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=AK=Meet the ArchKnight: Circe

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12/1/2007 13:26:49   
Stand Back

Hello everyone!

As you may or may not have noticed I'm the new ArchKnight for DF.

Here you can ask me whatever you want, but to paraphrase Falerin, I reserve the right to refuse to answer any question in a snarky way...
I'll answer your questions in this color.

If you don't know how this kind of threads works (I wonder if anyone actually doesn't know...), this is the place to look.

Limit is 15 questions per post, please, and no more than three posts per person.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
12/1/2007 13:27:04   
PaperClip OF DOOM

The following questions WILL MAKE YOU MAD! MAD I SAY! First post reply is mine! >:D
That will upset pjc more than it does me XP

Um.. Congratulations. ^^'

/Me wantes to see Circe's editing color
Pretty huh?

So, did you get in any record book for braking the "Fastest series of promotions" record? :O
It has been suggested, but I don't know for sure

How is it being in the AK prison? Is Alac feeding you well?
Alac is a kind and generous mistress. Alac is a kind and generous mistress. Alac is a kind and generous...

Favorite book? Food? TV show? Movie? :D
Favorite book? I like nerdy books like "A Modest Proposal" and "The Canterbury Tales." I also love Roald Dahl's writing because inside I'm about nine years old :P Food would have to be lasagna though Chinese is glorious. I can't really pick one favorite TV show. I'm torn between watching my DVDs of Sports Night and Firefly versus The Office and Scrubs. My favorite movie is probably Duck Soup, though I love Young Frankenstein, anything from Monty Python, the Princess Bride and of course all Disney movies.

Englishy accent or... regular English? xP (Armor or armour, color or colour, favorite or favourite?)
I be an American

Cookie plx kthx? :o
Orly? Nowai MINE!

How old- err young are you? :D
Twenty four in January. I'm oooooold!

Did I get the first post? If Yes, insert action of cookie giving here. If No, do the same. :D
/me gives Clip a cookie for having first reply

This is the eight question, not counting the first three greet thingies! Are you afraid yet?
Never! The first thing Reens does when you become an AK is remove the part of your brain that feels fear

Wait for it... wait for it.. HERE IT IS! Question number nine, yeah! :D Listen to any music? What kind?
Oh now you should be afraid! I love music. Led Zeppelin, the Clash, the Who, Rolling Stones, Rise Against, Billy Joel (don't judge me, he rules) anything really. I'm not so much on the R&B/Hip Hop genre, but I love classic rock!

And finaly.. *drum roll* The last question! You have waited for it this whole time, the suffering is over! :O What level are you in DF? :D
Level 31. I'm rather impressed with myself thank you!

That's all for me, this post is only a short headache for you! Good luck and congratulations again! :D
Thanks Clip, I appreciate your restraint :P

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 13:47:45 >
Post #: 2
12/1/2007 13:28:01   
Flash Runner-Up 10



Now for the fun part! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

1. What if the hokey pokey really was what it's all about?
Then we are doomed! o.O

2. Who gave you the AKship?
The Tri-Angel agreed to go sharesies with Reens

3. What color are your shackles?

4. What shape are your shackles?
Triangular duh!

5. When will your first article appear in the ezine?
Issue 13

6. If someone asks you, "a penny for your thoughts?" and you put your two cents in, where does the extra penny go? Or do you get change?
I make it a point never to give only two cents worth of opinions. I usually go with 47 and a half cents.

8. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
Because the #1 is a tyrant and cannot be deposed.

9. Did you notice there was no #7?
I just figured you couldn't count! :P

7. Which do you like more; AQ, DF. or MQ?
DF all the way. MQ is too new for me to have an opinion about and AQ makes me feel dumb.

10. Are you flabbergasted by all of the new, shiny buttons?
Yup but I'm getting better!

11. If you mix hyperdimensional space monkey ninjas with a piece of First Mate Rhubarb pie and add a bit of Cysero's yogurt and divide by the square root of a kumquat, and then multiply by Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu (yes, that's a real word), and then subtract Lopadotemakhoselakhogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakekhymenokikhlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryono-
ptokephalliokigklopeleiolagōiosiraiobaphētraganopterýgōn (that's a real word too), what is the answer?

11. No good. I want your answer not Reens'.
I would have said 42 but the almighty Reens is always better.

12. If the plural form of mouse is mice, then shouldn't the plural form of spouse be spice?
Indubitably Tosh

13. Were you expecting to get AK?
It was brought up to me before I accepted it, but when it was first mentioned it surprised the socks off me

14. What was the first thing you did when you became an AK?
Ask the ever tolerant Alac and Reens twenty-seven billion questions

15. Does Reens really collect the souls of AKs?
Yep, she uses them to make cookies.

Well that is all. Congrats once again!


< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 14:41:19 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
12/1/2007 13:29:43   
Legendary AK!!!

Circe! :D First post is mine not mine D:<!
So sorry! I'll have someone steal Clip's socks later - I can do that now. :P

First of all, another congratulations from me. Well deserved, and I look forward to seeing some of your Ezine work. :)
Hey thanks! I'm pretty excited about it.

I’m trying to be stupid creative with my questions these days. So here goes…
/me is frightened delighted

1. What is your opinion on spleens?
Stupid spleen owes me $20

2. How many times have you been splashed before by a car driving through a puddle?
Never which is why I can't be an actress

3. Why did you choose your edit colour?
Because teal is my favorite color, though I share it with Chii. :)

4. What’s your favourite ocean?
Atlantic, I'm an East Coaster all the way!

5. Have you ever had any near-death experiences? If so, what were they like? If not, yay!
Nope. I broke my shoulder falling off my horse in front of a stadium full of people but that's about it.

6. Can you remember this post? And does my name really stand for that? :D (Referring to number 4)
Ha I do remember that. And isn't that better than "pie jumping cat?"

7. Why did you post your MtAK so early before I’d finished making my questions?
Because when I was in the first grade my report cards used to say "Does not follow directions" and I'd hate to let Mrs. McIntosh down

8. Are you annoyed that PaperClip got first post? I am. *gives PC evils…*
Not as annoyed as you are :P

9. Do you remember the incident with Ihiciuushicsuuiichusiuuuchisidavealbertrogergilbertfrederikgeoffreyleonardquentinsebastiangeorgeblaszczyszynrodrigo?
I do. /me has nightmares about all the spam

10. If I say potato, what do you say?

11. Are you beginning to regret letting us pressure you into posting your MtAK? :P
Absolutely. Do you regret wasting your one moment of influence on this? :P

12. What would you do if I decided to welcomesnugglehuggleblaszczyszyngeoffreypounce you?
I would thanksnugglehugglerodrigosebastianpounce you back

13. What is your stance on cruelty to ham?
Thou shalt committest no crimes against ham.

14. Can I use PaperClip OF DOOM to hold my homework sheets together? :)
Why not? He doesn't seem to be doing much at the moment :P

15. If the plural of "cactus" is "cacti", is the plural of "bus", "bi"?
Must. Check. With. Alac...

Congratulations again, and I hope to see you on IRC often! Ciao! :D
I'll be around! Thanks for the congrats! Hasta pasta.

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 14:32:15 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
12/1/2007 13:30:05   

whats your faririte food?

Favorite color?
This one!

Do you like Pie?

MQ/DF.or AQ?

See ya!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 14:40:14 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 5
12/1/2007 13:33:33   

red or blue?

cake or pie?

pie or ice cream?

ice cream or cake?
Ice Cream

pink or purple?

yellow or orange?

light or dark?
Dark o.O

AQ or DF?

DF or MQ?

MQ or AQ?

pirate or ninja?
Dragonlord :P

paladin or necromancer?
Paladin because of how cute Daimyo is

potato(pO-taet-O) or potato(pO-tah-tO)
Can't we call the whole thing off?

tomato(tO-mA-tO) or tomato(tO-maht-O)?
Let's just call the whole thing off!

to many questions or too few questions?
Just right

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 14:39:50 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
12/1/2007 13:33:46   
Star’s Brilliant

/me congratshuggles Circe
/me thanksnugs Brillzy

Happy to see you among us!
I can't believe you still think that :P
Believe it!
Yesss! /me huggles Brill

Just stopped here to congratulate you, I'm sure you'll be VERY busy with answering questions, so I won't ask anything here:)
Eek it's madness!

Good luck!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/2/2007 11:54:45 >
Post #: 7
12/1/2007 13:36:22   

oh. here's the 4th AK on the forums i've seen in my whole month of joining.

my questions:

1. Will you be strict? please be a little lenient (i'm in it up to my neck as it is), and don't kill me for asking!
Rules are rules but I understand fun. :)

2. who made you an AK?
The great and powerful Alac/Reens duo

3. When exactly were you accepted?
I became an AK at some ungodly hour Thursday night.

4. How long were you on the forums?
I joined the forums this past August

5. Do you like cookies?
Who doesn't? :P

6. Do you like Twig?
Yup, but Zorbak is my favorite moglin

that's all, and congratulations!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 14:46:45 >
Post #: 8
12/1/2007 13:36:43   
tomy 2222


and Congratulations!

1. how do u feel when u were an archknight of DF?
Flattered. Then overwhelmingly nervous!

2. what ur favourite type of food(of which country)?
I like Italian food a lot. I enjoy some Irish cuisine and Thai food is good. I practically lived on Chinese food and pizza in college!

3. which of the three games of AE do u usually play?
DF really but I'm starting to get into MQ more

4. what do u like most about DF, AQ or MQ?
I like the quality of DF, how its played. I like the quests too, but the thing I like most would have to be the humor

5. do u play an instrument?
Once upon a time I played the clarinet

6. when was ur first tag as archknight?
I haven't actually had one yet. I accidentally merged geopetal's thread and had to tag it, but that's about it

well, bye! and congratulations again

see u on the forums
See you!

< Message edited by tomy 2222 -- 12/1/2007 15:14:38 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
12/1/2007 13:37:13   

YAY I made to the first page :D

/me snugglewugglehuggles ^_^
/me snugglewugglehuggles da Wico!

congrats !!!!

/me gives a congrats Rice Cake.
/me wants it the precious!

So how are you?

Since you are a sorceress for DF now, are you still going to visit L&L?
Definitely! You know I love it there!

Ok time for a quiz :O I give everyone quizzes :P

If you saw a thread with all caps, what will you do?
a) change it to lower case
b) run around and panick
c) pretend you never saw it
d) you don't know what to do

If you saw a double post, what will do you?
a) omg!! it's a double post!!! RUNZ!!!!
b) delete it.
c) what's a double post?
d) delete the whole thread

Ok that was a short quiz :P
I like funny answers


What's your favourite smilie?

Do you have any idea what your lock signature is going to be?
What do you think about "Greek Literature Lock" :P Maybe just "Sorceress Lock"

Do you like to make matching avies and signatures?
/me is ashamed because I cannot make fun things on the 'puter

wahh I'm running out of questions XD I'll leave you alone now.

/me bye snuggles
/me byesnuggles too

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 15:20:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
12/1/2007 13:40:48   
Dewdrop Fairy
Helpful! Dec. 2007 Writer of the Month

*points up* What Brilliancy said ^_^. I never can come up with any good questions for these threads but I'm sure somebody else will cover for me ;p.
Heya Dew! If something else comes up, you let me know :P
Ya betcha ^_^.

Okay, maybe one: do you think those AK chains are long enough and give you enough freedom of movement to keep venturing into S&T every now and then?
Alac is very good at sharesies and I have a vested interest in S&T. My chains will just barely reach! :D

Have lots of fun, and thank you!
I will have fun, and anytime Dew!

< Message edited by Dewdrop Fairy -- 12/1/2007 15:14:45 >
DF  Post #: 11
12/1/2007 13:41:56   

Hey, congrats
Hey thanks!

1) Are you insane?

2) what do you think the meaning of life is?
I'm told its 42. I prefer to think its cheese

3) fav wep?
I use my doomie the most

4) fav number?
My number was 15 when I played sports in High School

5) fav person on the forums?(you know its me)
First, because of the NDA I signed, I have to say "Reens!" And then, umm I have a lot of people I enjoy.

6) can i pwn you in df pvp?
It probably won't be difficult! DF ID: 9601063

6) can you count?
Apparently better than you :P

8) did 8 eat 7?
Six annexed Seven

9) do you play any other mmorpg(i dont)?
Not sure what that stands for, so probably not

10) do you like pie?

12) what?

12) ...?

13) what is the 9999999999999999 digit of pi?

14) how did you make the name "circe"?
How? Same way you made "grebob" Why? Because she can turn men into pigs. I love it!

15) whats 1 + 1
Two integers added together

thats all....... byz and remember my name
Bye! And we'll see :P


< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 15:20:38 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
12/1/2007 13:45:13   

Wow! Congradulations, Circe! ^_^ *huggles* And good luck, as well!
Thanks! I'll probably need the luck, and I'll take the huggle :)

Um... my mind be blank of questions....OH!
Uh oh...

What would you rather be, an amoeba or a paramecium?
Amoeba ftw

Thanks for playing our game, your prize is in the mail!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 15:25:45 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 13
12/1/2007 13:45:44   

Congrats, bro!
Err I'm not a boy! But thanks!

Here comes the questions

1. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
I has a dog

2. What is your favorite MLB team?
Yanks/Mets because I have state solidarity. Cubbies because, well come on! And Indians for nostalgia's sake

3. Who's your favorite forumite who's name starts with t, ends in a rock-like element, and rhymes with 'doomcone'?
Does Not Compute

4. What do you think of this Golden Compass controversy?
I agree with Laverne!

5. What's your favorite book?
Sooo many your head would explode to know

6. fav TV series?
Current: Office/Scrubs. Past: Sports Night/Firefly

7. What do you think of Dumbledore being gay?
"And thus play I in one person many people and none contented."

8. Do you watch Heroes? If so, whos power would you want?
Nope, but probably the one who can turn men into pigs. Oh wait...

9. Whats your favorite element?

10. Who would win in a fight, Alien vs. Jason Vorhees?
Scar ftw :P

11. Have you ever met any other staff or AKs in real life ever?
Just Reens briefly when she was shoving me into my cell though we didn't exchange pleasantries.

12. What is your favorite in game joke/pun/parody?
"Oh Mr. Puddingshins you scoundrel!"

13. What is your favorite comic strip?

14. Who would win this fight, Aragon vs. Legolas?
Jason Bourne

I find it unlucky to ask the last question, incase you think of a really good one later. See ya, bro!
Again with the bro! :P See you!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 15:37:18 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 14
12/1/2007 13:51:03   
Prinny Laharal

1: How many Forum Exp points do you have
One beeellion
you were supposed to say OVER 9000
One beeellion is over 9000
is beelion even a proper number
2: In a fight between Optimus Prime,Trogdor,Darth Vader and Kuja who wins
Optimus Prime ftw
Tut Tut did you miss the word Kuja
Did not :P
but Kuja can do Ultima GODDAMMIT ULTIMA
3: could I beat you in a Chainsawflamethrowerbazzoka duel
Most likely :P
you just no I'm right
4: If you were a Cat made of Tacos what flavour and breed would you be
Chicken and Siamese
heh heh heh

5: Favourite insane crossbreed
Gorillaphant. This comment was brought to you by Anoril :P
Yes, I DO say!
well yes I kinda got that
this comment was brought to you by Cysero
And/or Falerin! :P
Cyseroalin with the power of insanity and baking
7: what kind of rock are you
Classic :P
I meant the kind of one with rocky bits y'knwo thats usually grey
Umm Igneous
what colour Igneous
8: which title overules all the others
Supreme Overlord
WRONG the title is Prinny Laharal Supreme Overlord
Eeek! what is there a mouse
9: will you make an effort to be a real person not just someone who goes around locking threads
It won't be an effort. I am a real person - a weird one, but real nonetheless
I meant as in you take part in talking to people on the forums in dissapoints me when an AK never seems to be a real person
Well I will endeavor not to disappoint :)
10: best element of the 4 main
I'm personally a fan of conditioner
I have one that smells like stawberries! :o
My one is the same that Sakura and a dog use
11: Who is the most Freakin Awesome Overlord
Dr. Evil
Wrong ME
Let me tell you a story about a little man named SHHH!
go on
12: if you had 1 super power what would it be
I have one - the ability to turn men into animals :P
HEY I'm a man
Nowai! :P
13: as an AK can you fly
Only if Alac says I can
Why's that
Alacsies is in charge
14: if you could play god for an hour what would you do
Remove every pair of cargo pants from Earth
1 Hour and thats all you do SHAME ON YOU
Priorities my friend, one must have priorities
so your GOD for an entire hour couldn't you do that in 1 second I mean you could do EVERYTHING and thats all....

Call Captain Planet! o.O


I agree with Laverne! o.O


< Message edited by Prinny Laharal -- 12/2/2007 16:58:38 >
AQ DF  Post #: 15
12/1/2007 13:51:35   

Congratz (I belive i have said this like 5 times so far)
Or thereabouts but thanks again! :)

How do you like being an AK
So far so good!

Was there any rules about posting one of these
Reens said "post or DIEZ!" no, there really wasn't, it's just a nice thing to do

What is your Zardin article going to be about
Boot-leg vs. straight leg jeans

Do you like Pie

Do you like Taco's
Double Yep

What is your favorite monster in DF
The Doom Kitten because it reminds me of LordBarrius :P

What is your favortie monster in AQ
Don't play AQ :(

What games do you play out of DF, AQ, and MQ
Mostly DF, some MQ

What is your favorite animal
I love elephants and giraffes

Do you have any pets
I have a dog and a horse, though he's not technically classified as a pet

Do you have a job
I do indeed.

So have you learned those shiny buttons yet
Pretty much, and I'm sure Reens is glad I'm slowing down with my questions! :P

I figure you have seeing as teh world is not blown up yet
That would never be on accident!

See you around!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 21:33:55 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 16
12/1/2007 13:53:56   
Lord Vearl


do you know what my name WAS.


what was wrong with that question
Who said that? o.O

You Like my Gallery Right? RIGHT?
Most wonderful


See ya!

are you gone yet?
I am never gone. My presence will forever lurk in the DF GGD o.O

i am!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 16:03:27 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
12/1/2007 13:59:30   

I went away for 40 minutes to play piano and missed first reply awesomeness... I'm going to throw questions in NOW!!!
Ready to catch like Johnny Bench!

1. Can you help me with something. How do you explain Time Travel being possible because I think it isn't or how would you explain it not being possible if you think it is? I can defend only 1 way, but I'm not going to say which one yet!

2. What was the final count of people who asked you to make you MTaK? *hopes for 80 or up*
It was pretty darn high!

3.Was your name a typo. Was it supposed to be Circle?
Nope, but I get called that a lot. Circe is a character from "The Odyssey" as well as the title of a chapter in a James Joyce novel

4. How do you pronounce Circe?||| OMG, general come here. I found a mysterious rock, "Sir See"? | Circe is to Pierce or Sears (lol, shopping). The king needs to speak!!! My "Sire say" what you have too.
It's a debated topic, but I tend to say "Keer-key" in my head

*sighs* only 15... I'll make multi-part questions then that are even more complex. Which I know now took me over 15... just stop whenever you want....
Ha ok

5-7.Can you solve a Rubik's Cube? How fast? Every try?
Never tried!

8.Is your editing color really your favorite color? Did they force you to use a color? O.o now overlapping colors with Chii...
It is my favorite color and I do overlap with Chii and so far I haven't been scolded

8.What is the Secret to Life?
Books and Coca-cola

9. Is there anything I should associate with your name because I'm still thinking about circles...
Circe could turn men into animals. Circles are ok too

10. Do you think that one day everyone will be half-robotic?
Half the population is probably already there

11. *yawn* I'm sleepy. Last night I was at a party. I only remember, my worst enemy was there, and a smell on my napkin. I sniffed it and... What was the drug? This one will be hard or not, idk...
/me is slightly creeped out but guesses Cheese!

12. I hear that as an AK you get shiny new buttons. Why don't we have shiny new guttons? On my post at the top when Im editing a message it says "All Forums". Why isn't it randomly shiny... Like this
Because with many buttons comes great responsibility grasshopper


12. How long did you think it took me to make it. I made it once, but didn't like it so made it again... It took me 20 minutes to get it the way I wanted it, even if it was only a few steps...

13. HOLY COW, I just saw the picture with your old avatar and member title... and I'm like ohhhh I really remember you now...then my heart Xploded and kersplattered everywhere. Still lying on the chair, the blood ran down my arm and began to drip off my fingertips Does that freak you out?

14-15. What do the diamonds by your name do while you're sleeping? Ever draw them onto your name before?
I did... like 10 seconds ago.... and I remembered my fatlord armor, which was intense...
The diamonds do the same thing they do every night: Try to take over the world


See 15... well 17...

4 months, I feel like there is some secret requirement that must completed... I know you know *shifty eyes*

*whispers* see you circe, remember, Sirius owns the Black Ages, while Antares owns the pineapples *shifty eyes again* *runs

See you later!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 16:30:27 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 18
12/1/2007 14:06:34   
Space is where I lie

Hi Circe!

Congrats! I knew that there was a new AK around!
Thanks! And yep, I'm the newbie

Now on with ze questions!

Can you solve a rubix cube?

Describe yourself in one word.

You're trapped in a room with a lightbulb, a wire, and a battery. The room has no windows and is made of bricks, how do you get out?
Call MacGyver

You won a contest, what is your prize?
That over there

What's your favorite type of cheese?
Fresh Mozz or Provolone

If you were completely new, what would you think AK stood for?

Do you hold a world record?

If you could, which would it be?
Strongest free-range chicken raiser

First dollar ever made, or first penny ever made?
Do not still have it! :P

If I said hi, you said bye, and I said high again, would you say bye, to my saying hi, about you saying bye, when I say hi or bye?

Hi. :)

Bye. :(

Have fun with your AK-ship!
Thanks I will!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 16:36:10 >
AQ DF  Post #: 19
12/1/2007 14:11:14   

Wowza....you a AK? Oh noez!
I am? <.< Go me!

Glad to see you got promoted. :D
Thanks! I'll try not to let you down WD

I still say Cysero is the kazoo of the band. :p
I still say he's the glockenspiel :P

*Gives 5 bucks* Look the other way. >.>

Did I bribe you?
Yep but to do what? o.O

i luves u soo mahch!
Yesss one more of you and I finally get that toaster!

Do you like the band Rise Against?
Yeppers. Prayer of the Refugee and Swing Life Away = mah favorites!

Nintendo or Sony?
Nintendo Super Mario ftw

Rap or Rock?
Rock duh!

If Rap...*throws dead cat*
Score one for me



If Rock *Gives hug....then throws rock.*
Poor geo! :P

Have Fun :D
Thanks I'd better be seeing you!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 16:56:57 >


I Will Be Your Ticket Taker, Come Inside It's A Dream
Enter The Fun House Of Mirrors, No One Can Hear You Scream
We Can Supply Anything, That Your Heart Desires
But The Consequences, Will Surely Be Dire
DF  Post #: 20
12/1/2007 14:20:58   

Sooooo... A new AK huh? That's why I haven't seen you again.
I'm always around! :)

Let the torture questions begin.

How do you find being an AK? Is it difficult?
Fun but scary

Will you be merciless or good?
I'll try to be fair.

Your favorite emoticon?
Don't really use them

Pirate or Ninja?

Twilly or Zorbak?
Zorbak ftw

What question should I do next?
That one

Ok, enough for now.

Congrats for being an AK and use wisely your powers!
I shall Yoda!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 17:08:44 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
12/1/2007 14:43:51   

'Allo Princess/Sorceress/AK Circe! =)

1) If I can haz cheezburger, then you can haz ______.

2) Can you speak a foreign language? If yes, then be it Icelandic?
A bit of Russian left over from college and a smattering of French.

3) Snuggleberries or Shnozberries?
The Snozberries taste like Snozberries :P

4) Are you, in any way, shape, or form, affiliated with the Hamburgler? *Eyes Circe suspiciously*
Look over there! *vanishes*

5) Meow?

6) If f(cat)=In the hat, then f(squirrel)=?

7) j00 buy m3 t3h aiyce crem! nowz! (Sorry, but there's one in every batch xD)

8) *Insert Own Question Here*
I answer to no man. Just a tri-angel!

9) How many flies could a shoefly shoo if a shoefly could shoo flies?
1.5 times more than the amount of wood a woodchuck can chuck

10) If you were a muffin, what would be your feelings regarding werewolf abuse?

11) How many times do I have to tell you!?

12) They know you know...
That's because I told them

13) Ketchup with eggs!? >xp
I hate eggs!

14) How does this question make you feel?
Shocked. Bewildered. Mildly ashamed.

15) *beep* *please hold while we transfer your answers* *doo doo deee dum doooo* *we're sorry, there has been a mistake, so you probably did something wrong* *beep* *please reanswer all questions* *giggley chuckley laughly snortly beep*

You'll make an awesome AK! *shnug* =)
Thanks! *reciprocated shnug!*

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 17:32:16 >
AQ DF  Post #: 22
12/1/2007 14:49:52   

HIIIIII circe! Nice color. On with the questions:
Heya! And thanks, I like it!

1.How did you get introduced with AE?
The mystical forces do much of which we know not

2.Which do you play more-AQ, DF, or MQ?

3.Why do you like AE games?
They're fun. I like fun. They're funny. I like funny.

4. What are your favorite animals?
Elephant, giraffe, horse

5. What is your favorite aspect of AE games?
Oh the hilarity!

6.Dundun... Runescape or World of Warcraft?
Say what?

7.what's it like being a Zardian sorceress?

8. Are zards good sorcerors/esses?

9. DO I annoy you with questions?
'Course not!

10.cookie or brownie?

11.can I have a cookie?
No! My precious!

12.how long have you een an AK?
About a day and a half!

13.Cats, dogs, or hamsters?

14.Dragon or Dragoons?

15.Wyverns or wolves?

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 17:37:18 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 23
12/1/2007 14:50:29   
Stephen Nix
Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!

who gave you your position on the forums when you started

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play
I pick...look! Something shiny!

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage
The Flaming Baton of Doom!

does this shirt make me look fat
Look! More shiny stuff!

does it make you look fat

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I was too shocked to do much of anything really. And then the questions started...

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
So far its "Sorcery Lock" though I'm open to suggestions!

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
The DF community is always fun! cya says Circe

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/1/2007 17:42:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
12/1/2007 15:00:24   

Aha, new AK to destroy! *lights fuses*

1. Did you get a choice to become an AK, or did they kidnap you without even asking?
They asked...kinda :P

2. What would you do if an alien came and ate your computer power cable?
Call the Geek Squad

3. By the way, has anyone seen my power cable-eating alien?
He's in my basement o.O

4. What kind of things are you going to do with your AK powers OTHER than enforce the peace?
That's pretty much all that's on my agenda for right now.

5. *looks around to make sure no one is looking* Did you know that there are people who go around chucking ArchKnights in a furnace?

6. A plane crashes on the border of America and Canada. Where are the survivors buried?
Nowhere, you don't bury survivors :o

7. What would you do if I told you you answered q6 wrong?

9. What would you do if the next question contained a virus?
Run screaming into the night

10. [virus]Hi, this is a genuine virus all the way from sunny antarctica. Unfortunatley, the severe cold in this country has damaged my computer, so I can't code. This is a manual virus. Please delete all files on your hard drive and send this to everyone you know. Thanks.[/virus]

11. If you took that seriously, you might want to know that I don't actually live in Antarctica and that you really shouldn't delete your files... I SAID DON'T!
NOES! Too late

Blech, snakes

8. Did you notice question 8 was missing?
Who now?

13. Is 13 unlucky? *gets hit by a meteorite*
Apparently *Gets run over by a bus*

14. Is 14 unluckier? *gets hit by 2 meteorites*
Ummmm pass. *waits for it.* Phew!

15. Thats it.
Right on


And the explosives should detonate about... now!

< Message edited by Circe -- 12/2/2007 12:10:31 >
Post #: 25
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