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A Current NPC Issue

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11/12/2011 3:19:56   

ok there is an issue with NPCs and the amount of times u can fight them.
right now for example i do 15 NPCs (for battle reasons which applies to my record)
and currently doing npc out of my lvl range for mission reasons.
so just like bosses u should be able to challenge NPCs out of ur lvl range as much as u want without it counting as the hourly 15. or else make that out of lvl range fight count as a win. because it is a waste of an npc fight.

what are ur thoughts?
do u think NPCs out of lvl range should be allowed to be challenged an unlimited amount of times? (keep in mind they dont affect ur record nor give u any credits influence or tokens. basically a waste npc fight right now)

< Message edited by goldslayer1 -- 11/12/2011 3:20:10 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
11/12/2011 7:38:07   

^ I agree it could be added.

Not a necesity though.
Epic  Post #: 2
11/12/2011 7:54:27   

nah, npcs just shouldn't count for you record at all


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/12/2011 10:19:17   
Death Gigas

Basicball, it should be counted if it's within your level range, if it wasn't counted toward your record, then there's no reason for NPC's. But I do agree goldslayer, I don't like fighting Junker, City Guards, and other lower level NPC's for missions, and it won't let me do my hourly NPC wins that hour.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
11/12/2011 10:24:32   

No reason for npcs? How about easy gold, xp and token farming?
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 5
11/12/2011 10:46:46   


No reason for npcs? How about easy gold, xp and token farming?

i never said theres no reason for NPCing.
im just saying its messed up how im trying to do a mission and i have to fight a low lvl NPC out of my range
which wont count towards my record but will count towards the amount of NPCs i did that hour.
AQW Epic  Post #: 6
11/12/2011 10:52:38   
dont give up

@ gold agree with you my good pal
Post #: 7
11/12/2011 11:09:04   

@Basic A lot of players NPC because their build/class/gear is terrible, and can't win any battles, you know that? I NPCed a lot trying to get from Merc to Tactical, I was losing every single battle... of course, I only needed 5k, but that's beside the point.

NPC fights should only count if they're in your level range, bosses not included.
This isn't exactly a priority, just something the team could throw in if they felt like.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
11/12/2011 11:27:31   

i'm not saying you shouldn't get any cred/exp/BT/enfluence (if they're in your lvl range), just that they shouldn't count towards your record, imo, a battle record should show solely how ggood you prform, compared to other plyers, not compared to npc's who's build never changes, and who you know from how they'll fight before the fight even begins ...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
11/12/2011 13:06:07   

The real issue is that NPCs should just be for credits and experience not for your record. Your record is supposed to represent your PvP history, not your PvE history, especially when the E is ridiculously easy to beat.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
11/12/2011 13:10:18   

I agree with gold completely. This is why I don't do those missions that require me to fight out of range npc's, whatever the reward is.

Post #: 11
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