Strong Bad
Ooh shiny :P. Thanks, I didn't think to scroll down, silly me. Time for more questioning! Fire away! Ok, after the weapon question, do you have a favorite Stat, Armor, Shield, Pet, Guest, and Spell? If so, what are they? Stat would be Dexterity. Armour is covered up there. Shield would probably be the shiny Crystal Magic. Pet and Guest I'm not too sure of. Spell would be Earth Rage. It may not be my element, but it sure as hejudas is fun! ^-^ Not really a question but... The 338 is to ensure I get that username, I put in hundreds of variations of Strongbad, including Str0ngb@d, on runescape, I finally tried Strongbad338, it worked. So, whenever I need a username, Strongbad338 is it. Hey I do have a question on this subject, can the S in my name be capitalized? At the time of making this username/forum account, I never used the shift button. Not something I can change. ^-^; Do you go to school? If so, Middle School, High School, or College? High School, Sophomore. Do you enjoy having us little people here on the forums? Oh, I already know the answer to that... Sizewise, I'm probably smaller than y'all... ¬¬ Do you remember Super Mario 64? That was a good game... Never played it myself. Seen it on my friend's shelf, though. What sports do you play, and which one is your favorite? Didn't I answer this question already? o-O I heard your name comes from a thing called Rhapshady, what is this? The game you're thinking of is Rhapsody, but that's for my Avatar, Cornet. I'm Coronet. Which may have been her actual name. Her Japanese name could've been translated to English either way, really. Coronet came from an RP. A friend of mine got the name from a Cute Fusionist that he found in Phantom Brave. She's his favourite character. The name saw circulation through a few RPs. While pondering a name for my character in Battleon, I went through some of the names we used, and chose Coronet. I hadn't gotten my last name, Lazrina, yet. Lazrina came from the Periodic Table. Kudos if you know how. What are those signs you put around the snuggles?! They look like X's, but they have tiny circles in the middle, where the lines meet. They're an ASCII code. I decided to diverge from the popular asterisk. ^-^ What was/is your favorite subject in school? I myself find math quite interesting. Varies. I have no particular strong suits, but no real weak suits, either. Any idea what the next Meet The ArchKnight will be? If so, do you mind telling/dropping a hint? Seeing as they happen once a week... <_< Eh, lemme rephrase that:Any idea on who the next ArchKnight we can question will be? That would be all, again, for now...For now...(man I love saying that...) Au revoir, again! ^-^
< Message edited by strongbad338 -- 5/16/2005 18:13:08 >