Same here Omni. I can gauge my opponents rage bar pretty accurately. We shouldn't remove all the skill in this game. If you've used a build long enough you get a pretty good sense of when your opponent will rage, you don't need an on-screen meter to tell you that. Part of the strategy of this game is that you have to prepare for what might happen next turn, which may or may not be a rage. Uncertainty adds an element of risk to each duel which I think is a good thing. The same can be said for boosters. If you knew your opponent was carrying an energy booster, you wouldn't bother EMPing. If you know what boosters they are carrying, there's no risk involved. I agree on the buff / debuff durations though Lectrix. That would be a nice convenience feature. It's easy to forget when something was cast, especially in 2v2. Knowing how much is left can let you plan ahead.