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(DF) Woe of The Seeker

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6/2/2012 11:48:03   
How We Roll Winner

Please check in Here once you've read through my story....or what I have written of it at the moment.


Memoirs of Destiny

Book One

Woe of The Seeker

Chapter 0

After hours of running, the hero's legs finally gave way and he stumbled right into a giant clearing; face first. Footsteps greeted his ears as he desperately tried to stand up, but his legs just wouldn't respond. His pursuers were gaining on him slowly.

"Gah! Move," The hero said as he placed all his weight upon one knee and shakily; stood up.

The clearing was actually a long forgotten altar used by Necromancers, Undead and the likes of Yaga back in their ages. In the center of the huge clearing was a tall stone, about chest high with a cavity in its center, the purpose of which was best left unmentioned. Surrounding the clearing were a number of huge standing rocks, their long shadows darkened the altar in their midst. The hero somehow crawled up to the stone in the center and grabbing its top, hauled himself half onto it using it like a support. He turned around placing his back on the stone and looked into the darkness of the forest he had just stumbled out of, and from where he knew his pursuers were soon going to make an entrance from.

A piercing whistle filled the night air as out of the forest flew an arrow and lodged itself in the hero's right knee causing him to scream out in agony. Clutching at the arrow shaft that was sticking out of his knee cap, the hero let go of the stone and fell forward clutching at his right knee. Shortly, the pursuers, all of whom were garbed in dark ranger clothes appeared in the clearing and sighting their prey on the ground ahead of them, surrounded him at once.

All of them wielded strange and deadly weaponry and leered down at the hero crumpled up on the ground. The way they wielded their weaponry would have told one with a good eye that they were no novices when it came to the art of combat.

"Bind his arms and take him to that stone," one of the men barked. Immediately, two of the men swooped down and lifted the hero up in their iron grips. One of the men crouched down and grabbed the arrow shaft sticking out of the hero's kneecap. With a wide smile, one that hinted of immense pleasure, the man pulled free the shaft.

"Gah!!' the hero screamed and bit his own tongue to point of drawing blood. "Damn you."

They procured thick ropes which they bound the hero's wrists in. They stripped him of his Dragonlord armor and left him standing only in a white silk shirt and his breeches. The man who had given orders walked up to him and snatched the Dragon Amulet which hung bare from his neck.

"You won't be needing this where you are going," he said baring his teeth before he stuffed the Amulet in his satchel.

They walked the hero to the altar and stood him before it.

"Lay his head there," the man once again commanded. The men obeyed and grabbing the hero's head, banged it on the edge of the cavity.

"Eok!" the same man shouted again.

A heavily muscled man appeared there and in his hands, he wielded a massive war ax with a ruby colored blade. He walked over to the altar and stood by the stone, waiting.

Before the commander could say another word, a flapping sound invaded the night air. A thunderous roar soon followed as a massive shadow appeared out of nowhere. With its massive body and bat-like wings, the Dragon hid the moon itself. The Dragon was a brilliant sea blue and its horns were white as snow. The membranes on its wings were white as well providing an otherworldly contrast with the blue alongside it. As it circled above; its eyes finally fell on the fell proceedings taking place below him and circling above one last time, it descended.

All of a sudden, one of the men screamed something strange in a twisted tongue and purple ethereal chains shot forth from his palms. They shot through the air and as if of their own accord, wound around the Dragon dragging him down. The helpless and surprised Dragon crashed to the ground and caused it to shake.

"No, Eld!" the hero turned his head on the stone and cried out.

The Dragon roared in reply, all the while struggling to free himself of his bonds.

"It's no use, Dragon." the commander of the men cut in as he reached inside his satchel and extracted the Dragon Amulet holding it up for the Dragon to see. "He can't understand you anymore."

The Dragon fell into silence for a while as he focused on the Amulet, then throwing his head back, he let loose a bright gout of flame lighting up the altar, and even the skies.

"No, you don't." the commander jumped out of the way allowing the lick of the fatal flames to pass by harmlessly. " Kor, take care of this stubborn reptile, please."

And the man who had the mighty Dragon in his grasp nodded as he clenched his palms into fists strengthening the chains on the beast. It thrashed all the more.

"No, let him go, please. I beg of you." the hero cried from the altar as tears welled up in his bloodshot eyes.

The commander turned to regard the captive, he had the look that a butcher would have when carefully examining a lamb fresh in for butchering. With a wave of his hand, he stuffed the Dragon Amulet he was still holding back into the satchel and walked back to the hero. Lowering himself so as to look the hero right in the eyes, he said,

"There's not a thing you can do now. You don't have a say in it anymore. Wouldn't it be better if you lay still and pray for one last time? Eh? Hero?"

The hero gritted his teeth in anger, then spat,

"If you so much as even lay a finger on him, I swear, I swear I'll return from the dead and take you back with me."

The anger and fear welling up inside of the hero found its only outlet through his words, which the commander lent a deaf ear to.

"Eok!" the commander addressed the man with the war ax, "Execute him!"

The man nodded abruptly and stepped up to the altar clutching his ax tighter.

"Hey Eld," the hero softly said, "I am sorry. There was so much to live for. So many quests, so many monsters, so many friends."

The Dragon looked at him from afar, his sharp ear catching every word he said. He whimpered softly in reply.

"If only I could talk to them for one last time, there's so many things I would tell them. So many things."

The Executioner slowly lifted his ax above his head.

"But hey," the hero went on as a smile of relief crept onto his tired face, "We've still lived one hell of a life, eh? Won't you agree, my beloved friend?"

The Dragon started to thrash again. He only wanted to answer his master's plea for assistance. He had always answered the calls of his human master, no matter what the consequences, no matter what the odds, he was always there to stand by his Hero. And now, when it mattered the most, when he was needed the most, he wasn't there. He roared and he roared, desperate to have his voice heard by his master. He wanted to tell his master that he was still here and that all was well, but his calls of reassurance were masked by his feral roars.

"I have failed you, Eldrangier.........I have failed everybody." the hero closed his eyes as the blade descended upon his neck. "Goodbye, my friend."

With a deadly schlikt, it ended.

The men slowly left the clearing receding into the woods while the Dragon, still bound in his chains hung his head. He was in shock over what he had just witnessed. And it was only after the sounds of hurried footsteps had died that the chains disappeared as their magic wore off.

"No......." the Dragon said in his dragon tongue.




Chapter 1

Part 1

"Who was responsible?" The Captain of the Knights brought down the head of his hammer on the ground with a heavy thump.

In front of him was a cart on which lay a body covered with a red shroud. Two knights stood flanking the cart, both with their heads bowed. Rolith stood facing them on the pedestal, his eyes stern, his brows furrowed, more in pain than in concern. The sun shined bright that day causing a grey sheen to appear on the armors. However, the sun did less to cheer up the mood that had dawned upon Oaklore in that fated hour.

"I said, who killed Arthur?" Rolith repeated clenching his gauntlet-ed palms into fists.

Sir Dornell, who was Rolith's Lieutenant and the Chief of the expedition that went to search for the Hero shifted uncomfortably before he tentatively looked up.

"Captain, we do not know. They left no trace as to their identity. We could only find Ar......I mean Dragonlord Arthur there."

Rolith glanced at the shroud once more before averting his eyes to the side. He then looked back at Dornell and said,

"What of his Dragon, Eldrangier? He must have been there with his Dragonlord at the time this happened. Where is he then?"

"Sir," Dornell started "He was there, and he still is-"

"What!" Rolith jerked his head up, "Well then why didn't you bring him along?"

Sir Dornell gritted his teeth but didn't answer, he looked here and there.

"Tell me, Knight. Where is he? Why didn't you bring him?" Rolith sounded desperate.

"That's because he has turned to stone!" Sir Dornell shouted out before looking down at his feet. He was shaking badly.

Everyone stood dumbfounded. For a moment, only the birds chirped from the many branches of the massive Oak tree towering above Oaklore. The Captain looked down, hiding his face in the shadows.

"What happened? What did our mages say?" Rolith asked softly.

"They...they said it was a Lingering Charm, a charm that comes into effect long after its caster has left the area. And....and the target, no matter how accomplished in the arts of magic, will never know when it strikes." Dornell replied after some time, his tone soft too.

Rolith uttered a sound of frustration as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Poor Dragon......" he said "He never knew what hit him."

The Captain regained his composure after a while and wiping his tears, he looked up at his Knights with that same stern look.

"You did well, my Knights. Now go and take rest. And remember, none of this should reach Falconreach."

The Knights nodded abruptly before turning and leaving the spot, not wanting to linger there for even a minute more.

Rolith descended from his steps slowly, and as he passed by the cart, brushed his fingers lightly on the shroud.

"I know who did it!" he said to himself as he made his way to the meeting room. "I know just the Doom Knight who did it."

Bursting into the meeting room, Rolith looked at all the Knights that were present in the room.

"Ready your arms!" he said, "We ride to war in the next moons."

Part 2

Unaware of this recent tragedy, the people of Falconreach were peacefully going on with their lives.

Aria was tending to her pets, Cysero as usual was busy with his raving and ranting, Lim on the other hand was busy sulking at Cysero. And so, everything was as it should have been.

"Ash," The Alchemist Alina opened the door to her Alchemy shop and peeked out. "Can you please come here for a second?"

Ash was busy playing with Twilly and he at once heeded Alina's call, running over to her.

"I am here now. What is it?" Ash flashed his best smile, a smile that seemed to light up the already cheerful day. "What can I help you with?"

Alina lifted her index finger signalling Ash to wait for a minute while she quickly popped back in shutting the door. Ash loosened the belt upon which hung his sword and removing it, squatted down in front of the Alchemy Shop on the highest step. He busied his mind thinking of all that had conspired in and around Falconreach for the past few days.

Shadowscythe seemed to be deceptively calm nowadays, perhaps they were keeping a low profile. Ash sighed with relief at the thought of not having to confront the Doom Knight. As he thought about all this, somewhere at the back of his mind, a stray thought suddenly sparked. He realised all of a sudden that he hadn't seen Arthur for a while. Maybe he was busy in one of his many adventures. Or maybe he was busy doing something else. He was a Hero after all.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Alina reappeared at the Shop's entrance, this time fully opening the door to reveal herself. She was dressed in her usual violet attire, Ash noted. But, he also noted that her usual shoes were missing, in their stead, she was wearing high, leather travelling boots. Also, in her hand she was holding what resembled a light brownish travelling cloak made of hide. "So then....shall we?"

Ash stood rooted to his spot, more confused than surprised. Upon hearing Alina's beckon, he abruptly came around.

"Wh...what...where?" he stumbled over his words.

"To the forest South of Oaklore. I believe you have never been there?" She let the cloak fall loose as she swept her arms behind her back and wore the cloak tying its laces at her neck. It even had a hood.

"N...No I haven't. But, why are you coming along? I mean, if you want reagents, you could just hand me the list and I myself would go and get them for you." Ash tried to reason as he slowly started to put on his belt.

"Of course it's not reagents," she answered with a smile, "If I wanted reagents, then I would've told Arthur to get them."

This made Ash pout a bit. Why Arthur, he thought as he tightened his belt.

"Don't sulk now," Alina went on as she started walking, Ash close behind him. "I just called on you today because it's something special. Something that only an ArchKnight such as yourself can do."

Unknown to Alina, a light-hearted smile broke out on Ash's face and he skipped after Alina with renewed vigor.

The forest, on that particular day was devoid of Gorillaphants, even if Sneevils could be seeing frequently moving around amongst the numerous trees peeking from behind this tree and that.

Alina and Ash quietly made their way through the forest careful not to make unnecessary sounds. Even if there were any giant monsters sleeping nearby, it would be prudent not to wake them from their slumber. Or so Ash thought before he shouted out in anger,

"We don't have boxes!! Would you please stop with your mindless peeking every now and then?"

Alina almost jumped with shock as she whirled around on the spot only to find Ash red-faced and looking down at what seemed to be a miniature Sneevil-miniature even for Sneevil standards- that had dared to venture too close to the ArchKnight. It looked up at Ash with pitiful, glassy eyes.

"But....but I just wanted to give this to you," it shuffled closer and brought around its tiny hands from behind his back where Ash saw, much to his surprise that he was holding a polished stone. In fact, it was so polished that Ash could see the clear reflection of the forest behind him.

As Ash kept on gazing at the reflection, a shadow suddenly appeared from behind a tree and disappeared behind another.

Ash immediately whirled around looking at where he thought the shadow should have been. But, there was nothing there, just a sea of trees. Ash narrowed his eyes focusing on particular trees for some time before he turned back to the Sneevil only to find it not there.

"Where...did it go?" Ash aimed his question at Alina.

Alina was not looking there, but rather, behind here.

"I thought I saw something there," she said in a hushed tone. "Let's keep moving,"

Ash nodded his approval and waving away the shivers that were building up in his body, followed Alina as they headed deeper into the forest.

All this while, a cloaked figure was keeping his sights on the two from amidst the trees.


Chapter 2

Part 1

The two stood in front of a massive cave. The mouth must have been around twenty feet high and the insides were dark, darker than the darkest places. Ash was literally shivering in his boots while Alina calmly examined the mouth of the cave and the darkness, as if trying to sense what was in there.

"This is it," The Alchemist shortly broke the silence with her grave tone as she ventured forth.

"Wha...? Wait, wait wait!" Ash jumped in front of Alina with his arms stretched out wide to his sides. "What is in there?"

"A Dracolich," Alina calmly waved away the question as she stepped past the Archknight and continued to move.

Ash stood there dumbfounded. She must have a plan, he forced himself to think. She must!

He quietly turned and followed her in.

They had walked quite some distance into the cave and visibility was dropping rapidly. Ash held his palm above his eyes trying to catch some light. Much to his horror, he soon realised that he couldn't see his own hand. He looked to his left in order to see if Alina was still in his sight. She wasn't.

"Uhh...Alina? You there? I think we might need some li-" All of a sudden, a violet flame burst forth in the darkness burning with vigour and filling the cave with its bright light. Ash looked at the flame and found it burning on Alina's palm as she walked beside Ash. He shook his head and sighed with relief. He was after all, with an Alchemist, one of the best in all of Lore. No harm could come to Ash as long as Alina was with him, and vice versa.

They continued walking for what seemed like an hour before they saw rays of light up ahead. Ash narrowed his eyes to see it better. It was an opening wherefrom the light was making its presence known. A smile crept on his face just as the purple flame to his left was extinguished suddenly. Turning around, Ash saw that Alina had balled her open palm into a fist. She turned to Ash even as he tried to speak and she placed a finger to her lips.

They soon entered what looked like a massive underground cave. The roof was hidden by darkness and the hall was huge. The Alchemist and Archknight stood at the top of what looked like a rock cliff. A few feet to their right, a narrow stone bridge connected the cliff to a huge circular platform perched at the center of the hall. All around the platform, a black mist covered the area. Ash looked over the edge of the cliff and he saw to his horror that there was no ground beneath, only black mist. Should he slip, it was likely that he will fall for eternity. But that was not what had his attention. Upon Alina's insistence, he lifted his head and looked at the distant circular platform.

There on the platform lay the massive bones of what clearly would have been a Dracolich, now dead. All around it stood dark cloaked and hooded figures each with two glowing green orbs hovering over each of their palms standing in a circle around the bones, as if conducting a ritual. They also seemed to be murmuring something inaudible as the two felt strange vibrations fill the cave air.

"Necromancers??!?" Ash turned to face Alina and silently mouthed the word.

Alina nodded even as she kept her vigilant gaze fixed on the dark figures standing on ceremony around the Dracolich's bones.

"Let's go back," she quietly whispered as she turned to leave. Ash nodded and followed suit.

As if out of thin air, three cloaked figures appeared from the doorway behind the two and blocked it looking down at the crouching duo. Their faces were hidden in darkness, but not even the bravest of heroes could ignore the bright, green glowing orbs that made up their eyes. Two of them wielded ivory-white, oaken staves while the one standing in the middle held a clear blue orb in his right palm.

"Necromancers, you say?" The middle one spoke up in his whispery voice that almost made it seem as if he was a specter that was whispering. "Not even close"

The ones flanking the middle one moved like lightning twirling their staves over their heads as they brought them down upon the Alchemist first.


The heavy sound of steel clashing with wood filled the silent cave air.

Ash had whipped out his claymore and placed it halfway between Alina-who had shrunken low covering her head with her hands- and the incoming staves that belonged to the "Necromancers".

"What...was that?" The Necromancer in the middle was taken aback.

Ash had his face lowered and he did not answer. Proceeding upon that same pose, the Archknight whipped his sword back out from under the stave and whirling on the spot brought the pommel horizontally around behind the Staff-wielder closer to him and smacked him on his lower back causing him to stagger forward. The minion dropped his staff and was just turning when a gauntlet-ed punch to the face caused him to fly back sailing right over the cliff edge as he fell into the darkness below.

Ash turned to face the remaining two cloaked figures as he lifted his sword resting the blade on his right shoulder. He looked up to finally face the "Necromancers" and what they saw made them back away.

Ash's face was full of wrath, his brows were furrowed and his pupils seemed to have shortened to give him a look of ferocity. It was as if animal instincts had taken over him. Raising his left arm, he pointed at the cloaked figure with the orb.

"So then, not-Necromancer," Ash lightly pushed Alina behind him with his left hand. "You are next."

Part 2

The two were thrown against one of the pillars, bound in tight ropes. Ash was breathing heavily, exhaustion slowly taking over while Alina had a look of concern on her face.

"You really thought you had a chance against us?" The "Necromancer" with the orb spat at Ash while the other cloaked figures threw back their heads and laughed. "We are not Necromancers, we are Necrophages!"

At once, all the cloaked figures started to make squawking sounds in unison filling the cave air with their noise. Ash gritted his teeth trying to get over the ruckus.

One of the cloaked figures raised his arm up signalling the others to stop. Silence followed. He then walked over to Ash and crouching in front of him, moved his own cloaked face closer to Ash's.

"Do you even know what we are...and what we do?" he swept his hand to the side where the others stood silent, watching. "Those two that you managed to put down were not one of us. They were Necromancers, minions, common scum. We are their lords, their fathers and we are not of this so-called Lore."

"I believe you have heard of the Chronoslicer Device," he went on, then waited for any incoming response from the Archknight's side. When none came, he shrugged and continued "Hmm... Well, you see, it is a device that was created by our rivals, the Chronophage Council. It is almost as big as a full-grown dragon and it lies...or, will lie under the King's Palace. However, one needs to know how to work it. And that is why, we...hitched a ride here along with one of the Chronophages when he was trying to use it. Wether he is dead or not, we do not know, neither do we care... In any case, I better not tell you why is it that we are here? Tell me, why are you here?"

Ash lowered his face, staring at the ground while Alina looked up to face the Necrophage.

"Arthur won't let you off easily," she said with confidence startling all who were there. "Just you wait, he should be here any second,"

The Necrophage backed off from Ash and turned to face Alina instead.

"You mean...the hero?"

"Who else do you think I am talking about?" Alina shot back.

The Necrophages all started to laugh in unison. The Necrophage in front of Alina backed off and standing back up, stretched his arms to the side. When all had stopped their laughing, he spoke.

"He is dead, lady!"

All the Necrophages nodded and emitted sounds of affirmation, all looking at Alina who had a look of disbelief on her face.

"Liar!" She screamed out, "He cannot die. He is the Legendary Hero. He has the heart of one, and the power of one as well. With his Dragon by his side, he is an invincible force-"

"Shut your babbling!" the Necrophage cut in pointing at her. "I have proof,"

The Necrophage turned to another who handed him a satchel. Taking the satchel, the Necrophage slowly undid the flap taking in the look of horror that was starting to spread on the faces of his captives. Reaching in, he felt the cool, ornately carved Dragon Amulet that he had snatched from Arthur before his execution. He was just about to pull it out for all to see when suddenly, a golden light came out of nowhere and hit the Necrophage square in the chest causing him to fly back and land on his back, the satchel flying to lie beside him.

All heads turned towards the distant cliff wherefrom Ash and Alina had entered. There stood a tall, heavily armored Knight with an armor made out of gold and silver. On his head he wore no helm and on his back he wore a massive golden sword with a golden aura that swept around it. He had a scarred face with short brown hair and eyes that were a shade between emerald and light brown.

"Did I miss the party?"


Chapter 3

Part 1

The Armory was virtually empty. Apart from the two newly recruited Knights, Rolith was alone in the Armory polishing his Warhammer. He sat on top of a steel stool in one corner of the room and while his hands worked on his hammer incessantly, his eyes were always on the two Knights standing by the Weapon racks located at the far end of the room. For some reason, he felt that they from their end were silently observing him too.

Each picked a sword, and hastily wearing them on their belts, turned to leave.

"Hey!" Rolith called out to them while lowering his eyes to his polishing work.

The two stopped dead in their tracks and turned to face Rolith, their armors clinking in the process.

"What are your names?" Rolith went on not looking at the two. He twisted around his hammer and started to polish the other side of the hammerhead.

The two kept silent for a while, but Rolith could sense their fearful stares within their helms.

"I...I am Riv...River, Sir" one said.

"And I...am Tress, Captain" the other followed.

Rolith stopped polishing and dropped his rag, then, heaving the hammer off his lap, he twisted it and placed the head on the ground with a heavy thud. He stood up and placing his arms on the lower end of the shaft, leaned on it.

"And did you attend the Orientation Speech?" he said in a deceptively bored tone. He was about something.

Both the Knights nodded furiously while they shifted uncomfortably in their places.

"And did you listen carefully to everything I said?" Rolith went on.

The Knights nodded again.

All of a sudden, Rolith jerked straight up and with his right foot, kicked the head of his Warhammer causing it to fly off the ground in a spinning motion. He then grabbed the hammer's shaft in mid-air and dashed at the two Knights holding his Warhammer in a trailing position behind him. Just as soon as he approached the Knights and half-raised his hammer to bring it down, he stopped and bringing the hammer around, held it in front of his chest, level with it and with the top of the head pointing straight at the two. A clear feint.

But that was not all, the "Knights" in return drew their swords in one fluid motion and twirling them, got into their separate poses.

A bang was heard outside the Armory door followed by sounds of stumbling and running which soon died away.

Rolith smirked in return and then, placing his right palm on the lower, flat end of the shaft of his hammer, pushed it forward and right into the Knight called Tress causing him to ram right into the wall making cracks. All of a sudden, his expression changed to one of wrath and he retracted his hammer.

As Tress tried to stand back up from the impact, the hammerhead once again came down upon his chest, this time with tremendous force. The force was so much, and the hammer so strong that the Knight's armor completely caved in. River, the other "Knight" watched all this, dumbfounded. In fact, he was so scared that he dropped his sword and crouching on the spot, hid his face in his arms.

Captain Rolith continued with his retracting and ramming action, and each time with force ten times that of the previous one. He continued on even after blood had started to pour from within Tress's helm and the armor at his chest had completely been crushed.

"M...Mercy...my lord..." Tress's voice came in the weakest of whispers as he collapsed to the floor.

Rolith was about to ram his hammer again when the door flew open and there appeared the Paladin Artix with his sword.


With lightning fast speed, Artix jumped in front of the fatal hammerhead and placing his sword horizontally in front of his chest, blocked its onslaught dead in its tracks. He then felt the hammer ease on his sword and using all his force, he pushed Rolith back several feet where he stumbled and fell down while the hammer landed beside him. He sat on the ground, as if in a trance. He was shaking and his eyes were wide more with horror than with anger.

Artix sheathed his sword even as Knights filled the Armory.

"Who are these two?" one of the Knights said looking at Tress and River.

"I don't know. I've never seen them around." another said.

"Best take them to the Infirmary, then you can look into their condition," Artix cut in. One of the Knights heaved Tress on his back while River, still in shock was walked away. The Knights left the Armory with one last glance around.

Artix closed the door and heading over to Rolith, crouched beside him and looked at him.

"What happened?" Artix asked softly in his kind, gentle voice. His eyes had concern in them.

Rolith slowly turned his head to face the Paladin. His own eyes were wide with horror.

"S...Spies!" he whispered. "There was a third, but he ran away,"

A tear crept down Rolith's cheek.

"Artix, they...they killed Arthur! How could I... let them go?" Rolith went on, his voice now shaking.

Artix had heard the news for the first time and his own eyes widened with shock as he tried to comprehend what Rolith had just said.

"You couldn't have," Artix lowered his face trying to hide it in the shadows.

"Neither could have I..."

Part 2

~No matter how far, no matter how hurt, no matter how sad...Just call out to me...and I'll be there~

"I am officially putting a stop to your activities, Captain," said General Vernstead.

Captain Rolith hung his head as they stood in the Meeting Room. The General of the Order had recently come to know of the incident that took place in the armory and was none too happy about it. And so, he had called for Rolith and asked him to explain himself. The reason that the General was putting a stop to Rolith was because the spies that he had found in the armory were on rders from someone big. However, on account of Rolith's wrathful bashing of the spy called Tress, both of them were in a state of shock with one slowly going crazy and the other unable to speak with a crushed rib-cage and a mind full of trauma.

"Thanks to your exemplary job..." Vernstead went on keeping his eyes fixed upon Rolith's as he paced back and forth in front of him, "...now we'll never know who they work for."

"I know." Rolith burst out all of a sudden.

"The hell you do, Rolith. What proof do you have that they were sent by Sepulchure?" Vernstead shot back with his words as he pointed an incriminating finger at Rolith.

"Well, who else do you think could it have been?" Rolith was stubborn. "Noxus? Xan? That DragonMaster? Huh?"

Vernstead stopped dead in his tracks and glared at Rolith. He had just opened his mouth to say something when...

"They were all taken care of. They have been beaten again and again. And that too, countless times. And do you know who beat them?" Rolith narrowed his eyes as he examined the man standing in front of him.

"I wouldn't have a clue..." Vernstead said in a measured voice and with a hint of sarcasm in it.

"How would you? You've never met him. You've never talked to him. You've never fought alongside him. And do you know something? I have. Hell, I've known him for the last 7 years." Rolith was angry.

"You watch it, boy!" Vernstead started to threaten the Captain again by pointing his finger at him. "Your days as a captain, let alone a Knight, are numbered. Are you asking for me to kick you out? You won't be joining this battle. That's your punishment."

"You don't need to kick me out," Rolith lowered his face hiding it in the shadows. He tore off his Order badge and slammed it down on the table causing Vernstead to jump. "I resign..."

Rolith turned away and grabbing his Warhammer which was lying by a pillar, wore it on his back with a fluid spin and exited the room slamming the door behind him. Silence followed.

The Knights outside the room all jumped as Rolith suddenly appeared. He stopped a while and scanned the faces of his fellow Knights, all of whom had realised what had happened the minute they saw the Order badge missing from the front of his armor.

"It was an honor fighting alongside you, mates." He said, forcing a smile on his face as he turned away and walked down the corridor to the Keep entrance.

The Knights all looked after him for a while before one of them reached for his own badge, hesitated a while, then...


Rolith exited the keep and there, standing right next to the entrance, leaning on the wall was Artix.

"I see you haven't left. Why did you come here in the first place?" Rolith enquired as he started towards Oaklore's front gates.

"I actually came to ask if you had seen Arthur. He wasn't showing up for the last couple of weeks. Now that I know he won't show up ever, I guess I'll have to ask you what happened in there." Artix walked with Rolith.

"I resigned." Rolith replied averting his gaze from all the Knights that stood on the path.

"Huh?" The Paladin started. "W...Why?"

"It's because I was taken off my own mission. Now Vernstead is gonna lead a massacre into Sepulchure's Castle."

"But...that's gonna be a massacre,"

"That's what I said."

"And what are you going to do about it?"

A half smile crept upon Rolith's face. "I'll show up when the Knights aren't looking."

Artix had a look of sheer disbelief on his face. "You are thinking of joining the massacre?"

"Oh, but I won't go alone." Rolith said just as they exited Oaklore and headed off towards Falconreach.

"And who will accompany you on this suicide mission?" Artix asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"You will, won't you? For old times' sake? For our lost friend?" Rolith had a soft, helpless look in his eyes as he looked at Artix.

"Gah!" Artix could not find a reason to decline. "Give me one reason as to why I should accompany you."

"Well... There's lots of Undead to kill."

"Darn! You spoil me, Rolith. You spoil me."


Chapter 4

Part 1

The Knight in gold swept his sword across one last time causing the Necrophage standing in front of him to fall back and tremble in fear. The Knight then drew forth a golden thread of light from the tip of his sword which he knelt down and wound around the Necrophage.

"That makes five," he commented re-sheathing his sword and turning to face Ash and Alina both of whom were still tied down. "Now to untie you guys."

He undid their binds and stood back while the duo checked their belongings and when ready at last, faced their saviour. There were originally nine Necrophages, but the other four, being stronger had teleported immediately after the Knight's appearance.

"Thank you," Alina thanked as she heaved a sigh of relief. "But who are you?"

The Knight gave her a smile that lit up the cave even in all of its darkness.

"My name..." the Knight started as he bowed a low flourish, "...is Ash, and I am a Lieutenant Chronophage, second only to King Alteon and flanked by my brothers-in-arms Azer and Lance.."

He was cut short as Alina alternatively looked between the one accompanying her and the one standing in front of her. Then she gave "Ash" a confused look.

The younger Ash stood dumbfounded all this while just staring away at the older Ash's face. Then he keeled back slowly, unconsciousness taking over.

The three walked through the forest with the older Ash carrying the younger one on his back. Alina walked beside him.

"Wow, I sure was weak-hearted back then." the older Ash commented with a smirk.

Alina glanced at him. In the future, he really had grown to look mature, even more so than he currently was, but that was to be expected. She noticed an air of purpose about him even with all that smirking and joking.

"You really are Ash, right?" she ventured.

"Mmm-hmm" he answered without looking at her. "How've you been, Alina?"

"Hmm?" Alina said. "Oh. I've been good. And you?"

Ash's face turned serious all of a sudden.

"I...well...it's really not been good with us Chronophages. King Alteon stays sick most of the times and we have to tend more to him than we have to tend to the on-going war."

"Oh." Alina looked at him again only to find sorrow in his eyes. Then a thought occurred to her and she asked.

"How are all the others? Reens? Rolith? Lim? Cysero?...Arthur?"

"Well...Reens doesn't stay in Falconreach anymore. Rolith ordered you and her away to Oaklore after the first Necrophage War. Lim still hangs around. He makes awesome weapons now. Even better than he does...uh...now, in your time. Also, this war has brought him and Cysero closer. In fact, they both use some elements of each other's creation in their works in their personal creations."

Ash kept silent as they arrived out of the forest onto the path which led to Oaklore.

"And Arthur?" Alina remembered not hearing of him.

"He...well..." Ash was feeling uncomfortable. "He just...disappeared after the first war. We haven't seen him since. For the Creator's sake, Falconreach is a battle frontier in our time. All the houses are in ruins."

They both kept quiet for a while when the younger Ash woke up. Feeling strange, he said.

"Who died?"

Part 2

"It happened five years after Sepulchure fell. His armies were in a state of total disruption as a new and much darker shadow overlapped the Doom Knight's waning one. The undead ran here and there spreading out across the world. Thinking this to be a Lore-wide outbreak led by Sepulchure himself, King Alteon declared this the First War of Resistance and his armies set forth. Comprising of legendary Dragonlords, Knights, Archknights, Paladins, Mages, and even the mighty Dragons, this was the first war in Lorian history to have such a phenomenal effect on all the existing races in this world. Hordes of undead fell to the swords of the Paladins even as the Dragonlords on their Dragons provided essential back-up flying over the numerous forests, the seas, the villages and the rivers.
The war lasted for fifteen days until finally, not one single Undead was to be found. They had either retreated into dark holes where we couldn't reach, or they had all fallen. Either ways, Lore had been cleansed, finally. But what paved a new path over the old one was a new threat called the Necrophages..."

"Okay stop! Stop!" The younger Ash interrupted just as they entered Falconreach. "This is getting really boring. We've already met with the Necrophages and we also know that you are the Chronophages. Now, I have just one question, what happened to Sepulchure?"

"Hmm..." The older Ash, scratched his head as he cocked his head up, thinking, then he said, "He fell at the hands of a Necrophage called Virileth, now called the Silver Sepulchure. He also put down Fluffy, turned him to stone and put up the statue at the top of the massive castle that he built on top of Sepulchure's razed one."

"Silver Sepulchure? That's a strange name." Alina observed as she turned towards her shop.

"Yes, the reason for that is because he wears a silver armor that is said to belong to Sepulchure when he was one of King Alteon's Knights. That armor, originally a Knight's suit was converted into a massive suit made up of plates, huge spikes and it also has a red cape. The Helm is that of Sepulchure's own Doom Knight armor, now repaired. I must say, even though we have just seen him once in that armor, he certainly does strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest of Knights. He has his own version of the Necrotic Blade of Doom, and might I say that it is massive, as broad as half his back and as long as his own height..."

"Okay, okay. We get the idea." Ash held up his palms as all three walked into Alina's Alchemy Shop, just as Alina had left it.

"And does he have a Dragon too?" Alina asked taking off her satchel and placing it on the table.

"Alina," the older Ash said as Alina turned to face him upon being called. "Why do you think his minions were in that cave we just escaped out of?"

"I have no idea," Alina said quietly.

"Didn't you notice something unusual in that cave?" Ash followed up.

"I...I... can't remember. But what does this have to do with Virileth's....oh." She stopped.

"I believe you have your answer," Ash sighed as he turned towards the door.

"That Dracolich. They were there to revive it?" Alina looked up, but the older Ash was already gone shutting the door after him.

Confused, Alina looked at the younger Ash hoping that by some miracle, he might clear her doubt.

"Don't look at me. I am not him... not yet, in any case."


Special Chapter

Hero's Homecoming


Remnants of the past...

Remnants of what I used to call home...

I walked through the shattered wooden gates, now reinforced by strong wooden barricades and fences. Guards, all wearing full plate armors manned the barricades and moved to pull back a fence to allow me in.

"Hail, Lord Chronophage!" A greeting met my ears as I entered the once majestic city of Swordhaven. I acknowledged with a mild nod and then, continued on my way.

What I saw within the city were sights that would usually make even a brave Knight's blood run cold, but not me. Houses, now turned to ruins with the roofs and portions of the walls missing. In these ruins had taken shelter common beggars and vagabonds who were once street dwellers, perhaps some even knew me, but not the opposite.

Corpses lay piled on the cobbled street, some were Necromancers, some Knights and the others, strange twisted creatures who had most probably been forced into the fray. Guards burned the piles everywhere causing a large amount of smoke and haze to gather over the skies of the city. The sky, I once used to gaze at it longingly for hours at a stretch. I yearned to fly past the clouds, and into the vast blue that reminded me of a calm ocean that floated above us. And now, when it was broad daylight, the sky was blood red, effects of some eldritch magic cast by the damned Necrophages and the like. I averted my eyes from the sky and looked straight ahead at the Castle, home to the King of these lands and the people, King Alteon the Great.

"Lord Chronophage! Lord Chronophage!" Came a cry from behind me. "Please wait."

I halted on my tracks and turned to face the old woman. She had with her, a little boy who looked of about six. He had piercing blue eyes and grey hair. The left side of his once beautiful face had blackened, as if scorched by some fell miasma.

"Please heal my son. It was a Necrophage, he cast a Corruption Spell on my son as a warning. Please help him." She begged and pleaded.

I threw back my hood and crouched down to face the boy directly, I looked into his deep blue eyes trying to fathom the depth and we kept our eyes locked for what would have been a good few minutes. Then I stretched my hand out and touched him on the head as I closed my own eyes and uttered a blessing.

"Faith is Foremost." I quoted from the Chronophage Codex, a massive book that I myself had penned down one fine day, that was the day that I had left on my three year long journey out into the wilderness. "Take care of your mother."

I moved my gaze to the blackness that lingered on his left cheek, then finding myself unable to hold it in my sights, I turned, didn't pull on my hood and instead, continued on my path.

"Lord Chronophage! Please...help him. Don't leave us." She cried from her spot.

I did not halt this time.

Master, when did the world end?


The halls were as I had left them, with the exception of the banners and drapes that hung to the sides of the hall. Once flowing and glorious in the red and golden colours, they were now dark red, stained and torn.

"Your Highness," I said as I started towards the throne. "I thought I..."

"M..Master, I mean Azer! Stop!" Came a shout from the right of the throne as my apprentice and fellow Chronophage Lance burst into the room, his arms laden with bandages and clothes. Also, his blue hair stuck to his skin as he was sweating badly. He had also shed his usual light armor and now wore a grey apron over a leather apparel. "Don't move any closer to the throne."

I cocked an eyebrow in confusion as I turned to face the throne. What I saw made me lose my senses for a fraction of a second. My eyes widened as I beheld the abomination that sat on the throne.

"By the Creator's wrath!" I cursed as I narrowed my eyes in disbelief moving my gaze from Lance to the throne. "Don't tell me..."

"Y...Yes, it is him.." Lance confirmed my worst fears as he shuffled closer to the throne and placed the bandages at its foot, then hastily backed away. "It's King Alteon."

I couldn't believe my eyes. The King's clothes were torn and tattered, his face had turned pale, almost white and the bones of his skull were showing. The throne hung loosely on his balding head. All the hair on his face had turned deathly white.
His hands, or what I could see of them were skeletal and his wrists were cuffed, the heavy chains fastened to pegs to the side of the throne. His eyes had turned fully white and his mouth hung wide open. I noticed that almost all of his teeth were missing and foam formed at the edges of his mouth. His head lay inclined at a strange angle falling to the headrest of the throne. He resembled less of a King, more of a Ghoul that has been resurrected by the Necromancers of the old.

"What happened to him?" The words escaped my mouth of their own accord.

The ghoul that was King Alteon moved its head and looked down at me with its white eyes, it mouth never closing. It seemed to grin mockingly at me. I backed away a few steps.

"Wolvesbane when taken in large doses can do that to a human." An all too familiar voice met my ears as I turned to spot a man in blue robes with flowing white hair and blue eyes entering the room from the right of the room. "He has been bit."

"You," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How've you been, Azer?"


Chapter 5

Part 1

"Alina, I am back." Rolith said as he pushed the door open and stepped into the well-lit house-cum-shop.

Inside, Alina stood behind the counter, her face gloomy and down. Just as soon as Rolith entered, she jerked abruptly and welcomed her husband with a smile before appearing from behind the counter and walking towards Rolith, hugging him in a warm embrace.

"Welcome back!" She said.

"Thank you." Rolith hugged back holding her tight, not wanting to let her go.

This world's too cruel, he thought. One day it's bright, and on the other, it's dark as the deepest pits of Death's Lair.

Rolith held Alina in his embrace for quite some while before he pulled back and there he was, wearing a mask, a mask of happiness behind which his real self was still crying for his lost friend. He wanted to cry out loud, he wanted to scream, to rip, to tear. He wanted to tell his wife about the great loss that all of Lore had suffered, but he didn't, he couldn't.

"I am a coward," Rolith's thoughts summed themselves up in form of this phrase that left Alina confused.

"What?" Alina replied.

It was then that Rolith realised that what he had said was in absent-mindedness, he was thinking of Arthur.

"N...No, I mean I... I am a coward because I resigned...from Knighthood." Rolith stuttered trying to steer away the conversation prematurely. He pointed to his chest where the badge no longer hung.

"Oh." The cry escaped from within Alina as she stood silent. Then she again moved forward and hugged Rolith. "Don't worry. At least we are still together. We'll find a way."

If only you knew why, Rolith thought.

"So then, what've you been up to all day?" Rolith enquired of her as he walked towards his room.

"Oh nothing, just mixing some potions and redrawing some runes. Arthur dropped by earlier this morning, so I sent him on an errand to get some reagents." Alina wanted to hide the fact that she had been to the Dracolich's Cave that morning with Ash and...Ash.

Rolith's eyes widened at the lie that Alina told him, but just because both their backs were turned to each other, they couldn't see each other's reactions.

"I...I see." Rolith said as he turned to face Alina and his eyes fell on the raw redness around her wrists.

"Alina?" Rolith said.

Alina stood straight at the mention of her name.

"What are those marks around your wrists?" Rolith approached her and grabbed her soft wrists in his hands and looked at the grooves, as if jute ropes had been used to bind them.

"N...Nothing!" Alina pulled her hands away holding them close to herself.

"Alina, what happened? Who did that to you?" Rolith was turning furious.

"I-" Alina started but was cut off shortly as the door slammed open.

"Rolith!" The Knight stood leaning on the door as he looked down at his feet.

"What...?!!?" Rolith looked up at the strange person. "Who are you?!!?"

"We need to talk." the Knight looked up to face Rolith.

Part 2

"I know." The older Ash said once they were out of the house, Rolith, back in his armor closely following him.

The two walked across the street and stood at the edge of the jungle that was located right beside Falconreach. Ash wore a brown cloak that did help to conceal his shining armor that he wore within. Also, the armor that was shining so brightly that morning wasn't doing so now, it was as if the gold was just yellow armor paint. The Knight had a grim look on his face as he looked up, waiting for Rolith's response.

"What do you mean? Ah, forget that! Who are you and what were you doing barging in on me and my wife?" Rolith pointed an incriminating finger at Ash who just closed his eyes and sighed, then he leaned on a tree and looked up at the moon, partially covered by a sheet of dark clouds, scores of which scudded across the night sky.

"My name... is Ash." Ash said, then he looked at Rolith again. Rolith cocked an eyebrow, but continue to stare at Ash.

"I am not lying. I am not the Ash from around here, I am from the future and I have come here to save Lore from an oncoming calamity-"

"Enough!!" Rolith cut him short pounding his gauntlet-ed fist against the trunk of the very same tree against which leaned Ash. "Enough of your nonsense. Answer me plainly and clearly, who are you?"

Ash, unflinching even at that furious pound that was barely inches from his head locked Rolith in a blank stare.

"Rolith!!" Came a shriek from across the street, Alina had appeared in her nightgown and she stood at the doorway. "He IS Ash. He is not lying."

"What??!?" Rolith's eyes widened in disbelief. "You are in with him? What is going on?"

"Former Knight of the Order," now Ash started as he crossed his arms and continued to look at Rolith. "What would it take for you to believe me?"

"A brawl!!" Rolith was surprisingly prompt in his answer as he whirled around to face Ash, his eyes wide with rage. "A brawl is what it would take for me to believe you."

"No." Ash said. "I cannot hurt you, not in front of Alina at least."

"All the better..." Rolith was slowly going wild. "That just means that I can beat the pulp out of you and you won't move a muscle. You Impostor!! Thief!! Scoundrel!!"

Rolith, without a warning pounced upon Ash who was quicker and managed to duck out of the way rolling behind Rolith.

"Stop it!!" Alina screamed. "What are you two doing?"

The hulking former knight turned around and pulling back his right arm, let loose a wild punch at Ash's face which he dodged with a deft sidestep even as he calmly looked at Rolith's fist whizzing past his face. Rolith was quick as well, he threw his center of mass at his punch and using it as a pivot, followed through with a surprising sweep kick that dragged on the ground. Ash wasn't fast enough for the other knight's hulking frame didn't betray any hint of agility. He stumbled falling on his back with a loud thud.

"I got you now!" Rolith shouted as he stood over his face and lifted his right leg for a finishing stomp.

Hell!, Ash thought as he looked up at Rolith's face, now red with rage. I didn't want to use it here.

As Rolith's foot came down, Ash reached for his right gauntlet where he wore a curious little instrument that somewhat resembled a machination made of miniature gears. The blow never came.


Out of nowhere, a massive hammer, Rolith's hammer came whizzing at Rolith and rammed him square on his back causing him to fly right over Ash and fall to the ground a few feet away.

Ash sat up and looked around to find a hulking figure with medium sized brown hair, a moustache and a beard standing across the street near Alina. Also accompanying him was a person in blue robes and with flowing white hair.

"God, it's been so long since I hurled a hammer that far. And with that size too." Massaging his right shoulder, the hulking man commented in a somewhat gruff, heavy voice with an accent that somewhat hinted at him being a Battleonian. "Thanks, Warlic."

"Don't mention it, Yulgar." The man in the blue robes answered as they stood looking at Ash. "You'd better come in. The weather's starting to look rather unfavorable."

A rain drop fell on Ash's face.


Book 1 Finale

"I don't believe you...!!" Alina let out a shriek as her eyes widened in horror. "You are lying, Ash."

"I am not." Ash gravely repeated.

At once, Alina's eyes were brimmed with tears as she hid her face in her palms and silently cried. Arthur was dead, and now she knew it.

"How did this happen, Ash?" Warlic, who stood with his back on the wall next to the door asked quietly, his face bowed low.

"I don't know, Blue Mage. I wasn't there when it happened." Ash turned to face Warlic. "Even I was told by Rolith."

"I don't get you." Warlic looked up.

"My younger self, I mean. It's Rolith who told him about Arthur's death." Ash clarified as he went and sat down on the bed next to the sleeping Rolith.

"When?" Yulgar, who sat opposite Alina on the table asked promptly as he sat up. "When did Rolith tell him?"

"You mean, "When will Rolith tell him." Ash corrected him. "He'll tell Ash tomorrow. Upon daybreak."

"Then we must send Ash away." Yulgar stood up.

"And why will you do that, Yulgar?" Warlic calmly asked the weaponsmith.

"Because, he doesn't need to know." Yulgar looked at Warlic, a certain fatherly look in his eyes.

"I... agree with Yulgar." Alina spoke in whispers as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "He doesn't need to know. Arthur was always his idol."

"Tear not the fabric of time." Ash cut in before Warlic could reply. "It can have serious consequences."

"What consequences?" Yulgar questioned him.

"How do you think I am here?" Ash counter-questioned. "Because I know. I am here to help you, not to make things worse. For how long can you keep the young knight in darkness? Eventually, he will know. Nothing can go wrong in this already running clock. Not now, not ever."

"I don't understand your reasoning, and I don't want to know. I shall make something up and send Ash away to Bladehaven tomorrow at dawnbreak."

"You will not...!!" Ash stood up slowly pacing towards the bulky weaponsmith.

"Ease down," Warlic leaned off the wall and stood up to his full height brushing aside his long hair from his face. "Ash is right. Chronomancy is a delicate art and one bound loosely on mere magical threads. Ash goes nowhere, and neither does Rolith."

"What do you suggest?" Yulgar asked Warlic.

"We shall put Rolith to sleep, for the time being." Warlic gravely suggested.

"Why are you hell-bent on altering the fabric of time?" Ash spread his arms to his side. "Let him know. He has a right to know."

All were quiet as a sound outside the door alerted all of them. Ash dashed towards the door and flung it open just intime to see, all red-faced and crying, his younger self. The younger Ash was wet to his skin and pure agony was etched on his young face as tears mingled with raindrops to pur off his face.

"Ash..." The older Ash trailed off, but all of a sudden, the younger Ash whirled around and jumping off the step, dashed away into the rainy night.

"ASH...!!" The older Ash, with one final glance into the house, ran off too, followed closely by Yulgar.

"Alina, take care, matters have gotten far worse and I must go." Warlic whispered to Alina across the room, and he left immediately upon her approval.

She sat back down, all alone with her sleeping husband. Once again, placing her face in her palms, she weeped.

"Oh Arthur..."

Behind her, Rolith's eyes flew open.


~End of Book 1~

< Message edited by Arthur Dragonlord -- 12/5/2012 9:19:53 >
DF MQ AQW  Post #: 1
12/17/2012 4:52:17   
How We Roll Winner

Book 2

Fate's Fallacy


He descended the black marble steps, each step falling regally. His crimson cape swept up the floor behind him emitting an ever so slight swish sound. His red gauntlet-ed arms swung at his sides even as he rested his right palm on the bony pommel of his fell Blade of Doom. On his head rested his helm, also crimson and shaped like the skull of a great Dragon, although it differed much from the one worn by Dragonslayer Galanoth. At the back of his helm, a wave of auburn hair swept out from under the rim.

"Underling...!!!" The Doom Knight roared. "What news do you bring?"

The miniature Sneevil flanked on both sides by Necromancers nervously shuffled at the Doom Knight's feet.

"M...Master I... I met with a young man...and...and an older lady in the forest in front of the Great Lich's cave." It stuttered.

The Doom Knight curiously rolled his head from side to side as he watched the tiny Sneevil. "And?"

"A...And I also sighted a shadow in the forest. Behind the...the two." It went on.

"Who were these two?" He probed further.

"I...I don't know their names but...but one was dressed in brown and light leathers with a shoulder guard and plain longsword. A boy of about fifteen. The other was...a lady dressed all in violet... and with a travelling cloak and boots. She...she also had violet hair."

The Doom Knight waited patiently for a few minutes before asking, "And what of the Shadow? What did it look like?"

The tiny Sneevil's eyes widened in horror as it started to back away ever so slowly. "I...I do not know. I did not stay long enough to see. I...I used the stone you gave me t...to move from there. I am sorry, Master."

He lowered his head, as if in exasperation, then he lifted it again.

"You were to get that boy or that lady to touch the stone. You were to move them here with you. And then if you succeeded, I had promised your return to your parents. Had I not?"

"Y...Yes... Master. But...I failed you. I failed Master." It squeaked in its childish voice. "I want to see my papa and mama."

"Oh, but you did not fail me, youngling." He spoke in a deceptively softer, reassuring tone. "You did bring me important information. For that, I will let you leave."

He stood back and beckoned towards the doorway next to the throne with an armored hand.

"I...I can?" The Sneevil was ecstatic in a matter of minutes, tears formed at the corners of its glassy eyes as it hopped, then it started to take a step.

Barely had the Sneevil taken a step when all of a sudden, a loud piercing sound filled the air. It was the sound that a blade made as it passed by someone's ear. The sound, initially high in pitch slowly lessened before it dissipated into nothingness.

The Necrotic Blade of Doom hadn't moved from its sheath, or so it seemed. Sepulchure's hand had moved from the Blade's pommel to its hilt and it rested there.

In front of him, a red curtain had formed in the air which passed through one of the flanking Necromancers and through the Sneevil's chest. The damned Blade's trail as it pierced the air itself in its sudden wake.

A strike too fast to be seen, or even detected. A line of crimson formed across the little Sneevil's pygmy chest and also across the Necromancer's chest. The slice was neat, and faster than lightning.

The smile faded from the kid Sneevil's face as it glanced down at its own chest in horror.

As the crimson cut grew thicker, it looked up at Sepulchure, tears freely flowing from its eyes.

"Why?" It whispered. "...Mama..."

Sepulchure turned on the spot and walked away as both the Necromancer and Sneevil collapsed, neatly cut in two.

"Because fate is cruel." Sepulchure answered, a slight strain in his voice.

"Clean this mess and bring me the Polished Stone."

DF MQ AQW  Post #: 2
1/11/2013 14:59:13   
How We Roll Winner

The Oblivion Knight

~Lancet's Tale~

-The First-

My name is Lancet Archirus Arnas, and I am the Wielder of the Blade of Fall, Rayvenfrost. I am the Leader of the High Guards of King Alteon. I am the Creator of Destiny, second to none.
I am the Oblivion Knight.


Lancet's Rayvenfrost clashed against Horga's Reapreau as they did battle under the pouring skies. It was as if thunder itself sounded as the Blade of Fall met the Reaper Scythe again and again without cease. Lancet's men lay dead all around him in the mud and grass, some had been cleaved in half, others, stabbed or had lost their heads as Horga the Death IVth had started a massacre. Lancet was too late in his coming and as a result, had met with the Reaper Carnate standing amidst all this bloodshed in the rain.

The Oblivion Knight desperately moved his blade around in swift and blurry movements as he struggled to ward off Reapreau's massive arcs that seemed to close in on his very soul from all directions.

"Away...!!!" He screamed as a particular attack almost made contact with his neck but was parried upwards by Lancet as he took this opportunity and digging his heels in the mud, flew at Horga's lithe, cloaked figure while the Reaper Scythe was still up above him.

Much to the Knight's anger and disappointment, Horga used his powers from the Fourth Dimension and deftly phased out of Lancet's ramming attack just in time.

"Futile...!!!" The Carnate hissed in its whispery voice from under it's Skull Mask as it gathered itself together and glided away from Lancet. "You cannot fight Death itself."

"I have defeated your other three brothers, Wraith. You are no different." Lancet claimed in the rain.

"Hahahahaha...!!!" Horga's floating figure shook as he laughed mockingly. "Pest...! I am the strongest of us four."

Lancet had vanished from the spot. Horga stood dumbstruck as he looked all around in the rain for that familiar figure that was the Knight.

"Really now?" A whisper sounded in Horga's left ear.


Rayvenfrost cleanly slid through Horga's chest as he could only give out a low moan in his defeat.

"How...??" Was all the Carnate could say before Lancet placed his left foot on the Carnate's back and retracted his blade kicking the Reaper to the mud where it lay dead.

Lancet's Snow Silver armor was soiled by red stains as Horga's blood splattered on it.

Taking off his battle helm, Lancet revealed his handsome face even as Oblivion Energy crackled between his grey eyes as he had just tapped into the Amurite Pool inside him to execute that Dash behind Horga without being seen.

Amurite is a special element that is said to form when liquified Dragon Amulet mixes with a human's bloodstream. As to how Lancet came to be in its possession can only be told by him. Some say that he had been stabbed by a Blade made of Amurite while others say that Amurite flowed through his veins.

The energy that emitted forth from Amurite had rightly been named as Oblivion by Warlic who had been researching this unique element for almost five years now.

"Lancet is an Anomaly." The Blue Mage had commented.

It was true that Lancet was strong. The fact was that the Reaper Carnates had all given him signs. Signs that someone great would die. Soon.


-The Second-

Lancet banged the door shut as he stepped into The Brazen Blade, a tavern that was also an impromptu headquarter to King Alteon's Guard. In his right hand he held the black-shafted Reaper Scythe Reapreau while in his right hand was a rolled-up edition of the Daily Dragon.

"Welcome back, Sire." Winget, Lance's lieutenant who sat at the counter stood up upon Lancet's rather noisy entrance. "I believe all went well?"

"Winget, call your brother and meet me at the back." Lancet quietly ordered before he moved past the hulking lieutenant and made his way deeper into the tavern disappearing through a second door.

"Hmm..?" Winget cocked an eyebrow, then he called out, "Victor...!!!"

Shortly, a younger man dressed all in a white coat and snow white Dragonlord Armor came down the stairs. He had golden hair and a stubble upon his chin. On his back was mounted his beautifully carved longsword, Viktorholl.

"Yes, brother?" He spoke in a light tone, full of youth.

"Bring yourself to the back immediately."

"At once."

The brothers opened the backdoor and stepped out into the open where Lancet stood alone in the middle of the walled lawn. He had his back to the brothers.

"Arthur's dead." Lance said without turning.

"Arthur's what...?? You mean Arthur Bineswald? That drunkard from Dragesvard?" Winget blurted out.

"NO....!!! I mean Dragonlord Arthur, the celebrated Hero of Lore, Rider of Dragon Eldrangier.

"What....?? H...how"

Upon this question, Lancet turned and tossed the Daily Dragon at Winget who hurriedly caught it and unrolling it, read.

His eyes widened with every line until he dropped the newspaper.

"Creator's Hand..!! It was a massacre."

"Which of you can wield a scythe?" Lancet asked in a matter-of-factly tone.

"I can." Victor finally spoke up.

"Then you shall leave Viktorholl and wield this." Lance tossed Reapreau at Victor who grabbed it and immediately twirling it behind his back, slammed its lower end on the ground.


"We leave tonight. You and I." Lancet pointed to Victor.

"Wait..what?!!?" Winget cut in.

"We're leaving for Oaklore. I need to see for myself who this assassin is. And, I owe late Sir Arthur a favor." Lancet's green eyes turned silver with Oblivion before returning to green. "You are in charge of the men."

"When will you return?" Winget asked, confused.

"A fortnight. Be ready then."

Lancet started walking for the door.

"Be ready? Why?"

"Because..." Lancet started as he opened the door. "It is next to impossible to kill that Hero unless one has a whole army at his disposal."


< Message edited by Arthur -- 1/15/2013 13:24:46 >
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