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=AK= Meet the ArchKnight: westward_ho!

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1/13/2007 0:59:54   

Hi everybody! This a thread where you can get to know me and ask lots of silly questions.... but let's start off with an intro, shall we?

Favorite color: any color - but I love purple and green
Favorite food: lasagna
Favorite drink: milk
Favorite animal: horses... and PENGUINS
Last movie I watched: The Good Shepherd
Last book I read: Animal Farm by George Orwell
1. Mage - 445940
2. Warrior - 871810
3. Rogue - 873962

I'll edit like this or like this.

Try not to ask the same silly questions as your neighbors... please?

So... begin!

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 16:02:16 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
1/13/2007 1:04:14   

How old are you?
Between 10 and 10000... but somewhere closer to 10
Do you wuv Ice Cweam?
Only slightly less so than lasagna, yes

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:06:54 >
Post #: 2
1/13/2007 1:04:21   
The Broken Arrancar

So..do you like lizards?
I enjoy the company of geckos *peeks over shoulder*
EDIT: Darn, Second post....oh well....
Well, technically it's the third... but that's close enough for government work :)

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:09:01 >
DF MQ  Post #: 3
1/13/2007 1:04:24   

When did you become ArchKnight?
Tonight... or was it this morning?
How did you became one?
I heard from a little bird that it was because I'm a nice person. But I don't buy that...
Which country are you from?
*breaks into song* The 50 Nifty United States...
I like Animal Farm, do you?
I thought it was excellent! :)

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:11:18 >
AQ  Post #: 4
1/13/2007 1:04:30   

Hello westward...
Hello yourself!
On with da questions:
Rollin' rollin' rollin', keep those questions... nevermind
Omg your an ArchKnight! *gasp*
That's what I said! *gasp*
When did ya become an ArchKnight?
Umm.... tonight :)
Whats an advantage of becoming a mod?
I can do this! w00t w00t (and I get my own thread, lolz)
Why not? Really, because that's what I know. :)
You know me?
Is "know of" the same? Then yes. But I don't think you want to get to know me... it often results in spontaneous combustion...
Whats up with your username?
I actually have no idea. About 3 months after I picked this I did a research paper on Rudyard Kipling, and his prep school was called Westward Ho! - talk about déjà vu...
How exactly were you selected?
Reens asked me, and I gave in to the power of the dark side said yes.
End of questions for now.
For you, at least *whew*
Edit: w00t 4th5th post!
Well, technically...

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:19:55 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
1/13/2007 1:05:31   
Kristian D

What do you need to do as an AK?
I patrol the DF boards with the Super Duper Staff of Locking - watch out
Is it funny to do that?
Yeah, actually *chuckles*

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:22:11 >
DF  Post #: 6
1/13/2007 1:10:16   

Why did you choose that name???
Beats me... something about it just seemed silly enough
What does lactose exactly do? (Not referring to lactose-intolerant)
It holds the universe together - drink more milk
Do 3 rights make a left?
No, but 3 wrongs do
How strong is the security of AE?
Stronger than you, or me, or even George Foreman
How would you deal with a barrage of questions of other forumers?
I shut my eyes and find my happy place

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:24:45 >


DF  Post #: 7
1/13/2007 1:15:13   
Rai Spellfang
True evil needs no shirt!

New on the job eh?
Most certainly.
Well, good luck then.
Many thanks! :)
Though I wasn't aware these topics were still even DONE anymore o_O;
Well, there haven't been any new AKs in a while...
... they DID warn you about the whole "extreme possibility of thoughts of killing self" right? >_>;
Yep, right after they took away my shoelaces
Just remember to take it all in stride...
*breaks into song* Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walkin' 'cross the flo-o-or...
And remember that if all else fails, Vephoma's ancient strategy of removing of one's pants and parading around foaming at the mouth... always works.
Subtle... lolz

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:28:21 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
1/13/2007 1:16:09   

hello mr westward_ho it is nice to be in your aquaintance(sp?)
Same to you. :)
DF Character ID
Mage - 445940
Warrior - 871810
Rogue - 873962

DA or not
Surely - the 6-pack
Doom weapons?
But of couse!
your avatar?!?!
You like? ;) Yes I do
which came first the chicken or the egg?
I don't eat eggs, but I don't much care for chicken... can I say pork?
favorite color
That's for me to know and you to find out...
do you know me?
I do now
do you like me?
I try not to

Favorite color: any color - but I love purple and green
Favorite food: lasagna
Favorite drink: milk
Favorite animal: horses... and PENGUINS
Last movie I watched: The Good Shepherd
Last book I read: Animal Farm by George Orwell

Because I said so
That is all for now kids tune in next time when I ask mr westward_ho more questions! *clapping*
Thank you, thank you, book signing will be tomorrow...
WAIT!!!!! one last question do you like my sinature?
Why wouldn't I? Sure I do. :)

ONE verrrryyy last question do you like my character? me

normal me?
I feel pretty... oh so pretty...
Which is better?
Both are exactly equal
Can I be your minion/servant/slave/puppet?
NO! Only Flibble has slaves! Meet me out back in half an hour...

Has it been half an hour yet?
Not quite, but close enough... >.>
Can you sign my book? (book signing today) *holds out books*
Sure deal - there you go. Make sure to visit my licensed merchandise store.

*Sells out store* Wow I got every piece of merchandice they had!

now can I be your minion/servant/puppet

< Message edited by Afnan_3240 -- 1/13/2007 13:56:42 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
1/13/2007 1:19:38   

ok ive been wanting to ask a mod this for a long time... is it against the rules to post a question obviously belonging in the Q&A forum in the general discussion or is the Q&A forum just to look at? thanks :P
It is most certainly against the rules. You're actually more likely to get a good, concise answer in the Q&A.

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 1:35:04 >


AQ  Post #: 10
1/13/2007 1:36:33   
Lord Qwerty

So if the universe suddenly fell apart on the Wednesday a week after the Thursday of The 4th of June, while Chuck Norris was buying OJ at his local Shopright, at the same time, a guy (that would be famous if the universe didn't implode then and there) reached the top of the Eiffel Tower while doing cat's cradle wearing a blindfold that was used in MI3 that was made out of a piece of cloth from the costume of the person who played The solider in the background of the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Then that brings up the fact that the guy who got to the top of the tower was the leading researcher in the universe and could save us if he had a can of Nesquick Chocolate Milk. And that man's son was the check out person for the bottle of cranberry juice and grape juice sitting in your refrigerator. So umm ya... would you drink the Cranberry Juice or the grape Juice?
Grape juice - no question. Cranberries are sour and leave a funny taste in your mouth.

So if the guy on the tower was really smart and made cranberries sweater would you like it? (I wouldn't)
Nope. He hasn't fixed the funny taste problem, has he? And anyways, it's the principle of the thing...

So have you ever taken time to enjoy the object that is... a toothpick? ohh sooo pointy... *pokes nearby toothpick*
Yes. I build a bridge out of toothpicks once.

I have to build a bridge next week. (Although it might not be toothpicks)

Pie hater or pie luver?
Pie lurver

Pi hater or Pi luver?
Pi is teh pwnurz

Have you ever fallen asleep at the keyboard?.... I think I might do that very soon.... *Yawn*
No, but I've fallen asleep behind a book
If I answer all my own questions with that same pinkyish color you use will everyone think you answered my questions.
I will just bold mine and therefore thwart your ebil plans! >.<

What if I bold My text like this. How would you thwart my ebil plans there.

Dark or white chocolates?

Chinese Take out, or take out China

Are Sneevils evil?

Ultimate Frisbee or beach Frisbee?

What nation do you play as in Civ 3?

Oranges are squashy?

^_^ or :) ?

Paper airplanes or airy paper?

???? or !!!!


Mythbusters or Ghostbusters

Flashlight or Flash Freeze?

Have you ever played... Jump n Bump (Bunnies get squashed )

If you step on a crack what happens?

if (youunderstandthis == 1)
System.Out.Print ("Great")


System.Out.Print ("Not so great")


A marble or a bouncy ball

A hammer or a nail

A letter or a note

A key or a lock

A tree or a flower

Spongebob or Patrick

Up or Down

4 or 5

Left or right

Write or Read

Super Physco Monkey Trainer or Taimed Monkey

Shark or Fish

Rock or Sock

*gasp* Thats alot of questions.

< Message edited by Lord Qwerty -- 1/13/2007 17:41:13 >


The one and only Lord Q.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 11
1/13/2007 1:41:19   
Rai Spellfang
True evil needs no shirt!

Hmm... seems that the Meet the ____ topics aren't what they were long ago.
Told you so :)
Think I should do the famous mega question block westward? >.>
Ask away, but at your own risk...
Though I warn you... they DO tend to get zany (Like the time I asked 50 pontless questions to Vephy cause he was sad no one was asking him questions >.>)
Bring it on buddy! But first I will go to bed. It is almost 2am...

Pff! Bed is for dead people >.>
Unnh....unnh... 0.0
*clears throat*
Basketball or Tuna fish?
Tuna while watching Basketball
Yes please
Favorite flavour of pie?
Square root of pi?
Chicken or turkey?
Turkeys are funny...
Casserole or sandwiches?
Boxers, Briefs, or Wrestling?
Excuse me?
If a tree falls in the forest, and it hits a mime, does anyone care?
The mime
Can a question NOT be a cliche?
Why does everyone hate the French?
I don't... :p
What is 2595 * 235?
Infinity... squared
Cookies, cake, or pizza?
Why do people think Archknights are Moderators?
Because we're mean
1,000,000 USD or the ability to punch people through the Internet?
Punch someone, any day of the week! ;)
Destroy all humans?
Not all, but most
If you could insert your brain into a robot monkey body, would you?
Nope, my brain is fine where it is, thanks
Carbon dating or carbon copies?
Carbon dating carbon copies
Optimus Prime or Voltron?
*twitches* questions... too many... questions
Why do they call it a cheese WHEEL and not a cheese DISK?
Wheel sounds more manly
Are you regretting goading me?
Nope - it was all in good fun, you know... :)
What's in my pocket?
The meaning of life
And for my final question of the night... Did Vephy get sucked into a black hole, or is he simply plotting a hostile takeover of the world?
That is for me to know and you to find out - do you think I'd tell you about his hostile... oops. o.0

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:03:00 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
1/13/2007 2:03:24   

Hoy Westward.
*pioneer-style yell* Westward, ho-o!
Congratulations on getting AK I always saw good things were coming your way =).
Thanks bunches!
So how old are you?
Between 10 and 10000... but closer to 10
So are yo a Twilly punter or Twilly fanboy?
I'm a Twilly fangirl... but I do punt him occasionally for kicks... ;p
Whats the best thin about being an AK?
My own thread - wowzers!
What advice would you give to those who wish to become Aks some day?
Just be a good forumite and your time will come
Love your avatar =)
Me too! :)
Simpsons or Family Guy?
Neither - CSI!!!
Favourite Mod?
*looks around, yelling* Why, all of them! - No really, all of them.
Favourite Admin?
I like everyone equally
Can I be your friend?
Do you think a person of any age could become an ArchKnight?
I don't see why not
Want a cookie?
Why, sure!
Whats do you hate the most: flamers , spammers , wrongly placed threads or all of the above?
I hate everyone equally
Im just asking random questions so sorry if they sound stupid
You're lucky I don't have my Super Duper Staff of Locking with me right now... it is at the repair shop
Favourite chocolate?
Mounds bar
Kittens or chickens?
Kittens - they're way too cute. I'd have to go with chickens. Preferably a chicken hat. :p
Apple pie or Blueberry pie?
Neither - strawberry
When did you find out you were going to be an AK?
Last night
Lounging out at home or nightclubbing?
Who am I hangin' wit'? :p
Career or family?
How did you get the title helpful?
By spending inoordinated amounts of time on the forums and lurking the Q&A constantly
Did they ask you if you wanted to or bestow the responsibility on you with no questions asked.
They asked
Will you still post as much as you do now?
I've slacked off recently, so yeah
Once again congratulations and I hope you come to be my favourite AK (to be honest I always thought you were pretty cool. *sucks up all he can from westward ho*
Thanks again, I'm available for sucking up to any time! :)
Have a jolly good 2007 as an AK... Tally ho!
*pioneer-style yell* Westward, ho-o!

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:13:18 >
AQ DF  Post #: 13
1/13/2007 2:06:43   

Congratz on getting AK!
Many thanks!
How did you change you rank from Member to the rank you were before you became AK?
By spending way, way too much time on the forums...
Do you like anime? If so, which one?
I actually do not watch or read anime...
Your mother was a Hamster and you father smelt of elaberries! *ahem* I think thats a line from some Monty Python thing....
I fart in your general direction!
Are you a gamer?
Not console... but I enjoy PC games
Penguins Pwn!!!
Duh... :)
1 million big ones or Telakanisis (I think I spealt it wrong)

< Message edited by Sorrow -- 1/13/2007 18:24:28 >


AQ DF  Post #: 14
1/13/2007 2:08:28   
Zero Hex

H-hey! When'd you become AK? xD
Last night
How long did they keep you in the dungeon? ;)
Just long enough to straighten you out, lolz ;)

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:27:35 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
1/13/2007 2:23:38   

Congrats on getting AK status. You deserve it. It almost seemed as if you were already one, but without the little red icon next to your name (as well as the powers to go with it). Congrats!
Thanks bunchesF!
Now for some questions:
What is this? Why are you interrogating me?!
Kittens or Puppies?
Both! :)
Pie or Pastry?
Single or Dating? (not asking you out, just curious...)
Currently single... :p
Favorite Mod/AK/Admin?
I really, truly don't have a favorite. I know geopetal, alac, RB, and Reens ok... :)
Favorite Movie?
Of all time:Topaz
Old movie: Casablanca
New movie: Finding Nemo

Fave Video Game? (besides AQ/DF)
I enjoy playing Civilization III... but I stink at it :)
Favorite TV Show?
Favorite Book/Magazine?
Book: the Pern series and anything by Mercedes Lackey
Magazine: Scientific American - my dad gets that, lolz

And, the ultimate question in all humanity... Good or Evil?
Neither. I enjoy my neutrality.
Congrats again!
*pioneer-style yell* Westward, ho-o! :)

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:31:50 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
1/13/2007 3:16:01   
Llong Jjohn Killer

Hmm, so now we're asking questions, eh? Ok then! Oh, and by the way, congrats on becomeing a AK.
If Adam Bohn went and invited you to come to a convention, and you were going to have many threads on why you went , but the convention is happining the day that you were going to get a promotion in your job, then which would you chose? Going to the convention for the AE team, or going to the promotion, as to get the better job with better hours and more pay?
I'd have to stick with my job... unless I could get vacation time.
Ok, now that I have asked the most randomist of all questions, that's all I have! lol. See you on the forums!
And yourself. *pioneer-style yell* Formus, ho-o!

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:33:53 >


AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 17
1/13/2007 3:17:53   

Well congrats on getting AK & goodluck
Well thanks.
so on with thy questions.
Bring it on, my good sir!
Spam or Ham?
Spam is icky in either of its forms.
Turkey or Beefjerky?
Salami or Your mommy?
Clam or Lamb?
Beer or Deer?
Am I allowed to say that?

What were you thinking, you bad people! I like venison steaks, ok! :p

Favorite Band?
I'll listen to anything as long as it's not modern country.... uhg...
Favorite Song?
Currently, Shorty Like Mine by Bowwow ft. Chris Brown
Favorite Candy?
Mounds bar
Beef or Veal?
Hats or Rats?
Mice or Lice?
Bees or Fleas?
And im spent so later go eat a tatter.
Sounds good to mees. :)

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:38:52 >
DF  Post #: 18
1/13/2007 3:51:15   

Hmm i'll give you a toughie. Fave other mod?
I really and truly don't have a favorite... I just don't know them all well enough yet...

*Mr. Flibble steps out from behind Jjtee* I mean, Mr. Flibble! Really! I didn't mean it! :)

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:39:57 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 19
1/13/2007 4:01:48   

Is this question silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. enough?
Wow... effort
Do you like constantly being bombarded with silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions?
It's not too bad... it reminds me you all are still alive and kickin'
How many hours do you expect to spend answering all these silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions you're being bombarded with?
Way too many
What do you think of my silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions about what you think of people who ask you silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions?
It certainly is interesting
How many more silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions should I ask you?
Ice cream
Are my silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions annoying you?
May I stop asking silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions now?
Tiptoe, through the tulips...
Should I stop asking silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions now?
*plugs ears* I'm sorry, I can't hear you
Must I stop asking silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions now?
*covers eyes* What questions?
Will I stop asking silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions now?
Never!... Or, wait. I mean, yes. Yes you will.
Okay, I'll stop asking silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. questions now.
Sounds super-dee-duper.
P.S.-Did I type out a single sentence in this entire post without silly/random/rediculous/funny/etc. written somewhere in it?
Highly doubtful... but you get points for effort. :)

< Message edited by WarlordAmI -- 1/13/2007 19:05:24 >


AQ DF  Post #: 20
1/13/2007 4:26:17   
Dragon Longsword

So we meet Westward_ho!
Yes... yes we do.

So let me get on with the fighting questions.
Yikes - would you like to meet my friend Mr. Flibble?

Llama or camal (I'm only saying this because I know someone who is on the forums who likes llamas alot)?

Should I write backwards or fowards in my posts on this topic?
Whatever pleases you

Regardless of your answer I might as well write backwards.
Resistance is obviously futile

?libe ro live
retuc si libe

?maerc eci ro hsif
maerc eci hsif evah nac i

?FD ro QA

?krad ro thgil

I will now type fowards.
Whew... my eyes were burning

Twilly or Zorbak?
Zorbak on Ice, Twilly Live!

Fire or ice?
Fire - I can't stand to be cold

Angry or sad?

Most annoying thing?
Silly questions

Me, myself or I?
The answer is 5

Bye bye!
Au revoir!

Oh one last thing.
Well, get on with it

I forgot it .
I know the feeling

I remeber now!

Do you want to have my money?
Excuse me?

Noooooo! Where did my wallet go?
Did you look in my your closet

Sorry got to got, bye!
Well, I've got to got too so that's ok. :)

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:53:39 >
DF  Post #: 21
1/13/2007 4:32:10   

First i'd like to say that i'm really glad that you became an AK, because i knew you before hand. You are now my fav AK.
I'm flattered.
What is to be your first act as AK?
World domination... and I'm going to save the penguins along the way.
Advice question, If you see a Gorrillaphant eating a Pit Fighter should you help out the Fighter or the Gorrillaphant?
The Gorillaphant... of course.
Who's your favourite Dev? You are under oath.
Cysero. And Artix. But mostly Cysero.
Probalably a stupid question but what is your fav area of Battleon forums?
Actually, the DF 'Pedia, and GGD.
And just as i end this small interview i remember that i continue to use your character Aurore in my stories, is that okay?
But of couse.

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:56:04 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 22
1/13/2007 4:37:46   

I always saw you answering people's questions in Q&A. You always answered them, precisely and correctly, I aspire to be like that.
Thank you.

Now you are an AK, will you still answer questions in Q&A? (I am asking this as AKs dont really answer Q&A)
Why not? Except the questions will probably come with a lock.

Who gave you the recommendation for an AK?
Beats me...

Do you think that you have a much bigger responsibilty now as an AK?
I think so, yeah.

Do you want that responsibilty?
I relish it. :)

If you could change one thing about the forums/game, what would it be?
I wish people would just be grateful for what they have...

Also, are you the first DF AK?
Nope - Rimblade and alac88 are also DF AKs.

Thanks in advance.
You're welcome in arrears. :p

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 11:59:50 >
Post #: 23
1/13/2007 8:13:42   

Greetings, Madam westward_ho!
Plain Madam will be fine, thanks :)

May I ask how do you feel, now that you got access to more power than you could have thought of?
I feel like... taking over the world! Or saving the penguins.

And how do you think will you be able to make a change with those new powers?
I certainly hope so

I would also like to ask humbly which forums (of the DF Forums) do you like best/will be most active in...
Probably 'Pedia and GGD

Hoping to hear from you again soon...
Yours respectfully
And yours
*pioneer-style yell* Westward, ho-o!

< Message edited by Crynsos -- 1/13/2007 17:50:07 >
DF  Post #: 24
1/13/2007 8:28:15   
Bone Head Emo Ranger Power!

Congratulations You Deserved it!
I'm flattered.
What is your favorite type of pet?
I like all pets - but I wish that we had steeds. Or dragons. But I am patient - they will come. :)
Favortie Species?
Of what? Humanoid would probably be elves or dwarves
Animal - dragons all the way.

Who is your idol?(In dragonfABLE IF you have one.)
Amdusias Furfur
How long have you been playing?
I have no idea... too long, I think (at little over 5 months here on the forums, I believe.)
How did you think of your name?
I don't know... it really just came to me. I was going to go with my usual, but at the last second I changed it to this. :)
Thanks for your time and once again.
Thank you.

< Message edited by westward_ho! -- 1/13/2007 12:07:02 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 25
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