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Musings of a Cat: A Short Story Collection

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8/24/2009 0:35:26   

Hey All!

KageArashi here! Or just Kage, if you want! I'm just going to give you a little insight in how I write and what's to be expected here. As stated in the title, this is a collection of various short stories that my mind churns out. As such, its going to have many different and conflicting topics.

This is, in fact, my first time posting my various works on the forum. My writing style is unique, or so some people tell me, as I write in a weird way (You will get to see that in my posts).

Table of Contents

Promises and Passion
Brothers and Battlefields

For comment and criticism go here: Musings of a Cat: A Short Story Collection - Comments and Criticism

And with further adieu! Enjoy!

< Message edited by KageArashi -- 9/2/2009 1:24:40 >


Post #: 1
8/24/2009 0:36:45   

The first short story that I had written in awhile. This one kind of kicked started my passion and muse for writing again. Now i have an over-flux of ideas that i want to write down. Hahaha!


Promises and Passion


His heart beat fast as he ran; his arms flailing at his side in a vain attempt to go faster. His lungs burned with each breath as his chest heaved to keep the oxygen in his blood flowing. His legs already numb, with both the pain and the adrenaline-laced endorphins that flooded his muscles. His mind focused on one thing and one thing only, he needed to go faster...NOW!

Steeling his resolve over his body's exhaustion, he continued to run, pushing his body to its absolute max. He made a promise, one he should...could...would...SHALL keep. Coming across a large wall, far too high to just jump normally, a slightly crazy and insane idea popped into his head.

'Oh God!' he mentally cried, as he considered doing something straight out of a Martial Arts movie.

Running a close parallel to the right wall lining the alley, he sped up even faster aiming to use the crate and the closed dumpster to clear this jump.


As he stepped-leaped onto the crate, as suddenly everything started to move in slow motion.


His first step landed on the dumpster cover, and with his second he angled a jump aiming at the corner of the alley.


A three feet away from smashing into the alley corner, he kick-pushed against the wall to his right sending the majority of his momentum screeching to the left. Reaching out he grabbed the wall's ledge, at the apex of his jump, and swung his body over the wall. And finally, everything started moving back in real time as he cleared the wall.

"HehehahehahaHAHAHA!" his chuckle came out tentatively before becoming an uproarious laughter as he continued his drop. "Whooo-hoo!" he finished his cry as he hit the ground, using his built up momentum to dive into a roll. Rocking back up to his feet, he continued his run, with no less speed than before he leaped over the wall.

Seeing the house in the distance, his heart leapt up into his throat. Seemingly causing all his exhaustion and weariness to fade away, leaving only a giddy anticipation of what's to come. Each step closer seemed to miraculously rejuvenate him, until finally it was just swept away. Spying his usual path of entrance, a single large tree with branches that hung near a window.

Hoisting himself up he carefully and silently moved across the front yard and up the tree. With a near unnatural gracefulness, he quickly found himself by the last obstacle in the way-the window.


With three sharp taps on that glassy plane, he waited nervously and his heart started beating fast again. This time for a completely different reason, and the adrenaline kicked in once again. Peering through the glass, he could barely make out the figure in darkness of the room. But he knew, just knew, that it was her. His breath hitched, as she approached, and he let out a long drawn out breathe that fogged up the glass. Blocking his vision slightly, it gave him enough time to calm down a bit.


The latch was just unlocked...and slowly and agonizingly the window plane slid upwards. His eyes trailed the ascent of the window with a non-blinking gaze, which seemed to take up the majority of his thinking capabilities. Through the first crack, he saw part of a simple navy blue cotton nightie. As the window continued to slid upward, so did his eyes, seeing the beginning of those black wavy long tress he loved to run his hands through. Entranced by this hidden figure that was slowly being revealed, now seeing the swell of her bosom, he stopped breathing.

His gaze had yet to stop its trail, from her bosom his line of sight swept over her pale slender neck that he had kissed and caressed many times over. Her pink lips and her rosy tinted cheeks were now exposed to his sight. Finally her full figure was unveiled, her dark brown eyes twinkling with both passion and merriment. Combined with the pale lunar moonlight that lit up her features, she seemed as some divine goddess sent from the heavens. A picture perfect scene that the scribes of old would describe as when the Heavens touched the Earth. Because in this one moment, this one still frame in time, everything seemed...perfect...

Reacting before he could even thing coherently, before he could even process the beautiful scene before him, he darted forward and captured her lips in a kiss. Mustering every ounce of passion and love, he pulled at the very depths of his soul for this kiss. Hear her gasp slightly only made him kiss her harder, soon giving way she allowed herself to be swept along on this riptide of passion. Wrapping her arms around his neck, securing him close as to never let him go. The action was mimic by him as well, as he stepped into her room.

Pulling back slightly, he panted out "Told you…I'd be here," ending with statement with a grin that threatened to split his face in two. "And I never doubted it," she replied back honestly as she drew him in for another kiss.

The End.

EDIT: 8/26/09 - Corrections pointed out by Argues the Paladin

< Message edited by KageArashi -- 8/26/2009 0:26:42 >
Post #: 2
8/24/2009 0:37:57   

Alright, here's a little info heading into this story. The setting takes place in the modern world, but in a much dark setting. It mentions a bit of bloodshed but nothing explicit, and has a bit of language. All in all, its pretty much rated for teens and young adults. Finally without further adieu...enjoy!




The man stood over the sink with his sleeves rolled up, washing the blood from his hands. His face was set in a grim frown as the last of the blood went down drain hole. Turning off the water, he grabbed a towel and wiped his hands dry. With a sigh, he tossed the towel on the floor and strode over to the cabinets. Opening one up, he picked out a small glass cup and walked over to the fridge. Plucking a couple of ice cubes from the tray in the freeze, holding them for a bit. The numbing cold felt good, even as the ice cube melted a bit and the water trickled down his hand. Shaking his mind free of that slight numbing feeling, he deposited them into his cup and walked into the living room. Spying the recliner next to a small lamp table, where he stowed a bottle of scotch.

The small television off to the side was still on. The news was playing. The current story of the hour was the main suspect on a sexual assault and murder case, as well as many other charges. The screen flashed to show the picture of the victim, a cute girl. Looking to be just out of high school, she would never get to experience all the joys that could have been her life. Never get too see the smile on her parents faces as she graduated. Never get to eat at a restaurant with her friends again. Never get to hear the loving whispers of her husband as they lay in bed. Never get to feel the joy of holding her babies. Never again will she live...

Feeling the red hot rage pouring though his veins, he clenched his free hand hard as he heard the tale play again on the news. Letting out a ragged breath, he took a few second to stand still and calm himself. Taking a seat, he poured himself a glass; he sat in the darkness drinking away. Not paying attention to the orange glow coming from the top of the steps, the smoke that started to trickle down, or even the stench of alcohol emanating from upstairs as well. All he cared about was forgetting the night, and scotch that would help him along. Draining his current glass, he poured himself another glass. Raising the glass to eye level, he gazed into the amber depths of the liquid contained in glass. With the moonlight illuminating the golden ambrosia.

Setting down the glass, he strode back into the kitchen and blew out the flames on the stove. Turning on the gas, he walked back over to his drink and drained the few remaining sips. The burning sensation of the alcohol sliding down his throat did little to calm his blazing rage. Looking at the containers of gasoline off to the side, he ripped the cap off one and hurled it across the room. Gritting his teeth, he walked over to a wall and slammed his fist into it, leaving a hole in the sheet rock. Rearing back his fist, he added another hole, then another hole, and another hole.

The pain in his fist didn't even match up to the well of pain hidden with in him. His mind cried at the injustice, his soul sang for vengeance, and his heart asked for redemption. Grabbing the bottle of scotch, he stared at it for a few seconds before hurling it at the wall. Mesmerized by the destruction, he marveled as the moonlight twinkled off flying shards of glass and reflected back on the liquid that now stained the wall.

Grabbing his jacket, he walked out the front door. Leaving it wide open not caring as he left the house. Walking down the steps, his gaze swept across the street, taking in how this dirty, gritty little street looked. Trash littered the torn and ripped asphalt, and the sidewalks were cracked and overgrown with weeds. The street light barely glowed, but with the moon as bright as it was, there was little need for it. As he walked down the streets, he rolled down his sleeves and donned his jacket. The night air was cool with a fresh breeze blowing, taking a deep breath of the stringent air.

He was two blocks away, when he heard an explosion. “The fire must have finally hit the gas,” He mused as he continued walking. Pulling out a phone, he called the only number programmed in.

"It's done." That was all he said as he heard someone pick up on the other side. Shutting the phone, he tossed it behind him, and just continued walking into the dead of night. Not even turning around to see the blazing mark he left behind.

One foot after the other, he would not falter now. He would not doubt his action, as doubts brought hesitation, and any hesitation on his part would get him killed. To the government, he was a ghost, a blank spot in the papers. He had not officially existed for almost three years now. In a cemetery far away, laid an empty coffin, collecting dust in the absence of the man supposedly laid within.

The times had changed, and not for the better. He would know, as a victim to this dawn of newest dark age of mankind where corruption and greed tore into ruthlessly in to the hearts of man, twisting all that was good into something cruel and vile. It seemed all at once, someone had opened up Pandora's Box, yet again, allowing all that evil to erupt into a blaze that razed the world.

Pulling out a cigarette, he mused, “Who better to fight back than those dead?” Lighting it up and talking a long drag, letting the smoke slowly, wisp out of his mouth rather exhaling it into a cloud. Walking as he smoked, he headed to a corner gas station, tossing his burning bud on the street. Pushing the door open, he made his way to the drinks. Grabbing one of the many generic energy drinks, he walked over to the counter with his sole item.

“That’s all for tonight?” the clerk asked with disinterest.

“Yeah,” He replied looking at the teen’s name tag.

“That'll be $3.89,” the clerk named Jack said, ringing up the drink.

“Keep the change,” he said back throwing four dollars on the counter and grabbing his drink, before he walked out the doors.

Popping open the tab and taking a hefty gulp, he continued on his way. Glancing down as his watch, he would have to start his next job soon. Jerking his head sideways to the left then to the right followed by a slightly sickening crack and a sigh, he trudged forward to his car. Taking another gulp, he mused as what he had become. Many new labels applied to him now; monster, vigilante, abomination, avenger, assailant, lawless...

With a sigh, he had became what this world made him, what it needed him to be. He worked through the back alleys in the shadows of tyranny on moonless nights. Walking down another two blocks with his drink in his hand, he approached a black Ford SUV. Pulling a key out of his pocket and a small click, the car gave a slight beep letting him know the car was now unlocked. He was about to grab the door handle, when all of a sudden a pipe came swinging downward making him take a step back. Only years of honing his skills and instincts allowed him to dodge a blow that might have very well knocked him out or possibly killed him.

“You sure you want to do this?” He asked his unknown assailant, only to get another swing to his head.

Dodging this latest blow, he threw the remaining bit of his drink at his assailant’s face. Not even waiting to hear if his throw connected, he lashed out with left leg catching the person just above their right kneecap. Seeing the person buckle, he quickly brought his left leg back and shot his right hand out. Catching the person across the throat with the web of hand, he just kept pushing till he felt the back of this person's back hit his car.

The person on the other hand dropped their improvised weapon, a slightly rusted and banged-up pipe, to the floor as they used both hands to grasp the object that was cutting off their air supply; grasping with all their strength, trying to free themselves from this iron grip. Their vision was now dotted with black spots as they finally started to pass out, and with a final thought in their mind, they ceased to be among the land of the wake.

“Am I going to die here?”

Feeling the struggle die down, he loosened his grip. Drawing his face closer to his assailant, he gasped. Pulling his hand back, he watched the body crumple to the floor and looked at his now shaking hand. Taking another glance at the body, he drew near and propped the head up slightly to take a better look.

Those features...pictures of a couple ran though his head...

Those lips...images of two young teen’s lip-locking in a darkened bedroom...

That face...nightmares were summoned up thinking that forever more of losing a precious person...

This girl, his assailant, he knew her years ago. He thought her lost, but here she was standing before him grown. Biting back the well of emotions that threatened to spill over, he picked her up. With an uncharacteristic gentleness, he cradled her in his arms, noticing how small and light she still seemed. Depositing her in the back seat of his car, he stepped over to the driver's side.

Stepping in, he sat for a moment contemplating what just happened. Shifting his rear view mirror, he glanced at her one more time before starting up the engine. And with a slow low rumbling roar, the car came to life as the dashboard lit up. With a sigh, he opened up the center console and with drew a carefully placed manila folder. Thumbing the cover, he flipped it open to expose the inner contents, using the still bright moonlight to see. Skimming over the contents, he closed the folder and stowed it back in the center console.

Turning around one last time, he glanced at the figure lying across his backseat, shaking his head at the thought of meeting again in this lifetime, and in such a manner. But the thing that matter the most right now, was that he did find her again. Shifting gears, he started to drive with a small smile tugging as his lips. Turning on the radio for a bit, he flipped to a new cast. The station talked about how the house of the main suspect of an investigation erupted into a blazing fireball. Nodding as he listens, he switched over to a rock station as he heard enough.

His heart just felt a bit light with this night, but he would have along way to go before he felt whole once again.

As a blaze swept over him...as it would this new world.

He'd live up to his name...Pryrros...as an old flame ignited a blaze with him.


Hey all! Here's a one-shot, or short story, by yours truly! But I must give thanks to all those that have pre-read this small piece, and special thanks to Princess_Hallie. Whose Starlit short story inspired me to write this piece!

< Message edited by KageArashi -- 9/2/2009 1:43:12 >
Post #: 3
8/30/2009 22:34:08   

Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Sun Sabre or Star Sword. I do own Solaris the Knight, and Lunaris the Sentinel. Sort of, I don't own their armor though...Who am I kidding! I don't own a blasted thing except for this hastily put together plot.

Here's a tribute to the AE staff...Enjoy!


Brothers and Battlefields


Blades clashed in the terrible symphony of death all across the battlefield. Blood, sweat, and tears were washed away under the tears of heaven. In a stew of man and metal, the plateau had become the crucible for this clash. On opposing sides of the field stood the two leaders, with a stony gazes they stared at each other from across the field. It was as if gazing into a mirror, a horrifying reflection.

For six days and six nights they have clashed in a ceaseless war. For six days, they stared into the ghastly reflection of each other. For six nights, they have cried silent tears as this needless and wanton blood shed. But on the eve of the seventh day, they each steeled the resolve and recalled all their forces to their respective sides. And from the ethereal light from the gilded heavens, each side was able to clearly see their opponent.

On one side stood the many races of man, compiled into a huge task force in this last fight for their right to exist. On the other side, a collage of mythical races stood upon this single united front in hope of earning the right to live. Upon the side of man, a single man pushed his was to the front of his army. Dressed in gold and silver plated armor, he stood proud and tall. A mask covered the lower half of his face, but even then you could see the grimness set upon his face. The single insignia of a gold circle surrounded by a dozen silver and, gold out triangles pointed outward sat emblazoned upon his chest plate.On the other side, his dark clad twin copied his actions. Dressed in black and gray plated armor, he walked as gracefully as he could to the forefront of his army. With a light gray crescent moon, shining proudly upon his chest plate.

As if sensing the coming clash, the cloud darkened. The clouds heavy with the tears of heaven, crying for this mockery of a battle. The thunder echoing the heaven's cry to stop this bloodshed, and the lightning signifying the drop of a new tear. Rain and the wind churned in a wild torrent of agony. It also hid the tears the brothers had streaming down their faces.

"Brother!" the one in the dark armor yelled across the field, "Today...our battle ends! One way or another!"

"Aye, brother," his twin in the light armor replied, "Let this be the deciding factor!"

With that they each hunched over slightly, and with a small grunt. They each sprouted a pair of feathered wings; one pair of the brightest white it seemed to exert an aura of light, the other pair of the darkest black which seemed to encompass any light it could reach. Then one by one, the soldiers start to bang their weapons. In a sort of crude form a music, a beat to match the fighting in their souls and the fighting they had with each other.

Then in a blurring fury of action, they met in the sky's above in a sparkling clash of swords. One wielding the legendary blade of light, the Sun Sabre. A blade said to be forged with the heat of the sun, and the power of it as well. The other blade a glistening blue blade of energy, the Star Sword. Forged from the ore of a meteor that came from the stars, its power was an equal match of that for the Sun Sabre. A worthy weapon to the brothers; Solaris the Knight, and Lunaris the Sentinel.

"I have seen your skills have not rusted, brother," Lunaris said with clenched teeth, as their blades remained locked.

"Aye, the same could be said for you," Solaris acknowledged, gritting his own teeth, a testament to their power-play of strength.

With a final push, the two brothers sent each other fly back. But as quick as they we're to disengage, they were clashing blades again. Each of their swings sings a tune of death, and with each clash, it was a symphony. But they blades weren't the only things hitting, they clashed with both flesh and bone as well with hardened steel. Both warriors of unparalleled might and skill, they were an equal match. Only fitting as twins, they would always mirror the skills of the other.

It was a deadly dance of eternal slumber, as the brother fought with a ferocity never before seen on this battlefield. For every move one made, the other had a counter. Till finally Lunaris brought out a new move. Landing a kick on his brother's stomach, sending them both flying apart. He gave a might two-handed slash, and with a grunt of exertion, letting loose a crescent shaped beam of energy.

With widening eyes, Solaris watched the beautiful but deadly attack approach is airborne figure with a speed he couldn't hope to dodge. Bring his own sword up, holding it with two hands in front of his face. Almost as if in a prayer, he gave a might a mighty shout of power as a golden sphere surrounded him. The blue crescent could only smash against the golden sphere sending it backwards. Taking a deep breath, Solaris focused his energy, and sent the previous golden shield flying toward his brother as a brilliant golden sphere of energy.

Now it was Lunaris' turn to be surprised, only managing to barely dodge out of the way using his shadow slide. The shadows slowly unwrapping around him, as the attack passed only a hair's breath away from his head.

"I've seen you learned a new trick," Solaris spoke gasping, as he eyed his brother with a tinge of pride, and respect.

"As have you," Lunaris grudgingly replied with a bit of awe, before stating with a charge "Let us see what new trick you have learned!"

Time seemed to slow as they started to charge toward each other, their weapons a blazing corona of power. Lunaris charged forth with a double-handed overhead slash from his right shoulder, with Solaris matching his actions with a double-handed upward slash from his right hip. Everything started to continually slow as the to blades continued a head with they projected clash.

As they got closer, the more time seemed to slow. Until finally, as soon as their edges touched. Time stood still. The swords stood unmoving. The brothers frozen. The rain was inert. The armies lifeless. And all there was, was an endless echo of silence as time stood still. Then without notice, a sphere of white blazing energy engulf the two. With a deafening explosion, the two brothers were sent crashing toward the hardened stained ground.

Both armies motionless as the saw their leaders hit the ground with a soul shattering force. Stunned, that the two most people in the world lay motionless in the craters that made. Both littered with cuts, bruises, and dents. Solaris lay sprawled out faced down on the grounds, while Lunaris was spread eagle on his back. The rain didn't stop. The thunder didn't stop. The lightning didn't stop. But they did. The brothers did.

Then with a groan, they started to get back to their feet. Their weapons torn from their hands, and their power drained from their systems. They staggered to get upright. Fighting for a cause, this is what they we're doing. This was more than them, this was about the survival of entire races. Their emotions. Their exhaustion. Their pain. Their pride. It had no place here on the battlefield. So they swallowed it all, and continued to fight on will power alone.

Their wings laying limp on their backs, their steps uneven. They charged toward each other screaming. Skills lay forgotten, as exhaustion takes its final toll. This was a battle to the death. They fought with anything and everything they could muster up. Each of their blows delivered with the earth shatter force of the faith of their armies. It turned from a battle of skills to a battle of the last man standing. With a final blow, the each landed a right hook on the face of each other, sending them both to the ground.

With the final blow, they armies felt as is they had each taken that hit to their faces. Their anger drained, their madness evaporated. All the remained was sadness and despair. The, in their madness, had forgotten their leaders we're mere mortals. So high a pedestal, they have placed them, the have forgotten their mortality. And now, all they could feel was shame. Selfishly they each elected them for this task, and selflessly they fought.

Lowering their heads, they all just stood there looking at their feet. They couldn't bear to watch the brother fight any longer. Their cowardice holding them back from stopping this mockery of brotherhood. Tears cascaded down their cheeks. Flowing like rivers, they cried. They cried for all the things that could have been. They cried for all the things that should have been. They cried for all the things that had been.

For the moment, their battle lay forgotten and they each weeped with sorrow. What has started as raging bonfire trickled down to a dying ember. For each blow the brothers landed, another tear fell. A tremor went through them all. The hatred, once felt for the person standing on the opposite side of this field, turned inward. This feeling of self-hate was greater than anything they have ever felt before. It coiled around their souls and feasted upon their weakened hearts. A few had fallen to their knees and wept.

Is this what they were fighting for? Was this the price for their actions? The deep churning pain of helplessness ate away at them. Their shame and cowardice kept them shackled to this bitter, burnt, barren patch of earth they have desecrated with blood. With limp cold hands, they weakly gripped their weapons. As if they could fight off these feelings with a material weapon.

Lunaris and Solaris were finally standing on their last legs. Blood flowed fresh from the various lacerations, matched with the bruised tones of blue, purple, and black. Their tears still poured freshly just at the start of this senseless battle. This war had stripped them of everything that had crafted them as mortal. Everything was irrelevant in the safeguarding of their chosen sides.

Standing up right for the last time, Solaris looked at his brother and gasped, "It looks this is your win, Lunaris." With that, Solaris the Knight had succumb to the weight of this conflict.

"Nay, Solaris. Neither of us has won anything," Lunaris replied softly as he too fell. Joining his brother on the ride to the lofty heavens. Leaving a heavy, choking silence behind.

In the ears of the troops, only silence was the reigning supreme as the two brothers had fallen for the last time. Till an ear splitting wail had broken the silence, no one was sure from which side the cry had come from. But at this point what did it matter, as they had all joined in with the cries of agony.

The sky's as if in visible pain trembled, and let loose a new torrent of tears. Till the very end, they were cowards. Only in light of this loss, they we're about to summon up a shred of courage. Tossing their weapons aside, they ran up to their fallen leaders. In vain attempts to revive them. To apologize. For their shame, their weakness. But neither the medicine of man or the magic of the mystics were of any use.

They each realized, this was their fault. Their own individual fault, no amount of finger-pointing will eliminate this truth that rang in their hearts. Lifting their faces up, they looked to the right, and then to the left. They now stood side by side with their former enemy. Wiping away the tears, they shook hands. In remembrance of their two leaders, they would live like brothers.

With a single light cutting through the heavens, illuminating the clasped hands of the fallen brothers.


The End


That was my take on the History of the Lunaris Sentinel and Solaris Knight Armors. Just a couple random thoughts merged together, and duct-taped into a plot! Hahahaha!

< Message edited by KageArashi -- 9/2/2009 1:42:40 >
Post #: 4
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