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=AQ= Meet the ArchKnights: jecht_the_vampire

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4/3/2006 14:37:04   
Jecht Dracopyre
Original Hybrid

Hey guys ok for those of u that don't know how these go look at this http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=65 for those of you that do then ask away i look foward to your questions
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/3/2006 14:41:07   


Yo jecht!
Hows it like to be an AK for now?
I love it!
be back later with some thought out questions
k l8r

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/3/2006 16:06:07 >
AQ  Post #: 2
4/3/2006 14:55:26   

Hello Jecht ^_^
hey whats up
How is the AK thing?
goin pretty good
Is it workin' out for you?
no way :p j/k kiddin yea it's awesome
Do you fear Garlic?
yes very much soo, u don't have any do you?????
Do you have a reflection?
sadly no
Well....that is all...for now...Bye ^_^
alright bye

Don't use codes in this thread. ~Metal

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/3/2006 16:08:34 >
AQ MQ  Post #: 3
4/3/2006 14:59:40   

Time for me to ask my ebil questions!!!!
1) Do I do good work? (hahahah trapped you there! you don't have to answer though)
no cooment :p nah i ike ur work u are progressing vey well
2) What's with this AK thing?
what do u mean, u don't wanna get to know the awesomeness that is Jecht
3) Do I really have to be your minion forevar?
pretty much so
4) What is the average air speed velocity of a swallow?
5) Are you a fan of Monty Python?
I find most snakes to be ewww
6) Do you know how to defend yourself from a man attacking you with a banana?
throw an apple
7) Do you even like questions?
sumtimes :p
I'll be done.......... for now! Cya and thanks for answering these ^_^
no problem l8r

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 1:00:51 >
Post #: 4
4/3/2006 15:08:36   

mu ha ha hgwa ha ha
Nintendo or Sony?
Mario or Samus?
I like girls so i'm gonna say Samus :p
Samus or Link?
Link gotta love the guy with his green skirt and wacky adventures:p
Mario or Link?
i'd have to go with mario though i'd rather much pick luigi
Shiek or Zelda?
Why am I asking these questions?
u tell me :p
PSP or DS?
PSP hands down
Black Eyed Peas or Ludacris?
Am I cool?
somewhat :p
Are you cool?
tool cool for my own good
Halo or Mercenaries?
Halo FTW
Legend or Zelda The Ocarina of Time or Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask?
Ocarina of time
Well, that's it for now...
finally :p l8r

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 1:10:38 >
AQ  Post #: 5
4/3/2006 15:18:46   

Wo0t! Post #6!
oh yea!!!!
Hey jecht_the_vampire
whats crackalackin :p
Are you a real vampire?
yup i have no soul no reflection but it has it's purks :d
i wish i was a vampire
yea goodluck with that i only turn girls :p

Have you seen the AQ Bloopers i made?
not yet i don't think....
I want to be an AK
I'm sure you will one day
What program do you use? I use GIMP, it's ok, still learning
I use photoshop CS2, gimps cool i couldn't do anything with it i'm slow
see ya

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 1:22:28 >
Post #: 6
4/3/2006 15:44:01   

gross it's t3h metol
Well well well, look who has a thread.
who....is he as cool as me????
Ya know, mine got to 9 pages I think. That's a lot of editing. I'll try to post a few times just to make it hell for you, ok?
if you don't do it who else will
How much do you love me?
hrrmmm hold on let me count
Will you love me after this thread is over?
of course!
Got a tissue, we know someone who needs one.
Ha ha ha ha Confury
1-1 series, when will we have our next duel?
hrrmm soon but it has to be epic
Who will win?
that vampire guy
You are rated higher than me, did you know that?
no i'm not :p
You make me cry.
aww man someone else crying over me :p
Hm, next April first, we're going to do it all over again.
but bigger and better we'll get everyone
omgz vampirez
they are soo evil and funny
I have a feeling people will read this and not get some of the jokes.
Most likely tough to get vampire humor
Hmm, keep your shirt on, especially when you are googling.
ha ha ha
That was a funny night, Alijah's crazy.
ZOMG he's soo funny

Ok, so, now that I've tortured you enough I have a tip for you.
finally ok i'm ready....
I forgot, hahaha.

See ya later, bro. Have fun with this.
bye my <3

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 1:40:36 >
Post #: 7
4/3/2006 15:52:15   

your gunna regret having this thread...
I already do :p
where is this?
my lair
is this metal's thread?
nah, i took care of him
o, its yours
i feel so important now
anserwing some questions
hows life treating you?
pretty good
can i hav a cookie :D
i don't have any of those want a blood slurpee?
do you want a cookie?
nah :p
hows life as an AK?
how many negative ratings u give so far?
none that rating system is gone
how many unfair ratings to people you dont like ;)
I don't not like anyone:p
why are u a vamp, because of ur vampness, your never on when i am...your on when im sleeping >.>
well then ur gonna have to change your sleeping arrangements
i know a secret? do you want to know?
I know all
tobad, i 4got anyways
it's cool you were just gonna tell me u <3 me
are u sexy?
am i sexy?
Hardly :p
who is the most uberest superest sexiest peson ever?
Christina Milian and Grafh i mean...*cough..G. Quick..cough*
dont you wish you were semi like me
yea that that'll never happen...
ill b bak...
come back with better questions GOSH! :p

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 2:03:49 >
Post #: 8
4/3/2006 15:57:11   

y so sad
Fun being le A de la K ?
have i seen this question before...nah..i'm lovin bein a AK
Are you really a vampire? Would you bite me if provoked?
Let's see *clears throat* You are teh stinxz0rs!
oh your in for it now
Oww! That's bleeding alot you know..
ummm but i haven't bitten you
Well I'm going to see a doctor.
you do that
Don't think you can stop me.
stop you, i'll drive you :p
Fine! Be that way!
I am what i am
In the words of the Governor: I'll be back
ummm ok

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 2:13:20 >
Post #: 9
4/3/2006 16:32:54   
Prankman Hifly

Hello & nice to talk to you
hey how are you
What is it like to be an archknight?
take ur wildest dream that u always wanted to coe true and multiply that by 10
What is your favourite element in AQ? let me guess, darkness, if do please don't say anything bad to me just because I like light.
if you like the light thats your choice :p
What do you like & dislike on the forums?
i like everything about these forumsi like a few areas better than others but thats just btween us
Do you listen to music when playing AQ & the forums?
If do, what do you listen to?
everything from Metal to rap and Black metal to R&B
What do you like doing when you're offline?
work and hang with friends
OK! That's me done! Bye!
ok bey :d

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 3:58:23 >
AQ  Post #: 10
4/3/2006 16:33:05   
Mr. Zarnac

omg it's Jecht! :D
ZOMG it's Zarnac
What's been happening?
not much you?
Do you like my current signature? (Look at bottom of post. ^_^)
yea it's pretty cool
What would you rate me? (My gallery is in my signature if you'd care to look. ^_^)
umm i'd say ur pretty good
Who's the best on the forums? xD
Metal :p
Who did you meet first on the forums?
A guy named Seth
Have you ever been in a clan? Which one?
let's see Vampire Clan of course umm Temple of the Sith i created the Knights of Atlantis made it to 34 members and i created the Dark Destiny Clan had close to if not 70 members
If you could collab with anybody in the world, who would it be?
A guy by the name of Niteangel
What's your deepest darkest secret? xD (You don't have to answer, it's just a joke. ;D)
ok I.....oh it was a joke nevermind
[Terminator voice]I'll be back.[/Terminator voice]
*normal voice* I'll be waiting
Lol cya bro.
k cya later

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 2:51:09 >


AQ  Post #: 11
4/3/2006 16:33:08   
Squirrel Fu

so, whats happening?
not much just bein Jecht
how did you become an archknight?
being acitve helpful and an all around good member of the Digital Arts community
when is pae going tto turn into an igwuana?
thats classified info
or are you paes acomplise?
thats also classified :p
Are you canadian?
or russian?
possibly crazy-cow-mobile-cracking-rocket-natzi-freeloading-never-gunna-exist-ever-but-if-it-does-i-will-become-a-what-i-just-typed?
i'm confused :p

monkeys on crack are fun to give matchs to
grr :p i like monkeys i want of those ones that take stuff and come back to you

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 3:11:03 >
AQ  Post #: 12
4/3/2006 16:40:47   

what's goin on
Congratz on the AK-ship Jecht!
thanks bro u too
Long-distance High Five!
yay! *gives one back
What the heck is a Jecht, anyways?
it's a vampire that hangs out in Digi arts he was also a character from Final Fantasy 10
So, now that that's out of the way... I'm going to try to think of some very important questions.
ok shoot :d
Here we go...
no rush...
No really, I'm gonna start like... right now.
*looks at watch*
Ok, for real this time:
finally :p
If you were stuck on a deserted island, roughly the size of an island, and all you had was a few cocunuts, a bottle, two forks, and a rock or two... what would you do?
I'd cry lol
What if you found some Febreeze. Would that change your decision?
Thanks. I'll remember that next time it happens to me.
sure hope it helped
Lego or Macaroni?
*records data*
*deletes data*
One last thing: Beware 'da cheese'. You'll know what I mean if he finds this thread.
appreciate the warning

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 3:23:45 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
4/3/2006 16:50:58   


Yo, sup Jecht?
must be pretty awesome being an Ak huh?
you have no idea
Thought so.
you know it
Wat kinda game systems do you have?
PS2,PSP,X-Box,Gamecube,Dreamcast :p,SNES,Sega Geneisis and my Nintendo
I have an Xbox 360.
sweet i would of got it but i hate fisrt generation systems i'll get it after a while when the bugs are out
Its cool....
Want some?
*Throws Pie at Jecht*
i like candy
you cant have any.
y not
is this gettin' annoying?
yea it is
Fine then!!
Lata :P

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 4:09:57 >
AQ DF  Post #: 14
4/3/2006 17:30:06   

Prepare! for the hardest question ever!
I like eggs!
do u?
I hate chickens!
ha ha ha
Do u?
i think there funny
Fav Color?
U killed me u ebil blood sucker!
it happens i do that sumtimes
im white! as in pale!
u'll be another one of my minions
fav toast?
french maybe....
Mine is cinnaman
Fav syrup?
umm regular :p
mine is maple
Fav jelly?
mine is grape
ha ha
pancakes or waffles?(i get pancakes )
panacakes :d
bacon or sausage(doesnt matter how much)(mine is bacon)
am i bugging u?
Haha thats my goal
thats one goal u'll have to really work at to achieve
well thats all the questins for now
aww already
Haha j/k
ohh ya got me :p
Fav juice?
blood or grape
fav breakfeast combo?
idk rarley eat breakfast
fav fast foos restraunt?
butter or margin
are your clothes all red?
i don't like red besides the color of blood
u drink bloodwiser?
ha ha thats a good one ya man i love my bloodwiser
Would u ever like a steak through your heart?
nah and no stakes either
I bet your good friends with jecht_the_frankinstine
he was a cool guy didn't like how he had my name so i got rid of him

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 4:28:17 >
AQ  Post #: 15
4/3/2006 17:40:15   

bac again, time to get on ur n erves...... =P
oh no
I'm the best right?
if u wanna be i guess
You said yes right? You better have....
oh let me go and change that...Sike!! :p
What do you like better? Me or Me?
Which statement is true? Jecht<Wu -or- Wu>All
Hard decision, wasn't it?
not really
Dogs or cats
Books or Video Games?
video games
Pokemon or Digimon
Did you answer that? Oh God!
no way
which is better? LOL or ROFL
Am I sexy?
You should always say, "Yes I am"
well then "Yes I am"
Aco and Devon think I'm Magicaly Uber Delicously Sexy.
good for you
Semi-Pro or Pro?

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 4:36:08 >
AQ  Post #: 16
4/3/2006 18:43:50   

Hi jetch!!
hows it goin
Fav sig?
I love all my work just the same
How did u become Ak (i aready know just for the people can know)
there was a need for a new one and i was active helpful and loyal to this community
How does it feel to be ak?
feels great can't explain it
Do u like banning people lol?
I haven't had to ban anyone...yet
Credit card number lol just kidding?
Can u bite me for i can become a vamp.(ewwww nvm)lol
yea it'd be best if i didn't
Is this a good sig?
very good
well thats all i can think now
aww man
see ya
*walks away*

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 13:28:15 >
AQ  Post #: 17
4/3/2006 18:52:01   
Sabre Fang

OOOOOOOoooooooooooo0000000ooooooooOOOOOOOO Hey m8
It's teh sAbre Fang
Whos your favoritiest person that has the name Sabre Fang?????
umm Saber Fang
Wanna cookie????
i've been offered many cookies still the anserews the same nah :p
It wasnt a cookie it was a garlic piece in the shape of a cookie!!!!
well then it's a good thing i didn't eat it right
:) <3

Whos the man????
Am i the man????
you could be if u were as cool as me
Can i have a cookie??
I ate them all
Are U Glad were friends????
omg i wish u'd leave me alone already :p
Bye m8

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 13:32:52 >
AQ  Post #: 18
4/3/2006 18:57:54   


How did you feel when you were made AK?
a tad bit surprised and a lot of excited
Why do you like Vampires so much?
most likely cuz i am one
Do you use these forums for it's GoCA area, or for it's AQ/DF experience?
a little more for the GoCA area

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/4/2006 13:34:30 >
Post #: 19
4/3/2006 20:35:54   
Andrew A.
Banned Multi

really, as oyther ppl have said, your gonna regret this
ha ha ha ha
have you seen the fall out boy music video, "A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me" "
not yet
if ya did, did ya like it?
have yet to see it
i figured you might of liked it since it had to do with a good vampire, if your good and not ebil.......
definatly gonna check for it now
i would like to be vampire,i think it would be cool
yea it is pretty awesome
hope ya like the ak j.o.b ()everyone ask him this question just to annoy him)
ZOMG ;p yes i like it
i think i should get you a mirror for easter
won't do any good
that or a garlic neackles aand a uv ray light gun
i'll have to get you before you send that
you need to do some sig with vinceint from ff7, he was a vampire monster thing
he was a human just had monsters sealed in him
thats all for know, happy im done
really really?
do i even have to ask?
OMG go away :-
seeya l8er vamp dude
see ya

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/5/2006 1:44:58 >
AQ  Post #: 20
4/3/2006 20:52:14   

Rip mans!!!
So.... if it isnt Jecht
where???? i love him
The new AK
u got that right
Hope you like your MtAK thread
it's interesting :p
There will be alot to reply with :P
i can see
Mans i remember when you just started making Sigs
must you go deep into the past :p
Grafh starting teaching you a little
good old days
and... well.... look at you now
have come along way
you Ak :D

Can Rip get a cookie?
You gotta try one of Grafhs Muffins xD
lol they taste funny to me
Well ill let you do what vamps do best...
and what's that
only during the day
l8r bro
<3 Jecht... Wub!

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/5/2006 5:29:09 >
AQ  Post #: 21
4/3/2006 21:02:24   

I decided to come back... because I think it's the nice thing to do ~_^
good you had better came back
Seriously, why am I your minion again?
cuz u felt left out on irc so i made u my minion
So hows that j.o.b.? (I had to ask...)
still the same as last time you asked :p
Can I get some tea and scones?
Who's your favourite artist here, not including you?
Tha's all for now...
k l8r
I'll be back though...
i'm looking forward to it
Next page!
shouldn't be too long :d
see ya

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/5/2006 14:36:48 >
Post #: 22
4/4/2006 0:36:58   
Jade Rose

O_O What is this?
uhhhh nothing...nothing at all...
Who said you could stop working?
i was..just...just..
You better start walking, before I start smacking.
right away G. Quick
Sorry had to. :)
Nice to have you aboard.
Good luck on the rest of the questions.
if i survive them :p

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/5/2006 14:41:23 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 23
4/4/2006 0:38:12   
kingdom hearts B

i have a couple
go ahead
1. which piece of your own work is your favorite?
very hard to decide even though it wasn't that good "Vampire's Night" it was my first LP submitted to DA
2. what are your favorite kinds of renders ex.(c4d, anime, etc.)?
c4d cuz i make them my self and game renders
3. are you proud to be an archknght?
You know it
4. how much time do you usually spend on making a sig?
sigs can take 2-3 stright hours lp's 4-5
thank you jecht, we're glad to have you around
np come back now ya hear :d

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/5/2006 14:44:46 >
AQ  Post #: 24
4/4/2006 1:54:05   
Vee Kay

jecht...uh huh uh huh...new AK...huh?
When Metal left, who did you think was going to be the new AK?
ummm me/memorex
Is becoming a mod one of your goals?
one day maybe
Who do you think has potential for the next AK?
theres a lot of potential
Please tell us you're gonna make a tut soon
why of course
Vampires sound cheesy...
yea right, u wish you were one
But you have another alias, Desired Fayth (or Fate, cant remember >.>). How did you come up with that?
me and a friend were just throwing names out and we just slaped two toghther
What do you think of your performance as an AK, rite now?
just getting into the swing of things working out good though
What would be your dream sig battle you would like to see? It doesn't have to involve you, but it can
Jas V.S. Tar of course
Your avvy looks great!
Is that guy on it that guy from FMA?
yup Roy Mustang
I think its time you get a gift...from me! :)
lol, bye, watch out for your gift! I promise it will come...
k see ya! :d

< Message edited by jecht_the_vampire -- 4/6/2006 10:47:59 >
AQ  Post #: 25
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