Lord Avonn
When all seems lost; a light shines bright, casting away the darkness. But the darkness is never truly conquered, it only shrinks away and waits for its chance. A small group of heroes marched over the horizon. Looking at them, you could not tell why they worked together. Each was remarkably different to the other, and yet each treated the other with an equal amount of respect. Soon the band of ragtag heroes came to a gigantic opal crystal, containing a battered Daenizen wearing a black long-coat, and a Daenizen Dark Mage. The leader, an Ethereal Being with glasses and a black lab coat said; "This is it. Once we do this the entire army will come down on us." "Xythaen, this is the only way." said a large, black and red Being, wearing a white suit. "OK, then." Xythaen threw what looked like a card at the crystal, soon the crystal started to overload with power, and it exploded in a plume of shards. Unfortunately for these heroes the explosion caused a cave in. "Ventus… VENTUS!!!" Ventus woke with a start. "Yunno, Xenaos, I could really have used more sleep." "Well, it was either sleep or life. I thought you might have wanted to live." replied Xenaos, with a smile. "So… we should probably move…" As the two friends made their way through the cave, until they reached a dead end. "Ok, we're lost." commented Ventus. Suddenly the cave started to rumble and shake. A couple of mutants, popped out of the ground, followed by the cave exploding into a huge chasm. "Well that was a close one…" smiled Xenaos. Suddenly a huge rock hand gripped the edge of the platform. "Oh for the love of gods…" said Ventus, slapping himself on the head.