Master K
Mecha Mario! Congrats! What happened to Mecha Luigi? Hey! Thanks! He's hiding. :P Is your enemy Mecha Bowser? Yes, but I already defeat him Nice avvy! Thanks! Want a brownie? They got the usual, with battery acid, nuclear sludge, habenero peppers, hot sauce, and a dragonfly! (Don't hurt me, Eukky!) No thanks. Word of advice: You better hide. o.0 Archknights are popping up everywhere! I wouldn't be suprised if I became an arch...Waitaminute, archies, thats not an invite to capture me and do experiments on me! Did they do anything to you (besides the archdom)? I got a nice shock collar. Yay? Which kind of literal rain would you like to see, chocolate, purple, or singing rain? I pick chocolate. Mmm Mmm Good! Chocolate. Yum Well, goodbye Mecha Mario! If you don't hear from me again, the Archknights probably kidnapped me and tryed to fuse my DNA with that of a dragon and a ban make me an ultimate weapon! Goodbye. *Gets on gamma bike and drives off* *VROOOOOOOOM!* (Apologies, forgot the don't!)
< Message edited by mrbk -- 11/13/2010 19:43:16 >