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Analysing Merc

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10/18/2011 2:47:08   

Ok maybe it's because most Merc switched to TLM, even most Non Var Merc one, but I think Merc is now really boring to play with after so many update which damaged them. They have very limited build and very vulnerable to some specific build, not all around like other classes.
First they nerf Multi, which make Merc have no good skill.
After the stat nerf, Str build is already limited because people have to stay balance. FC is useless because it give STR for nothing
Then the new classes. TLM with smoke and CH with SA, they both damage the Merc STR build because of obvious blocks
The the static % is damaging too, Merc has bad stats while must fund way too much Skill Point
Then BM get Reflex. The only class STR Merc can fight without stress is TM
Then they nerfed Heal which killed Sup Merc badly.
And add Requirement to Maul, finally STR build is dead
Oh and Dex to HA will make every Merc Tanker

So right now Merc have only 3 things to spend on: SS, BB and Multi; HA is still a must as it's the only Passive.
Blood Shield is not that good because Merc cant have high HP effective (lately)
Atom is not good because of STR reason stated
Zerker, same as STR reason
FC is super useless in this age
Intimidate is good but something Merc can rely on, also look at STR build reason
Maul is really good and can be used but still use STR.

Merc have 1 Passive, it's good and give some extra stats. That's the standard. However Merc require heavy Skill Point funding (you really need to max your skill or it won't be effective) so Merc have suck build already. Now the block is really annoying so most of the time you can't have good Merc build which not rely on Support or Tech and Dex Merc is really horrible build, Merc can't catch up with other classes in STR now. Then MP, ohhh Merc is now the ONLY classes can't regen MP by anyways beside using Boosters.
Merc Tank can be countered by many builds (I heard CH is good vs Tank), everyone know Merc MP is a weak point and every Merc is stressed when attack with blockable.

Tl;dr anyways what I meant that Merc have after so so many "updates" has very limited builds (if using SS can be considered as builds...) like only Sup and Tank. It also boring to play with and vulnerable against some builds.

However note that I don't say Merc is UP (well... depend, but this is about gameplay, not balance anyways) I faced good Merc out there (still same builds anyways) but I think Merc is not as cool as before and maybe it should have some change.

My opinion? Well I think FC should be changed (the only useless skill). It should give 1 damage every level for any attack. Which mean you can do Aux +10 or do Atom -10 MP -10 MP. It's like poison but if you skip turn you waste it so it's not that powerful. But I think since STR is something not so Merc anymore it can have a skill that won't relate to STR. Also a skill like that won't require much MP and Skill Point so Merc can spend stats around

So what do you think about Merc after all these update? Worthless? Boring? Strong? Exciting??? What do you think when you face a Mer? What weird builds can you come up for Mer? What should be changed about Mer?

Edited to change title of thread. This is a discussion, yet the title screams rant. I would rather this be a discussion and not a rant fest that will result in warnings and deletions. ~Eukara Vox

< Message edited by BlueKatz -- 10/18/2011 23:59:10 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/18/2011 11:51:59   

It definitely owns in levels 1-20!


AQ Epic  Post #: 2
10/18/2011 12:32:35   

@greenrain13 that is the only reason to play it. lvl up easy till 20, then change class :/
Post #: 3
10/18/2011 12:40:55   
Gepard Acht

merc used to be awesome back then (*sigh remembering when i always get pwned by f.j), heck every class used to have equal players but lately merc's maul-berzerk is starting to get unpopular or any other builds of merc. i was even shocked to see a varium str merc in solo battle and now probably the only thing that it has over Tlm is the BB

so what im saying is that Merc needs some huge buff because i cant let a class be abandoned and no-one will use , its sad...

AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
10/18/2011 13:18:08   
Adam in Wonderland


You couldn't include the "c" in the subject so it reads... Merc?

Post #: 5
10/18/2011 13:56:03   

Yeah man it's hella hard as a merc
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
10/18/2011 14:11:08   
Adam in Wonderland

"Regular" Mercenary is stll a strong class for non-varium players, especially for NPC wins and 2vs2 play. Max Hybrid still is one of the best skills for survival and defense.
With a proper build, mercs can do very well and have choices of str merc, support merc or tank merc...although, I admit tank merc is much better for varium and bot players than non-varium mercs.
But it's still a great class if used properly.
Post #: 7
10/18/2011 14:19:16   
Digital X
Beep Beep!

I've been a TLM for a few weeks now, and enjoying every minute. I know it might not seem to take "skill" to use the class, but in my eyes some sort of skill IS needed in order to get the best from the class, which i am trying to accomplish, whilst using a favourite build. I've tried Str, Supp, but i am fairly settled and comfortable on a tank. I get good defences, good damage and an ok heal.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
10/18/2011 16:26:31   
Elf Priest JZaanu

With my Mercenary Alt, the build is designed as the true meaning of "tactical". It is not overpowering nor is it impressive with stats. I try to use the best skills for every situation. Due to the lack of stats, it is difficult for 1v1 play, but in 2v2 it provides an ability to compete and frustrate many popular builds.

AQW Epic  Post #: 9
10/18/2011 17:16:30   

What are you talking about? I have fun playing as a Tactical Merc. I love it. Battles are much easier now since all those months ago when I was a normal merc. Yeah we been nerfed a bit. But I haven't noticed any major changes. Maybe because I'm a bit rusty from not playing in a while. I dunno. :/
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
10/18/2011 17:17:58   

Merc, TLM is boring class. I agree. But ED said on facebook they'll rearrange the TLM build. Hopefully different skills. =/
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
10/18/2011 23:25:52   

Merc is boring to play with I have found, I'd say the best answer for this is..make your own build. A merc strength build can be really fun when you get bored, and just a great build period
MQ  Post #: 12
10/18/2011 23:50:08   


Merc, TLM is boring class. I agree. But ED said on facebook they'll rearrange the TLM build. Hopefully different skills. =/

Hopefully some different skills. As a TLM, it doesn't feel Tactical at all.


Epic  Post #: 13
10/19/2011 0:05:25   



You couldn't include the "c" in the subject so it reads... Merc?

Sorry about that, changed.

I don't have much problem with TLM, they have a lot of good builds. What bother me is the original Mercenary, which have only 2 builds, Tank or Sup. People say TM are predicable before, but Merc is just worse (now).
Umm :/ I notice there aren't much Mer around, even on Forum. Most of the time, TM thread "TM still pwn", CH thread "CH is so strategic", TLM "yay we still so strong", BM thread "we are ok don't change us, just need better build", BH thread "BH is still devastating".
Merc thread "haha those annoying Merc get nerfed" Merc users "..."
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
10/19/2011 12:42:57   

the mercenary class is still the curb stompinging clas it always has been, just minus on the added def ignore on multi rain, the only reason you fools seem to think it is weak is because all the really great mercs switched to tacticle merc, so not only do you get an influx of talent but you have the added bonus of how much more power the tlm class has already
Epic  Post #: 15
10/19/2011 13:04:54   

I hope they dont remove reroute , hybrid , smoke , heal , frenzy and atom smasher.


AE started when Chuck Noris round-house kicked Artix in the face and told him to get a job . So he did .
Post #: 16
10/19/2011 18:47:56   

It's not that mercenaries have gotten weaker, it's just that TLMs are so much better than mercenaries that there is no reason to be a mercenary. I am sure if the TLM lost hybrid armor, which it probably should, then mercenaries would be the most overpowered class. Why? Hybrid armor is the most OP skill in the game. Whichever class has it will be OP. But since TLM has hybrid along with other awesome skills that work with an insane amount of synergy, mercenaries pale in comparison.
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
10/19/2011 19:14:26   

All very true. i havn't fought a single powerful mercenary for over 2 months now.


It is difficult to enjoy your cake when your pants are on fire.
~Dragon of Time
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
10/19/2011 22:20:16   

Merc has died for it's lack of build variety. It's support build is weak(er), it's str moves are dead if the opponent has high dex, 5 focus builds gain no mana and merc can't buff any stats (besides Field commander, which is absolutely useless).
I loved merc. I've always been a hunter to heart, but playing through all the classes, I found merc the best. TM was good too, but not my style.
People left merc because it's difficult to win. I have yet to lose to a mercenary after the delta expansion. If you question that, I dare you to challenge me.
All in all, I hope for a comeback (one that will never arrive).
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
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