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(World-Building) Winds of Change

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1/21/2012 21:49:24   



I had a new staff in hand, carved of the exquisite, gray Archwood, it was made in honor of my incarceration into the Zircon Crystal's Fellowship of May'Ir Saroth Othril. Alongside the staff, came a circlet made of the finest Exsidian and embedded within the metals were gemstones, Aquamarine predominately. And my majestic staff was tipped with an effigy of Saroth himself, which proved my new status as a High Wizard within the Guild. And, my hood was trimmed with a fine silk which was covered in Ancient Elven Runes. The symbols were described as the elements' powers themselves, and the staff is said to channel the power in a speed slow enough to comprehend. I wore intricate handguards made of silk, Exsidian, and aquamarines engraved into slots of the metal parts. My robes were of a thin, turquoise silken cloth, with trimmings made of an obsidian color cloth etched into the trimming, being more of the Runes embodying the elemental beings, of which are comprised of Wind, Fire, Water, Ice, Stone, Metal, Nature, and Lightning, each having a Zari or Sar to represent it.

"Fadril, where are you!? I need to talk with you about your standing in a certain matter," My friend Meden, who is a descendant of Saroth, had beckoned me into his chamber for counsel with him likely some minutes ago. His room, being in the highest section of the northern tower of the edifice, for the most part, only accessible from the main courtyard, but at the upper floors of the Eastern Tower there are bridges to the Northern Tower, my home being within the Eastern Spire. This is the belfry which has the greatest view of the pristine city of Sarmetreis, the might Ancient Elven Citadel Temple dedicated to the Zari, the Zari being beings capable of modifying reality and are believed to have created life, with it's monoliths that might even challenge Skybearer's Hold. Skybearer's Hold being a fortress to the far west, near the lands of the Humans and the coast of Zarin's Rivers.

I had begun on my way to Meden's Sitting Room to have a small discussion with him on the matter of which was likely of the utmost importance in his opinion. So, I quickly paced to the bridge to the upper section of the Northern Tower, and would lead to his Sitting Room immediately. A convenience, really, because no assassin has ever entered the entrance halls of this place and got through alive, so there was no danger of it being a design flaw...of which I will not get into now. Meden was waiting, he wore a similar attire to my own, but a dull tint of green and trimmings of gold rather than my own turquoise and silver. "Fadril, what took you so long?" Meden had said amiably and jokingly, removing his arms from the door.

"What took me so long," I exclaimed panting, "Was that I was in the mid-section of the Eastern Spire!" I had taken a seat in one of the chairs at the long table, and began to speak once more, after relaxing my arms rather firmly, "So, what was it that you wished to discuss with me about? That was apparently important enough for my summons here." I had relaxed now in the armchair and reclined for what was likely to be a long debate or deep discussion into personal views of large events on the horizon delayed only by the strings of Fate.

"Oh, trust me, Fadril, this was most certainly not a waste of your time," Meden had stated wholeheartedly with deep sincerity beyond comprehension as he pressed his hand down on an armrest of one of the many chairs in the room, "I've brought you here, for I need to know your view on a matter of immense importance, which your decision could fair well change the rest of history to come from the machinations of Fate driven by the Zari to a universe where all the Zari have been killed..." His face grew grim under his pale green cowl, I knew just how serious this situation was then, but I had not a thought of what side to choose, I hadn't any idea what the choices were!

"A universe without Zari? How could this even be possible?" I queried with fearful eyes at what the answer would be. I began speculating within my mind who would possibly lead an opposition to the Zari, and I recalled a name...Nihilus. Nihilus, from what I heard is supposedly a member of the family who knows of the recipe and technique of forging weapons that are embedded with Sareisisium, an odd metal known to have properties similar to that of a Zari's reality modifying capabilities, which is why it's named the Metal of Zari. But, I never really learned if this was true or just rumor. I didn't know if Nihilus even existed at the time, yet I had also seen some posters of what he looked like and they seemed quite alien to me, his helmet being an elongated head of some form with a hole near the top of the forehead that I presume is where air enters, and he bore a stalwart spear.

"Nihilus is how that's possible, I've heard that he killed some Minor Zari with his Niyisar Army lead under the flag of the High Elven General Apocal," Meden had replied to my query, he rather calmly placed himself into a seat while talking, proving that Nihilus was the culprit and had actually done it! He actually had killed a Zari, one of the mightiest beings of the universe, who seemed godly and invulnerable in comparison! But, this left a great void in my mind...how'd he do the seemingly impossible deed? How did he best a being so close to complete godhood?

"Well, did you hear anything of how he could've done such a deed?" I asked Meden with a look of intrigue at this unique and almost bedazzlement at the spectacle brought before me.

"I was informed that supposedly, it's his Spear, has Sareisisium in it apparently...and can make Zari vulnerable if you're one for rumors," Meden had answered, unsure of his answers to my questions though, "So, who are you siding with? I'm with the Zari myself...but I won't force my opinion unto you."

"Hmm...my decision? Hmm...I'll go with Nihilus..." I responded, lifting myself from my chair knowing that I was about done with this discussion, but also finding how interesting Nihilus seemed to be, maybe it was clouding my judgement, or perhaps not after all... I just felt something inside me telling me to side with him, probably because I always loved the idea of a pawn taking the king in chess. It's almost as though Nihilus simply toppled the board mid-game, while the move defies all logic, he still done it. Successfully as well.

"Why? How...how could you possibly dare to confront the Zari, your creators?" Meden had gotten up to follow me while speaking. He was beyond puzzled at my decision, he was awed even at my response! He was not able to understand my reasoning, then again neither was I. So, I had no idea as to why in the world I'd ever even think of combating the Zari, the great and mighty Deities of the people. How could anyone dream of standing a chance against the beings who regulate Fate, Life, Creation, Death, and Gravity? Just what would a mortal being do to complete that what was guaranteed to be impossible? So many questions brought my interest into Nihilus over the Zari, whom I already knew, on what I thought was every face of them...how wrong I was.

But, my speculation and casual discussion with Meden was cut short by a man in a light plate-mail and had covered his face with a fine cowl adorned with a crying bird's eye, such was the symbol of the Elder Zari of Life, Vydizi. Vydizi was renowned for his peaceful ways and was sometimes ridiculed for his manner of "Sure don't want to hurt no one" whenever he was brought into discussions over what to do in the case of the current war in whatever area was afflicted with the curse of battle. But, who was this disciple of the Pacifist Zari? He was Balamus Alderi, a fine magi and messenger, but he stayed strictly to his Zari's Code...thus he was never one for any form of purposely violent actions and typically displeased with himself if he did harm anything even if it were by accident or entirely the victims' fault. Ever the vain one was Balamus, a die-hard to his tranquil, peaceful life even in these times of blasphemy, betrayal, war, and death.

"Why, Balamus, how nice to see you again...how long did it take to get through my father?" Meden had begun, but his warm introduction was not received for Balamus was too busy scouring his pack for something. Meden didn't falter at being ignored though, he was stuck onto figuring out what was important enough to keep Balamus from his typical warm, friendly nature. So, Meden persisted, "What is it that you're looking for, Alderi? Perhaps I can be of assistance, for I never like to displease Vydizi..." I knew this was just Meden trying to get his info from Balamus and with a smile, my friend was always a master at that, surprising that he wasn't a servant of the Zari of Corruption with his mannerism!

"I haven't the time for your shenanigans, Meden! Vydizi has stated the importance of Fadril getting this letter!" Balamus was quite annoyed at Meden's unrelenting persistence, but Balamus held stalwartly and continued to search within every place possible for the envelope to the passage. "Wait...I think this might be it...yes, yes it is! Here, Fadril, quickly!" He took not a second before he made certain the document was within my hands, I carefully opened the sealing of which was likely the finest, as usual with Vydizi though. As I finished removing the exquisite wrapping, I gazed at the text which had been written as:

Dear Fadirl Llethran,

It is my duty to make sure that you're informed that Narath has removed his gaze from you for the rest of the time being in Nihilus's Rebellion, there is no predestined path nor results from your future actions, but you are held fully liable for all repercussions of your choices. Take note of this, and do what you think is right without any outside influences pulled by the strings of Fate. You live your life in your manner, no matter what it is, now. Be wary though, your decisions may alter the future of the universe and very well destroy the Zari for an indefinite amount of time. But, I will hold nothing against you for any moves you make during this time though. I hope we're at an accord.


Vydizi, Elder Zari of Life

"Hmm...so...I can do anything without any Zari retaliation?" I asked Balamus, for I didn't quite get Vydizi's meaning in the letter perfectly. I turned the sheet of papyrus over in hopes of finding more of an explanation on the back, only to be disappointed that there was not one. I was puzzled, he said that I was fully liable for my actions, but that I wasn't governed by Narath on such...what does this mean though?

"You now have as much freedom from the Zari as any Arimiphite as Vydizi as declared you free from the Zari's judgement for the duration of Nihilus's Rebellion," Balamus stated firmly hoping that Vydizi's decision was wise and in the right, doubting his own deity even on giving such freedom so liberally...

"Arimiphite...? What are these beings you speak of? I've never heard of them," I queried, for this was an alien being to my ears and eyes, "What do they even look like? Where do they live?" Their name had reminded me of the island continent of Arimen, which was the home to the Salin, which were a scaly, snake-like, reptilian people that lived in deep, hive-like cave systems filled with toxic fungi, specifically mushrooms, that gave off fumes that'd kill anything that wasn't a Salin. I've heard that supposedly, Salin are able to "commune" with Salin after consuming one of the saprophytic plant like things. I doubted this idea myself though...sounded more to me, like they were commencing...other rituals.

Balamus sighed, but he was fine with answering my unexpected questions, "The Arimiphites are an insectoid-humanoid people that live inside of damp caves in the minor continent of Arimen...they are very unique from other races in that their sense of smell and taste are extreme enough that unpleasant smells or tastes to them can kill them, but they have a biological face-plate to protect them from it. They also are the only race to have a in-born filter that protects them from all forms of poisonous materials." He was talking rather quickly and fidgety, he even had the audacity to pack his things while talking and tried walking out even! Clearly, he wasn't comfortable discussing these Arimiphites, I didn't get exactly why...

"They live in Arimen? Where the Salin are...? I do recall hearing that the Salin had declared war in Arimen...they wouldn't have happened to have done this to the Arimiphites, hmm?" I had so many questions that my curiosity drove Balamus to aggravation. He didn't say a word more, he merely fixed his cloak and pack, and he was gone, disappeared, vanished. He did, still retain his good manners and quietly shut the door before being on his way. Meden was wide-eyed in awe at the possibility of Balamus being driven off mid-conversation, far too rude to be predicted from him.

"Well...THAT was interesting," Meden said in mockery. He had placed his hood back over his hair and paced off to his personal chamber. I decided to go down to the Courtyard, wanting to talk with Meden's father, Bradas Othril, who was the Arch-Mage for at least twenty years after taking the mantle from his father. The Othril family has always controlled this place since its beginning. As I exited the main hall of the Northern Spire, I looked at the majestic Courtyard with its fine marble columns and an intricately engraved floor made of stone. Bradas was in the middle of the Courtyard relaxing while sitting on a bench, he was staring at the evening sky. His robes were of midnight blue with dabbles of yellow and white about, representing stars, his robes were also trimmed with lining that had the celestial bodies embedded into their silver fabrics. A robe fit for him, he was always said to be a stargazer, though I didn't ever figure out if they were using a double meaning or not.

"Oh, well, hello, Fadril, the stars are mighty fine tonight, are they not?" He lowered his gaze, a lowly mage in comparison to the expanse beyond the skies, the very universe itself. He had asked me quite calmly, he never raised his voice in anger. Nay, he was far too relaxed to ever get agitated with such petty affairs. As he raised himself from the bench, I finally had gotten to see his face in good detail, his iris was a deep purple.

"They're indeed exquisite this night, Bradas, fabulous even, if you will," I had said, after looking upon the expanses of the skies themselves, the celestial bodies splattered about in patterns of deep complexity and meaning, it was said that the Zari placed all the stars where they are as current. Unfortunately, Bradas's love for astrology was rather lone, leaving him to take any who he knew who be fine with it to go with him to look upon the great stars to predict future events and occurrences. It truly was disappointing that Bradas was the only mage in the entire edifice who professed in the Study of the Stars.

"Excellent, most definitely...though, did you see that odd formation that produced a pattern akin to an Ancient Elven Rune?" Bradas raised his arm while talking pointing toward my right side to far west, pointing toward a formation of stars that did indeed look almost identical to an Ancient Elven Rune, specifically it was the rune for War. "As you know, that's the Rune for War...I do believe you know what it's referring to though," Bradas had begun, "Because I had seen Balamus in a great rush saying that he had to give you a letter of some form."

"Wait, you mean Nihilus's Rebellion was divined in the sky?" I had squinted in confusion, never hearing of someone predicting the future by looking at stars outside of stories before. Though, the tales I had heard were quite interesting, saying that magi looking into the heavens had found forewarning to every single large event or timely occurrence. Interesting things did I hear so long ago, back in my days of youth in Sarmetreis when I was a lad. All of these heroic fables of mystical augurers looking at the empyrean cosmos for advice and suggestions.

"Of course, it was, the stars predestine all events and state them to those who are like me, and study the wisdom of the celestial bodies," Bradas had pulled out a book he had always carried in a pouch on his belt, it was titled, Using Astrology to gain Foresight, the novel was midnight blue and matched his robe in color perfectly. I hadn't ever seen him pull out the tome before though, I suppose he truly believed that I had a future in foreseeing the future with the serene firmament. He had removed a bookmark of his and held it tightly to the cover and gestured it towards me, "Here, I want you to have this, consider it a gift from me. I do hope that it keeps you from disaster by forewarning you. It holds every constellation and its meaning that has been seen before in history. If you see a new one, remember to trust your instincts and the signs of destiny. They will not lead you to unfortunate ends, this I have seen as well informed by the Zari. For now though, find the Arimiphites, Nihilus's Stronghold is located in Arimen."

"Oh! And before I forget, you'll also need one of these to thoroughly examine the stars once outside of these halls," he spoke hastily as he scoured his pouches for something, then he found it. It was an odd crystalline object, turquoise in color. It had a thin band of silver holding it together in the middle, I believe they were called Focusing Crystals. These were used by people like Bradas to easily make out the constellations in the azure. An oddity or antique for sure, the use of astrological diviners had fell immensely in the recent years, Bradas was the only person I even knew that bothered with the stars. It is indeed unfortunate, because the celestial bodies were quite a beauty.

"Fadril, even though I'm likely to die for helping you as such, I believe it's my duty...good luck to you upon your travels, may the Stars guide you safely," Bradas spoke gravely for what would be for all I knew, the first and last time ever. Though, while it would certainly be the first, it wasn't the last of Bradas speaking in a grimy tone. "Now, you best head off to Sarmetreis before Uramal or Vorikt attempt to kill you," Bradas held a great deal of worry in his voice, I suppose he trusted me and held me in higher respects than his own son, this touched me deeply. But, I hadn't let my emotions control me as much as usual.

"What!? Uramul and Vorikt are going to try and have me assassinated!? How could they get away with that if I'm free from the Zari's judgement?!" I had a few people, half-asleep begin staring at me and Bradas after exclaiming that two Zari were going to try and kill me...I will admit, their glares of confusion were with good reasoning, because if I heard it for someone else myself, I'd look blankly at whoever said such a bizarre thing.

"The same way that Nihilus toppled the chess board table, a move that can't be expected from even the foresight of the mighty stars," Bradas had said this, because he knew that I used this to explain Nihilus's actions earlier in successfully betraying the Zari and rebelling. Still the concept was beyond logical thinking, outside of the box and into the wide open world of nonsensical thinking, 'Thinking inside the Chimney' as it's called, it was probably the mad Lord Sytril who came up with it, he was known for his bizarre and impossible thinking, too bad he's said to have gone beyond insane now.

"Well, I suppose I must be off to Sarmetreis then?" I asked preparing my stuff, hoping to not be delayed much longer. Fortunately, I had an already set traveling pack in my room that was consistently ready for whenever I would be called on to go out for reagents or explore to a site of immense interest and needed further study, typically being some of the land underground from Sarmetreis, the area was called the Underspire...

"Yes, yes! Go, go, Fadril!" He began rushing me out of the entry hall to get on the move to Sarmetreis, considered the world's finest city of the time. It's fine white walls and intricate spires were perhaps the greatest architectural beauty in the world, it'd be a sad, sorrowful day for whenever the city would fall. A day where all should mourn for its loss. But, I soon stopped gazing and began my journey. I carefully walked down what now seemed like endless stairs to get to the beauteous City of the Zari, or as I've called it earlier, Sarmetreis. I had a large coin purse on hand, because I knew I'd be buying a lot of things for the trip in Sarmetreis, only because I was rushed off before I could go back and get my pack.

Finally, I reached the end of the great stairway and where it finally touched land, rather than the waters of the bay. The Bay of Giledith was a majestic sea to match the allure of Sarmetreis. The white stone began showing minor cracks and age as I drew closer to the market center of the city. An untamed wyvern looked as though it were flying off into the distance, I saw a bunch of even smaller figures chasing after it...likely some Gilemetreis Warriors attempting to capture it for one of the higher ranking Warriors, for it was tradition for them to ride the creatures into battle. Maybe there was a new general or an old one lost his in the heat of war. A tragic thing for such a wonderful thing to die. As I neared even further to the pristine gates and towers, I heard an unforgettable screech. It was a Gargoyle, one of animated stone flying birds that served as guards about the city. This one had a cracked jaw, probably why it had been so tone-deaf.

I kept walking until I had found one of the many Spellswords that patrolled the area to ask them to fix that gargoyle's jaw, because it would completely fall apart if it was left unnoticed. This would not be a good thing for anyone inside the exquisite collection of intricate buildings and spires. He was surprised that I had even noticed and handed me some gold for my 'eagle's eye'. Though, I did see a regal cloak sway in the distance barely, who the fine cloak belonged to, I could not tell, outside of them being some form of royalty. Perhaps a Gilemetreis or Dithmetreis Lord or a Baron that lived nearby. Then I saw a small glint of metal, it had to be Gilemetreis Nobility, which makes sense with the warriors earlier trying to capture that Wyvern. He was walking in my direction, but I disregarded it and continued on to the marketplace.

< Message edited by Razen -- 6/19/2014 4:50:55 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
2/3/2012 6:05:16   

Chapter 1:

The figure with the fine silken cloak had made a refined, elegant stride towards me, likely noticing my robes to be strictly to those of a member of College of Othril. As he drew closer to me, I could make out his distinct helmet that proved that he had to be from Gilemetreis. Why did it do such? Because it had a sun shaped Yellow Sapphire embedded into the top middle part of the armor. This was known to be the holy symbol of the Warrior Lords of Gile, or the Sun and Righteous Death. A small thin line cut from the headgear was designed for him to see, with almost minuscule holes placed brilliantly for him to breathe. His plate-mail was designed to be more light weight while highly effective being made of Exsidian and a form of Volcanic Crystal, with a deep yellow color that resonated immensely with assistance from the nearest stars.

He held a fine stride as he made his way towards me, occasionally pushing some of the bystanders out of his way. Most of the observers just stepped out of the way of the May'Ir, or Saint, since he was of the highest possibly attainable placing in the hierarchy, and could have anyone who stood in his way executed publicly. Though, there were a few who could only whimper and murmur in response to his strolling towards me, I quickly assumed that they were some followers of Vydizi, as they're the only people known to do such things so easily. Though, why the Elder Zari of Life would be in such a depression has me puzzled, but I can't focus on that as the Self-Made Saint makes his way towards me, with a deep feeling of unrelenting fury, duty, and order. It wasn't a gaze I'd like to have stare me down an alleyway, that's for certain.

It was a deep river valley, and Gile's Eye was soon to blink. This would mean it'd be nighttime shortly, the region seemed good enough to set up camp though. The two mountain chains that covered both sides were quite foreboding, but they were known to be empty...and thus safe for the moment at least. "Apocal! Tell your warriors to prepare the tents!" Nihilus exclaimed at his High Elven General to have this handled immediately. He then turned to one of his reptilian generals and bellowed, "Hyathi, you are to assign the night guards!" The Drachedith immediately began looking about for who to select for Night-Guard Duty, or more specifically those who got use to being assigned that duty already. Soon, it looked like he was just calling out names for them to present themselves in front of him.

Wait, Apocal already had the tents all set up? That...was much faster than usual. Hopefully it won't be long before Hyathi finds and assigns the Night-Guards, because I don't want drowsy soldiers on the job, bad for morale. And, Hyathi had decided to lay down in his tent, clearly he found all of the Night-Guards with their shifts set in stone. This was perfect timing, Gile's Eye had just closed shut, and Dith's Cloak rose over the skies. Many stars began to show up strewn across the nearby empyrean. Multiple constellations formed themselves in fine, intricate patterns that would make little to no sense with a layman's eye. But, these were the elegant paint-strokes of Fate, these are the masterpieces of Narath! These despicably beautiful sets of predestination would be my salvation and demise both, at the same time...yet still at separate times.

As I attempted to gaze at the midnight blue skies, I found some speckles of light in an odd pattern and had asked for a paper and a quill to quickly sketch down the constellation to see what it meant. I dotted the celestial bodies swiftly before some new pattern emerged, as I know Narath would attempt to have me deceived. But, his efforts were futile, for I knew of his plot. Who told me this information? Vilus did, oddly enough. Vilus, being Narath's Soul Construct assistant who records all of history, while Narath writes what he believes to be the future. With Soul Constructs being suits of metallic and or crystalline material along with some touches of Ancient Elven culture here and there, typically in clothing or symbols in the mask.

< Message edited by Razen -- 6/19/2014 4:51:04 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
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