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Man's ineptitude and ignorance..

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5/21/2010 16:09:27   

So... These are my writings, I hope you enjoy them.

I have written them throughout my life at different points in time so they reflect different things.

I am quite preoccupied with existence and whatchu-might-call-it experiences..

So if you enjoyed, disliked, want to comment or anything then leave me a post here

P.S. More to come :D

< Message edited by Hogo -- 5/24/2010 18:35:07 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
5/21/2010 16:12:36   

Herein lies the fallacy of man, one chooses to slave for the betterment of his character and to contribute to the diminishing economy of this world.
Yet his claims are belittled by the state, wishing that he contribute more, takes away his only bread and butter forcing the man to endure more labour only to yet again be stifled by the power of the state.
Even in his becoming a worker drone, the man is stepped upon by those he only wishes to serve. Thus taxes become increasing and at every fold the man is confronted by the inequality of his desires. Only those of absolute power or wealth escape the crushing strength of the state. They hide away from their true purpose, invocating fury in the common man who works his entire life only to be ridiculed by the youth who wish him a penniless death.

The hatred is escaped by those who possess the greater purpose, unintended of course. The system cares for those who care not for it, while it punishes those who rely on it. Truth is fleeting as that which consumes and expands is built on shaky lies that only cover the truth by fine layers of dust. What must come will forever be feared by those who do not comprehend it.

Where truth does lie is in the eyes of children who see only hardship, people who are outside the system looking in not wishing to be part of it, and those who have found the folly in materialistic consciousness and want.

Where the people gather, lies spread. If perhaps one was to surmise all of existence, his only truth would be that we are nothing, that life is nothing and that all that is must cease at some point. Even that which we believe to be eternal will at some point become void. What we believe to be fleeting will be eternal as it is ignored, it continues to grow, expand, and attain power. Where we believe nothing to be, something exists, such is the truth that exists also within the world of man: the unexplained is explainable. This may be not evident yet, but it shall become that. That which we find easy to explain, is not, it is actually far more complex than we would like to believe.

EDIT: Had to move this down a post.
EDIT2: Reworded and edited for errors.

< Message edited by Hogo -- 6/29/2010 7:12:31 >
AQ DF  Post #: 2
5/21/2010 16:14:40   

The wind that stings cold...
18. november 2009

The street is filled with the whistling of the wind through the phone lines above me. The wind is pushing me away from my destination, the warmth of my humble abode. I push on, the wind cutting through my ample covering, to reach my home. The wind is a beacon summoning the forces of winter. The white wonderland that kids adore, the silent darkness that adults despise. Oh, the promise of warmer climates beckons my thoughts, I resist the temptation of escapism and continue onwards. I must return home, to the place I can yet again feel warm, safe from the unforgiving cold. I drum up my expectations of my return and fantasize about enjoying a cup of warm, delicious, and marshmellowy hot chocolate. This trip is almost over, my home is within reach, my fantasies are about to become reality, the cold is about to become exchanged with the blessing warmth of a woolen blanket. I am home. I have found what I have been missing, maybe forever, a love so unapologetic, so sincere, that I can embrace it without worry, if only I could reimburse it. If only I had a puppy to welcome me home and sweep away all my concerns...

EDIT: Edited typos.

< Message edited by Hogo -- 6/29/2010 7:16:44 >
AQ DF  Post #: 3
5/21/2010 16:20:08   

Life outside of my own

Though I live in this life, I feel no vibe, no feel of connectivity. I understand not nor do I discern the difference between reality and fiction. My world is life outside of my own.

I see the earth grow, I feel the winds of time pass through the strands of hair upon my head, I see the dancing of the streams of light through the window upon the dust ending on the surface of the auburn table. I understand them not.
I feel the powers of strength and imagination surge through my body, perchance this strength is real, is alive. I cannot function without this great need for more. I feel choked by the reckless abandon that I momentarily harbour. I have power, power to change, power to control, power to be. I see the change in front of me, yet nothing happens. The energies of the earth are unchanged, unflinching. Life continues, unabashed by my delirious wants. I am not in control but then why do I feel this ache? I know there is more, more to life, more than imagination. Imagination made real.

I cannot express what I feel within, words are weak, actions weaker. The world continues without influence, I cannot change it. Is my fate to change or be the changer? I am unsure but all possibilities lie ahead, I know there is more but where is it? Is it my fate to allow myself to succumb to the insignificance of all that I feel? Am I to never become what my body demands of me? Is what I feel my divine right, my promise to myself? I cannot know, I can only hope. If it does happen, will it then be a waste of the time that life is so short of or will I understand of the concepts that I, within myself, develop?

Time will tell, for now I press on, hope to develop, hope to be what I hope to be.

25-02-06 22:31 Copenhagen.

EDIT: removed address.
EDIT: Removed initial timestamp, reworded and edited for typos.

< Message edited by Hogo -- 6/29/2010 7:27:41 >
AQ DF  Post #: 4
5/21/2010 16:28:35   

Nostalgia (When it hits you)

Today I have had a very weird day, nothing unusual for me but today it was different.

I got up early after a very late night of internet surfing and I didn't realize it till I was on my way to work, yet again it was not so bad. My legs were tired as I began the short journey to my office, the yellowing building that few people could associate familiarity with. When I arrived, I was stunned by the empty feeling of being early; I had not been early in weeks. Nonetheless, my non-essential day began not by working, but by being extremely lazy. I started by logging on to an online RPG site called Battleon.com − a habit that kicks in when near an internet connection. The second window I opened led me to Hi5.

Now... I have been living in Sri Lanka for the last 4 years. Previous to that I was in a boarding school called Kodaikanal International School in Tamil Nadu, India. The school was horrible but a fine institution that you grew to love only by the friendships and relationships that passed through the years. I have always been quite emotional and so connected to many within the school. I could remember everyone's name in the school: that was 500 students of which I knew 250 of the students' last names as well. Everything which seems too good to be true probably isn't and so after many years of fun, debauchery, and friendships it all fell apart and I was withdrawn from the school.

In the next 3 months after I had left the 9th grade of learning I felt angry; mostly at myself but also at the one who lead to my demise and at every single piece of dirt that had ever existed. This feeling lessened considerably when I finally moved to Sri Lanka. However, the Maldives were too cramped and depressing, I began to feel left out and started to deperately miss the institution that I once believed to be Hell and Heaven. The feeling is that of guilt mixed with the stomach flu and a couple of emotionally unstable moments, poured together in a streched-out bang that can last weeks, also known to some as loss.

Today I could not understand the emotion that was pouring all over me, it affected my body and my brain, my heart was along for the ride, a ride that took me from sleepy to lazy to hungry to happy to energetic to sad and finally to pathetic. In the moments leading up to pathetic I did many considerably stupid things such as get excited over reconnaissance with two old classmates.

To think that all this was brought on by seeing an excessive amount of photos possesing qualities within such as the man that has grown from a boy who was a pal I once knew to a girl I remember saying 'keep up the Marlon Brando' on the last day that I have walked on the KIS grounds. Things such as that can harm anyone and everything.

EDIT: Reworded and edited for typos.

< Message edited by Hogo -- 6/29/2010 7:49:37 >
AQ DF  Post #: 5
5/21/2010 16:38:05   

The Peculiarity of Religion.

Life is peculiar, especially in the many ways that it can manage to turn around and place you on your ass. The Muslims are at the moment furious at the Danish for printing the picture of Mohammed but why is that? It is in their religion not to allow any pictures of the prophet but in the major religion of Denmark, Christianity, we calmly draw pictures of our prophet. The religion of the authors and artists of the Mohammed pictural article were of Christian religion, it is therefore not against their religion to draw a picture or find and publish a picture of Mohammed. They also harness a freedom of speech that a Muslim representative has said "should exclude Islam". I am not for people drawing pictures of a prophet, who should not be allowed to be drawn, but I am a firm believer in people's right to choose their own religion and following that. If a Muslim is not allowed to eat pork is it necessarily true that a Christian is not allowed to either? No, of course not, therefore a Christian should be allowed to draw or publish a picture of a person who could be the prophet Mohammed without him being persecuted for it while a Muslim should be persecuted for it because it is against his religion.

EDIT: Punctuation added.

< Message edited by Hogo -- 6/29/2010 7:51:34 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
5/21/2010 16:52:14   

The question of purpose.

How do we know our purpose in life? Is it what others instill upon us or is it our own choice?

I have asked myself this question before and the answer that I come up with is that through out life we do things that the we do, irrevelant is the reason behind why we did what we did because it is just idea upon which we place our blame, in the end it is historians and all the other people that are there that judge us, our worth, our achievements, our love, everything is judged by those that we have known and left behind. Why? because we are dead and people need memories to feel happy therefore they create the visual and historical representation for you in their lives, they use what they have determined as our purpose and worth to determine who we are and how long they should remember us. Einstein is known and remembered throughout the planet, the same with other scientist and statesmen, the only reason that we remember Einstein and all the others though is because of their achievements, not their social worth. This brings the question, are we valued according to our creations and achievements, and are we only valued on paper? The answer, I am sad to say, is that we are indeed remembered for our achievements, the greater the achievement, the longer we are remembered. So what can we do to be remembered? Plan and do, create and conquer, know as many people as you can and try your hardest to do something that will make them write the achievement on paper or in a device that can store the information indefinitely, that way you secure that your achievements will always be remembered.

EDIT: Reworded.

< Message edited by Hogo -- 6/29/2010 7:52:52 >
AQ DF  Post #: 7
5/24/2010 18:32:13   

The Train.

The train what a curious thing. It brings people from place to place in an akwardly straight line. It is mostly late and hardly early yet people enjoy its comfort of non-compulsory driving. Its reclining seats offer a sense of sitting room leisure while moving at speeds exceeding that of the popular automobile. Even at distances overcoming the regular commute, people still enjoy the raggity ride of the railways. Though the complexity of aeroplanes has overcome the most wayward travels, the train still enjoys various assortments of condiment travellers.

The true beauty of railway travels is the fleeting moment that transpires as the train chugs to life. The passenger is at this moment allowed to involve themself in an unparalleled relationship with someone outside of the exoskeleton of the train. The relationship is as fleeting as the moment, a relationship requiring no promises, no emotion, no tawdry obligation. The relation can be as simple as a smile, as complex as a long goodbye, as teasing as a wave, or even as hateful as an obscene gesture.

This unique, opportunistic relationship is what truly makes the journey, that is to become, exceptional. There are no take-backs, no do overs, no second chances. The people that are coupled in this fashion are only done so once. The best of these relationships are those of no regret, each partner does what they wish and respnd how they like. The one is not dependent on the other, one can act while the other does not, be it reluctanse or the matter of time. The only truths that really exist are those of time and opportunity.

The train will move on, regardless of all, you can only hope that the world is still small.
AQ DF  Post #: 8
11/24/2010 18:55:46   

My Welcomegiving entries, I wanted to have them some place safe so I thought, "what better place than here!" :)

When wondering how to welcome a welcomegiving,
slurp slimed slime potatoes stupendously, and continously,
so too consuming canned cranbatty, carefully sitting.
Take time to timidly tie the Turducken loose,
or you'll surely see a chocolate moose,
taking the Turkeylime; Pie on the table,
jealously jesting the Jellatinous Cube.

Zum fum feast stupendium,
Yum yum has just begun.
Hum hum the turkey drum,
Dum tum a hoggish sum.
Hum hum a marshy tongue,
Tum mum a wonderful rum.
Hum hum our consumption.
Yum yum is almost done.

Mary MacDoodle walked out of the bank, she had just withdrawn an unsurpassed amount of gold and was going to spend it on some luscious ingredients for her intimate Welcomegiving dinner. She was a bombshell of a mage with golden locks flowing down her back down to her bosom. She was spectacularly dressed in a long dark blue dress that sparkled like stars in the twilight. She was a blessing to the eye but an eyesore at heart as she had no friends nor family with which to share this celebratious time.

She walked through Falconreach square, daydreaming of the scrumptious meal which she was going to splurge on. "Squish" was the sound she heard as she reached Serenity's Inn, the premier mercantile distributor of fresh meats and groceries. She looked down at her shoes, pumps which she had purchased on a previously celebratious occasion but had never had the chance to wear, the curse of the ill-content. On the ground was a greyish mass of what appeared to be potatoes, mashed lightly with butter and parsley. "How strange... I wonder who spilled this here-- Hmmm, perhaps I will make that as well" she thought, drawing a slight smile upon her freckled face. She then drew open the door to Serenity's Inn and was greeted, not by warmth and cheers of good tidings but a stench of decay and a harrowing whistling. "Must be the wind." She figured, "but where is everyone, there are always guests and heroes here..." No sooner had she finished the thought when a shadow jumped out of a corner towards her. It shut the door with a banged and threw her into the room. As she flew through the air she incanted a piece of gold to glow brightly, illuminating the room. As she landed she saw him, a tall warrior with the head of an eagle, no doubt a helm but explicable nonetheless.

He had wings that appeared to burn in the illumination and a large and black blade that seemed to pulse with evil. Her instincts bade her to call forth a Tenshii, an angelic being that would banish all evil. He turned and with a single notion made her instil her fears, he would her no harm but only to save her from other perils. In the afterglow of the illumination she could see a face underneath the helm, a kind face but one of worry.

"They are out there", he said, not even looking at her.

"Who is?", she asked queriously.

"The monsters brought forth under the welcomegiving feast."

"The monsters? From the Welcomegiving feast? What are you talking about?", she asked, becoming slightly infuriated at his responses.

"Dr. Voltabolt's machine malfunctioned and spewed out a bunch of monsters. The heroes of Lore are currently fighting them outside of the town." He said with a hint of grief.

"The heroes are-- Then what are you doing? Hiding? Surely you are a hero as well..."

"Indeed. However, I have a mission far more important than engaging in lesser culinary delights"

"How so?", she asked instantly intrigued.

"The great turducken", he said stoically.

"The great turducken...? Wasn't that defeated last year at Thankstaking?" she uttered disbelievingly.

"Indeed. However, a necromancer revived it to make it seem as though there was a reason for this gastronomic mess."

"And there isn't?"

"There is indeed. The necromancer aims to infiltrate the guardian tower while the guardians are distracted..."

"Seriously?", she asked somewhat mistrustingly.

"Yes, very seriously. It seems he aims to get into the guardian tower basement."

"For what?" she said, finally rising from the floor, he was still solidified at the door peering out of a window.

"I am not sure."

"Well then let's go!"

"Go where?"

"To the tower! To stop the necromancer!"

He looked at her dubiously and smiled, "Now why would you want to help me do that? You don't even know my name! I could be the necromancer for all you know..."

She cut him off, "My name's Mary, what's yours?" He turned towards her and grinned, "Sir Puffalot, nice to make your acquaintance."
AQ DF  Post #: 9
12/28/2010 20:46:49   

My Frostval war poetry:

Plush plush plushie,
punch me with all your might!
Plush plush plushie,
pray let True Mortal be a sight,
Plush plush plushie,
perhaps we shouldn't fight.
Plush plush plushie,
play with me tonight.
Plush plush plushie,
please let me hold you tight!
Plush plush plushie,
positively, this does feel right! :D
AQ DF  Post #: 10
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