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=AQ= Meet the Mods - Kalanyr - Finished

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8/6/2005 14:48:50   
Legendary Sidhe of Order

Hi, putting this up early, since I'll probably be vanishing for a day and not returning until after I should start so I'll put it here to gather questions.

I'm sure we all now how this goes by now, you ask questions in a post and I answer them by editing your post and putting in my answers.

To get a few of the obvious ones out of the way, I'm male, I'm Australian and I'm in my early 20's.

Now bring on the questions, sane or not as they may be.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/14/2005 11:51:41 >
AQ DF  Post #: 1
8/6/2005 15:03:19   

Gashp! Hiya Kal!

So are you still gonna do a Meet the KoO in our own forum, or is this it?
This is it, I think.
So... Video Games! What do you play besides AQ?
Lots ? Final Fantasy X and X-2 being the major time eaters at the moment.
What genre of video games are you most into? (I.E. I'm an RPG freak.)
RPG Freak here too
Hmm... What does an average outfit of Kal look like?
T-shirt and shorts. Basically I wear what I have around
Where-abouts do you live in Aussieland? By which I mean, what major city is closest? (I ask because I have a good friend in Sydney. North Turramurra to be specific.)
Now the question I have to ask all Aussies, have you ever ridden a Kangaroo? (Someday I'll find someone who has!)
Nope sorry.
So, if this isn't too personal, relationship status? Is there a Mrs. Kalanyr Wonka?
If you could have a super-power, which would it be?
If we're talking specifics I think I'd go with super-intelligence but if we're talking more general suites magic.
PC or Mac?
Playstation, Nintendo, or X-Box?
Both the ones that aren't an X-box
Paper or plastic?
Depends. Plastic cups are good but so is writing paper.
Hardback or paperback?
Paperback, they are so much cheaper. And I read a lot
Hmm... that's all I got for now. ^_^
Does that mean you'll be back later?

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:05:09 >
AQ  Post #: 2
8/6/2005 15:14:08   

Sane or Not? HAH! Good one... I can't stop laughing.
Yay, me is teh funny!

You actually believe there's a "Sane"-ness in here? HAH! Good one.
Yes, I believe there's a saneness, its what I am ^_^.

I'm living proof aren't I? :P
I'm not American but I refuse to answer on the grounds either answer I give may incriminate myself ?

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:08:06 >
AQ  Post #: 3
8/6/2005 15:21:06   


B4 i start, sane questions? is there such a thing?
Possibly, I'm sure I'll know one if I see it

Hows life?
Fairly good

How long have you been a mod?
Since late June.

How much do you get paid(if anything)?

Do you enjoy being a mod?
Yes, I get to help keep the forums running smoothly and I've got to meet several interesting people as a result

Were you forced to do the question answering?
Nope, I volunteered.

C ya

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:10:15 >
AQ  Post #: 4
8/6/2005 15:26:04   

Hey Kalanyr!

First of all do you know me?
You're name seems familiar but I'm unsure where from.

Why Willy Wonka as you title?
Long ago Rayf made a joke about how the Knights of Order are like Oompa-Loompa's they work away behind the scenes and emerge to sing silly songs about balance, so I became an Oompa-Loompa of Order. Since I'm now the head Knight of Order I switched it to Willy Wonka. Basically a rather elaborate joke ^_^.

Do you like people bombarding you with questions just like this thread?
Not really sure.

Do you like Australia?

How long have you been playing AQ for?
Since late June 2004.

Do you play other online games?
Sporadically. Kingdom of Loathing is my current other interesting.

Do you like music?
Not actively but when its on I don't mind

If so, what genre?
Classical, Old Rock and Country and Western.

Do you like the Harry Potter books?
Yep, the plot twists are a little bit obvious sometimes though.

If you could change anything in the world, what would it be?
I don't know, that'd take a bit of thought.

Thats all for now, i might be back!


*vanishes in a puff of smoke*

Okie-dokie I'll see you later.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:15:19 >
Post #: 5
8/6/2005 15:31:05   
~Lion Eagle~

Hi Kalanyr

Your name sounds like one I'd come up with... o.O Very nice!
Thanks, its the name of an old D&D character of mine.

Do you play Guild Wars?
Nope, I'm on dial-up.

What kind of music do you listen to?
Already answered this.

And I thought I was suicidal...

^^ What do you think of the goofy picture?
Very strange? Kind of amusing though.

Favorite color?
Red, though I have a softspot for grey.

Do you like reptiles? (love em)
No strong opinion.

Why do I have future-revealing dreams?
You mean they didn't tell you the answer to this question ?

If you could have any eye color you want what would it be?

Can't die of old age or Can't die due to damage?
Can't die due to damage.

Glasses, contacts, or neither?
Neither, but if it was one or the other glasses

I have run out of questions >:( bye bye...I'll try to come back with a poem for you to rate if you want.
Later. Sure if you want too.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:20:04 >


I don't break rules. I just bend them. A lot.
AQ  Post #: 6
8/6/2005 16:01:07   
Spawn of Drake


do you want to be a millionare?
No, I want to be a billionaire.

I do.

Mods are so.. so..
Insane ? I know.

Oh okay um disregard the previous then. ^_^

well, *dances*

I'll pester you again, bye!

*dances away*
Have fun ^_^

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:21:22 >
Post #: 7
8/6/2005 16:18:37   

Hi Kalanyr

Whos the better Willy Wonka? Gene Wilder or Jonny Depp?
Haven't seen Depp yet so I can't say.

Have you seen Vephoma?
Not IRL but I've spoken to him on IRC.

Can you dance?
Not well.

Do you like Pie?

Do you know that you are as old as my sister?
I knew that I'd probably be the same age as a lot of people's sisters ?

Do you like dogs?

Have you ever broken a limb?

Do you know me?

What is your favorite shape?
Mobius Loop ^_^ or Klein bottle

Road Trip or Plane Ride?
Plane Ride

Doritoes or Pringles?
Tough un. Doritoes I think.

Night or Day?

Paper or Plastic?
Already answered this one.

Would you like fries with that?

Do you wish that the AQ world was real?
Only if the Reaper's quota is *ALWAYS* full.

Do you have mind powers?
I don't think so.

Chedder or Pepper Jack?
If you mean cheeses Cheddar.

Should I stop asking Questions?
If you want too.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:25:11 >
AQ  Post #: 8
8/6/2005 16:21:08   
Ikanem the Vengence

Ok this my second ask the mods dealie.

Do you know me?
I think I've seen you around the forums

Why did you give me a title if you had?
I haven't.

What title did you give me if you did?
See above.

Why are you my favorite mod?
Only you can answer that.

Will you check out my suggestions (the link is in my signature)?
I might if I get some spare time tomorrow

What did you think?
I'll let you know.

Also if you like my suggestions what would you do about it?

Will you comment? I would really apreciate it. *puppy dog eyes*

Why do you lik red meat so much?
I don't particularly like red meat.

Have you ever heard of a band named Rammstein(their German)?

Why? (This isn't a reference to anything just your opinion.)

What do you think the prise for the Carnax Contest will be?
That is a secret.

Do you like to RP? (in what ever free time you have)

Ahh I'm running out of questions

How do like your steak cooked?
Medium Rare

Who would win in a fight? A ninja or a Pirate?
I think I'll go for the Ninja if its not on a boat.

Have you ever heard of The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Past?

If yes did you like it?
It was okay.

Now I know some one of you amazingness has heard of the Legend of Zelda series. What is your favorite game in it?
I have a softy for the old ones so Link's Awakeneing.

If you live your life with regrets, what would be your greatest regret? Why?
That'd be a little bit too personal to answer I think.

What would be your weapon of choise if you were to go into a mall and kill every one in it? (no choosing anything you cant use yourself ie. no missles or tanks)
It'd depend why on earth I'm doing it and since its never crossed my mind before I have no idea.

Do you like Simple Plan? (the band)
Never heard of em.

If yes what is their best song in your opinion?

What is your favorite snake? Why?
Adder! Because he may be reading this ?

What is your favorite animal ?

What is your favorite question word?
Why ?

Do you randomly give people titles if you see something funny/interesting?

Can you do that?
Not unless they've done something deserving as well.

What do you think of the pic in my signature?
Its okay.

I think that is it for now.

Nope I was wrong.

Did you have anything to do with the Canine warrior armor being left handed?

If (heaven forbid) you were sacked from the AQ staff what would you do?
I don't know. Go back to spending my time on other things I guess.

Do you like me?
Haven't seen enough of you to tell.

Do you like the red verses blue series? (its at redvsblue.com)
I'm on dialup nuff said.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:33:10 >
Post #: 9
8/6/2005 16:24:50   

*squeeeee!* It's teh Kalanyr!
*squee!* Its teh Reensness!

/me snugglehugglecuddles Kal
/me returnsnuggleglomps Reens

There, now that that's out of the way....how are you doing?
I'm okay to good.

Do you enjoy modding/head KoOing?

Why or why not?
It gives me a chance to help such a cool game.

What is your favorite part of Australia?
I'm not really sure I haven't had a chance to go looking yet.

Place where you'd most like to visit?
I'd like to see the Seven Wonders of the world at some time.

*gasp* Ok, I'm done.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:37:11 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 10
8/6/2005 16:47:06   

Drat I can't do that to your name very well. My vengeance will have to wait. ^_^.
*umm, how about Elly Elly Elly Elnaith?* ;p


Do you like cats?

Do you play Magic: The Gathering?
I have once or twice.

Do you like Parkeets?
Only when they aren't making a racket.

What is your favorite song by Pink Floyd (If you have one.)
Don't have one.

Do you like batteries?

Or.. Soap? Do you like soap?
It has its uses.

Do you know Sonata Arctica? (It is a band)

Do you DnD?
Yes.If you mean play Dungeons and Dragons.

Do you ever RP?
Yes, but not on these boards.

Meh, That was it.. If you need me.. I'll be kicking my internet connection.
I know the feeling.

< Message edited by Reens -- 8/7/2005 8:25:05 >
AQ DF  Post #: 11
8/6/2005 19:24:26   


Do you own any pets?
Yeah, I have a **** Zu who's a bit of a terror.

What do you enjoy eating the most?

Ever tasted blood? (seriously)

Tastes really good!
I'd debate that.

What other games (on the internet) do you play besides AQ?
Already answered that.

Do you like to draw?
Not particularly and I'm really bad at it in any case.

Well, I'm outa questions already... Cya later!

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:43:10 >


Wizard's third rule: Passion Rules Reason.
AQ  Post #: 12
8/6/2005 19:45:36   
Da Dragon Slaya
Combat Training Dragon Slayer

Hiya ^^

Can I have a chocolate bar?
I imagine so.

Where's Zylo?
In the fighter challenge.

Enough said...for now.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:45:38 >
AQ  Post #: 13
8/6/2005 22:17:39   

Hiya Kal...

Can you go around nerfing stuff just for the purposes of starting a riot? I could do with some amusement :P
I can but I don't think I ever will. Besides all our suggestions have to go through Galanoth and Captain Rhubarb first anyway.

Where do the voices come from?
My oompa-loompa spies.

Are there really people watching me in my sleep?
If they aren't I'll be having words to them for slacking off.

Have you ever killed anyone? (one, not thing)

Have you ever seriously contemplated it?
Yes, once or twice.

Why do bus stops exist?
So that you don't have to try and jump on a moving bus.

Do you see blue fairies?
Not at the moment.

I see blue fairies...
They don't like me
I'll speak to them about it.

Byea Kal!
Later Vode.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:48:05 >


AQ DF  Post #: 14
8/6/2005 22:40:11   


Colonel Mustard
Last tuesday.
The Library
Mr Body still hasn't learnt not to tell his guests about his amazing amounts of money.
I think that should be pretty obvious from the above.

Which flavour?

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:51:14 >


AQ  Post #: 15
8/6/2005 22:45:56   
Hero of Winds

It ish teh Oompa Lompa of Order! o_O
One of them.

Crikey! Is that a Frogzard behind you?
I hope not.

*removes mask* It is I! The Frogzard Hunter! *leaps on Frogzard*
Good luck.

*removes another mask* I've always wanted to do that.
Congratulations ?

Now for a semi-serious question: When my GC term is up, should I get back "Helpful Paladin in Green" as my title or is there another one you like better? I'm thinking "Robina Hood's Hubby" or something. Just to make it official.
I think I like Helpful Paladin in Green better.

Do you like chocolate?

Any Australian dishes you recommend?
Pie floater.

Pizza, burgers or nachos?

Favorite video game or video game series?
Final Fantasy

Favorite hero from a book, video game, movie, TV show, take your pick!

Favorite villain?
Toughy. Not really sure.

Why is 1wingangel out of his mind?
You drove him crazy ?

How Are You Kalanyr?
I am invincible and all powerful ?

All Your Carnax Are Belong To Us.

You Are On Your Way to Destruction.

You Have No Chance To Survive Make Your Time.
If you say so.

Have I gone completely nuts as well?
Looks that way to me?

Ph33r my 1337 sig by Leiphin.

Bye! *is dragged off by men in white coats to join 1wingangel in the funny house*

Ha Ha Ha.
Enjoy your stay!

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:55:34 >


AQ  Post #: 16
8/7/2005 3:35:47   

NOTE: I ask these questions and one extra question (which in this case, is the last question) to every mod I stumble by accident. I am Iamsorrydude Secondary, who is now screwed up and I cannot log on with Him/Her.

'Sup, Yo! Am I dumb now?
I don't know

As above.

Got milk?
Not at the moment.

Do you like Pie?
Already answered this.

Do you pick your nose, then lick your fingers?

Do you wish for Hamtaro to be eaten by Pikmin?
Who? and by what ?

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 6:56:43 >
Post #: 17
8/7/2005 7:14:35   
super saiyan sage

Hey Kalynyr
Hi Super Saiyan Sage
So whats it like being a mighty KoO member?
Interesting if occassionally frustating.
I wish i could join lol
Not really taking extra's at the moment.
So does it get annoying with people demanding changes so much of the time?
It can be but for the most part they are useful.
Do you find it being time consuming answering questions that have already been answered?
How did you become a KoO member?
I applied back during the initial intake and Elizabeth picked me.
Is there a chance for other people to join KoO?
Yes, but its not an application thing, we watch people and when we need new members we get to together pick who we think is the best candidate and then invite them.

Well thats all, Byeee.
Bye Bye

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 20:38:23 >
Post #: 18
8/7/2005 10:16:45   

*Chuckles* Alright, 'grats Kal, you get to be the -first- person I do this for.
Yay me, I'm being attacked by teh Corwin!

Who selected you to be a forum mod?
Elizabeth I think, smbdoll if you mean who did the final picking

From what I can tell they needed more mods at the time and Liz recommended me from my work in the KoO.

Which parts of your job do you enjoy the most?
Moderating: Helping keep things running smoothly. Though that can be occassionally painful (it took me a week to trim about 26 pages of unnecessary threads from bugs.
KoO: Probably the debates we have about whether or not some changes are worth making.

Are you considered full-fledged AQ-staff?

If so, enjoying the little perks?

...Wait, do you even still play the game?
Nowhere near as much as I used to but I pretty much still have to since its hard to balance stuff if you don't know what it is.

Banned anyone yet? (A bit about the most memorable would be good too).
Yes. No one really leaps to mind at the moment I'm afraid.

What do you think of your co-workers? (C'mon, you can be honest.. they don't read this stuff).
They're all crazy. But so are all the other mods and ops I've ever met. I think its a pre-requisite.

Do you ever wish you had taken the blue pill?

What the heck is KoO anyway?
Knights of Order

...Why is it?
To help balance things in the game to make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

Alright, now less job-related ones:

Can you dance?
Not well.

Favorite food? Color? Drink? Movie? Book? Sport? Game? Website? Music Genre? Band? Song? (all consolidated into one handy line :D ..Oh, and just ignore ones you've answered before).
Pizza,Red,Sprite,Lord of the Rings,Tennis,Chess,enworld.org,classical,N/A, Pretty much anything by Slim Dusty

How many hours daily would you say you spend online?
Depends usually about 10 to 12.

Live in a house or an apartment?
Live on Campus at my university.

Roommates, or family?
7 Floormates I suppose since we all have our own rooms.

Yeah, I have plenty more.. but this'll do.
Okay then talk to you later Corwin. ^_^


< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 20:47:14 >
AQ  Post #: 19
8/7/2005 17:27:00   

Hiyas Kal!

So, on a scale of 10 (10 being the highest), how good at you at flirting with the opposite gender?
Have any flirting tips for the more inexperienced?
They exist ?
Corwin's already asked if you can dance, so I'll ask, "Have you ever danced before in your life?"
If so, how would you rate your dancing skills? (Out of 10 (10 being the highest))
2, I don't fall over.
Whats your favorite 16 bit Superstar? (you know, Pac-Man, Sonic, Mario etc...)
Got any romantic stories you want to share with us?
I heard you're currently playing FFX. Great game.
Who's your fave character on the game?
Hmm. I think Auron.
Don't you think Rikku has gotten a bit more, um, dumber in X-2?
A fair bit sillier yes.
Huggles for the road? Please?

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 22:58:55 >


AQ  Post #: 20
8/7/2005 22:04:31   

I can't believe I haven't posted here yet ^_^

Anyway beat the butterfly thingy yet?
Nope. I decided to go do something more constructive and I'm now collecting ability spheres instead.

and If you could be any animal what would you be?
Wolf ^_^

I'm lazy and don't feel like making more questions. :P
That's okay.

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/7/2005 23:00:27 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 21
8/8/2005 3:00:06   

Hi Kalanyr!

'Big Bob of Order' seemed more appropriate than 'Oompa Loompa' because your writing style is so formal.
It was Oompa Loompa of Order too ^_^. Big Bob was ZLOK's contribution.
But 'Willy Wonka' is best of all.
I like it
Any others I don't know about?
I had Knight of the Orderly Host for a while, and Orderly Ninja Servant as well.
Congrats on KoO Head Honcho status.
Thank you
That's all!

No it isn't - how did you choose Kalanyr as your forum name?
It was the name of my first high level D&D character. Yes he was munchkin, aren't they all?
Now that's all.

I was wondering, since you live in Australia, do you update the war count when most of the rest of staff (presumadly living in the American East Coast) is asleep?
No, only admins can adjust it.
And if you do, do you actually rely on kill counts, or do you just guesstimate the percentage?

Also, why does AQ not use an automatic counter? Is this to discourage cheating?
I'd guess that it still is automated its just transparent now so people complain less when the admins have to adjust war counts because rewards aren't ready or such.
(I heard that AQ used them in the past.)

Not the usual questions, but they've been on my mind for a while, and the guardian-war brought them to the fore...thanks!

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/8/2005 18:25:51 >
Post #: 22
8/8/2005 9:05:25   

Lo! ZUP!

First off...

Can you burn into my arm your logo, or 'ZLOK Was Here'? (Arklen, Noah_B, and Killer<-- Did was here, Tharg, J, and Zlok- Put there logo into my arm, Durroth and DWierd did them all) *Shows multiple scarred arms, massivly burnt back, and ravishly burnt forehead but keeps pants on where a burnt butt is* PLZ?
I suppose so. *Gets out branding iron with logo on it*
Do you like rap?

Do you like Eminem?
See above.

Do you like my title?
I find your title amusing.

Do you like my art? *Read siggy*
You don't appear to have included your signature in this post. ^_^

Do you like your job? *AQ*

Do you like your job? *Real World*
I'm a university student, so it kind of depends on the subject and the day ^_^

Any ways, THNX!
No problems, Bye-Bye.+

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/8/2005 18:28:40 >
AQ  Post #: 23
8/8/2005 12:19:22   

*Jumps out of a vortex* Hey this isnt Canada!
Nope its cyberspace!
Looks a Kal with a smug look.
Looks bag with a smugger look
Im back!!
Hello again ^_^
Favourite Weapon?
Red Vengeance for sentimental reasons ^_^
Nightslayer, I believe it was the first shield with a special non-shieldy effect and hence not rendered utterly useless by Golden ^_^
Purity Portal! It marked the beginning of spells that were actually useful for level 70 and up
Guardian Ice Dragon. Multi-Hit Magic Conversion ^_^.
DO you have a pet?
Cats or Dogs?
Cat by preference
Have you ever met any of the AQ staff in person?
Favourite AQ team member?
All of them?
All of em are great.
Don't really associate with them enough to have a favourite.
I've only really interacted with a few of them much so I couldn't really say accurately.
Is it fun being in the KoO?
Can I join?
Maybe. We'll get back to you.
Pretty Please?
If you could give me a custom title, what would it be?
Take the left turn at Alberquerque
If you could have your own subrace what would it be and what abilites would it have?
I don't know ^_^
Do you watch Viva La Bam?
Favourite TV show?
Don't watch must TV anymore. Last show I really watched was Angel.
Am I annoying you yet?
Not yet.
If not ill be back later
Cya Later.
*jumps back into vortex*

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/8/2005 18:37:14 >
Post #: 24
8/8/2005 13:27:17   
The Arch Devil

what do my eye spot? A noble knight to question? Alright, here goes!
Yeah, its kind of hard to hide in Chain Mail. ^_^
Where do you mod around the most?
Bugs and Knights of Order. But I try to do a sweep of all the forums at least once a day.
Do you still hang out with the knights of order? (kept your job there, or?)
I'm the head Knight now, so yep.
Do you actually enjoy answering all these questions? Or is it just a part of the mod job? (why, why not?)
Yep, I volunteered and its amusing ^_^.
Do you RP? (could you eventually link me to a RP you have been in, if you have been in any that is.)
Yes, I could but none are on this board and they are D&D or D20 modern or such if you're still interested I'll dig one up ^_^.
And on a last note: Zylo, have you seen him?
Not unless you mean Zhilo.
~The Arch Devil

< Message edited by Kalanyr -- 8/8/2005 18:39:36 >




"That's the last time I'm painting stripes on a banana."
AQ  Post #: 25
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