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why are you complaining?

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3/21/2011 12:08:53   

ive noticed a few ppl complaining about their not being enough/none left of the limited rares, um i was online when they restocked and got a fair few of them, and i took like 24hrs to get one of the armours and their were like 30 of each left then, in saying that they were gone pretty quickly after that, but yea you guys definatly had more than 24hrs...

also i think allot of u have neglected how good chafards staff and claws are, i mean her staff is better than the new one, i know it doesnt look as cool but...

and those claws... hello smoke build... theirs been over 100 staffs their for like over a week and theres still over 30 claws 2, they were not restocked im shaw...

buy them now!!!

and if its the armour u want their are other armours that do +8 just modify them their not that bad...
and im shaw we will see new bot armours soon, as it is still only a new feature...

< Message edited by xiler23 -- 3/21/2011 12:09:25 >


i will be, there for i am...
Epic  Post #: 1
3/21/2011 13:45:32   

Regardless what you say others will complain, if it's not about limited rares, it's seasonal rares, if not seasonal rares, ultra rares, if not ultra rares, my aunti jumima's toe, if not her toe, saint suzy's earring that does OVER 9000 (gasp) damage to opponents.

It doesn't end, and my argument has been that it's not the devs that break the game, it's the community we have here.

Note: I do not have an aunt jumima

< Message edited by xX Lotus Xx -- 3/21/2011 14:08:35 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/21/2011 23:12:00   

It's called camping my friend. It builds character, lets you strike up a friendly chat with whoevers at your campsite, and gives you the "awesome"feeling of bunkering down and so forth. It's staying in front of charfade for 3 hours and getting an awesome space warrior for your trouble.


WE ARE FARMERS! BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM!------ heavy static-----
Worst insurance slogan ever.
Epic  Post #: 3
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