So far everyone has been saying that Tactical Mercenary is OP. But from what i've witnessed and heard of from other people, Bounty Hunter is OP. 1st off, A bounty hunter strength build will beat any other strength build in the game automatically!!!! Why?? Because Shadow Arts makes them block way too much. Another OP build i've seen from them is something called a "Luck" build (which i originally started doing and highly regret it!). It involves high support and Dex which virtually makes you the best! You crit, deflect, stun, block, and even do high damage considering the base of it is Focus!!! I am a tactical mercenary, and i also have a bounty hunter account. Both of them seem overpowered to me. Bounty Hunters need something done with that annoying Shadow Arts. The requirement on it being raised only helps them, especially with the luck build. I have no clue how to nerf it, but something about it needs to be changed. Every time i face a bounty hunter with either a strength, luck, or dex build. I die. And I'm the OP class? XDDD! And before any of you say its because i suck, my builds always do 91-97%. And my only losses are from Bounty hunters (since TLM is OP as well ) One more thing. Me and my friend tested to see something. a TLM dex build vs a Bounty Dex build. Bounty won. Bounty also won with a luck build, and strength, and nearly won with support (its some things Bounty hunters can do that really rock with support)