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Battle Level Range of 10 Problematic at level 20+?

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4/19/2011 22:30:50   

This is really starting to bother me. At level 27, I'm starting to face level 32s, and they always have either a +5 focus build with ridiculous (and I mean ridiculous) stat boosts, or a tank build that is stacked on defense and resistance. Obviously, no matter how good my chances are, they always seem to get the better of me. However, the level 30s aren't as ridiculous, so I'm thinking that the level range should be reduced to 6 (3 above and 3 below). I'm sure at least one person at my level would agree.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/19/2011 22:50:52   

Yes for 2v2. No for 1v1. I've seen a player 5 levels under the other win. For 2v2, I would agree with this.


AQW Epic  Post #: 2
4/19/2011 22:58:42   

I've fought you several times, I think at my level, it's pretty evident that it's a problem.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
4/19/2011 23:05:54   

^ you are currently considered as a "free win" and that's what the devs want you to be.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 4
4/19/2011 23:15:26   

just simply do NPCs until ur out of the lvl 27-28 span.
try to get to lvl 31 or 32 thru either 2 vs 2 or npcs.
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
4/19/2011 23:25:40   

The problem is, I'm strictly 1v1. I can't do 2v2 for beans.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/19/2011 23:39:22   

then take my advice and do NPCs
if u do 1 vs 1 ur going to get screwed up alot. and ur going to loose most of the time.
AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/19/2011 23:53:06   

Indeed, I do get screwed by level 32s, but there are the occasional level 28s and below, and I can manage that.

Still doubtful of NPCs because it seems like most NPCs require a strategy, and I'm running really low on credits, so I can't afford to make a build for them.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
4/19/2011 23:54:33   

here are some easy NPCs u can farm.
its 15 battles every hour with 3 different npcs.
Heavy Bio Guard
Heavy Mine Guard
until ur lvl 28 also do Bio Guard he's lvl 22
and when ur lvl 28 do Bio Hazard lvl 26
these are simple npcs u can do. if u do 1 hour of npcs thats 15 wins if u do 5 hours of npcs thats 75 wins.
u dont have to be ingame the whole time they will mostly likely take u about 15-20 minutes.
strategy is simple. just try to find one with the items u have.
AQW Epic  Post #: 9
4/19/2011 23:54:35   

This problem is because of the game's lack of standardization, which causes a fluctuation of weapon power at lower levels, and a high-rising curve once you get to level 26. I'm not going to explain it, but I think you can see why this problem exists.
Post #: 10
4/20/2011 16:11:08   


It seems that there's a significant gap in power between levels 25-29 and 30+.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
4/20/2011 16:26:57   


Yup, and because the devs are so greedy, the never seem to notice or fix these kind of stuff, which is a shame.
Post #: 12
4/20/2011 18:13:45   

Indeed it is a problem for a player whether they are varium or non varium in 1v1 between lvl 26 and up to lvl 31 now. I did the NPC's with my non varium account when I hit those levels and did some 2v2. 2v2 is ok once you become familiar with the type of build you need to be competitive.

2v2 is broken as far as the battle engine in choosing a fair battle once you hit lvl 31 and up.

So basically I have laid out the best strategy to level up.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/20/2011 18:16:24   
One Winged Angel1357

Gold all i can say is your in the worst span in teh game becuase your in dead mans land
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
4/20/2011 18:22:54   

I have to say a level 27 Merc should be able to easily defeat NPCs of equal or near equal level. With the advent of the Power Hour, facing NPCs of higher levels gives you double XP. I'd think you could realistically level several levels in a weeks time just doing NPCs.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
4/20/2011 18:30:55   
Remember The Name

One feature that has closed the level gap is encumberance. Now level 25s can use level 30 weapons and only sacrifice damage. I think if the level 25-29 players utilize this feature to their advantage they'll find the higher level players to be more manageable.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 16
4/20/2011 18:33:00   

Problem is, Dax, I AM using level 31 items (well... one, soon to be 2) and I'm STILL finding it very hard to beat level 32s.

And mind you, the price gap is also unbalanced.

< Message edited by gold -- 4/20/2011 18:41:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
4/20/2011 21:15:04   

This is about the time your % wins get trashed BUT it isn't inescapable, encumbrance and a good strategy helped my 27 go to 32 with a 85% and if you utilize power hour you don't have to be their free win
Post #: 18
4/22/2011 1:34:23   

Yes I agree, but since Im lvl 30 now, not as much
Post #: 19
4/22/2011 1:37:14   

I think it's kinda stupid, my lv 27 Mer can sometime (not so much, but still) can kill a lv 32 with simple stupid double BB build

How can other classes is so weak at that level?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 20
4/22/2011 8:37:24   

I think it should 2 levels above and 2 levels below in 1 vs 1 because of I am sick of the level 32s.
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
4/24/2011 5:28:02   

2 Levels below and above seem low.

I said 3 below and above because I can actually handle that range. It's just when I fight level 33s I get annoyed, and level 24s just bore me (admittedly) with their attempts to kill me.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
4/24/2011 5:47:35   

I get really lucky; last night I was getting level 25's and unders repeatedly (I'm level 27). AND, I even managed to take out 3 level 32's over the course of the night. For NPC's, I have a routine.

Bio Guard (22)
Heavy Bio Guard (25)
Bio Hazard (26)

All easy wins, within close proximity. Finding a replacement for the Bio Guard will be annoying once I hit 28, though.

Those saying 2v2 is the only way through these levels is wrong, I've been doing 1v1s pretty much from level 1-27 and I'm halfway through 27.
Post #: 23
4/24/2011 12:49:58   

I've only had 4 accidental 2v2's, not the best thing in the world for a 1v1 build, but I won one :P

I replaced Bio Guard with Heavy Mine Guard since I'm not level 27 anymore.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 24
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