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Should Players Be Able To Purchase More Than One Limited Rare?

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3/12/2011 8:37:59   
He Who Lurks

This may be what's leading to limited rares selling out quickly. Several players "abuse" the limited rare system by purchasing several weapons which are the same. I believe users should only be able to purchase 1 of the same weapon for limited rares. Those who have purchased the same type of limited rare should have their rarity score be only equal to 1 quantity of the same weapon. What do you guys think?
AQ Epic  Post #: 1
3/12/2011 8:41:23   

Umm .. Who's able to buy 2 of the same item ?! I thought that was impossible ..
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/12/2011 8:44:17   
He Who Lurks

Buffy has 13 Charfade's Sidearm. I believe this only pertains to limited rares.
AQ Epic  Post #: 3
3/12/2011 8:46:14   

This is either a bug , or she wasted over 50 dollars on those things . Either way , I don't see the problem . She paid for those , she can have 'em , they're all the same
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
3/12/2011 8:53:47   
He Who Lurks

^Yes, she paid for those, but most likely only to boost her own rarity score on the leader-boards. This is the consequence of the rarity leader-boards; a world where players purchase multiple limited weapons, which many other could have purchased. If Buffy is on the rarity leader-boards due to this, than who's to say several players haven't done this also? Imagine all the limited rares players could have purchased.
AQ Epic  Post #: 5
3/12/2011 11:08:58   

titan has 2 charfade bikes lolz. and wow miss buffy 1 greedy person.


AQW Epic  Post #: 6
3/12/2011 11:14:17   
Tiago X

So what if Buffy has them. A lot of threads here talk trash about Buffy. Let the girl alone .-.
You jealous or what .
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
3/12/2011 11:14:44   

There hers,she bought them. if you cant get the limited rares because your to slow then your just going to have to get over it. i think its funny and cool that she bought so many. i think more people should buy multiple of the same weapon that way they can show off and make fun of people that didnt get it :D
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/12/2011 11:14:58   

A great suggestion, I logged on right after the release and my spot was saved at charfade's and the charfade sword/gun/zooka were already sold out in less than 2 minutes, I mean seriously, idk how people can say: "stop releasing it because then everyone would get one"

Right now, I think it's those (crazy) collectors getting 99% of those items and the other 1% of the people still can't get what they truly need (like a decent armor/zooka, etc)

but if u limit the number of items you can own, let's just say ED's income will take a hit


{AQW} Click for full guide to the Tower of NEcromancy! Lvs 0-10!!
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 9
3/12/2011 13:01:12   

i can understand its realy stupid what i think will rosolve this problem and make it fair for others is that you can purchase as many of the same item as you like but will only count for rarity every 1 different item so for example
buffy:13 charfade blasters
charfade blaster one[rarity score]
charfade blaster two[doesnt count]
and so on and so on.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
3/12/2011 13:24:54   
ED Prince of Shadows

Well, 12 other players didn't get those Charfade's blasters. That is the problem guys!
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/12/2011 13:36:53   

what about the limited amount only counting as sales to individual buyers ? so she buys 13, but the amount sold by the vendor only goes down by 1.
that way she can boost her rarity score at her leisure, ED profits and 50 individual players will get the item [if the amount is 50 ofc]
Post #: 12
3/12/2011 14:00:05   

I see your point. Perhaps for every two extra blasters per player after the first 1, the number in the store goes down by one (not including the first one, which takes it down by one initially) so people can get a little more realistic. If Buffy sees that the number only went down by one, she could easily buy fifty blasters, knowing people couldn't monitor her or limit her. Buying lots of rare items is a way for rich people to get a huge advantage, and unless we limit that they could dominate the rarity board.
Post #: 13
3/12/2011 14:12:22   

dominate the rarity board ? so ?
let her buy this so called success and support the game for all the non paying players. anyone competing on that board has issues anyway.

Post #: 14
3/12/2011 14:19:12   

Lol just let Buffy have her Title, idk what she would do if her face wasnt on the Leaderboards. Besides Dragonwawa does the same thing, he has 10 Charfade clubs and few dup's of other items.


AQW Epic  Post #: 15
3/12/2011 14:54:06   
Giras Wolfe

I never thought of that. Maybe I'll do the same thing........

I don't see it as abuse. I think this game makes WAY too many limited rares. That's the real problem. Besides, there's not much we can do about it now. We can't give Buffy her $100+ back, and all that varium, if refunded, might be useless to her.
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
3/12/2011 16:48:03   

I like how you said "we cant".
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
3/12/2011 17:04:24   

I do want to point out that there isn't much special about limited rares; they're just as good as regular rares stat-wise
Epic  Post #: 18
3/12/2011 18:41:56   

honestly i just shake my head at some of the people on here.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
3/12/2011 18:49:39   

This seriously is broken. What`s point of letting it to be possible to purchase same weapon x times, it`s clearly an bug.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 20
3/12/2011 18:54:36   

Does it really matter that they can get the same weapons multiple times????? its there money, if they want to waste it on buying multiple of the same item LET THEM. jealous noobs
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 21
3/12/2011 19:01:26   

I`m sure they themselves aren`t that happy either what they have to spend so much money to stay at top of characters. And this have nothing to do with yealousity, rather I feel pity.

< Message edited by pRopaaNS1337 -- 3/12/2011 19:02:04 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 22
3/12/2011 21:48:38   

buffy deserves them ik shes overcompetitive but shes a nice person once u get 2 kno her (if ur nice 2 her that is)
Post #: 23
3/12/2011 21:57:56   

Why would you even waste money on stuff like this?
"me waste money but dont play game!"
herp derp
Post #: 24
3/13/2011 11:52:11   

Somebof the Players in our ED community are richish
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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