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=MtAK= A Rift Opens, and a Fire Imp enters the 'Pedia

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1/22/2012 3:51:03   
Advocator of Wills

Hello everyone, I am Leon Shadowhart, your new AK for the DF 'Pedia. Some of you may know me, some may not.

You can ask me any questions, but take note of the following:

  • The =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules are in effect here.
  • Each person may ask only 15 questions once per page.
  • I will not answer any questions that are too personal or inappropriate in nature. You have been warned.
  • Usage of signatures are not allowed and will be removed in the 'Pedia.
  • I reserve the right to answer questions anytime.
  • This thread will be locked on 30th January.

    I will be editing your posts in this color. If you would like to add the color code:


    With all that I have to say, let the questions begin!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/30/2012 14:54:17 >
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
    1/22/2012 3:56:02   
    Legendary AdventureGuide!

    No questions, welcome to the Pedia team.

    Thanks! I hope I can be of help here.

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:20:43 >
    DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
    1/22/2012 4:02:56   
    Wolf Rider

    Well, first of all congrats and good luck.

    Now for what's becoming my standard question:

    If you could have any one thing from any book, movie, or TV show, what would it be.
    Hm, a chance to meet the actor of that movie?

    Now for a gift: *holds out a box* In this box contains an infinite supply of one thing and one thing only. What's in it?

    That's all I've got. Again, congrats and good luck.
    Good luck to you as well!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:20:54 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 3
    1/22/2012 4:05:40   
    random fun 12

    Oooh a new AK for the DF Pedia! *rubs hands together* Time to get cracking!

    Congrats on your new elevated position! I hope Legendary Hero feeds you enough? (I am led to believe he is the one responsible for the Pedia and ultimately, your welfare)
    Thanks, he feeds me enough.
    1. Why do you liek Fire Imps? What the heck happened to Mudkipz?
    Fire Imps are awesome. ^^
    2. How many Fireballs have you burnt into our precious info banks in the Pedia?!
    Um, I don't remember, is it 70 fireballs of info?
    3. Why did you choose this job as an AK?
    Because I find it useful?
    4. Please tell me you visit the CA Section of the forums.
    On occasions, yes.
    5. PumpkinLords or Jack'O'Lanterns?
    PumpkinLords, definitely.
    6. Best Film Ever?
    127 Hours.
    7. Best book ever?
    Same as above.
    8. Best song ever?
    Iridescent by Linkin Park. I do have other favorites, though.
    9. The little guy in my avvy's just too cute isn't he? ^_^
    He is, but I like DF's plushies as well.
    10. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
    11. If you could have one wish, what would it be?
    To meet someone famous.
    Well, that's all from me. I may be around later to torture you with even more horrendous questions, so keep your eyes peeled.
    Bye! *Flash-Whizz-Bang-Poof*
    Thanks, and see you around!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:21:07 >
    DF AQW  Post #: 4
    1/22/2012 4:06:32   

    Hi Leon, congrats and welcome aboard.
    Hi, and thanks, Peachii.
    No questions from me, enjoy your stay, and I wish you all the best on working in the Pedia. (:
    I wish you the best too, and I will continue to do what I can in the Pedia.


    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:21:41 >
    DF AQW  Post #: 5
    1/22/2012 4:45:47   
    The Cow says MOO

    Hiyas and Welcome
    Do you find this a good job?
    Yeah, since there are countless entries to look through.
    Do you find pedia'ing the Fire Imp plushie if we win the war warm and cuddly (If we can do it)
    Definitely, since the Fire Imp first appeared, I've thought of having a plushie based on it.
    Is this a question?
    It is.
    Pancakes or Shadowhearts.
    Both, I'm greedy. :P
    Name: Leon or Jake
    Leon, as always.
    Orange or Yellow

    See ya and Gud Luck 'flamin' the pedia with you're fire impy skillz
    See you around!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:21:55 >
    Post #: 6
    1/22/2012 5:06:21   
    Therril Oreb
    Legendary AdventureGuide!

    hey leon ^^
    Hey, Raven.
    Congratulations becoming AK
    No questions for you really :p
    Oh, too bad then.
    well good luck out there and keep on having fun
    Yeah, good luck to you too.

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:22:10 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 7
    1/22/2012 5:27:23   
    Rune Knight

    Why heyllo there, Leon! :D
    Hey there, nice to have you here, Fae!
    Congratulations on becoming one of the DF Encyclopedia's newest ArchKnights! The Encyclopedia was doing great before all of this happened, so I can't comprehend how much better things will be now that you and Voodoo Master are ArchKnights.
    Thanks! Things in the Pedia will certainly go smoothly.
    Now for the questions. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-! *Cough* Sorry.
    *Readies himself*
    1) Red or blue?
    Umm, blue? *coughblueredandorangecough*
    2) If you answered the last question correctly, then tell me why you like the color. Otherwise... *Holds up a bucket of blue paint*
    Blue is one of my favorites as it brings me luck.
    3) What is your favorite book?
    127 Hours and Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn.
    4) What is one of your favorite hobbies?
    Cycling outdoors.
    5) Have you enjoyed your time here so far?
    No doubt I have enjoyed it with you guys!
    6) When's the best time to wear a striped sweater?
    Winter, but I don't have that in my country, sadly.
    7) What kind of collar does aforementioned sweater have?
    A long and thick collar.
    8) What is your stance on the fight against purple?
    Heh, purple? I'm defensive and immune against purple!
    I will take down Drakath if I have to!
    Well, that's all I can think of for now. Feel lucky! D;<
    You too!
    Farewell, Leon. Good luck mastering your new and shiny buttons!
    Thanks again. *Starts pressing new buttons non-stop*

    *Smiles, disappearing with a flash of lightning*

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:22:26 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
    1/22/2012 5:32:33   

    ohaidere Gratz on Ak(ship)(wondering when you will do yours)*hands a special made cookie,meant to give em out when the war reaches 100%*
    Now lemme see what to do.....

    1.Where do imps come from?
    The Rift, of course!
    4.Got ya
    Hey, you're not fast enough to catch a shadow!
    5.Will you be join the*ahem*secret rebellelion agasint the purple legion*
    No, I prefer fighting alone, always.
    6.Dem cookiez of moglin juice?
    Cookies with milk. ^^
    7.dragon,vamp or zombie?(which you hate most)
    Can't say for sure. I don't really like or dislike any of them.
    8.One power what would it be?*so summoning anysort of imp :) nor shapeshifting*
    The power to summon imps to my will!
    9.How dem shackles *chuckles*big,tight,small ?
    The shackles seem to fit in nicely.
    Dere ya go 9 *simple*cough* questions for ya and gratz again
    See you around, and signature usage is not allowed here.

    Please don't use signature in the Pedia area, removed. [Niki]

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:22:41 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
    1/22/2012 6:33:24   
    Orange Squire

    Hey Leon!
    Welcome, Sains!
    Grats on becoming an AK!
    I ask this question to every AK, so here it comes.
    What sort of question?
    Have you ever watched the film "The Human Centipide"?
    About that, I haven't seen it at all.
    If you answered yes to the question above, did you find it funny?

    Well, thats all from me this time. cya around :)
    See you around!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:23:00 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
    1/22/2012 8:50:21   
    PaperClip OF DOOM

    Great to have you! Good luck and have fun! :)
    Thanks, it's an honor to have you back on the Pedia team!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:23:15 >
    Post #: 11
    1/22/2012 9:09:43   
    Dwelling Dragonlord

    ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L

    *A cloaked figure rises from the shadows.*

    Greetings, Leon Shadowhart.
    Would thou rather serve as a Fire Imp or rule the Fire Imps instead?
    I would rule the Fire Imps instead.
    Who is thy favourite staffmember?
    The Legendary Hero. *Don't say anything*
    Does thou know about my legacy?
    No, I don't.
    Should thou answer the above question with yes, who wears black and who wears blue?

    I congratulate thou with thy ArchKnighthood and bid thou farewell.
    Thank you, and fare thee well.
    *The cloaked figure bows as it succumbs into the shadows.*
    *Bows back at the cloaked figure*

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/30/2012 7:02:04 >
    AQ DF AQW  Post #: 12
    1/22/2012 12:02:10   

    Hiyas Leon! :D
    Hi, golden! Thanks for the tags.
    No questions from me, just a congrats and welcome aboard!
    That'll be short and sweet.
    And, as a fellow 'Pedia AK...good luck with the workload! ;)
    I'm doing fine so far, and I hope to see you again!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:23:53 >
    DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
    1/22/2012 12:53:11   
    Friendly!, Constructive!

    Another MtAK hey? Well done on your new position!
    So, how do you feel about purple?
    ... I don't feel anything, since I'm not overly obsessed about colors.
    Is there an alliance between purple and orange?
    Can I not say yes?
    Not that I really care, I am independent from the rulers of purple. I just like it, thus use it.
    It's purely your choice.
    Well anyway, congrats on your new AKship and I hope you have a great time!
    Hope you have a great time too!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:29:29 >
    DF  Post #: 14
    1/22/2012 13:56:33   
    Legendary AK!!!

    Hey there!
    Hey, and thanks for the tags!

    1. Why do you liek Fire Imps? What the heck happened to Mudkipz?
    Fire Imps are awesome. ^^

    How dare you liek Fire Imps more than Mudkipz! What do you have to say for yourself?
    We all have our own preferences, don't we?

    Uh, that's all... bye!
    See you around!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:25:58 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 15
    1/22/2012 15:01:00   

    ......Suddenly you wake up and see...see that you are on snowy top of a mountain...But you aren't alone.. You see a gray bearded creased old man partially in mountain.. He moves his mouth and starts to ask....
    Who are you to bother mine eternal sleep???
    I apologize for disturbing your eternal sleep.
    I have seen many strange creatures turning my long life...you are one of the strangest...Maybe only Great Sockmancer Lupus was stranger than you...
    I'm not any stranger than him, am I?
    I am glad that you arrived at the time for lunch..Do you want to take part of it with me??
    Um, sure?
    That probably meant yes....Here you have...Fouillis Dead-coat au pièce rotten eagle with greyish potatoes...
    ... I'll pass on that.
    As I see you liked it a lot... You ate whole plate empty (how he got plates to this mountain's top??)...You even ate little wormies from your piece of goat...
    After a lunch I usually take a nap... Off you go....Bye...
    ... Alright, bye.
    ...You try to get down from this mountain top to safe ground... Sadly only way down is climbing down by straight wall of rock... good luck...
    I could just use something to get down the mountain...
    Please don't use signature in the Pedia area, removed. [Niki]

    Sry I thought MtAK is exception..
    Sorry, no. Signature usage is not allowed within the 'Pedia.

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:26:41 >
    DF  Post #: 16
    1/22/2012 15:47:17   
    Voodoo Master

    Congratulations on getting into the team! (Although you got there before me :P)
    Thanks, Voodoo! Nice of you to come.
    Do a good job, but also remember to always have fun! :)
    I will, and you too. Have fun as well!


    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:28:38 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 17
    1/22/2012 18:01:22   

    Custodian (DF)

    Hmmm... You are not as familiar to me as some of the other warmonger of Falconreach are. Mayhap you are not one of them. That, or I am becoming old *chuckles*. Wizwacket aside, congratulations of your Archknightship! Have fun in the Dragonfable Encyclopedia Archives.
    Thanks, I'm not really a warmonger, though.
    *Elryn bearhugs Leon*
    *Feels hugged*
    On to warmongerish questions.
    Are you a warmonger?
    Well, I have the patience, but I don't have that much time, so no.
    I know you little I am afraid. Do you know me?
    I have seen you somewhere on the forums as well as on the Beacons of Hope chatroom.
    How do you feel about the near constant warring?
    I find them weary, since I don't really go on extensive farming in wars.
    Have you fought wars in Battleon before?
    I haven't, but I help out in Falconreach wars.
    All time record in Battleon and Falconreach wars?
    More than 1001 waves in the Final 13th War.
    Proudest achievement(s) in a war?
    Fully upgrading the Teeth of the Dragon Wolf.
    Say the enemy had hired Cataclysm in war and you found yourself face to face with him on the battlefield, what would you do?
    I'll have a duel with him.
    What would you do if Mystical Warrior offered a war race?
    I'd accept his offer.
    What is Prosperine's weapon of choice?
    Um, I don't know.
    What kind of fighter are you (warrior, ranger, mage, something else)?
    I follow the path of a rogue.
    What abilities do you have and use in war?
    I use attacks that can hit multiple enemies at once.
    Your favorite Battleon and/or Falconreach war?
    The current ongoing war and the Final 13th.
    Tell me a bit about yourself, Leon?
    I help out in the DF 'Pedia on certain days, and on weekends, I go outdoors cycling.
    Care for a spar?
    Your warmonger's dream?
    To try and get 1001 waves?
    That is all for now. See you on the battlefield.

    Thanks, and I will see you on the battlefield.

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/30/2012 0:41:10 >
    AQ  Post #: 18
    1/22/2012 18:46:11   
    Stephen Nix
    Penguin Lore Keeper (DF)

    If you know me I ask the same questions on every mtak thread so prepare yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Here comes to you my questions and congrats to on your AK ship!
    Who gave you the deadly task on becoming an AK?
    The Legendary Hero.
    How are the shackles.....what color are yours?
    They fit perfectly, and they're orange.
    Are you good or ebil or evil?, choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my icicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha!
    ... I side with neither evil or ebil.
    Ready to play?
    Um, of course.
    Whats your defense to my ultimate attack of ice ownage mixed with pure darkness from the abyss?
    Use a shield that absorbs even the most powerful of spells? >.<
    Does this shirt make me look fat?
    Yes, maybe, no?
    Does it make you look fat?
    I don't think so.
    What did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
    I said this to myself: "OMG, WHAT?! I'M AN AK?!"
    What is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate Lock down, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
    I came up with my own: Locked on impact!
    I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix! May the undead penguins eat you alive!
    They will never eat me, as I am a master of the art of stealth!

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/30/2012 14:57:15 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
    1/25/2012 17:53:34   

    Hey Leon!
    Welcome, and thanks for the tags! I never thought anyone would post here after three days.
    Welcome to the AK's and have fun AK'ing the Pedia!
    I always will, the Pedia is one of those areas I help out the most.
    Good luck and take care!
    Take care as well! ~Leon

    < Message edited by Leon ShadowHart -- 1/29/2012 12:32:14 >
    AQW Epic  Post #: 20
    1/30/2012 15:10:35   
    Advocator of Wills

    Thanks again, everyone! It's been a pleasure answering your questions, but it is time for me to lock this up. I will be leaving this thread here for 2 days before moving it to the Archives.
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 21
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