Remember on the Old ED Forums, there was a topic that was about Countries & you're wins. ^Confusing? Well this should help. United Kingdom - 1v1 Wins - Fay Beee - 136,330. - lLambO - 34,500. Total - 170,830 America - 1v1 Wins Comical Biker (Amercan?) 154,946 Angels Holocaust - 81,183 Total - 236,129 ---------------------------------------------------- *Not my idea. Credits to the person this idea was. xD Discuss if we should bring it back, I won't be making the topic cause I won't have enough time to edit it always. This topic would be nice to bring back, see how many people from different countries & how much they've done. =P UK all the way! Anyway discuss. ED related etc...
< Message edited by LambO -- 8/25/2011 8:07:41 >