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TLM: Naming

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5/31/2012 13:51:05   

What about the tactical mercenary is tactical? Buffing up your strength, and then smashing something with "Frenzy" doesn't seem like a very tactical class to me. seems more like a brute, even moreso than the mercenary.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 1
5/31/2012 13:59:25   
King FrostLich

For me, it should be buffed. I'm currently using a high level heal looping build capable of healing more than half my health and with tank defenses and 71 mana, it allows me to heal at least 4 times if no other skills were used. The problem is there isn't that much to do as a tactical mercenary other than healing with a tank build or having poison grenade. Frenzy should be buffed back to 40% at level 1 since smokescreen was removed. Field Commander should be changed to Tactics which I don't care because support is nerfed badly for tactical mercs. Poison Grenade however seems to be the only thing tactical to me since it can drain 42 hp freely but it takes 3 turns.
Epic  Post #: 2
5/31/2012 14:13:59   

tactical skills: stun grenade, SS, atom smasher. they have the most tactical skills in the game.

< Message edited by Darkwing -- 5/31/2012 14:14:43 >
Post #: 3
5/31/2012 14:44:29   

I think that Tactical Mercenaries should have only Mercenary and Tech Mage skills, Cyber Hunters to only have Bounty Hunter and Tech Mage skills, and Blood Noodles to only have Bounty Hunter and Mercenary skills... if you caught my drift.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 5/31/2012 18:01:46 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 4
5/31/2012 17:40:18   

I feel that they are balanced but on the weaker side of balance, I wouldn't really know how to add anything that could affect it without throwing it way out of proportion though


AQW Epic  Post #: 5
5/31/2012 21:18:23   

The problem is not that they are underpowered. They are just boring. Nothing but slooooowww multi round wins. I have one as my secondary. The only reason I have slightly more fun than others is because I realize there is a choice other than supertank poison build. My Strength tank build works just as well if not better, and I get wins in 3-4 rounds as opposed to 12-15 rounds.


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 6
5/31/2012 21:38:08   

Personally, I feel sorry for TLM's too

what i think...

stun/plasma grenade get buffed in damage or maul returns to tlm

i also believe atomsmash should be unblockable, but weakened

(what frostlich said)


instead of surgical strike, it's a physical version called "nuke" but it doesnt steal life...it it just ignores defense and reduces enemy rage by 50%


DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
5/31/2012 21:38:33   

This discussion is starting to go off-topic. If you wish to talk about balance issues, please use the official Balance Discussion Thread instead.

AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
6/1/2012 1:16:47   

@ depressed
Blood Noodles... -.-

On topic-
Yeah, TLM isn't very tactical. They should have gone with the original "War Master" name (anyone remember, just before the delta release, TLM was War Master but it never got released like that).
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
6/1/2012 13:33:05   

The most tactical decision related to it is making the decision of NOT playing as one.
I find it ironic that they want MERCENARIES to be tactical. Might as well rename the class either
Tank or Technical mercenary, judging from how many have 5 focus builds.

< Message edited by nico0las -- 6/1/2012 13:34:19 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
6/1/2012 14:41:09   

Yes, I do find the name rather ironic, since before the nerf, Tactical Mercenary was the least tactical class in the game. Their strategy consisted of:
Double strike.
Double strike.

Or a tank build that replaced double strike with field medic and bot.
Yeah, not much tactical planning going on there.

War master would have indeed been a better name. That, or something along the lines of "I like pushing buttons."
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
6/1/2012 14:45:06   

well right now its more tactical than it was before as using poison is tactical .... presently using other skills to win apart from poison is also tactical


Epic  Post #: 12
6/1/2012 16:46:13   

I'd rather see it named Warlord
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 13
6/1/2012 18:00:44   

Might as well just call it poison merc. Most everybody uses a poison build anyway. Might as well. Not very tactical if you ask me. Poison, strike, strike, heal, strike, strike....Requires lots of thinking.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 14
6/1/2012 18:58:36   

That would be more accurate. Unfortunately we already have:
Warlord the level 25 non varium armor.
Warlord the daily war kill achievement.
Warlord the rank (achieved at 5001 wins.)

I really think three things named warlord is enough....
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
6/1/2012 19:20:57   

Just give them Technician back...Thats the problem with this whole "nerf" -> "buff" thing. It takes them so long to find the thing that is causing the problem in a class, that they end up getting rid of things they don't need to get rid of, making the class weaker than it should be. So then later they have to buff the class, but they do it wrong and give them something that makes for a ridiculously OP build again. And so goes the story of ED. The problem isn't a couple of skills on these classes, its the way they have implemented balance between classes as a whole. The entire system is a bit of a mess (opinion), an example being that the once "tactical" mercenary (wait, what...? They were never Tactical >.<), now utilizes many skills that would not be considered "Tactical" by many.

To stay on topic, no, its current name does not fit the class, and if you want to fix its somewhat under-powered nature, give them back Technician, which was wrongfully replaced in the first place.

No offense meant.I am just trying to have some fun while posting because the game no longer gives me that satisfaction (opinion).


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 6/1/2012 19:21:56 >
Epic  Post #: 16
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