the monarch
I making a life size statue of Cysero with his hammer leaned up on a piller holding his left sock with a Loyal Socky at its side. Ok just to let you know, this is a journal like thing that i will mark and upload pictures of my progress on my life size statues :D. (Much like j6s helm thread) -Cysero will be made in parts much like the statue of liberty. -The Sock Dragon in 3 parts main dragon and the 2 wings. -The Hammer will be one complete object with a peg to attach to the piller. -The piller will be 2 parts base,and the sock on the top (Next time i get on i will upload a few drawings of the set up the material list and the pitures of the start of the SockDragon.) Sockdragon will be made first,Hammer,second,piller next,Cyseros left sock,then finaly Cysero himself. I will get Cysero himsef to sign it at DragonCon11 then take TONS of pictures upload them,then gift Cysero the statues. Ps.I would love to hear your suggestions. (Btw so you know Duck tape TON OF IT~!Thats how ill attach parts of the Socks head before smoothing them and coveing it in awesomeness.) If i have any typos and your a AK reading this Please edit and fix them for me.
< Message edited by the monarch -- 11/30/2010 23:07:57 >