final Fantasy games, possibly number six, but the exact number escapes me.
*Thwaps CM with a pufferfish* Squall is from FF VIII.
Are you a Vegetarian/Vegan, or do you eat eat? This is purely for personal interest, since I'm a Vegetarian myself, save for some special occasions.
Not a vegetarian or vegan... (Not even sure what the last means. O.o)
How many times have you played the answer to the question before last? (In other words, how many times have you ever played Final Fantasy Whatever.) My bet is that it is up in the bagillions. (And yes, I DID make that number up. )
...Short version... A lot.
What grade are you in? And if it is HS, then, if you care to tell me, what HS do you go to? I only wish to see if you go to my school.
HS, Senior year, and I can guarantee I don't go to your school.
If you are in college, then are you a Freshmen, Sopthmore, (I think that's how you spell it,) Junior, or Senior? And if so, then what College do you go to?
Not college yet.
Okay, I have many questions left, but I want to keep it short and sweet. (Plus, the bell just rang. I have to run to French 3/4. I can't remember which.)
Short and sweet. Works for me.
Peace? That is an illogical concept. *Head explodes*

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 12:20:56 >
AQ  Post #: 5
3/21/2006 17:48:21   

Anyone misspell your name alot?
Not really, see Sqall and... I think that's it
If so, don't you hate it?
*Points up*
If not, I'm jealous.
Axel, not hard to spell. Beleqwaya has it worse. :P And Elnaith I think too has it bad.
Quick! FF Trivia time!
What is the name of the Black Mage in FFIX?
Lulu *Never noticed til now that the names kinda seem to follow a trend*
The name of Titus's best weapon in FFX?
Didn't play ten so much so no idea. Unless it's Ultima Weapon :P
Alright. Enough of that damned trivia.
BTW, Vegan means that you don't eat ANYTHING coming from animals. No eggs, no cheese, no milk, etc.
Couldn't live like that. >.>
What's your real first name?
*Pokes nonexistent disclaimer* You got questions, I got answers... Mostly.
Favorite game console maker? *Get's ready to thwack Squall with the Sony Stick.*
Nintendo or Microsoft, though I'll admit Sony's pretty much doing the best just because everyone makes something for them.
If anything but Sony....*THWACK!*
If not, DONUTS!
*Snags a donut*
What's your favorite type of donut?
Glazed or frosted
Do you like coffee?
*Reenacts the Boston Tea Party with coffee* Nope.
Do you watch Family Guy?
Do you play Xbox Live?
What's your gamertag?
Gamertag? Differs from place to place if I know what you mean properly
Why do I keep asking so many questions?
Cause ya want to?
Am I annoying you yet?
How 'bout now?
Nope. Oh wait, new question/statement. See ya.

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 18:05:44 >
AQ  Post #: 6
3/21/2006 19:05:08   
Guardian Defender

Hello Legendary ArchKnight Squall250.
Legendary? O.o
It is good to finally meet a legend such as yourself. I hope to become a legend like you someday...
Who is this legend you speak of?
Well actually, I am a legend (Defender Of Guardians), just not as high-ranked a legend as you. Eh, go fig.
*Glances around* Don't see any high-ranked legends around here
Perhaps the day will come when we finally meet face-to-face. Someday indeed...
Kinda doubtful but who knows?
So, do you enjoy being an ArchKnight?
Yeah, feels good to help out
Would you rather die in a fire or die in a blizzard?
O.o Not something I think about very often.
It was dawn. I was in my robe when the ninjas attacked...
If there are two suns on Tatooine, how come I only have one shadow?
Because the suns are so far out? Also one sun's light may cancel out the others. Been a while since I've seen them twin suns though
Have you ever broken any bones? Yours, others, any at all?
Not really
Strange... You seem more like an administrator than an ArchKnight to me. *shrug*
Admin? Nope, not me, not here anyways.
Anywho, It's been great spending quality time with you, son-- er, I mean Squall! Squall, yes....yes *ahem* Squall, indeed.
*Blinks* O----kay.

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 21:52:29 >
AQ  Post #: 7
3/21/2006 20:17:27   

Hi Squall!

How do you like my character Iago???
Interesting but perhaps could use some refinement

How would you rate me on a scale of 1-10 on my skill of rping?
Not sure you want me to answer that. Could use refinement, especially on the power. Doubt a cooked frogzard is that easy to revive and your character was kinda all over the place.

Have you ever seen my rp character Ermys Dryd?
Can't say I have

Do you like druids???
Eh, not so much. Do use a few nature related characters but not so much into druids.

Your one of my favorite rpers know that?
Do now.

Thanks for helping me get better at rping! Bye!
You're welcome if I did ^_^ See ya

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 21:58:23 >
AQ  Post #: 8
3/21/2006 20:27:57   

Tehehe...lets get into the real stuff! Interview time! *Cues lights and taps the mic before handing it to Squall and calls upon an army of camera men and flashing cameras* ^_^
*Takes a mic then goes blind* Too... Much... Light...
Lesse...Tell us your real past in Roleplaying. How you got into it and such.
Well, started out in Jedi Knight, somewhat older shooter. People used to RP on the MSN Gaming Zone. Poorly, and hackers liked to screw it up, but was fun. Then in an online game called Lost Mercenaries that's not really around any more, was a clone of Mercenaries of Astonia which has several clones now. Now I'm here, got started around November '04.
On that subject...why do you RP?
Because I enjoy it. Always been a gamer, RPing's similar in that it's different from reality yet there's so much more freedom, you can literally do pretty much whatever you want.
Tell us your favorite type of character to play, personality wise.
Personality... Tendency for emotional characters, along with gentle even if the character's strong. Can't seem to pull off cruelty very well in a male character either...
Hobbies? If so...what?
Gaming, RPing
Black (Surprised? :P)
Why FFVIII and Squall? I personall think IX has a better story...>.>;
FF VII is my favorite, followed very closely by VIII. Didn't play IX so much. Squall's just my favorite character throughout the series.
What were your thoughts the moment you knew you got your title?
ARP or the AK one? ARP I was rather surprised and kinda like... Whoa. AK wasn't really thrown on me.
Who did you (Or still do) look up to when you RPed here in the AQ Forums?
Chii, Nephy and ChaosDivine. All in the first RP I was in, seriously helped me get started. (Mostly by not kicking me out.) Now, Afina, Zinny and AngelLight would be the most methinks.
Ya ya, its short. But I am braindead...and I have a plot to think up evil and twisted ways for....so...Bal out.
Short but a lot of good questions ^_^

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 22:08:06 >
AQ  Post #: 9
3/21/2006 20:59:48   

Torture? did i hear that right... i guess i better stay farther than 5 meters away from you at all times
Yep, you heard that right. Enjoy more being tortured than giving torture though. Just ask... Various RPers.
Is there any difference from being a tutor to being an AK?
Yes, RP AK's mod the RP and RP OOC boards and have no power in the RPA, RP Tutors tutor JRPers in the RPA but have no power in the RP/RP OOC
Alright other than Zylo, who is the most random rper you've ever rped with because i understand that Zylo is pretty random heh
Ohh... Let's see... I think it would be... Genis Sage. Crazy
how do you keep up with all the rps your in, how many are you in to start with heh
Umm... The second question, you don't wanna know. The first, I have typically quite a bit of free time.
questions, questions who wants boring questions im done later

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 22:10:30 >
AQ  Post #: 10
3/21/2006 21:02:11   

Ahh my dear, dear Squall, perhaps we should start things slow and see how this goes?
Slow, fast. *Shrugs* Doesn't matter too much to me

Oh look I left room for you to reply!

How many RPs are you in on AQ?
Umm... *Counts* Four currently up and staying in.

How many RPs are you in in other places?
Umm. Let's see... Seventeen. If I didn't lose count.

How many of your RPs are inactive at the moment?
Roughly nine. I think.

Out of all the characters you have played, what one do you like most?
A while ago would have been Krey hands down. Now not quite sure but since he's the only one I've ever had as a favorite going to say Krey.

Out of all the ones I have used along side yours, what one is your favorite?
You had to ask. Umm... Love Teiluj, and Teriana, and Exuro... Think they're the favorites, can't pick just one.

How many times can a man bite his lip before it is raw?
*Shakes his head slowly* Well Kalan's isn't yet. :P

How many times can a man blush before his cheeks are permanently red?
Will let you know when the point is hit.

If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Kitty! (And not the character. >.>)

If you could be any fantasy creature, what would you be?

Favorite ice cream?
Not sure.

Favorite food?

Favorite color?
Black. *Points up* You can't tell me you're surprised. :P

Favorite drink?
Uhh... *Plays smart alec* Too young to drink. :P

What is the longest amount of time you have sat in your comp chair?
Hours. Not sure how many, but definitely hours. Several.

Do you ever think about how many elephants can fit in a freezer?
O.o Don't think I need a psych yet.

As a matter of fact, how many elephants can fit in a freezer?
Depends, compact models?

Oh I ramble so sorry.
Ramble? I thought these were meaningful questions. >.>

When you became AK what was your reaction?
Well wasn't thrust into the position so wasn't too surprised really.

How many RPers have felt your wrath as an AK?
Umm... Don't keep count.

Your favorite RP on AQ is?

Think I should stop asking questions?

Favorite ARPer is?
...I refuse to answer on the grounds of incrimination.

Favorite RPer?
...I refuse to answer on the grounds of incrimination.

What color eyes does Teiluj have?

How about eye color on Oemor?
Green-gold. (Use the color so many times it's hard to forget.)

Ok, ok I know I must stop now. Hope you enjoyed!
Yep ^_^

*Hugs* See ya

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 22:22:50 >
Post #: 11
3/21/2006 21:10:54   

-pops back in-
*Pops Starry*
Hmm...I felt the urge to bother you again and make you even busier than you already are with all those unanswered questions..-grins wickedly-
Do you like to be poked?
Not really
Oh well.
-pokes incessantly-
*Is poked*
Would you like some cake?
How about cookies?
Why not?
Ice cream?
'Course ^_^
Sweets in general?
Too bad I don't have any of those. I'm sorry.
Who's your favorite celebrity (male, then female)?
Don't pay enough attention to celebs to answer. :P
If you had to give your position to someone else, who would you give it to?
AngelLight most likely, as I speak most with her.
-idly twiddles thumbs- Do you like hobbits? I'm about short as one...only a foot taller, really. I like to eat as much as them, certainly; what about you?
Prefer elves
Est-ce que tu parles français? Espagnol? Anglais?
Anglais... If you're asking which language I speak. Really don't know anything else but want to know Japanese.
Have you read the Dune series? I recommend it if you have not. It's quite good.
I like bubbles. Do you? -blows bubbles and pops them-
Eh, maybe
Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are...I am a lovely little star, aren't I? :D -hands star to you- 'Cause you shine and rock, dude.
Thanks ^_^
-sighs- Time to go bake a cake. I'll save you a piece, is that all right? -POOFs away suddenly-
Sounds good to me ^_^ Lat...*Sees Starry poof*...er

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 22:27:46 >
AQ  Post #: 12
3/21/2006 21:57:26   
Genis Sage

You DO know that you must answer my questions?
Sure, sure
Each and every question I make?
Why not?
Good. What is my favorite color?
What is Assyria's capital?
No idea
What is the capital of the country I live in?
What country do you live in again? O.o
Will you ever marry someone?
Possibly, not something I can answer at this point in my life however
What happens when a duck stumbles upon a baffled sorcerer whose abilities match those of a waxed candlestick that hasn't ever been to Russia without a chaperon?
O.o I think the duck had a heart attack
What grade do you think you get?
Grade do I get... Umm, not sure what you mean. 12th? >.>
Will you ever stop calling me a genie?
Sure Genie
Since I know the answer beforehand, are you prepared to get your liver removed again?
Again? O.o Didn't think it'd been removed yet.
Is it painful?
I'd imagine
How could the process be made more painful, in your opinion?
Add in alcohol and razor blades.
Do you miss me?
Shall I be back?
Is this the last question?
Nope. You gotta have another somewhere around here. *Looks around for another question*

-Genis Sage
Later Genie!

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 22:30:47 >
AQ  Post #: 13
3/21/2006 22:27:02   

How's it going Squall?
Lets start out with some easy questions, eh?
Sure, why not
oranges or apples?
black or white?
numbers or letters?
mail or e-mail?
Depends on what's being done
computer or TV?
milk or juice?
Depends on the juice
pepsi or coke?
Is there a difference? More pepsi
Alright enought with the easy ones. Lets get inot the good ones now, eh?
Good or bad? :P
What times is it?
Not the good times anymore
Would you be evil or good?
Do you like Mountain Dew?
What is your fav color?
Black... Again
You fav band?
Don't really have one
Your fav music?
Depends, like a lot of video game music
Who is your hero?
Tough question. Not sure I really have one
All for now, seeya later.
See ya

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/21/2006 22:33:36 >
AQ  Post #: 14
3/22/2006 8:01:48   

And I hath returned with part II....of the Squall Interview. I am your host, Bal. *Cues lights and many cameras again while handing Squall a mic*
*Grabs another mic and goes blind... Again*
So, Now being that we know your color is Black. Does this mean your more turned towards the side Darkness then to light?
Depends, dark is cool, most of my characters have a dark side in some way or another. (Least if you're referring more to RPing.)
Give us your favorite Element. Why is it your favorite Element?
Fire or darkness. Fire is cool, fire burns stuff. *Lights Balinor's hair* Darkness is just cool
Have you ever created a character based purely off of your own personality?
Nope, not that I can think of.
What would you say, is your best Roleplay you ever created?
Deliverance, on the ARP boards.
DOES! 2+2 = 5? And did you know Big brother IS watching you...(Random question) ^-^
Yep, 2+2 = 5. I have a big brother? O.o
What, in your opinion, makes for a good Roleplay that you will remember?
Umm... Depends. DOAR I don't bet on forgetting, too awesome. Story mostly I guess, that and something that keeps me on my toes.
Hows does it feel to be superior to others? And have you had that side effect to greatness which causes your PM box to be full of pointless crap messages from others with hate mail and just mere useless stuff?
I'm superior to others? O.o Why doesn't anyone tell me these things? o.O And nope, not really gotten any hate mail... Yet.
And once again...my questions come to a close. Maybe he will answer!...Maybe not. Either way....Bal out. ^-^
I'm leaning towards maybe will, but that's just me. Later.

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/22/2006 11:32:28 >
AQ  Post #: 15
3/22/2006 14:35:54   

Wow, go Squall! I remember when I first came to these forums. You inspired me to become a better RP. Congrats on your sucess.
Success? Where!

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:11:31 >
AQ  Post #: 16
3/22/2006 17:24:22   

What kind of dragon? You know, the one you would turn into if you could.
Black-scaled halfbreed (They just look awesome. >.>) or a variety of four-legged, two-winged dragons. (Black of course.) Love dragons but (If there's 'official' kinds) don't know too much on the variations and such.
Now, I know your fave color is black... but I wonder this: what is your favorite color scheme?
Black and deeper shades of red
I'm partial to black and deep red. Blue and black work nicely too.
Ever understand that saying "[insert color here] is the new black?"
Yes... I think. Something about things being 'in' even if I never follow.
Never made much sense to me.
*Shrugs* Probably not too big a deal, just a saying.
How's life?
And I know that people say that life is school, but I highly disagree, so I'm asking this question separately: how's school?
Never heard that saying actually... But school's fine.
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Not that I know of.
(I just like that quote/question)
(I don't even really get it. O.o)
Ever seen Cowboy Bebop?
Last episode I saw was inordinately disturbing.
Some anime is. >.>
I liked it.
Somehow I'm not entirely surprised. :P
So, if questions don't annoy you (at least in written form), what does?
People not reading posts/OOC.
Looking forward to college?
In some ways yes, in others not so much.
You did say you were in 12th grade?
Word of advice: half of college is busywork. That's the part you... oh right, this forum censors that.
Do I wanna know? O.o
The other half you actually care about. Or should.
Should, would, thin line maybe? Probably will.
Also, Cup Noodle is the staff of life.
Cup Noodle. Ahh...
One last thing: you're out of uniform.
There's a uniform? O.o

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:19:20 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
3/22/2006 17:46:17   

Oi, Oi, Oi... sup dude
can you tell me what yur favrit music is?
Like video game music, Japanese, rocky stuff.
mine be metal... and rock... got an oppion?
black metal rules...
No idea
oh yeah, do you read every rp? or... do you just do some of them?
Don't even have time to read every RP. Probably.
er whatever...
how many posts do you need to have a personilized title thingie?
It's not amount of posts I don't believe.
or do you not have that kind of information...
Gotta be given one. I think.
whats your favorit FF game? Mine be FF IX kaja is coooool, thought he was a girl for a bit, but, he coool
Kuja could be cool... If not for his outfit. FF7 is my favorite.
dose the repetive questions ever get annoying to you?
Not really.
do you like the predator movies? or the alien movies?
Yes and yes.
IS Arnauld Shwartzineger realy the govenator?... or is he a robot.... *shifty eyes*
He's the governator. Even if he is a robot. Though I doubt it.
you like black? In a recent poll, the resultes were that over half the people who did it, were goths... are you in that half?
I is sortta... that and a Metal head... *puts up horns and headbangs* dose that scare you?
Not really
do you like to see the blood of your enamies driping from your fangs as you lick your blade clean and your eyes burn with the firey might of the dark lord?
did that mess you up?
Farewell, I must go devour the souls of my enamies and anialate my naboirs pet basset hound it keeps me up all day barking at the cars... Bloody citys...
*Rolls eyes*

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:22:19 >
AQ  Post #: 18
3/22/2006 19:11:23   
The Riddler

Hi Squall!!*waves*
How did I get here again?
Clicked the post button I'll wager
Don't I know you from somewhere?
Who's cooler Squall Leonheart or Cloud Strife?
What is your opinion on the absolutely horrible concept of the drawn magic system?
Love it. Makes for awesome junctioning.
Is it true that you and AngelLight are planning a hostile takeover of the Artix Inc. and you will rule with an iron fist?
If it is nobody told me.
True or False:Did Sephiroth once try to hurt a fly, only to get his butt kicked when he failed to do so?
True or False:Is Sephiroth a loser?
True or False:Is Sarah Kerrigan the greatest video game villainess of all time?
Nope - Ultimecia on a bad day makes Kerrigan look like a wimp.
Isn't it true that, if she were so inclined, Kerrigan could rip out Sephiroth's still beating heart and show it to him before throwing it to her Zerg?
She'd be missing her heart in a second. Aliens against fantasy villains... No contest.
Did you know that literally every RP I join almost immediately dies?
What's the deal?
Not sure
Is my RPing really that bad?
Ok I think that's all for now.....
Yes definitely all for now.
Ok I know I said that was all, but I have one more thing to say.
*Shoots her*

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:25:16 >


If it weren't for the Queen, I would not be the greatest forum user of 2006.
Post #: 19
3/22/2006 19:36:16   
Genis Sage

You knew I'd be back, right?
Of course.
Maybe it's because I'm avoiding something?
You are?
If so, what?
No idea
Can I borrow some razor blades and alcohol from you?
*removes liver*
*Flinches just slightly*
I feel hungry. Do you?
What do you think of YeeYaan?
Wish Krey coulda killed him. >.>
What are your thoughts on CAFTA?
... I really have no idea what that is. O.o
What if a pinneapple comquered the world through sheer sweetness power?
The world would be... Sweet?
What is the mathemathical equation for that?
E=MC to the third power with a side of fruit.
Favorite TV show?
If anime counts Ghost in the Shell at the moment.
If you could have a wish, which would that be?
Umm.... Hmm... No idea.
The previous question was an excuse so I could get mad at you for no reason at all. *sticks a fork in the eye*
Bloody Mary or Beer?
Neither, not a drinker.
Yogurt or cheese?
Light side of the force or dark side of the force?
Depends, both are fun, like to try either :P
To quote majere and your own answer...

Alright other than Zylo, who is the most random rper you've ever rped with because i understand that Zylo is pretty random heh
Ohh... Let's see... I think it would be... Genis Sage. Crazy

*Pokes Krios* No explanation needed. >.>
I'm not crazy...just misunderstood...
Or both?
I ran out of questions.
That means I shall leave you be...for now...
Good for you :P


< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:28:51 >
AQ  Post #: 20
3/22/2006 20:34:16   


How are you?

I decided to leave extra spacing too ^_^ On to my Incredibly long list of Questions!

Do you like puffer fish?
My online persona - yes, me personally, never had it.

Would you ever eat a puffer fish?

If you could have any power you wanted, just one, what would it be?
Fire or time manipulation. Not completely time manipulation, only limited. Control over time is something nobody should ever have.

What’s the last song you listened to?
Can't remember. >.>

A song that defines your mood right now? (more or less)
Umm.... I'm not even sure what my mood right now is. O.o

What musical instrument would you want to play professionally(besides a guitar or piano)?
O.o Ya had to get rid of guitar and piano didn't you? >.> Drums other than guitar. Piano would be a third choice with guitar a first. Oh wait, violin too but more of a rock sound than anything traditional. Love the violin in the right hands.

Rather have dawn or dusk?

Rather be deaf or blind?
*Blinks* Neither, if I absolutely had to be one... Deaf... I think.

Favorite mythological God or Goddess?
Odin or Loki.

What’s some of your favorite books?
The Shadow War series by George Lucas and Chris Claremont, along with Star Wars books.

If you could have any animal as your pet and not have to worry about
expense/environment etc. what would it be?
Falcon. Or tiger or lion. Not sure on the big kitties.

What’s your favorite subject to study in?
Science... Usually.

What’s your favorite comfort food?
Chocolate's good

Do you like fruit teas or herbal teas?

What’s your favorite candy or sweet treat?

Do you like sushi?

You should try spider rolls. They’re yummy :)
Not even sure what they are. O.o

What movies would you recommend for us to see?
Any of the Star Wars saga. (First or second trilogy). Umm... LotR (only seen the first but do have the trilogy). Uhh... X-Men (Both movies) are great, I-Robot. I could probably go on for a bit. >.>

Are you more of a romantic or a realist?
Probably more of a romantic even if I know such views are likely never to come about.

Any historical event you particularly enjoy studying?
Like wars. Not saying they're good things, but always have. >.>

What philosopher (if any) do you find the most admirable?
Don't pay much attention.

Do you prefer dreams or reality?
My dreams or dreams in general? >.> Reality if mine, then again reality either way as no matter what it will always come after you.

What’s one of the most cherished moments in your life? (that you’d be willing to share)
I can't even think of anything. >.>

What are you favorite quotes (if any)?
There was this thing in Metroid Prime about trying to reverse engineer the spider ball and space pirates winding up all twisted and broken... Found it hilarious for some reason.

If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?
Japan, probably.

If you could travel to any Time in any place in the world, what would that be?
I really have no idea. O.o

I’m done :)

Cyas around Squall ^^
See ya ^_^

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:40:03 >
Post #: 21
3/23/2006 17:20:08   
Apocalypse Angel

How’s it going?
Here go my questions:
Bring 'em on
What’s the best RP you’ve seen, but didn’t join?
Can't think of anything. O.o
If you answered the above question, what RP(s) was it and do you regret not joining it?
*Pokes above*
On a scale of 1-10, what would you rate your RPing skills (10 being the best, and 1 vice-versa)?
Umm... 7-8... ish?
Do you believe in aliens?
Believe they could exist.
Do you believe in exploding turtles?
If you put a stick of dynamite or some C4 in 'em. *Nods*
What’s your favorite kind of shark?
Great White
What’s your favorite pizza topping?
What’s your favorite sport?
I like FFVII by the way, and my favorite character is Sephiroth.
Sephiroth is awesome, love FFVII
Do you think I should have called myself Sephiroth250? (lol)
Nah, just wouldn't be original anymore. :P
Do you like hot dogs?
Do you like mustard?
With ketchup on hot dogs - yep.
Do you like rotten cheese?
Are my random questions annoying?
Am I annoying?
Is iT AnnoYing wHeN I wRitE liKe this?
Do you have enough of my stupid questions?
I do.
Have a good day, and see ya around.
Squall250 (Why am I putting my name here? O.o)

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:47:00 >
Post #: 22
3/23/2006 23:05:40   
Mhiko Riyo

Hello, Mr. Squall. I see you around here a lot, but I don't think that you've seen me. ^^
You've got a lot of questions. Does it make you laugh to see some of these questions?
Not really
I like FF.
Me too
You're pretty brave for taking all of these people who are trying to annoy you.
Not the first to do it. >.>
I'm not trying to annoy you, by the way.
Why thank you ^_^
Do you watch a lot of anime?
Much as I can
What's your favorite tv show?
Ghost in the Shell if it counts.
Think really hard...
*Brain pops*
How many posts do you think that you've done since you started RPing?
O.o Thousands. Easily thousands. Wouldn't be surprised if it's in the ten thousands. >.>
If you could, would you go off and save an alternate dimension?
What dimension would you save, if you had to?
Depends on the choices.
Where did you get your avi?
Uhh, think it was from an avvy list somewhere. >.> Probably change it eventually, once I get around to finding/making something different.
Do you think that I might be an ARPer someday?
Sure, if ya keep at it and just enjoy it and do your best.
I want to RP with all of you legendary folks one day.
That excludes me... I think
I made you some ramen. Here. *hands you ramen*
Can you eat it with chopsticks?
If I had some... Maybe. Doubtful I'd do it well though
I like chopsticks.
They're all choppy like. >.>
Thanks for being so nice and responding to all of these questions. ^^ Enjoy your day/evening/morning/whatever.
No problem ^_^ Afternoon right now.

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:51:48 >
AQ  Post #: 23
3/24/2006 16:57:41   

Oi you, Im here to bother you agian... so hows life now?

When you die where do you think youll go? or what will happen to you?
*Glances at last questions and down the list* Do I even wanna answer this one? O.o

Do you mind the death question?

Do you follow the Dark Lord and follow as Death and Destruction cover the land?
O.o Hardly

Who would you rather fight, Zorback, Korbaz, Cranax, a Predator, or Dani Filth?
Who's Dani Filth? O.o

Katana, Scimitar, Duel of ethir, Great Sword, Battle Axe, or Boomstick?
Katana. Love 'em

Do you like the Evil Dead series?
Never played don't really care much to. (If it's a game as I think)

Harry Potter, Starwars, or Eragon?
Star Wars

Necromancer or Paliden?
Not much for either

I like the Necromancer....
"Go my zombie minions!" *Watches them fall apart* "What the!?"

Down with the light Dwelers!!
... Ya know, humans are light dwellers... Pretty much.

Instantainius Combustion or being shot in the face or just blowing up in a puddle of acid?
First one. Least painful... Probably.

WheRe IS KorBaZ In AdveTuR QuEst???
No idea

DoSe ThAt TyPe AnOyE YoU?

that is all for now Farwell, and may the Dark Lord favor you for now...
Umm... *Blinks* Later.

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 12:54:42 >
AQ  Post #: 24
3/25/2006 3:49:20   

umm, it is 3:30 Am and i am here to ask more questions.

That is kinda sad huh?

Opps' i got to be at work in 12 hours!

Do you think i will get 8 hours sleep?
Don't see why not

I hope i do, if not i will just ask more questions.

*Isn't much for huggles, more a hugs and snuggles person... Blames Angel*

Ok, i think noone saw that *crosses fingers*
*Had pictures taken*

Sonic or shadow? The GAME hedgehogs!
Shadow, unless you mean the game. It looks kinda... Yeah. Sonic for games, Shadow for characters.

How long have you played AQ?
In total - not long.

Did you ever play archkinght?
Not really

Why do you RP?
Cause I enjoy it

What reasons do you have to sit here and answer all these questions?
Cause I volunteered... I think

Do you think Afina is scary?
Oh yeah

I don't she helps me to much to be scary!
RP with her. Better yet, have a character fall for hers. >.>

I bet if she mad though she is!

*shivers at the thought*
*Just hides*

Ok, you fav. colour is black, I read this yeah!

What is your next fav colour?
Darker shades of red

How many question have you answered?
Almost all of them.

My b-day is next saturday! the 1st!
Mine was Tuesday

I need a b-day party you goin gto thorw one for me?
Won't be around

I am old.

lol ok maybe not old i am 19.
Not really old

what is your fav. car?
Delorian. Love the things. And mini coopers.

FF 7

AQ or SI?

You don't have to answer that one!
I don't?

What is you fav. a-team saying?
I pity da foo!

I thought there where 4 people in the A-team?
Haven't seen it in ages.

Who are the other two people? Other then Afina and Angel?
Umm... No idea. Anifa and Aleng? >.>

This is getting long?

Post your fav. smiley.
Don't use them really

Umm... No idea. O.o

The word of the day it is SLEEP!

That word sounds good.
To you?

The letter of the day is 7 (not that is not leet)
7 is a number :P

Ok i am about to fall out if my chair asleep!
Okay, night

Well, talk to you later.

~Capps (the most known unknown)
~Squall250 (Just cause... No idea.)

< Message edited by Squall250 -- 3/29/2006 13:01:21 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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