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Meet the ArchKnights! AK of the week, Accipitris - The Eyas is out

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5/8/2005 22:48:43   

This is a spinoff of the Meet the Mods thread. You can fire questions to the ArchKnight of the week. The purpose of this thread is to allow the public to learn a little bit more about us and to realize we are quite human!

Here are the ArchKnights and the boards that they patrol:
Accipitris - OOC board
Afina - Clans and RP
Ancient One - Help and Support
Chii - Encyclopedia
Coronet - Encyclopedia
Dadric - OOC board -Resigned
DarkForest - General Game Discussion
Durroth - Help and Support
Jergal - Encyclopedia
KazgrothX - Help and Support
Killer - RP
Pzycho - OOC Board
Sarah_Renee - General Game Discussion
Smashycomman - Gallery of Creative Adventurers
Spellfire - Strategy and Ratings
talwraith - Suggestions
Tharg Bloodaxe - Legends & Lore
The One Wolf - Suggestions
Wallo - Encyclopedia

Hi I'm Accipitris I'll be your Archknight answer question person thing, feel free to ask. I'll try not to bite but I'm a bit peckish.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/13/2005 23:26:05 >
AQ  Post #: 1
5/8/2005 22:49:01   
Chibi Coronet

Hola, Acci! Time to pesterize ye fer thy Meet The ArchKnights! And I'll be the first one to do so! XD
Yay go Coronet, though this is not technically a question. I'll just answer this as well. XD

Firstly... can I have a snuggle? ^-^;
Yes you may! *snuggles Coronet* And just because you're so polite *snuggles Coronet again*

What brought you to AQ?
Aliens with massive heads

Do you still play AQ?
Every now and then though not as much as I used to. It is such a nuisance this thing called real life.

If so... what keeps you in it?
If you mean playing the game it would have to be its simple to use fighting system, I like simple.

If not... what keeps you in the community?
I'll just answer this one as well. What keeps me in the community? Good question the frequent attacks from geckos, cats, swords and other manner of objects and beasts. Also the people are nice.

What is your favourite part of Battleon?
I have no idea. I suppose I like Yulgar's Inn that's where all the cool people hang.

Do you like Pineapples?
Oh man pineapples... Who doesn't like pineapples? They're like liquid honey.

Do you enjoy your job as an ArchKnight?
I'm an Archknight?

Do you like Ice Cream?
Ice cream? Sounds too rich for my blood. Shaved ice that's where its at. *thumbs up*

If so... what be thy favourite flavour?
Shaved ice I said, no flavour.

Do you like weapons? More specifically, is there a specific weapon type you just love?
Indeed my favourite weapon would have to be my cat. He claws anything that moves.

I suppose that's it for now. I'll be back for more, later, though, perhaps, maybe, possibly... <_<
Wow I can't believe you would have more questions for me, but feel free to. Its all good.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/8/2005 23:07:36 >
AQ  Post #: 2
5/8/2005 22:51:56   

Awww...second post. *whimper*
Awww *pat pats Reens* You may be second in posting but you're first in my book

Hi Acci. ;)
Hi Reens :D

Swords or geckos?
Can I say neither? They might do horrible things to me when they see me.
*Rolls into a small ball trying to hide from any swords or geckos*

What do you like most about being an AK?
The food is always good, though I swear the service could be better.

(here I devolve into asking the same questions that you will be asked about 20x before your thread ends...)

What's your real name?
In Cognito

How old are you?
I'm around 2 years old in cat years
*squeee* (ahem..sorry, fangirl coming out)

Would you prefer an aerie or a nice condo?
Tough choice. I suppose either as long as I don't have to do the yard, worry about repairs, and being close to a prison

Is random good?
Random is excellent as long as its planned

*snuggles and huggles*

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/8/2005 23:23:12 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
5/8/2005 22:55:42   
Tharg Bloodaxe

Har! Me gakh!
Hi I'm Accipitris!

Lat gud or nub?
The other one, gud

Wut uzg lat frum?
I'm not exactly sure but I'll try to answer in the best way possible. I suppose it all begins with a maybe, though maybe not would be a better beginning. All in all I'd say go fish.

Du lat lyke kitteez?
Oh yes I do!

Are lat sum goi kittee?
I'm not sure, maybe.

Du lat lyke tu be burzum-ishi?
Not really give me the other type.

Are lat throquurz? Lat bubhosh throquin'? *toothy grin*

Wud lat tug throqu albai meat?
Fish is good

Are lat bubhoshier den dat shinee zult?
Why do you continue to torture me?

Gaakh arg gug'ye.
Thank you have a nice day. *waves*

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/8/2005 23:43:57 >
AQ  Post #: 4
5/8/2005 23:02:52   

Jay Chou? XD
Squeee! Wo ai Jay Chou

So, just how much do you love me? *wink wink nudge nudge*
Wow you're assuming a lot thinking I love you. *nudge nudge wink wink*

Where have you been all my life? online life? :P
Well first I was a cell of some sort then it became something else, and finally I was born. Then for those formative years I was at school and well I'm still at school. So to answer your question. I have no idea

I think Tharg asked you this, but I'm not fluent in Orcish, so do you like kitties? :P
Thanks for the translation. *snuggles*

Whoa! I don't think I'm ready for that sort of thing. Maybe we should wait. Though if you ask me again I might not say the same.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/8/2005 23:50:25 >
AQ  Post #: 5
5/8/2005 23:40:55   

What do you think if dishes that include organs? (Liver, kidneys, etc....)
Chalk that up as a third. I love all that unseemingly edible stuff. Ever had haggis? Nor have I but I like my bit of tripe now and again, especially with my pho. Yum yum, also there's good eating in a liver, especially with fava beans.

Only 2 Mods/Archs like them so far....Will you be the third? *crosses fingers and preps some liver and onions*

Haven't tried haggis yet, our local supermarket used to sell it...But thats when I was abour 10, Must have a hunt round for it.

Cool definitely try it if you get a chance. *licks his beak at the thought*

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/9/2005 0:53:03 >
Post #: 6
5/9/2005 0:01:17   
Doctor Zhivago
Professor of Ratings

Why hello there, crazy person who I've never seen before!
Hello exuberant person whom I have also never seen before!

Do you like to play video games of any sort? If so, what are your favorites?
I love playing video games. My favourite would have to be the old school Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, and Pac Man.

Music, too. What do you listen to, and why?
I listen to a variety of music depending on my mood. Its hard to say what is my favourite since I have so many and in truth I only listen to my favourite. Lets just say I like it all including country.

What would you prefer; a jet fighter or a nuclear submarine?
I'd like a jet fighter inside a nuclear submarine!

So... how about that new Batman movie? How do you think it's going to be? Better than Batman and Robin, I hope... *Shudders*
Good Sir, I believe a lot of the Batman movies are better than Batman and Robin. Even if this one is bad I doubt it would be that bad.

What is the worst movie you've ever seen? Book you've ever read? Game you've ever played?
I don't know I think at the time of reading, or watching they seemed bad. I can only say that you can never bottom out when it comes to bad.

If you were a supervillain and had captured James Bond, how would you keep him from escaping and foiling your grand plot?
Why would I do it any other way? James Bond is so cool and suave. If anything I'd just follow the general script and besides the bad guy always comes back as long as the good guy lives.

Finally, wouldn't Darth Vader completely pwn Sephiroth in a fight?
Darth Vaderis the Dark Lord of the Sith, Sephiroth is just an experiment gone wrong... Tough choice I'd have to opt for Yoda!

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/9/2005 0:49:41 >
AQ  Post #: 7
5/9/2005 15:58:28   
Dadric Daeglos

Don't be absurd Acci, Swords > Geckos any day.
No way hawks rule all of you and swords=geckos anytime

Anyways, have you ever heard of the Gentleman's Club? I heard that moron Dadric got turned down by a vote of 19 to 4, and only because that Bao kid voted both ways.
Gentlemen's Club? *shifty eyes* Look what I do on my off hours, in places that could be questionable if you have a certain unscrupulous moral fibre, are my own concern. Good day sir. Anyway if that Dadric got turned down he was probably underage or didn't have enough money to tip and I know that Bao kid votes both ways, its sort of disturbing but interesting.

Have you seen the Lemony Snicket movie? If so, is it not amazing!?
I haven't heard of said movie but I fully intend to see it when it comes out on dvd

Do you expect me to talk?
No I expect you to die. *Que evil laughter and closeup*

and lastly...

How amazing am I really?
Not as amazing as I am but a little bit more amazing that that Noah character. *Eye's Noah suspiciously*

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/9/2005 16:55:36 >
AQ  Post #: 8
5/9/2005 16:11:14   


Excited about Episode III?
Episode III of what? If you mean Star Wars, I am indeed excited.

Where'd you come up with your name?
I don't really know, I just wanted something different but still the same from what I previously used so I opened up this latin dictionary and bang! there it was.

Umm... I can't think of anything more. So, goodbye!
TTFN stop by and ask if you have anymore questions. Its only my poor humour that bites.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/9/2005 17:18:57 >
Post #: 9
5/9/2005 16:12:26   
Nephilim of Sky

...*sighs* Wow. So many mods asking you questions...or modlike beings...people...
Don't mind them they're only beings in their own head.


Just two questions, Acci!
Fire away!

How's life?
Life? Life is always fine as long as you know where to look for it. Otherwise life is bad because you don't know where to look for it. All in all I'd say life was good and bad.

And are you gonna RP any more?
I do RP I'm rping right now. However, I would like to rp again sometime just been too busy improving myself in homeworld, which I might add you have sorely been missing.

I challenge you to a Homeworld match!
No way! You scare me with your crazy speed and better tatics. Though I do miss playing... very well I accept.

Okay, effectively three...
Its all good, glad to see you're still around.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/9/2005 17:24:04 >
Post #: 10
5/9/2005 16:13:05   

Howdy Accipitris,
Hidy Ho BeastSlayer, poor beasts.

you don't by any chance..Chinese are you? 'wo ai Jay Chou'.
Well I can speak cantonese, I only know that little phrase in manadrin, and I know the character in your avatar means dragon, but as for being chinese... I am full fledge pure 100% accipiter

Anyway, I take it you don't come on the forum very often then? (34postsXD)
Actually I do come onto the forum quite often its just that I don't post often. I swoop and pounce, then fly away.

I like your avy, kittie. :P
Thanks I like kitties. They soft and furry and purr and taste nice if you know the proper herbs and spices.

Can translate my word on my avatar? (I know it by the way)
Um *points up a bit* I sort of jumped the gun.

What made you to play AQ?
It was free and I was curious when I saw the banner while reading my favourite comic.

What do you like about it?
*Rummages around for his answer sheet.* The woman! Wait that's the wrong sheet... the simplicity and constant updates.

Good day!
Good day sir!

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/9/2005 17:31:37 >
Post #: 11
5/9/2005 16:23:49   

Do you like random silly questions?
As long as I can come up with random silly answers.

If you were a mushroom, what kind of mushroom would you be?
One and only one mushroom comes to mind. Though I can't say it because it just sounds so bad the filter would eat it up and spit it out.

Because they taste good.

Is you were a herder, what animals would you herd?
I've heard of many animals so I consider myself quite the herder. *grins* The animal I would heard would be sheep ewe in particular.

They taste good

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would wish the super power of speed, then when I do something it'd be normal speed. I'm that slow

I'm slow.

How many Frogzards does it take to screw a lightbulb?
None for one thing frogzards don't use lightbulbs and secondly they'd fall over because they'd have to use their delicious looking drumstick of a leg to screw it in.

What is the meaning of life?
If I knew that I wouldn't be here. Go ask a super computer.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 12:10:32 >
AQ  Post #: 12
5/9/2005 17:55:36   
Blue Dragon Star

Am I the darkness Elemental lord?
I'd be very afraid if you were.

Am I the ultimate Hybrid ninja?
I would say yes, but I'm wondering where they'd put the gas in. I'd imagine also the battery would be quite painful.

Do you like Yulgar?
He's got his rugged charm. I wouldn't say no if he asked me.

Join my club?
I'd say yes but I'm afraid to ask what its about.

What happens when Twilly can't make it all better?
Then you're probably talking to the grim reaper and owe him a favour.

Whats your favorite smiley ?
None smilies are evil incarnate. They're the bane of my existence and a boil on the hindquater of existence.

Can I twist your answers to my own evil means?
Sure but remember evil has a way of twisting back and biting.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 12:15:36 >


AQ  Post #: 13
5/9/2005 19:54:37   


Can I have your autograph?
Only if you promise you won't ask for it.

Does your place of living have a front door AND a back door?
I'm not sure, its sort of open all around and you can basically fly in wherever you choose.

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
If a wood chuck could chuck wood, then it would not chuckwood.

Will the answer to this question be no?
You're amazingly perceptive, bravo for you.

Should all the phonies be legitimized?
Phonies? Is that some new slang that's going around which I'm not aware of. I'm always the last to learn it seems.

Is big brother really watching?
I'm watching.

Where have all the cowboys gone?
Where would cowboys go?

Did today's experiment...fail?

Can a cow really jump over the moon?
Depends on where the moon is.

What's the newest "cool" word? (as in tubular, gnarly, awesome, etc)

Is it actually cool?
Its never cool because if it was cool then it wouldn't care if it was cool.

What does it take to be cool?
I have no idea, I personally prefer to be myself and that's that. Wark!

While on an airplane, during it's landing, do you keep your seatbelt on until the light says that you can take it off?
I sleep with my seat belt on I never take it off. Its always such a nuisance when you're sleeping and you have to put it on and then try get back to sleep again. No siree I prefer to just sleep with it on and not worry about it at all. Sleeping on the plane uninterrupted is very good... Wait I don't use a plane to fly.

No thank you!

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 12:30:09 >


My AQ suggestions with amazing art by EragonZZZZ!
Post #: 14
5/9/2005 20:53:41   
The Drifter

What's your take on rootbeer?
It reminds me of chewing gum.

What's your favorite book?
My favourite book is the book about me.

Favorite movie?
Please refer to the previous question and its reply, but where it says book insert movie.

Yoda is the reincarntion of Darth bane right?
If I knew who Darth Bane was I'd say yes, but since I don't I'll say no.

There is a blue ranch, everything is blue, the cat, the tv, the rug, the walls...It's all blue. What color are the stairs?
Tricky I'll have to say whatever your answer is.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 12:32:18 >


DF  Post #: 15
5/9/2005 21:08:29   


just a few questions
That statement scares me.

1. Hows it going?
My back hurts, I have a cold and I have to get up early in the mornings when I should be on summer vacation, I'm doing very well thank you for asking. How are you?

2. How isn't it going?
My way.

3. If 42 is the meaning of life, whats the meaning of 42?
Thats not 42 its just some funny emoticon if you look at it with your head titled you'll see it.

4. .....I think I had a fouth question, but I just got distracted
See me when you're no longer distracted. I'll be happy to answer or eat it.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 12:37:40 >
AQ  Post #: 16
5/10/2005 4:46:17   

Hello hello

Standard questions.
Standard reply

Do you like Suzi Quatro? If so, Have you seen her latest concert, Born to Rock?
For a minute I thought it was some sort of car, but if its a band as you say, then I've never heard of it and so I've never seen her latest concert. Why do you like her?

Have you seen the three 'Smokey and the Bandit' movies? If so, was number three the worst or what?
I have no idea what these movies are, but if you say there is a sequel then mostly likely number three was the worst. Very seldom do you get sequels that are good.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 12:42:20 >
AQ DF  Post #: 17
5/10/2005 5:11:34   

Hey is for horses. Hi!

howcan you be a mod if you've only posted bout 40 times?
I'm not a mod I'm an archknight. There's a big difference and as for the posts. What does it matter if a cat is black or white? As long as it catches mice.

Only not something I'm used to, which makes it abby normal.

it hink so.
I think not.

That is not a question.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 12:53:28 >


AQ  Post #: 18
5/10/2005 7:22:28   
general greivous

huzza person that i actually seen before
Oh no my cover is blown!

am i a dadryc wannabe?
If you want to be like dadryc then you're a dadryc wannabe.

standart question
Fire away I'll answer with unorthordox answers, or I will answer with standard answers depends on my mood.

whats your favorit zard?
The one that I can kill.

whats the speed of a fully grown african male oustrich?
Subsaharan african or southern african? I know they taste good though. Mmm ostrich biltong. *drools*

only 2 things scare me, and one is nuclear war
Funny that scares me as well

xcuse me?
You're excused.

carnies, circus people, small hands, smell like cabage
That is not a standard question.

adeus guy that the name remenbers lemonage
Goodbye nuclear fearing guy.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 13:00:40 >
AQ  Post #: 19
5/10/2005 11:38:26   

I'm going to help you out with Drifter's last question, Acci. It's a freaking RANCH house, there aren't any stairs.
They don't have stairs? Well you learn something new every day. Thanks QB.

So, anyway...are guys just as huggable as girls are?
Why yes they are, because in this day and age all things are huggable. Except girls get precendent because they're softer and have better hygene.

What's your favorite board game?

Do you actually LIKE the Love Hina series? I just read book 1 last night, and I was actually laughing out loud.
Is it appropriate for minors?

What classes are you currently taking?
Ones which I leave more confused than before I entered and have the dreaded fear that I'm wasting my money.

What region do you live in?
I live in the canton of Skeldergate

Okay, that's all. I'll edit this post if I find that I need to squeeze more information out of you.
I don't like being squeezed it has this nasty effect of cutting off my blood supply, but feel free to ask whatever may pop into your head.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/10/2005 13:13:15 >
AQ DF  Post #: 20
5/10/2005 15:55:56   

HI! Okay... So i gotta just type questions right, and u answer them?
Hello! Right... right, as simple as that.

OKay. First question. What is all the *snuggling* and *hugging* and snuggle wuggle snuggle snuggleing*, that the AK's and other peoples always do? It always scares me...
Its a vast conspiracy, if you don't know about it then I can't tell you about it.

What is your fav thing about Battleon forums?
The people and the snuggling, huggling and other sorts of uggling.

Which do you like more? Chocolate or ice cream? Or neither
All and none, it really depends on the situation.

Ok ill be back later with more right now i am lacking in interesting questions. I'll think of some better ones later.
Nonesense the only question that lacks interest are the ones that aren't asked... Wait, no, nevermind what I said.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/11/2005 18:44:04 >
AQ  Post #: 21
5/10/2005 16:18:17   
Guardian Of Death

Hello... I dont know you.... but anyways...
Greetings, I don't know you either but that's what this thread is up here. So that you get to know me and I get to know what type of questions you like to ask about me. It all works out for everyone

Whats your favorite colour?
I'll let you guess on that one since its right here.

Whats your favorite animal?
My name would give you a big clue on what's my favourite animal. Though if you need something more specific it would be the red tailed kind

Whats your favorite food?
All food is my favourite provided it doesn't taste bad.

Whats your favorite game?
Hard to say I sort of like the really old games... Xcom: Enemy Unknown. That would have to be my all time favourite

Whats your favorite drink?
Tea, want some?

Whats your favorite..... apple?
Why is 6 afraid of 7???
Because its got that funny slant and that weird smirk.
How many whales can fit in the world if the world was a rectangle and theres no such thing as rectangles?
None because the rectangle doesn't exist.

If you could snuggle someone, who would it be?
Me! Just kidding I'd snuggle Dadric, or Pae, or Noah, or Fyrel, or Reens, or Coronet, or Ancient, or anyone who wants one.

Okay, thats enough for now... I'l be back... Mwahahahahahaha (cough) Mwahahahahaha
Muahahaha I am the uber demon accipiter fear me.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/13/2005 21:37:52 >
AQ  Post #: 22
5/10/2005 17:28:37   

Do you also take Latin?

Listen to any music?
All sorts and its really hard to choose a favourite because of it.

If so, what kind do you like?
Classical instrumental

Have you a favorite video game?
Not really I don't have favourites because they fall out of favour so quickly.


< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/11/2005 18:51:17 >
Post #: 23
5/10/2005 17:57:04   


How did you get that name?
I opened up a latin dictionary and it was just there.


Do you like pretrzels?
I prefer nachos

If yes, with or without cheese?
Without but guacamole is good.

How old are you (sorry if this has already been answered)
I'm around 2 years old in dog years

Favorite author/book?
Alexander Dumas, Charles Dickens, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Terry Prachett. They all rank around the same so I can't say which of those are my most favourite author, they are all my favourite authors. Books whatever they have written and I have read.

Favorite food/snack?
Sweet potatoes

Well I guess thats all
Alright then thanks for stopping by.

The Preatzel stealer, muahahahaha

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/11/2005 19:10:29 >
AQ  Post #: 24
5/10/2005 18:00:37   

do u have a clan u like?
Nope not really into the whole clan thing. I'm a lone accipiter

have u heared of me and tyty?
Its like asking have you heard of Jack Lerole.and i know him

do u love me?lol
The questions should be, do you love ME? if your a girl yes i do

do u want to join my clan?
No thanks I'm sure your clan is nice and all but I'm a lone accipiter and a gentleman.

what the diffent between mods and arch knights?
A lot if you ask a mod that's what they'll say, if you ask and ArchKnight they'll say quite a bit.

< Message edited by Accipitris -- 5/13/2005 21:39:16 >


AQ  Post #: 25
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