Hey guys. It is rayniedays56 again (Amber Rayne in game). I've been wondering something for a while now. Which armor do you think is the best? And, if suitable, the best for a Tech Mage, Bloodmage, Tactical Mercenary, Mercenary, Cyber Hunter, and Bounty Hunter. Here is my choice on the best armor... Founder Armor http://www.epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Founder_Armor_%28Mercenary_Level_25%29 Why? Well, except for the fact that it makes you look like you know the game, I have given some thoughts on it. 1. It has 10 enhancement slots! Easily makes it extremely valuable. 2. Gives 7 resistance and also gives +5 to strength, +7 to dexerity, and +5 to technology whereas the other armor that gives you +7 on either def or resistance gives only a +6 and +6 on two stats. 3. Come on. It's founder armor and it's in the Ultra Rare category. Ok. Now, my other choices depend on being high class (30-34) Bloodmage... The Physical Harvest Husk http://www.epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Harvest_Husk_P_M_%28Level_34%29 Why? Bloodmages are a perfect Strength class, so I figured the highest lvl armor with the highest strength benefits would work to their advantage. 1. 8 enhancement slots (easily add 8 strength to the already +6 and you have 14 strength added to your player). 2. Gives a +9 defence, making it harder for the Physical weapons to attack. 3. Usable by ANY class, meaning if you change, so does it. 4. Good for the fright effect ;). Tech Mage... Tesla or Lady Tesla Energy Armor http://www.epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Lady_Tesla_Armor_E Why? Tech Mages are extremely strong when they are dexerity based, so having +8 dex makes this a strong armor. 1. 8 enhancement slots (adding 8 dex to 8 gives a whopping 16 dexerity, making super charge that much more powerful. 2. It's energetic, which helps when you are dexerity based. Gives some room for your resistance. 3. You only need to be level 33 to reap it's benefits fully :). 4. Good for the bulky, tank look. Tactical Mercenary... Nightwraiths energy Duds http://www.epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Nightwraith%27s_Duds_E_%28Level_34%29 Why? The Tactical Mercenary is by far the best class to Super Tank with, meaning that it can handle hits and deal them. The energetic Duds give the Tact Merc a +9 to resistance while also adding a +6 to dexerity and +6 to technology. Good for tanking, no? :) 1. 8 enhancement slots (adding 4 to dex and 4 to tech will give a tank appeal) 2. Only 11,111 credits and 895 varium, making it the cheapest high-class armor. 3. Gives a professional, I'm gonna kill you look. Mercenary... The Tesla/Lady Tesla Physical Armor http://www.epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Lady_Tesla_Armor_P Why? The Mercenary is the best class to go for a Tech Base with, given it's Bunker Buster and Surgical Strike. This armor gives +8 to tech and dexerity while also giving the +9 to defence. Easily gives a Tech/Tank build if used with the right weapons. 1. 8 enhancement slots (adding 8 to the already +8 on the technology raises it to +16, making bunker buster all that much more useful). 2. It's a physical armor, which can help the Mercenary carry on the Tech build while having decent defense. 3. Since it's possible to add +16 technology to this armor, it makes deflects that much more common. 4. Great for the Bulky, Tank look. Cyber Hunter... I hate to admit it, but the best armor is the Tesla/Lady Tesla Physical Armor http://www.epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Lady_Tesla_Armor_P Why? Cybers are known for their High Dexerity, and since this adds +8 to dexerity, and given it has +9 to defence, and +8 to technology, this armor makes it very easy to go for the High Dex/Tank build. 1. 8 enhancement slots can yield a +8 to dexerity, giving the character +16 to their dexerity, making it that much more hard to hit. 2. Since Cybers now have Plasma Armor, then it is easy to determine that Resistance and Technology aren't regarded as highly as the other classes value it. 3. Once more, you only have to be level 33 to reap the full benefits. Bounty Hunter... The Physical Harvest Husk http://www.epicduelwiki.com/index.php/Harvest_Husk_P_F_%28Level_34%29 Why? Bounty Hunters are known for the High Strength, High Health gain builds, so I found the best armor that gives +9 to defence and a high +6 to strength. 1. 8 enhancement slots (with an already +6, you can add another +8, making your strength a +14, which, when added with the right weapons, gives your character an extremely effcient massacre. 2. Since Bounty Hunters have an energy shield, it is smart for them to make use of a Physical Armor so that needn't always rely on Reflex Boost to retain their defense. 3. The armor adds to all stats, which can easily help for the High Strength/5 focus build. 4. Goin for the scary look? Well, look no further :) Well, thats the end. Please comment below on whether you think my ideas of "The Best" are right. And please, by all, put down your idea for the best armor and explain WHY it is. Consider the best builds for each class like I did. Thank you!