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The Irony in Hatred for Agility and Diminish?

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7/18/2011 22:13:32   
Infinity Everlasting

I think that it is really ironic how, almost all of the content admins added in game from our suggestions have resulted in bitter discontentment. Agility was the result of enormous amounts of complaints about heal looping being overpowered. Diminish was added because of complaints about stat abusing. Yet now, we complain once more that agility and diminish has limited creativity in builds and there have been threads claiming that ED would obtain more balance IF agility/diminish were removed.

So is it really best for the admins to decide on balance by themselves without applying "majority rules"?
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
7/18/2011 22:18:19   

Majority rules will keep more players from flamming about the update. So I think they should take a poll before adding anything like Agility, And The Diminishing affect.


AQW Epic  Post #: 2
7/18/2011 22:35:51   

Polls don't do anything. The last time I saw a Poll, it was on the old ED forums, and was presented to the players to see if they liked the idea of merging. They didn't...at all. So then, the staff went and merged the forums lol. They do what they want, the players have no say when they do something, what they do, or even how they do it.

Another thing. Agility, although a nerf to heal looping, was never the reason it died. Heal looping went extinct because another cooldown was added to field medic. This made it almost impossible to survive with a heal looping build.

Really, the staff should run all major features like agility past the players before they implement it. However would that make a difference in their overall decision? From what I have seen, sadly, it wouldn't.

Profit>Players. There should be a shirt with that on it, and then an EpicDuel logo right below it :)


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 7/18/2011 22:43:03 >
Epic  Post #: 3
7/18/2011 22:38:36   


Poll don't do anything. The last time I saw a Poll, it was on the old ED forums, and was presented to the players to see if they liked the idea of merging. They didn't...at all. So then, the staff went and merged the forums lol.

Did not know that lol.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
7/18/2011 22:44:03   
Angels Holocaust

It's true, they don't care about the players. The economy is so bad that there reduced to forcing us to buy 50 dollar upgrade packages to get by. They use us and throw us away like trash. Just look at class change and see how they are, when the time comes Tactical mercs will die and the players will be forced to change again. The circle of epicduel.
Post #: 5
7/18/2011 22:56:59   

sadly i agree with nexus here.....

I remember that poll and it pissed me off...but w/e right


DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
7/18/2011 23:00:49   

Is true, some ask for it and it was given, but then they complained, kind of tragic
@Deboise: Dam you dude, you pwnd me twice xD
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
7/18/2011 23:04:44   

I don't think agility is a completely bad thing, but I'd like to see it go in single or double numbers
e.g. 100 98 96 94
So HP amount could be more varied.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 8
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