Flash Runner-Up 10
In the wods of Dizzy; /me kisses Firefly XD Thanks for being my first commenter, if that is a word. Glad you liked it. I could have sworn you were there. It just sort of happened randomly. XD We didn't plan it at all. As for going in Collab, I really don't know. I'll have to ask Euk when she gets back on. As for Midnight Moon, interesting thought. But I think gramatically, as fits. As for flowyness, it really doesn't. XD I'll think about that one. Thanks. :D I suppose I should mention my view on things here. I intend to induce as many laughs in this gallery thingymabobber as I can. :D And yes, using words that do not exist is part of who I am. I would die without my make believe words. ;-; ~S