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Meet the Author: Varin

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9/21/2007 23:14:35   

So, the boss said, "Varin, you are doing a Meet the Author, and you will enjoy it." And the whip was cracked, so here I am!

The same format and rules as usual will apply, with the following additions:

I will be running this until Saturday the 29th.
Please no more than five questions per post!
No more than two posts per person.
I will be editing my posts in this color

I may not get to them right away, as I work a 9-5 on week days, but I will promise to do my very best!

So, let the questions, BEGIN!

Post #: 1
9/21/2007 23:27:51   
Legendary Artist!

Grettings Varin, I'm Clyde *holds out hand*, You may know me, but I don't know you.

1. How did you react when they asked you to be the Author?
Completely flabbergasted
2. Hey did ya get that thing I sent ya? (High Five if you know)
Shush, quiet about the baby giraffe!
3. What's your favorite word? Aardvark?
4. Do you only write articles or other things as well?
Articles for the Ezine, I used to RP ages ago and getting back into it with the EC, I intend to write a book one day, but I procrastinate that more than I do work.
5. Did you know that Lived is Devil backwards? (lol)
..Lived Devil, looks like you are correct, sir!
Thanks for answering.


< Message edited by Varin -- 9/21/2007 23:30:44 >
Post #: 2
9/22/2007 0:07:29   

Heya Varin, my name's Tread!

I like your stuff here in the Zardian.
Not a question, but thanks!
What exactly do you do as the Ezine Author?
I submit articles to be edited, they are changed to something much closer to proper English form than I submitted them, then they go up for everyone's enjoyment.
How did you become an Ezine Author?
I submitted a sample of my writing to the link in the Zardian, and they liked it, and the offered me a position! Boy I'll tell you it was quite a shock and an honor!
Your biggest regret..?
Not eating that last slice of cake.
Chocolate / Caramel / Puppies... You?
Mmmm, caramel! Caramel is good, caramel and chocolate better, Chocolate coated caramel puppies, not so much.
Death to all who oppose me...


< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 0:13:43 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
9/22/2007 0:08:32   
Guardian of Nekops

The Guardian of Nekops switches on a bright light and shines it in Varin's eyes.

Greetings, Varin.

1. Care for a cookie? It's chocolate chip!
Don't mind if I do, -gnaws happily-
2. If you were going to write a book, what would it be about?
Whatever I could keep to topic for 75,000 words or so. So probably something really intreresting!
3. Great answer. Can you write it now, and actually follow through? And PM me your name so I can buy it? You do some great stuff!
Probably not RIGHT now, and probably not follow through, but sure I'll let you know if and when it gets written and published.
4. Since I gave you a cookie, do I have to offer you a glass of milk as well or is that only for mice?
It would be the decent thing to do... but.. I have some! Aha!
5. How often do you wear a hat/ hats, and what does it/ do they look like?
Friday(casual day at work), Saturday, Sunday. It is a black ball cap, fitted, with a white Adidas logo. It is too comfy to be legal.

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 0:16:54 >
AQ  Post #: 4
9/22/2007 0:19:35   

/me snugglehugglepouncescongratsesandgenerallyremindsyouthisisabadideaYou'remy favouriteone SNUGS!

1) 1+5343+47384+mod+WH = the best+greatest+amazing. My calculations are right aren't they...
The answer, is 42?
2) Spots or Stripes?
Striped spots?
3) Curtains or Blinds?
I don't want to be blind, so curtain
4) Why are you doing this?
For sheer enjoyment, and to entertain and inform.
5) Is it to get ill and not have to write again?
Unsure of what you quite mean there. So, no, because I enjoy writing!

Anyway, I love your writing style, if you see any of my posts, I witter on about you! I just love it(the writing), ALac found a good author there! Keep it up, and good luck!

< Message edited by Vaseline28 -- 9/22/2007 0:36:27 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
9/22/2007 0:44:09   

Varin. :D

Glad to see this forum made; maybe I can get you to finally come to GGD. D:<

Anyway, ze questions:

What's your favorite part about being a writer for the Ezine?
I think that it would have to be the free reign. Anything I want to write about I could, which is really cool, if daunting for choosing topics.
I know you say you actually don't like your writing style, but what's your favorite article/thing you've written?
Hmm, I enjoyed the Sneevil article. Sure it was not true in any way, but fun to wonder about it some times. :)
I've been observing the EC; how do you think it's going? Good luck, by the way. :)
I think it is going quite well! We have/had a good deal of talented contestants and it has been a blast. And I surprised myself by finaling, but it has been very fun. Just going to be a bit sad when it is over.
Alrighty, I'll stop these for now in case I want to come back... Keep up the good work, Varin!
Thanks! I will try. :)

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 0:53:09 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 6
9/22/2007 2:09:19   

Ok so I see you only write stuff under questions?
Generally, yes, questions do tend to get answers ;) But I'll make a snarky comment somewhere else if it is warrented.
Anyway what color graphite/lead do you use for your mechanical pencil?
Standard grey, 0.5 mm preferred.
How many years of writting experience do you have?
Many, I've been penning things for at least 10 years, never anything big or any projects for other people until recently, more been for myself or friends until recent.
What type of writting do you do? (ex: fictional, sci-fi, ect.ect..)
Whatever takes my fancy at the time, I've been known to do fantasy of several forms, sci-fi of a few, modern, horror, thriller, poetry. Really whatever the muse decides to throw in my head at the time, if she deigns to put anything there at all.
What's your favorite thing about The Zardian?
Being able to see people's reactions to the posts. I love how everyone gets so revved up for the next Sneak Peak. With that kind of following, I can't just help but to smile.

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 8:22:50 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 7
9/22/2007 3:50:56   

Lo Varin,

Really like your work, as you can prob tell by my posts in your article threads.
Hehe, I can tell slightly ;) Always good to see that someone enjoys it.
1) How did you get into writing?
By reading. I liked reading as a child, so I figured, writing could be good too. And it was.
2) Are you a professional, or just do it for fun?
I just do it for fun for now, and boy is it ever.
3) What other online things do you read? eg comic strips/ editorials/ etc?
Not too much, I do enjoy the occasional PennyArcade though.
4) What is your favorite type of written media (magazines, novels, prose, pamphlets, pop up books, etc )?
Has to be the novel. I always have a book with me on the commute to work and for my lunch hour.
5) How would you react if someone pointed out a spelling mistake/grammatical error in any of your works?
I would thank them, then wonder if my editor was slacking. Seriously though, some people call it nitpicking, I figure it is beneficial to me as an author to see where I have mistakes and figure out how to have them not crop up again.
Thankies, have a good week.
You too!
Your friendly neighborhood Enzik-man

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 8:34:49 >


Post #: 8
9/22/2007 8:27:28   

ello this is me gamerlx
Hello! I'm Varin. But I think we knew that.
Favorite subject(math, writing, science, ect.)
Strangely, math. I love numbers.
Favorite football team
Minnesota Vikings
Mac or PC
Are u rich
Only when I sleep at night
If u were stranded on a island with only 1 item what would it be?
Why the NNN Zard-Copter-1 of course!

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 8:37:57 >
Post #: 9
9/22/2007 9:08:04   

1. Do you like to read any books /Please tell?
Yes, I'll list by author rather than book though. Salvatore, Stackpole, Jordan, Brooks, Goodkind, Brown to name a few; multiple genres as well, but if it catches my interest, I'll give it a read through look-see.
2. What kind of music do you like?
More into metal and rock, though a good bagpipes piece moves me. I am odd with my music choices, I'll listen to country, metal, hip hop, rap, and then classical in the same playlist.

4. What is your favorite thing on the forums??
The Zardian Forum, of course!

6. Which channels do you usually go on IRC?? Just wonderin'
The EC channel, #archipelago, #yulgarsinn and #battleon from time to time
7. Who put you in charge as the "Zardian Author?"
I'm not in charge, and I'm not the only Author, I'm merely one author amongst many. But it was smbDoll that gave the email.

< Message edited by Kevinsparky11 -- 9/22/2007 9:27:57 >
Post #: 10
9/22/2007 11:02:29   

AQ  Post #: 11
9/22/2007 11:27:33   

Hello varin.


So, how did you get started with the Zardian?
I submitted a piece of writing on a whim after seeing the Zardian. I think I saw the second one first, and was hooked.
Which is your favorite logo, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, or 5?
5, I like the border, and oval beats circle. Of course, I'd love to see what some of you come with.
Why did you choose that title?
Because.. it is what I do! :) As for Roving Reporter, that's all Reens, I think it is rather snazzy.
Is a author like a AK? I mean, do you get your soul stolen and get locked into a cell as well?
Soul? That was gone long ago, I was hungry and I saw some cookies I really wanted. Long story short, nope no cell. ;)

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 18:52:59 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
9/22/2007 13:19:31   

Very nice job on attaining this position...I think congrats are in order :D
Thank you.
Are you often found writing random things in your free time, sort of like how artists doodle?
Semi often, sometimes I'll just jot an idea that comes to mind and come back to it later.
Really, how long DOES each article take you? And those headings...haha, I can't get over those ^_^
Trade secret. Hush hush and all.
Is writing in your planned future? If so, journalist? Author? Magazine columnist?
I absolutely enjoy the word, writing, reading, all of it. I've mentioned before I'd like to attempt a book one of these years, but that tends to get procrastinated past.
Notice this message's secret yet (I hope so, it's in bold..lol)? Figured I'd make a sort of attempt at an amusing poetic/literary device.
Very original. Three thumbs up. Err, wait. Two! I was debating trying that for one of the NNN's headlines, but discarded the idea along with a few tufts of hair.

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 18:56:50 >
AQ  Post #: 13
9/22/2007 16:49:51   

If whips need to crack, then let them crack!

Why a "roving reporter," and simply not a reporter in a high tower with a good telescope?
Reens idea. And, it fits with NNN quite too well.
What kind of writing styles and authors would you say have influenced you?
I'm not sure who influenced it, but I tend to a rambling style unless I curb myself, many commas and a loose, yet flowing, thought process. Editor's hate it, but it just tends to be the way I think, hence the way I write.
What kind of journalist, if any, do you intend to build yourself into?
In DF/AQ, just a synopsizer(is that even a word?) I don't see myself as one for wordly events. Too many others who can do it better.
You answered this one already. Are you published outside of the Zardian?
Not that I know of, unless someone stole something and published it. I tend to keep, until recently, most of my writing to myself.
How good are you at handling a whip?
While not a whip, I'm handy with a belt. Snapped a bee out of the air the other day and quite proude of it! :)
Bye, and see ya around the forums!

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 19:01:49 >
AQ DF  Post #: 14
9/22/2007 16:52:18   

Hiya ^_^

congrats on becoming an author. /me congrats snuggles
Are you ready to answer questions ? ( I guess this counts as a one XD)
*looks up* Suppose so!
Now that you are an author, how do you feel ?
'Bout the same as always, a bit squishy and a bit boney.
Do you like press conferences and interviews ? XD
As long as it's not me under the gun, sure they can be okay.
Do the photographers flash cameras at you now since you're an author ?
Not that I have noticed, but, they may be hiding in the bushes! *looks* Nope, no paparazzi!
Anyways. I'll leave you alone now. bye ^_^

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 19:06:33 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 15
9/22/2007 16:53:46   

How did you become a eZine writer?
Well, I was playing Adventure Quest one day, and I was stuck on a quest. No clue what I was doing wrong. So I fired up the forums and made an account. I know, I should have had one, but I had never needed it, and had rarely visited the forums prior. Anyhow, I saw this bulletin at the top of the screen advertising the Zardian. I was intrigued and checked it out and happened to like it. So I browsed through my file of discarded and unfinished writings, sent something in, and they considered it. I got an email back from them and they were intrigued as well. We agreed to have a chat over an Instant Messenger as I had no forum record, they liked me and my writing, and I was hired.
What would happen to you if you didnt make the deadlines?
Oh for the first one, probably nothing, especially since if I knew I was not making a deadline, I would put prior notice in ahead of time. Of course if it was made a habit, I probably wouldn't be an author anymore if I wasn't writing. But I don't see that happening.
Who is "The boss" at the top of the thread?
Could be Alac, could be smbDoll, could be Reens. Who knows, who knows? I just know that someone said it would be a good idea, and I acquiesced. And it has been fun so far!
Isnt your edit color like Icemaster Yeti's?
Of course, but I like blue. Yeti is from the tundra where the longer you stay out, the darker a person's lips and skin gets until it is blue. So, yeah. There you go!
Ask me a question.

Heh, that is not a question!

How did you find AE?
I honestly can't remember. It was years ago though, back when I was still in high school. Probably with the internet would be my best guess.
Super duper uber long answers please.

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 19:19:33 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
9/22/2007 19:22:52   

Sure, why not blow all 2 posts on the first day...

So, what is your favorite combo in AQ? Listing Armor/Shield/Weapon/Pet/Misc please.
Long Sword, Steel Plate, no shield, pet, or misc. No other way to fly! ;)
Why did you choose the name Varin?
I had wanted a name that ended in the morpheme "in", so I scrounged through a name generator until I found a good starting morpheme.
How did you feel when you became a Zardian Author?
Excited and disbelieving. Couldn't imagine they'd have picked me.
When you write articles, why is it that you make 5 words, all starting with the same letter for a title?
I use it as a hook, it is not always 5, but alliteration (starting a few words with the same letter near each other in the same sentence), tends to capture attention and roll around in the head a bit more than just a standard sentence.
Final Question-Do you have a sense of humor? *Closes eyes and Waits while reens prepares you throw you in "The Room"
Only on days that end in..
*Sees varin thrown in the room* "Run!"
*pouts* That was mean!

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/22/2007 19:32:48 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
9/22/2007 23:18:06   
Richie Ritz

Hey Varin
Congrats and good luck! I hope to join the Zardian if i have time once i turn 18.
Thank you, and you as well! Nice to see others aspire to writing.
Do you play tennis? If not, what sports do you play?
Never tried tennis, but I like bowling and badminton. I'd like to try golf, but I'd probably drive it a whole 12 and a half feet and it would go bounce, bounce, bounce.
I hope to go professional in tennis within the next couple of years. Please say something encouraging or impart some words of wisdom becasue it is very difficult to pursue this career.
If it is what you believe in, strive. Reach for the stars, for without a goal, we are but leaves on the wind.
The EC look hawt, good luck and kick those other elementals tail!
Thanks, I will try.
k that's all i got now... mind if i come back another time?
Not at all, feel free, you were technically within your limit (not all were questions).
Peace dude and i like your articles...keep working hard!
Take care and thanks, I will!

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/23/2007 7:45:27 >
AQ  Post #: 18
9/25/2007 19:09:22   
Legendary Artist!

Hey it's me again! :D

Get that new thing I sent ya?
Yes, I nearly died though! Evil evil person sending someone a rattlesnake in the mail!
Man, do you think I'd make a good author for the Ezine? *shows off abunch of stories and poems*
Perhaps! If you are over 18 and have something you've written, you might want to submit it to the link in the E-Zine.
What's your inspiration for writing?
Whatever strikes my fancy at the time. But mainly just at the pure joy of the written language, it enthralls me.
Do you believe you are spiritualing connected to an animal? (aka What Animal Are You? XD)
Not really, but bunnies are really cute!
Did you know Varin backwards is SuperAwesome? o_O?
*turns around super quick* Nope! Varin backwards is just dizzy!

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/25/2007 19:17:53 >
Post #: 19
9/26/2007 12:55:27   
Banned Multi

1) Do you do any other writing besides the Ezine?
Just a few small things, nothing to this magnitude.
2) Do you like sports? If so which one(s)
Always wanted to try golf, and I love bowling.
3) Who is you favorite author?
R.A. Salvatore
4)What inspired you to write?
I can think of one major thing that inspired me to start writing. But far too long to tell here, perhaps another day...

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/26/2007 19:19:01 >
AQ  Post #: 20
9/26/2007 16:23:51   


do you like the Zardian?
Favourite element?
Rice cakes?
bai bai

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/26/2007 19:20:27 >


AQ  Post #: 21
9/26/2007 16:28:59   
Tapeworm Shoelace


Hai. :D

:P or =P

lolcats FTW?
If you were to wear a black tie and a white dress shirt one day, what color suit would you wear? :D
Birthday? Err, wait.. umm. Hot pink?

Story time!

Som liek, I was Blackling "Varin" ('Cus Blackle and Varin FTW)

And apparently, "Varin" is an illness. D:

You get giant, itchy red spots on your face. D:

And then you grow ANTLERS! and, and...

*Looks around for inspiration*

And you get a window on your left forarm. :D

You also turn purple. :D



Umm.... Okay, I'll just back away slowly. In a running sort of fashion. For my life.

< Message edited by Varin -- 9/26/2007 19:22:49 >
AQ  Post #: 22
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