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8/3/2011 1:31:10   

tactical mercs need a nerf its that simple they are everywhere you go their strenght builds are to OP and unfair
Post #: 1
8/3/2011 1:34:36   
Angels Holocaust

Please understand that there balanced to the max, all of their skills are very beneficial to the class and taking away anyone of them would cripple them. Please understand, and evolve, and if not than die where you stand.
Post #: 2
8/3/2011 1:40:04   

how tf are they balanced they have +12 physical/energy armor reroute which gives energy frenzy which gives health the strongest multi so once again how are they balanced and has anyone noticed that level one stun stuns way more than usual
Post #: 3
8/3/2011 4:32:01   
Feral Ninja

Angels is a die-hard TLM fan. She sees all that is overpowered as balanced.

Angels@ Evolve? HOW?! The only class that stands a chance against them is BH! Balanced? Hell no. Even you angels, should be smarter than this.


AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
8/3/2011 5:11:51   

I agree, You can't evolve when their is almost no gaurneted counter builds, as TLM's have all the skills required to stop any possible counter builds,
EG. Posion for tanks, Reroute for mana drains, Smoke for less blocks, technician for malf, hybrid for smoke, Frenzy for a second heal, mual for an armour ingoring attack, and it goes on and on.... Angel make me a build that can easily defeat all type of Tac mercs then i will agree with you, Luky for me this will never happen. You need to excpet that unlike all the OPed builds from the past.
This is the exception to the phrase "evolve, or die" , in this situtations it's more like "change class to TLM, or die"

ALSO THE POINT IS TO CRIPPLE THEM, They are OPED! , I don't think buffing all the other classes will ever fix the STR TLM's Oped build.

However I will wait and see how well they can do the balance updates before I continue to argue my point.

WHo knows maybe this balance update will surprise us...
Epic  Post #: 5
8/3/2011 6:32:02   

Get this straight they are not getting nerfed other class will be just a strong as them in afew days you wont notice TLM opedness :D
Epic  Post #: 6
8/3/2011 6:55:03   

^ Its possible they they could buff classes to TLM, standard.

It's also posible and liekly that even if thye do that , the str TLM builds may remain Oped but simply the class won't have the Oped status anymore.

But for now it's too hard to tell I really hope they Buff all the classes well up to TLM standard but i doubt the chances of it being a 100% sucsess.
Epic  Post #: 7
8/3/2011 7:18:40   

Just remove tactical mercs Smoke Screen and replace it with the one that takes off Resistance instead. This means players still get their DEX which means they could block the tactical mercs attacks more.
AQ Epic  Post #: 8
8/3/2011 8:44:54   

Evolve or die. You are just too lazy to make a working build. Trust me, Tech mages, Bounties, and old mercs do just fine.


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 9
8/3/2011 8:49:15   

I disagree that BH's stand a chance, as I am a BH. I am actually using a build right now that I modified off of a founder armor build (using telsa armor E instead), its a smoke massacre build, that can tangent off into a grenade or lucky strike kill, or second smoke if needed. I have faced may more TLM's recently, and for the most part, once they are smoked, I am hard pressed to do more than 12 points of damage worth of attck with an attck that at max and if my opponent had no def, would do about 56 points worth of damage. Bh can handle these guys? hardly, even lvl 30 TLMs nonvar are scary. Please quit turning into goldslayer1 Angel's, you're too smart for that kind of fanatsism.
Epic  Post #: 10
8/3/2011 8:54:50   

@Lord Sinastr: There's no ignoring the fact that they are stronger than any other class.

@PumKing: Just raise your DEX. Use Reflex Boost on your first turn against those Smoke/STR Tactical Mercs. Only luck us bounty hunters have of winning is to block their attacks.
I think Cyber hunters will do well because mercs tend to have low resistance.
AQ Epic  Post #: 11
8/3/2011 9:14:43   

TLMs seem balanced to an extent.
one thing i dont seem to get is why they have technician if they got hybrid armor
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 12
8/3/2011 9:42:48   

I agree with Pumking,

I doubt any of you TLM relise it is alot harder then you think to just "evolve"

The only effective way to beat them evolves luck!
How ridiculaos is that!!

< Message edited by Remorse -- 8/3/2011 9:44:08 >
Epic  Post #: 13
8/3/2011 9:44:26   

did we really need a topic about this....

yes, tlms are OPed. but theres no effective way to nerf them now (i think the dev's finaly realized we know about their little flavor of the month scheme )

if the devs massively nerfed the class, nearly 50% of the people who switched would probobly quit (since at least half ed's paying population did, this would be the biggest strike in ed)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
8/3/2011 9:45:26   

My Tactical merc 5 focus high dex can easy PWN any high or very high str tlm... its very easy and its a secret :)
Epic  Post #: 15
8/3/2011 9:51:06   

Wow... Aparntly the best way to beat TLM's is to be a TLM, :O what a surprise!!! (sarcasim..)
Epic  Post #: 16
8/3/2011 9:53:44   

@Remorse It took me 2 days to learn how to start beating TLM when I was merc I just used some 5 focus merc build and it it killed alot of tlms before i became one :D
Epic  Post #: 17
8/3/2011 10:01:01   


Being a normal Mercenary i would kill them too and being a BH? too... just use ur heaD...
i changed my skill tree to extremely high support and still beating them...
the only way to beat them is gettin more block chance... but i cant teaCH you how to get more block chance....cya i think is really obvious.
Epic  Post #: 18
8/3/2011 11:40:19   
Baron Dante

Hey, the posters sees that the issue is in "OP builds", not "OP class".

So, a build is OP? Make a better build yourself. If you can't, you just aren't cut to making a builds. Use a build someone else made. That's what a majority of TlM's do.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
8/3/2011 11:49:54   

@ Baron

Small Problem tho not all classes can make OMG OP builds...

Tact mercs can make one so easy, giving someone a lvl 33 Tact Merc account untrained and he'll still be able to make an OP build...

imo Mercs ( weaker than Tact ) are still able to put up a fight, same with BH's and even Tech Mages can... ( these classes have limited OP builds tho :) )

Blood Mage and Cyber Hunter on the other hand... CyberHunter is unknown teritory for me so I can't judge about that
but Blood Mages, man I had a STR build that kinda worked, without assim that build is dead, 5 Focus Blood Mages, hell Tact Mercs can do it better.

I myself have come to the despiration of having a Heavy Dex Abusing build, some people here might have seen it allready.
I have a 50/50 chance of beating a STR Tact merc then, while getting destroyed by their many other builds.

If YOU can make an OP CyberHunter build and an OP BloodMage build, be my guest
I tried every combination I could think off
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
8/3/2011 12:04:08   

Well ok.

I changed into a tactical merc 5 minutes after they opened the new classes. I guess I got lucky choosing this class. (I was a regular merc before). After a few days, I realized I chose the right one.

Now I have to admit, they need to buff, help, fix, redo, update, tweak, improve, the new classes. 7 out of 10 fights are with strentgh TLM. It is killing the game right now.
To set the record, I do not have a strength built.

But let's face it, strentgh builts of any class will always be a problem in my opinion. Players go for the quick kills, high win ratio.. and for that, you need a strentgh built. I know a couple regular forumite that are ONLY playing strength builts. You know who you are guys. It is a bit hypocritcal to ask for variety.

With that being said, having lots of variety in builts will never happened. Fast wins, high ratios will keep this game in the same mould. Why so many strength TLM ? Becasue all the strength BH and strength mercs moved to the new quickiest way to kill.

Keep on doing the old strike - maul (hope for stun) - berserker or smoke - strike - massacre.. you know what I am talking about anyway.. keep killing the game.

Oh now I can see the complains about 5 focus builts coming.. They were put in place to keep up with your strength builts. How else would people win against your strength builts ?

Stop being so shelfish kids.


I am kind of a big deal, so don't act like you're not impressed.
- Abraham Lincoln
Epic  Post #: 21
8/3/2011 12:22:38   

Ok. Instead of just making a thread about nerfing TLM why dont you eitheir find a build to beat us or you make a thread about balancing the other class with TLM meaning buffing them up to our standards. That is far better then singling us out and nerfing us.
AQW Epic  Post #: 22
8/3/2011 13:05:12   


Please quit turning into goldslayer1 Angel's, you're too smart for that kind of fanatsism.

how come BH still does fine?
more than fine.
and mage is fine aswell against them (a smart mage anyway)
people just dont like the fact that TLM has more build variety thats why its used more.
and if u take away reroute or hybird then ur killing that variety.
lets take away mage reroute see what happens. lets take away bloodlust to Bh and see what happenens.
get my point?
i could go on further but i rather not have to waste my time for someone who wont understand.
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
8/3/2011 13:24:50   

@UBear, extra dex will not help, I'm not talking about when I miss them, I was talking about WHEN I do hit them.

New, more inteligent TLMs are poping up and realizing that they can buy an armor that is def boosting and combining it with hybrid armor (this suks and absurd ammount with telsa armor on them ) so once smoked, even if gone down to zero, they always have 21 def, always. So then the next idea is to then hit them with energy, err, wrong, thanks to the armor and hybrid, they put 80% of their enhanment points into technology, this is bad enough for BH, so then you think, no big deal, so 1 class can't use smoke on them, no big deal, so now it's CH and TM that can use malf on them that is most effective. Wrong again, thanks to technician they can easilly debuff the malf damage done. We are talking 33-36 res before the initial malf, with no help from armor buffing res, so yeah, take a good swing at that. So then then you think, well, just wait for them to run out of mp, but that will not work due to reroute, and thus just chipping away at there HP won't work as they get to keep it high, and have a low MP because reroute fills it up nicely. Think crits help you out? try critting through 40 def or res, if you do a good chunck of damage, then you are about to die from gamma bot as your def and res is too low if you do sixeable damage.

Mr. Bones, ik, that I have gone on a sizeable rant here, but it is really a severe bummer when I finally meet someone in 1v1 at my lvl and they are either str TLM, like what you posted above, or they are what I am now calling, The Wall build. I have faced tohers of my lvl outside of TLM, but I can literally count them on 1 hand, just from the battles from 1 day, having played on and off for that day.
Epic  Post #: 24
8/3/2011 13:30:33   

Yes, TLM do have a large variety of builds. That's what makes them so effective in PVP.
They can counter almost every other effective build.

A BH still does fine because a strength build can outmatch a tank TLM.
I, however, still have trouble with the 60%+ of TLM that abuse Strength.

Mages can defeat a TLM, but it's harder for them considering they have to use strategy.
But with all these cookie-cutter builds running around, not every Mage knows what they are doing.

I still wonder to this point why the evolved classes all got their main passive taken away.
BM no longer have Reroute, CH don't have Bloodlust, but yet TLM got to keep Hybrid Armor.
That should have gone to CH, imo.

Never the less, I still believe one passive should be taken away or Reroute lowered in %.
That's just one fix, I have no doubt the class will still be effective even if that happens.

[@To whoever it corresponds:]
For those TLM saying "Instead of complaining, make a build to beat us." That is easier said than done.
Yes, I could make a build to counter a Strength TLM but that would leave me vulnerable to other builds.
I don't see why anyone should change builds to beat one class.

Here's a tip: Change class, try a counter to TLM and see how well it does with other builds.
Do it yourself before you suggest others to do so.


< Message edited by Celestine -- 8/3/2011 13:37:21 >
DF Epic  Post #: 25
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