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What's the funniest conversation you've had ingame?

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6/14/2011 14:45:47   

I'm in a juggernaut battle.

One person leaves.

The other bazooka crits me.
I malf.
Him: No heal OK?
He multi crits me for some reason and does 50.
I have 18 hp left.
Me: Ok.
Me: Aux crit for 80.

< Message edited by Lord Sinastr -- 6/14/2011 14:46:02 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
6/14/2011 16:02:36   

Me: mmmm devils wraith...who was that again?
Him: Lord Sinastr
Me: ah ok
Him: Hello AQWPlayer!
Me: How do you know o.O
Him: Char link
Maybe I should change all the "Him"s to "You"?

< Message edited by AQWPlayer -- 6/14/2011 16:05:30 >
AQW  Post #: 2
6/14/2011 16:07:19   

^You took out the fame for fame pl0x part, eh?
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
6/14/2011 16:10:10   
Sipping Cider

Him: no heal
Me: healing is part of the game
Him: then your noob
Me: Im your father
Him: i thought you were going to work today!
Me: you had better listen to me or i will ground you
Him: oh ur a noob not my real dad

game ends

I can not he actually believe he believed me for a second!!!!!!
Epic  Post #: 4
6/14/2011 16:53:58   

Me. Hello
Him. Hi (ko)

DF  Post #: 5
6/14/2011 17:49:40   

I faced a level 28 with light blades and everything on mana (n00bz O.o, they need a tutorial).

Me: Hey
Him: Bye
He left.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
6/14/2011 18:00:27   
Xx. Christian .xX


person 1: wow 10th jugg
person 2: yehey a jugg :D
me: 0_o
Post #: 7
6/15/2011 4:35:25   

Him: wow!! nice sword (it's frostbane)
Me: thank you :)
Him: where did u buy it.
Me: it's rare
Him: yeh , but where did you buy it.
Me: i didnt
Him: I wont to buy it
Me; You cant......
Him: why not
Me: Because it's rare.....
Him: yeh, but WHERE DID you buy it!!!
Me: it was a promtional item..
Him: Watever, but where did u buy it??
me: IT'S rare!!! YOU CANT!! get it!!!!
him: WHY?????
ME: BECAUSE!! IT, IS %$#$@(inseret swear word of your choice) RARE!!!!!
Him : you a noob
ME: .........

< Message edited by Remorse -- 6/15/2011 4:37:16 >
Epic  Post #: 8
6/15/2011 6:51:10   

Was a few days ago at Oz 7. I was AFK, came back I heard people talking about Fame like always, then I heard some guy say:

"Omg you didn't fame back, you're a Scammer" - This just made me laugh, lol.

Wasn't in this convo, but I heard it. xD
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
6/15/2011 7:45:04   

Me vs lvl 33.
im lvl 33
Me:Hey How are ya?
Him:I is fyne now preper tu di nood
Him:ys u is nood
Me:Whats a nood?
Me:No you
Him:shtp nd dy alrdy
Me:*block*No you
Him:I is gon find u nd kll u in rl lfe
Me:Ok then goodbye.
Well thats why pre-school kids shouldnt use a keyboard.
Made me laugh though.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
6/15/2011 8:29:41   

Sparticus, can I be in your fraction?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
6/15/2011 8:38:46   
midnight assassin

Me vs noob varium 32

Me: Seriously how did you get lvl 32 with that scattered build (100+ hp 90+ mp low def and tech, all skills lvl 3 except sc and da)
Him: Dont you under estimate a powerful tm like me
I smoke then he block
Him: Lol first time I block bh smoke
Me: Really
he use plasma bolt
Him: what 19 plasma bolt?
Then I energy shield
then he use ol and pr
Him: OMG your a hacker!!!
Me: What?!
Him: I have varium which means I am more powerful than a noob non varium like you
I keep attacking while he starts flooding noob until he's about to die (16 hp)
Him: Pls spare me I promise I will not you call noob
Me: ok
I gave him another chance but when my hp went down to 12
Him: Hahaha foolish noob (he rage with normal attack but misses)
Me: You broke the agreement so I kill you
him[ko]: lucky noob

Worst level 32 varium player ever and seriously make me laugh a lot :D

< Message edited by midnight striker -- 6/16/2011 8:17:59 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
6/15/2011 8:40:56   
Zean Zapple

Me: (nothing)
Opponent: "Gangsta did yo sht yo pance?"

That's the worst part about being a low level, so many people swear at you.

Epic  Post #: 13
6/15/2011 11:38:25   
Xx. Christian .xX

@ midnight striker

nice one u made me laugh :D

@ jacktaz

same to u i like urs 2

@ remorse

poor noob why wont u just answer like tell him its from titan
Post #: 14
6/15/2011 12:25:07   
Lord GaGa

Me [talking to relic and storms]
Me - relic : Hiya Relic.
me - Relic : hi u
Me: - storms: Hi
storms: Hiya
Me - relic - hows fighting?
relic : ye fn u
me - relic : are you drunk?
relic : yh
me - storms: see hhow much he drank
storms: 12 units
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
6/15/2011 14:10:41   


^You took out the fame for fame pl0x part, eh?

I didn't take it out. Simply forgot that part :P
AQW  Post #: 16
6/15/2011 14:21:52   


I thought you were ashamed xD.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
6/15/2011 14:23:23   

What could possibly be embarrasing of asking "f4f"?
AQW  Post #: 18
6/15/2011 14:27:55   


Him: Fame 4 Fame ?
Me : No.

< Message edited by AZN.Peasant -- 6/15/2011 14:28:15 >


.BlueMoose. is one of the moose that cross the road and hit you hard.
DF Epic  Post #: 19
6/15/2011 14:37:03   

I have had funny ones but i never remember them, the most recent was when i got in a 2v2 battle with yo gotti, yo son, and emporer eon (long battle O_o) but the whole battle was just funny, it was a you had to be there type of thing, it think the fact that Gotti and i pwned was the best part.


Chuck Norris doesn't believe in lag.

If pro is the opposite of con, is congress the opposite of progress?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
6/15/2011 14:38:11   
Epic Pwnser

Him: Epic?
Me: NO
Hiim: Fame for fame plz?

Another one:
Him: I'm gonna tell a joke.
Me: Ok
Him: So there was a hamburger that walked into the bar.
Me: And..
Him: They said that they don't serve food
Me: ....

Me: I got a better joke
Me: Why does tigger have no friends?
Him: Who's tigger?
Me: The one from Winnie the Pooh
Him: Ohhh
Me: So. Why does tigger have no friends?
Him: LOL


Epic  Post #: 21
6/15/2011 14:43:07   

Some bars actually don't serve food. They just serve drinks and cocktails and such.
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
6/15/2011 14:49:35   
Epic Pwnser

Yeah I get that hypedxlord, what I don't get is how that joke is even funny :D
Bars=Drinks and alcohol.

Another one on topic:

Me: So, you can kill us now.
Them: Ok. (Kills my partner)
Me: Oh noes
Them: :)
Me: (Block)
Them: WTF
Me: (Block)
Them: .....
Me: xD (Heals)
Me: (Block) Hehe.
Me: (I get hit like 17 damage)
Them: Finally!

Edit: You double posted hyped

< Message edited by Epic Pwnser -- 6/15/2011 14:50:29 >
Epic  Post #: 23
6/15/2011 15:09:50   

@AQWPlayer: Most people on the forums dont like f4f...
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 24
6/15/2011 15:22:49   

@Epic Pwnser
Sorry about the double post, I'll prolly merge now.
AQW Epic  Post #: 25
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