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5/15/2011 1:03:43   
the final hour

ya know im not sure as an observation juggernaut is completely balanced i mean look at everyones % on the leader board even mine is insanely high ive had 207 fites alltogether in juggernaut wanna kno how many ive won look at the leader board 205 the other side doesnt stand a chance i thought the idea was the juggernaut got the harder end of the deal and the 2 times i lost
1) they got like 6 crits in a row
2) adobe flash player crashed causing me to have to exit out of the game

You can talk about the Juggernaut mode in NEW Juggernaut Battle Mode Announcement instead. For that, locked ~Mecha

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 5/15/2011 16:36:04 >
Post #: 1
5/15/2011 1:05:01   

@the final hour
if the low lvls had more credits they would stand a better fight.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
5/15/2011 1:06:39   

i think if balance stays as it is, when they do actually win, they should get 250 creds each and 5 tokens

but the problem i see arising from this mode is, the 20-26's will start doing 1v1's soon and forgettin 2v2 alltogether which will kill jugg mode and 2v2

my idea would be make the level limit 26-30 for a 33 and 25-29 for 32 ect. but just make the creds scale, so if your against 2 30's at lvl 33, you would get 120 creds and if your against 2 26's u get 70 creds.

< Message edited by sk1tz -- 5/15/2011 1:11:29 >
Post #: 3
5/15/2011 1:10:22   
the final hour

yeah im getting many complaints like omg i just wanna 2v2 not again this is so unfair etc etc
Post #: 4
5/15/2011 1:12:35   

yea its pretty insain. unless the 2 lower lvls get incredibly lucky they have no chance of winning. even if they get lucky there still is a small chance of them winning. one battle i did was vs a smoke/cheap shot bh, and a merc with max bunker and artilary. the merc got a crit with both bunker and artilary and the bh blocked me twice. and i still won the fight. i was using a 140 hp build with 82 dex and 82 sup.

ive done about 100 juggernaut battles and ive only lost one and thats becasue Skype toolbar and Shockwave player both crashed at the same time causing me to disconect.
Epic  Post #: 5
5/15/2011 1:14:35   

if the low lvls had credits
they could easily get a load of good non varium items with encumberance
plus they dont have good builds.
im sure most of u guys have alot of stuff covered, like hp, stats placed right, correct ammount of energy for what u will use, and strategy aswell as more knowledge of the game.
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
5/15/2011 1:17:14   
the final hour

@ above i wish i agreed even the ones with smart weps are just getting flat out pwned such as the mjorn desert sniper what ever its called thats about as good as it gets none varium for a merc and they still get mauled tryna argue its even simply isnt true even i admit it
Post #: 7
5/15/2011 1:38:28   

@the final hour
well if both were packed with good credit weps they would give u a good run.
thats also including credits for the enhancements.
should be like 50 stats total with armor, gun, wep, and aux
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
5/15/2011 1:53:01   


but they don't have more credits, which makes the entire system flawed.
Epic  Post #: 9
5/15/2011 1:56:32   

then give them more credits.
make the credit gain rate for lower lvls bigger.
instead of 12 credits per fight of their lvl make it 120
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
5/15/2011 2:00:24   

Well they could do that....

But I don't think its a credit problem. I think its just that the new 2v1 system is flawed.
Epic  Post #: 11
5/15/2011 2:01:46   

my point is that if they have more stats than u (which they do with their lvls combined)
they should be doing fine. the only flawed thing about the low lvls is their knowledge of the game.
i see alot of loose stats every where on their builds.
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
5/15/2011 2:05:56   

I think if they bumped it up a few levels that would be awesome. A level 33 against a 27 and 28....thats a challenge.
Epic  Post #: 13
5/15/2011 2:50:29   


You can't blame the credit system though.

Most of the nonvarium players have no idea of conservation. They think every time they level up they have to buy a weapon. It's their own fault for the lack of credits.

Note: not true for all, but the majority has done this.


AQW Epic  Post #: 14
5/15/2011 3:21:26   

I wasn't the one blaming the credit system. I'm with you on that one :D
Epic  Post #: 15
5/15/2011 3:23:12   

altho thats partialy true.
it would take about 50k to 80k credits to get good non varium items. and it would cost alot more to enhance them.
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
5/15/2011 4:56:14   

my opinion is tht lower levels shall stop playing 2v2 soon enough then byebye jugg
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
5/15/2011 13:10:33   


I agree. After a while these low levels are going to get fed up with getting massacred by high level varium players. Maybe as soon as some non variums start playing 2v1 they will have a better chance, but that just exaggerates the fact of how large of a gap their is between varium and non-varium =/
Epic  Post #: 18
5/15/2011 13:53:21   

@Above Above I agree. Its a total masscre.


Most of the nonvarium players have no idea of conservation. They think every time they level up they have to buy a weapon. It's their own fault for the lack of credits.

Its not thier own fault. They are new to the game and no one ever helped them out with their builds they never even had a tutorial. they just start off with a caption at the bottom of the screen and boom they are in the game all alone clueless without any clue about good builds and horrid builds. Not knowing flaws in their builds. Its not their fault. Now I do agree they need to learn to conserve their money and save up. But it isnt their fault for lacking credits.

< Message edited by IsaiahtheMage -- 5/15/2011 13:57:11 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
5/15/2011 15:20:36   

2vs1 currently is really bad, here how to improve it:

* 2vs1 need a new button, so only ppl who want it choose it.
* Increase the team lv, facing a lv 33 to 26-29 (instead f current 22-26).
* a new Leader board for juggernaut consecutive wins (daily)
* Add an option to make a team for 2vs1.
* After each juggernaut win on the same day make the battle harder, example for a lv 33:
26-29 (0 win)
27-29 (after 1 win)
28-29 (after 2 consecutive win)
29-29 (after 3 consecutive win)
29-30 (after 4 consecutive win)
30-30 (after 5 consecutive win)
30-31 (after 6 consecutive win)
31-31 (after 7 consecutive win)
31-32 (after 8 consecutive win)
32-32 (after 9 consecutive win)
32-32 (after 10+ consecutive win)

Those reset everyday, this would make it a challenge, it will also make room for new juggernaut (when someone has 9 consecutive wins, it would ensure less waiting time before a match begin.

*Juggernaut should always go 2nd if facing two lower level player. (26-29)
* Exception to the above rules, give 50% chance to go first if facing a team with a level -1 of the juggernaut
* Exception to the above rules, give 33% chance to go first if facing a team with a level -2 of the juggernaut
* Exception to the above rules, give 13% chance to go first if facing a team with a level -3 of the juggernaut

Lv 33 face two lv 22-26. it a 100% win to any descent lv 33.
You could put 3 or 4 lv 22-26 vs one lv 33 and the lv 33 will still win.
It also a I win button, for those who pay 1200 varium.
It a I lose button if a lv 22-26 try to play a regular 2-2 battle and end up vs a juggernaut.
You can say just don't play 2-2, right ?
Well a lv 22-26 has a lot of chance of facing a higher level in 1-1 and also lose.
The new 2vs1, is actually removing a 2-2 mode for many players.

2vs1 need to be challenging, not a free wins.
Post #: 20
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