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2v2 becoming juggernaut?

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3/23/2012 21:07:02   
Lady Blue

2v2 is becoming juggernaut i dont know if they are getting disconnected or they just want to refresh their browser for an easy win for the opposing team . i notice this when 2v2 factions are going for daily wins, if im not mistaken they are leaving when they saw their faction mate is at the opposing team i dont know if this one is only happening to me i also notice that that faction is in the leaderboards what do you think guys is this a form of cheating or they are just playing for their factions,

Post #: 1
3/23/2012 21:15:34   

I think it is BS. I have never purposly left a battle, even when I have the noobiest partner ever. number one, because that is just a wuss move, and number 2, because sometimes I manage to pull a win out of my butt. lol, so that kind of thing makes me mad.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
3/23/2012 21:30:35   
Lady Blue

same with me, im the kind of player who really wants to win
Post #: 3
3/23/2012 22:25:56   

2v2 is always the battle mode that tends to get ignored :( i don't think it is high on the list of considerations during testing :(
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
3/24/2012 1:16:29   
Retired ED Guest Artist


...they are leaving when they saw their faction mate is at the opposing team...

That is the primary reason why they leave. As bad as it may be, it's still better than them staying while not listening to you or not playing at all. These days, I only play 2vs2 when testing builds specifically for that mode. It gets extremely annoying at times.


Epic  Post #: 5
3/24/2012 8:42:55   

This happens to me alot.

When the player leaves the bot takes control of his character :D
Post #: 6
3/24/2012 11:32:21   


We have discussed the mock-up idea of parsing 2 characters under one player, except the player who left can relog back in, and he and his dummy still count as 2 seperate units for the "server" to handle. This can cause a handle overflow and the servers would probably crash if their threshold was constant.

A suitable fix is allowing the lone player to have double the turns. It would be nearly great. Trust meeeee, I have played multiple turn timed strategy games.
AQ Epic  Post #: 7
3/24/2012 11:41:19   

Sounds like a terrible idea, Everytime a strategy game does it like that you can so easily abuse double turns, you could do simple things that would easily make the fight unfair such as malfunction someone then use plasma bolt b4 his turn even comes around. So yea that would not be a "suitable" fix.


AQW Epic  Post #: 8
3/24/2012 11:48:12   

Um, no, what games do is give the player 2 times the number of turns, but the cooldowns/warmups only count like the player had single turns. Did you consider energy before mentioning malfunction and plasma? This could be way into the game.
AQ Epic  Post #: 9
3/24/2012 12:19:29   

there are two ways to solve this.
1. Once a player clicks f5 in the middle of the fight his character should stay on the screen and the player should be restricted to jog back in till his character is dies.

2. The development team can pull out logs on players who have over 50 log in clicks per day and issue them a warming, three warming =ban or whatever

3. If it were me i wouldnt ban them rather give them a captcha screen every 30 seconds :) for a month.
Post #: 10
3/24/2012 12:27:27   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!


1. No way to distinguish between a refresh and a DC. This has been stated multiple times already by staff. This means a poor connection will prevent you from logging in again for a good few minutes. And what happens if your battle fails to start? It's the same thing but they're still in game. Do they get booted and prevented from logging in?

2. Once again, poor connection. Plus some people don't log in only once a day. Also, unless you're trying to get in a specific server on a crowded day, you won't be hitting the 50 limit any time soon.

3. And that accomplishes what exactly? Annyoing them with captchas isn't going to make them less likely to quit ditching or in some cases force a better connection(which is impossible unless you're a tech god and can control your connection but if that were so, you wouldn't be DCing in the first place).
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
3/25/2012 12:26:28   

In many online chess websites, if you disconnect, then as long as your time hasn't run out once you log back in you will be automatically placed back in the same game. Even low budget chess websites are able to do this, so I don't understand why ED cannot implement this. Several chess websites also keep track of how many disconnects you've had, if you've had too many (I believe 5), then you will be banned from playing for several days. I also like the controlling your partner idea if your partner disconnects.

@nd mallet Chess.com, ChessCube, ICC, and other thriving chess websites generally use the disconnect rule (where you are limited to a number of disconnects per day and return to the game you left at your disconnnect) and as a result they have a better community of people who stay for their games and properly resign if they lose.

< Message edited by endtime -- 3/25/2012 12:39:35 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
3/25/2012 12:30:18   

It's not a chess website but real-time PvP game. So if you run, timer may be 1 minute to come back, then we're stuck waiting? And if others do it, another minute? How would that stack? And if server is full, how would you come back if you disconnected from the game thus empited your slot to let someone else log in?
And keeping track of disconnects is impossible, was said many times and it's pointless to repeat as you cannot distinguish DC from closing the tab or whatever you do.
AQ Epic  Post #: 13
3/25/2012 12:33:37   

The battle continues (with you controlling your partner) and if your partner logs back in, then he/she gets control of his/her character again if the battle isn't over. And to prevent noobs from purposely disconnecting so their partners can take control of themselves, you could make it so that you won't receive the spoils of victory and a victory count, unless you are present for the battle.

As for keeping track of disconnects, closing the tab, turning of your computer, stepping on your modem, all count as disconnects (I don't get how this doesn't make sense, if the partner suddenly leaves in a battle that's a disconnect the way they did it doesn't need to be differentiated). Anything that involves no longer having the battle run on your computer is a disconnect. As for a full server, you'll just have to keep attempting to get into the server by refreshing the page and relogging in until there is space (it usually doesn't take me longer than 30 seconds to get on a full server because people are getting off every few seconds). Besides, you will be in control of your partner, so it's not a huge deal if they don't come back. They shouldn't have disconnected in the first place...

< Message edited by endtime -- 3/25/2012 12:43:34 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
3/25/2012 16:42:52   

I'm getting tired of 2vs2, I mean how can having a partner with only a basic wep and around 160 tech with max technician and plasma, but with 44 health, 8-10 def be allowed to play? On top of that he was a lvl 28-29 with a lvl 34(me) against 2 34s, we didn't get first turn, plus he technicianed on his first turn. Then next turn hes dead and I'm left with 2 lvl 34 tlm tanks. How is this exactly fair? The main problem is trust in 2vs2, your paired with a complete stranger that you probably never met in, would you trust a complete stranger to watch your child? Don't get me wrong i enjoy 2vs2 when it's a fair match but it just has so many flaws, your given a loss that you don't even deserve, partner runs or disconnects, faction players leave for a faster win, players with a starter wep, unfair matches( 2 nonvariums vs 2 varium tanks),oped classes, luck, these all contribute to the "2vs2 problem". Compared to 1vs1 which only has luck, oped classes, unfair fights, 2vs2 is in need of way more fixing. Its been about 3 years since the start of the game, I don't think it take that long to fix 2vs2, they could've worked on it little by little each month(36 months in total). Here's a simple solution don't show loses, therefore no one would complain about all the problems plaguing 2vs2 because it wouldn't affect there record at all. 3 YEARS and nothing has been done to 2vs2 I'm a bit disappointed in the ed team, for ignoring all these problems plaguing 2vs2 players.
Post #: 15
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