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3/27/2005 21:41:10   
Ancient One

This is a spinoff of the Meet the Mods thread. You can fire questions to the ArchKnight of the week. The purpose of this thread is to allow the public to learn a little bit more about us and to realize we are quite human!

Here are the ArchKnights and the boards that they patrol:
Accipitris - OOC board
Afina -General Game Discussion and Clan Discussion
Ancient One - Help and Support
Chii - Encyclopedia
Dadric - Encyclopedia
DarkForest -General Game Discussion
Durroth - Help and Support
KazgrothX - Help and Support
Lady Rirevia - RP
Pzycho - OOC Board
Sarah_Renee - General Game Discussion
talwraith - Suggestions
The One Wolf - Suggestions
Wallo - Encyclopedia

Hello, feel free to ask me questions to your heart's desire. I know I am not as well known as some of the other ArchKnights so now is the chance to find out whatever you want to know about me!

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 4/1/2005 5:11:41 >
Post #: 1
3/27/2005 21:45:59   

I have seen you around, AO. Have you seen me? O.O I don't think so. So many people here @_@ But I'll be nice to you, since I don't know you, okiedokie? ^_^

Yes, I have seen you around. But nonetheless thatnks for being nice to me!

Standard question: Do you like cookies and what kind? 'Cause if you do, I have them riiiighhtt here...and you can have 'em if you say the magic word..

Yes, I do like cookie. Preferably white chocolate chip and macodamia nut. Or, the classic chocolate chip ^_^

If you do, ah well, your loss. I wonder what do you like then. ^_^

Ancient One..hmm..where did that come from? (and if a vg, well, my loss, I've never played a video game ;.;)

Not a VG. Too tell the truth I dont have the slightest clue how I came up with my name. All of a sudden though I just looked up at my computer screen and saw that I had typed "Ancient One". Since then it has stuck and that is what I use with all the games I play.

And how 'Ancient' are you? Old? Older? Older Elder? ^.^

Older then the Older Elder

Hmm, can't think of anymore, you got lucky. Thanx for answering! *runs away chasing bubbles*

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/27/2005 21:51:39 >
AQ  Post #: 2
3/27/2005 21:46:30   

how old are you to be anicent? :P

How old do you have to be ancient? Old enough to know the answer to that question

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/27/2005 21:52:44 >
AQ  Post #: 3
3/27/2005 21:47:05   

Hey whats up Ancient!

Not much, not much at all. Just trying one of the new Altoid Rasberry Sours ^_^

Where did you get that cool sig and avvy? o.O

Hmmm. I don't quite remember. V something or other.... Vertical? Vertic? Vertex? Ahhh, yes. That would be it. From some guy named Vertex.

How old are you? Considering your ancient you must be pretty old.

Well, you see, I get asked this question rather often but I can never truly answer. Once you start to approach my age you tend to lose track of the number of years since one's birth.

Do you play any sports? If so, what?

I don't really play any sports, not on any teams or anything. Occasionally I will play basketball or football with some friends though but that's about it.

How did you become an archknight?

I was chosen by the head moderator of my respective boards (Morgensturn) as were all the other ArchKnights by the heads of their respective boards. Why did Morgensturn choose me as one of his ArchKnights? Not quite sure.

Do you play any other RPGs?

Other RPGs? I do play World of Warcraft on occasion but not very often.

Do you go on any other forums besides AQ?

Yes I do. I have started to visit the new Aq Graphics forum since I would like to learn the art of signature making although from what I have tried to do so far I think I have little aptitude for it.

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/27/2005 22:04:58 >
AQ  Post #: 4
3/27/2005 22:16:38   

Do you love me? If so, how much? ^.~

Of course I love you! I would think that goes without saying. As to how much... I cannot describe with mere words ^_^

Can I have a snuggle? And a kitty to go with that snuggle?

I am not a very snuggley person, but for you, sure! *Snuggle* A kitty too? Why not?

On a more serious note, where did your name come from?

Lol. It came from the inside of my head... somewhere. Look at the above post/s. I truly can't say. It is a question on everyone's mind... including my own!

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/27/2005 23:56:05 >
AQ  Post #: 5
3/27/2005 22:16:46   
Dadric Daeglos

Ancient! How goes it?

It goes great. But, of course, after speaking with the very incarnation of the sword how could it not?

What kind of music do you like?

I am not a big fan of music. I like it and listen to the radio often but don't buy many cds nor listen to any specific kinds. I am not big on rap but besides that really anything is good for me.

What is your favorite food?

I am a big fan of salmon. Not quite sure why but I have liked it since I was a little kid and still do today.

What is your favorite movie?

I love movies. The Matrix was definatly one which interested me do to how it gets you thinking yet keeps you awake. I am also a fan of some of the 'classics' such as Psycho. Comedies, action, and mysteries are my favorite types.

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 0:01:25 >
AQ  Post #: 6
3/27/2005 22:21:32   
Genis Sage

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck a wagon worth of wood if a wood chuck could chuck wood.

Does the Postmaster General need a stamp of approval?

No, no he does not.

If a chronic liar tells you he is a chronic liar do you believe him/her?

But of course.

There are 24 hours in a day, and 24 beers in a case. Coincidence?

I would say not! A beer an hour... a suppose for some people that might be enough ^_^

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 0:03:42 >
AQ  Post #: 7
3/27/2005 22:23:17   
Mal Ganis

*Phew* Good thing we aren't rivals in AQ anymore... I'd be left in the dust ^^.

And what is wrong with dust? So sterotypical!

Anywho, three questions:

1) Where do you think you would be without AQ/the AQ community?

I fear to even consider that. I would be stuck living a lie... living real life ^_^

2) Do you like webcomics?

Hmmm, I have never really seen any. I may like them, I may not. Considering I havent tried any I would not know.

3) If so, which ones?

You tell me

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 0:06:08 >
AQ  Post #: 8
3/27/2005 22:24:13   
The Vengeful One

Howdy Ancient

I did some analysis of our forum names (took me 8 days) and I deduced that both of our names end in the word "One" why do you think this is?

We are unique that would be why. No one else is like us in our first names. No one is as vengeful as you as is no one as ancient as me.

Am I your favorite Grand Councilor with 14 letters in his/her name and with a Character ID of 905054? *Please say yes*

Hmmm. I suppose

If you are really ancient, can I take you to the antique road show and see your net worth?

Sure. I have been meaning to get myself appraised!

thanks, that is all...

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 0:08:24 >
AQ  Post #: 9
3/27/2005 22:24:43   

How did you found out about AQ?

I was trying to find a good RPG to play one dull night and came up with AQ. I have been in love with it ever since. From the game to the community, it is the best ^_^

Were you disappointed that you lost in the GC election?

Not at all! The Vengeful One will do, or rather is doing, an amazing job. I hold no malice towards him. I am surprised I got as many votes as I did. Even though I may not have won I still got a lot out of the whole election.

How did you made your username?

See above posts... I don't know any better then you.

Is it a pain that people are asking stupid question or spamming and you have to lock it?

No, not at all. It is simply part of my job. I do what I have to do. Sure, it would be nice if there was no spam or flaming on these boards but nothing is perfect. Well, with the exception of Fyrel possible

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 0:12:39 >
AQ  Post #: 10
3/27/2005 22:40:01   

have i been good in the forums so far?

I can't really say I have seen you around very much. But then again you have to remember the boards I mainly lurk in.

do you have any pets

Yes, a dog.

if so what are they?

Errr, a dog? I am not quite sure what kind. I found him abandoned outside a resturant and one thing led to another and he came home with me. He is little and black and getting quite old.

if not what kinds do you want?

Someday I would like a husky, I just love them ^_^

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 0:15:18 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
3/28/2005 0:10:08   
Dragon of Q&A!

Hail, fellow Help and Support ArchKnight! Doing good? Good, now to interrigation!

1) I have 400 more posts than you. Does this make you jealous or perhaps inadequate compared to me?

Neither. You just have a gift for gab Remember the old phrase, "Quality over quantity"

2) You name is Ancient One. Is this perhaps to infer that you from an anceint time before the Western concept of 0 or negitive numbers existed making the 1 the lowest number possible, and perhaps imply that you are an equal to figueres such as Archamedies and Pythagoras?

Yes, that sounds possible...

3) Do I confuse you?

No, not at all. Nothing can confuse me. Confusion is caused when people try to think about something they don't know... If I dont know something I just go with the flow.

4) Is it my horrible grammar and spelling that results from me not having a spell checker? Or just that I'm not rational?

A little bit of both perhaps ^_^

5) You mentioned to me you liked Dragon Lance. What have the high points of the series been for you?

Well of course I like the Dragon Lance series. The high points? When Tasslehoff is found to be alive in the beginning of the war of souls. When Paladine turns himself mortal to keep the balance. When Raistlin closes the Abyss on himself at the end of the Test of the Twins. And others of course...

6) Can you describe the undeniable pleasure of working with more, or does it defy explanation?

Working with more? I think you mean working with 'me'. And yes, working with you defies human explanation

7) In closing, no matter what you say, I got 400 more posts than you. KazgrothX=Teh l33t Q&A AK. Pwned.

Sure, why not?

8) I will post again. Be fearful.....

I shall.

*heehee. I would sooo like to PM Kazgroth a warning for using l337. *snuggles both* Reens

< Message edited by Reens -- 3/29/2005 9:40:55 >
Post #: 12
3/28/2005 0:53:22   
Doctor Zhivago
Professor of Ratings

Howdy, Ancient! Let's see what I have for you today...

First off, what is your favorite part of being an Arch Knight? Your least favorite?

My favorite part of being an ArchKnight would be working closer with the Moderators and with the other ArchKnights, all of whom are kind intelligent souls. My least favorite part is when I get PM's flaming me because I locked this or deleted that.

How do you think the anti-Arch Knight sentiment started, and what are your views on the sentiment in general?

How it started was that prior to the introduction of us ArchKnights there was not enough Moderators to properly enforce all the rules which had been set down. Then, once we came, the rules were being enforced and people weren't as use to it and some reacted a bit harshly. As time has gone by though I believe people have gotten used to us and accepted what we do and perhaps even come to respect us. I find myself locking, moving, and deleting far fewer posts then I did at the beginning.

What's it like being an Arch Knight? Fun? Hard? A combination of the two? Or something else entirely?

It is fun, it is hard, it is challenging, it is frustrating. But, most of all, it is rewarding. I have gotten so much out of the game and the forums. Being an ArchKnight allows me to help keep the forums a cleaner and more comfortable place for others to enjoy.

Why did you edit poor One Wolf's quotes so much?

Bah, we joke around with each other at times. Nothing mean, just... "playful" I suppose.

What kind of books do you read? What are your favorite books in general?

I read mystery books and fantasy books. Ranging from the Sword of Truth series to John Grisham's books, I love it all

Finally, who are your favorite people on the board?

Favorite people? I hate to pick favorites. People who I enjoy speaking with on the forums? The Venegeful One, Fyrel, Accipitris, and others. I could go on and on. There are just so many wonderful people on these forums ^_^

Sorry if that was a lot; I just had a lot to ask, I guess!

That is why I am here! Ask away. The more the better.

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 0:59:51 >
AQ  Post #: 13
3/28/2005 1:15:27   

you sure do stay up late, are you retired?

Errr, no. Nor am I that old. Yes, I know my name is Ancient One but still. Anyway I have nothing tomorrow and I cant really sleep so why not?

what time do you go to bed?

Whenever I am tired naturally

are you a isomniac?

No, not really

do you have any game consoles? if so what are they?

Playstation 2 and a Gamecube

what are your favorite games?

Adventure Quest ^_^ . Console game? Hmmm... possibly Phantasy Star Online 1&2. Not a fan of 3.

do you know what game i took my sig from?

Nope... go ahead. Surprise me.

id rather keep you guesing.

Fine then... A hint would be nice though. That could fit with so many games... Baldurs Gate? Lol. I seriously have no clue.

okay 1 hint,its from a star wars game that was on the xbox.well i have to go to sleep now i'll see if you figured it our tommorow

< Message edited by jendinn -- 3/28/2005 1:26:12 >


AQ DF  Post #: 14
3/28/2005 1:31:10   

Hello Ancient One. Let us get right down to business.

What do you do for fun?

Errr, that seems to be a silly question. Adventure Quest and it's related forums and chatroom of course!

What country do you live in?

U.S.A. Florida to be more specific. Or if you want to get right down to it, Tampa.

What is your career path and life goals?

I would rather keep that too myself. Suffice is to say I do plan to finish up colloge and probably go for my Phd. After that be successful at whatever I chose to do, and have a family.

What are your goals on the forum?

To become well-known while keeping an aura of unpopularity, lol

What is your sign?

Not quite sure what you mean. Care to be more specific? If you can I will gladly answer.

Thank you for your patience.

Jendinn, I know the game. Fun, but way too short.

Edit, question 1: I mean other recreational activities. You can't only play Adventure Quest all day.

Who says . I do other things depending on what I feel like doing ^_^

Edit, question 5: It was kind of a joke. You see a sign is like the constellation under which someone was born. I can figure it out by your birth date. You are a Libra, like me. However, I wasn't really being serious, because most of the people I know who are into astrology and signs are really weird. Oh never mind.

Ahhh, I get what you are saying. yes, I am a Libra. The scales, or balance. Weird? Not necessarily although I suppose some are...

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 1:56:46 >
AQ  Post #: 15
3/28/2005 6:10:40   

Can i have a kitty too? i wuv kittys. so juicy and tender. *drools*

Hmmmm, well I have no problem with that but I am out. There is a pet store down the corner run by some lady named Aria...

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 9:25:14 >


AQ  Post #: 16
3/28/2005 6:56:38   
Killer is Back


Hey Ancient, hows it going? :)

So, you like battleon im guessing?

Yeah, it is quite the place

Can you finish this "So long and thanx for all the ...."


What book is that from? ^_^

A written one

Anyways, what music are you into?

Nothing specific really... just read Dadrics post

I asked Wallo but it didnt work so i was wondering if i could have a Chimney?

Yes, you may. Santa is coming in a few months. I will drop him a note.

So long Ancient! *Waves*

So long Killer! *Waves*

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 9:27:42 >
AQ  Post #: 17
3/28/2005 9:04:58   
Hero of Winds

Hi, Ancient One.

Hello Hero of Winds.

Were you surprised that you managed to beat me in the recent GC election?

Yes I must say I was. I have always thought you were much more known then I. The fact that I beats you means one of two thing.
1) I thought wrong.
2) The Grand Council election is not completely a matter of popularity
And considering I am never wrong...

Can you finish this sentence: "One plus one equals..." and no, it's not two.

That is quite a philosophical question. Some would say One plus one equals Oneone. Some would say it equals eleven. Some would simply say it equals. ^_^

No...one plus one equal one on a bun! It seems you don't watch Ed, Edd and Eddy.

Do you like pizza?

Love it

Do you have a vendetta against McDonalds and Starbucks like I do?

Not really although I am not a terribly big fan of coffee and all related drinks so I don't visit Starbucks too much

What is your quest?

To find the meaning of my existance

What is the flight velocity of a common sparrow?

2.834 E -3 mph

Am I being silly?


You really mean that?


You sure?

It is a distinct possibility.

Okay, then, bye.

< Message edited by Hero of Winds -- 3/28/2005 11:58:13 >
AQ  Post #: 18
3/28/2005 10:37:43   

Hello, Ancient One.

Who's your favourite DragonLance character?

Raistlin of course! Not because he is evil, there is just something about him. Well he is my favorite mortal... if you can call him mortal. Of the gods I am partial to Gilean.

I agree! Although I like Reorx too.

Who's your favourite AQ character?

NPC? Aquella I think I would have to say. I am partial to sea elves...

Did you do the SnuggleFest quests?

Well, looking at my character and my items, I believe I did. The Heartbreaker Axe and Hero's Heart really couldn't have gotten there any other way.

Well, you know I'm too lazy to check. Besides, I couldn't think of any questions.

On MSN, why do you stop answering me all of a sudden?

Chances are I either had to leave immediatly and for whqatever reason couldnt say so or I just don't feel comfortable answering your question/s

Usually the latter.

Well, so much for now. I'll ask more and probably illogical questions later.

< Message edited by Flint_a -- 3/28/2005 10:51:08 >


Insert signature here.
AQ DF  Post #: 19
3/28/2005 11:21:56   

What is your favourite word?


What is your favourite carbonated drink?

Cream soda. Or perhaps Dr. Pepper...

Could I have your autograph? :p

Uhhh, sure. I think I have one going on Ebay
AQ  Post #: 20
3/28/2005 15:30:59   
Legendary AdventureGuide

You like Cream Soda? Thou art an evildoer. Do you agree with this statement?

Yes, whole-heartedly.

If a=6 and y=10, what is xy multiplied by x?

Errr.... 10x^2. Very tricky you be.

Have you any cheese?

Swiss and chedder. You are welcome to have some.


Actually, no, I am out. I should get some more...

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 15:32:52 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
3/28/2005 15:40:40   

Hi Ancient, a couple of questions:

1. What is your favourite, a hawk, gecko, sword, or kitty?

-.- You think you are oh so clever now don't you? Personally, I love geckos, swords and kitties. Hawks I cannot stand for some strang reason...

1a. If the hawk wasn't your favourite why?

Hawks are very mundane creatures lacking in normal intelligence. They have trouble when it comes to doing large amounts of thinking at one time

2. Why Ancient? Couldn't you just be very old or would that be ageist? Isn't Ancient being ageist?

Ancient is being ancient. Enough said.

3. If you could choose only one thing to take with you on a trip through the jungle what would it be?

Hmmm. A cell phone with a fully charged battery.

4. Do you like food?


5. Is sleep preferable to food?


6. Admit that caramel eggs are better than creme!


< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 16:06:11 >
AQ  Post #: 22
3/28/2005 16:02:05   
Dadric Daeglos

Why do you answer Acci's questions? Personally, I'd just smack him, but that's just me.

There are child abuse laws you know...

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 16:07:17 >
AQ  Post #: 23
3/28/2005 16:05:05   


That is quite a complex question. The answer? Hard to say. It is truly a matter of perspective. To some that question may be very dull and borish but for those who look beyond the words you realize that this is no simple matter. I must say the answer is not likely to come out of my mouth. This is a matter beyond human comprehension. Although I am far from human the answer to this question does elude me. I shall take it up with the local scholars. It is possible that no one will ever solve this paradox. Nonetheless we must give it a try, for the sake of my own sanity.

Somone forgot an 'O' :-P Also, according to the local scholars of my area (the Holy Land of the Appalachia) the answer is 42 as is all things one doesn't feel like answering. Thus is wisdom gleaned from the land of moonshine jug.

< Message edited by KazgrothX -- 3/28/2005 23:12:18 >
AQ  Post #: 24
3/28/2005 17:34:31   

Greetings Ancient:

Greetings Beastslayer

How old are you? (Don't say Ancient! -.-)

The word 'ancient' is the only thing which can even come close to describing my age. Mere numbers don't/can't go high enough.

Is it a hard job as an archknight?

At times it can be. As hard as it may get though it is still rewarding.

What is your favourite food?


You like the forum better than the game, yes?

Neither would be any good without the other. Yes, I do spend more time on the forums though...

Errr....can't think anymore, must go to sleep...


Have a good day! =P

You too ^_^

< Message edited by Ancient One -- 3/28/2005 18:40:33 >
Post #: 25
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