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=MTAK= Wolves are on the Horizon

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7/9/2012 16:54:42   
Wolf Rider

Hi, everyone! So for everyone who's been going 'Who is that 'Gingkage' person? I've never seen her before.' I'm the newest AK of AQW Q&A.

Here's the place to ask me questions to get to know me better. But since if I let y'all run amok here I'll go crazyer, some rules.

1: As always, the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply here.

2: I reserve the right to not answer questions if I feel they are too personal in nature.

3: Do not edit your post after I've already answered your questions.

4: Ten questions per post, and only one post per page.

I think that about covers it. Have fun and bring on the insanity!

Forgot the most important part. I will be answering your questions in this font.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 16:57:35 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 1
7/9/2012 16:56:37   

Hi :)
Hi. :)

I have only one question.
What a relief shame.

Are zebras the answer to everything?
I was always taught that it was 42. But maybe 42 zebras could be the answer.

Anyways, congratulations on your AK-ship!

Thank you. :D

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 16:59:26 >


AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 2
7/9/2012 16:57:03   

Hi. Congrats on being an AK. Have fun. ¡◕‿◕¡
Thanks. I'll do my best.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 16:59:53 >
Post #: 3
7/9/2012 16:57:16   
Eric Greydawn

Oh no! I've heard horror stories of the Kensai's MTAK questions! I mean, hi, Eric!

You eez chained up!
No I'm not. *looks at wrists and sees the blue shackles* Where did those come from? O.O

Enjoy dem shacklez!
I'll try. They kinda chafe, though.


Mexican food in Texas or a Philly Cheese steak in Philly?
Mexican food in Texas. That wasn't so bad.

What color does the mexican food sound like?
It sounds like the--oh, wait. I'm not supposed to talk about that. Top-seekrat. *wary glance*


Have fun

How'd he DO that. *is in awe*

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:03:43 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 4
7/9/2012 16:59:57   

I am surprised this didn't happen earlier :p
I'll take that as a compliment, fish-monger.


How are the shackles feeling?
It burns! Very comfortable, thanks.

Watch out for Aces >.> He's a troll.
Have you seen the wolf next to me? He finds trolls to be a tasty snack. And he finds fish to be even better.

*gives Gin 500000 AK fishies*
Thanks! The wolf will love them. :D

May they help you drive out the trolls!
They have infused with the wolf I call my friend and companion. He and I will now be an unstopable force.

Don't have any questions for you :P
Randomness is just as fun as questions.

Congrats and good luck!
Thanks. I need it.


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:07:29 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 5
7/9/2012 17:03:17   

Hiya Gin!
O.O It's my boss. *quickly hides the evidence* I did nothing.

Not going to ask you any questions.

Just going to say Welcome and Good Luck! :)
Thanks. And thanks for giving me this privalege. I'm honored. :D *glomps*

*flies away in a flurry of wings and Dusts*
Ooh. Shiny.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:09:06 >
AQ DF  Post #: 6
7/9/2012 17:05:46   

Hidere. Don't judge my nub-ish grammer.
Hello. And don't worry. So long as I can understand you, you're good to go.

Mind if I ask some questions?
Yes I mind. What kind of person asks questions? *looks at title* Oh. Never mind, then. Ask away.

Ninetails or Arcanine?

Mudkip or Torchic?
Torchic. Bring on the fire!

Pokemon or Digimon?
Tough one. I'm gonna have to say Digimon.

Favorite band?
Switchfoot. Though two more favorites are Celtic Thunder and Celtic Women.

Can I has hug before I leave?
Sure. *hugs*

K bye,grats on AK.
Bye. And thank you.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:12:10 >


DF AQW  Post #: 7
7/9/2012 17:06:08   
Lord Coxy
Its Coxy Time


Just wanted to ask a question

Which ArchKnight is my bro in real life? (Here is a hint, Its a me, Coxy)
The one you call your brother, of course.

Congratz for becoming an ArchKnight and good luck
Thanks. Hopefully I won't need too much luck, though.

Have a great day ow
You, too.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:13:16 >
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
7/9/2012 17:16:33   


Congratz on your position

Dont take it to heart, but i cant say ive ever seen you before over here, though to be honest, i dont think you have seen me either
That's not at all surprising. I'm more commonly seen in DF's Q&A.

Good luck at your new post


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:19:03 >
AQW  Post #: 9
7/9/2012 17:18:53   

Hey there, Gingkage.
Hi, Laos.

No questions from me. Congratulations and welcome! Have fun and good luck!
Thanks. I'll do my best.

See you around,

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:19:56 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
7/9/2012 17:36:48   
Van Fanel

Hi, Gingkage

Why'd you move from DF to AQW? Seen you there a couple of times

Kinda boring for a post, I know but good luck with your work in the AQW Q&A section

You think you can make the AQW Q&A section as tidy as the Q&A section of DF? (Not saying it is messy here, but it is a bit chaotic from time to time)

Looking forward to "work" with you (I know, we won't be really working together. But I have a tendency of sending pms to mods and AKs )

Anyway, thanks for letting me waste your time

*still searching for a cool way to vanish*

Sorry, Jan Fanel, but I already answered your questions. You will have to wait until the next page to ask new ones.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 17:58:49 >



Don't assume somebody possesses knowledge until proven differently
Post #: 11
7/9/2012 18:09:43   

It's always good to have you here, enjoy your days, AK. ;)
Thanks. I will.


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 18:13:10 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
7/9/2012 18:25:07   

Hai, Giiiiiiiiiiinnnng!!!!
*gasp* It's Guthixnite! The famous Deathmonger in DF War Threads.

How are you?
Having the time of my life.

good? good. Now for my questions.

Whats your favorite class?
In DF: Dragonlord. In AQW... I haven't really found a class yet that makes me go 'I will never use anything else.'

What pet is better. The temporary pet from Darkside class, or the wolf from Willow Creek?
Wolves are always the best.

What is your oppinion on the current level of "Green" in AQW?
Bushes are green. Tree tops are green (unless you're in Doomwood). Grass is green. Green is green. And you are green. I'd say green is doing very well for itself.

Can I have a cookie!? :3
Sure! *gives a cookie* But don't ask for muffins. I don't have any of those. *whisper*Rumor has it that Faerdin has muffins. Ask him for some.*whisper* But never. I repeat NEVER ask for cake. It is a lie.

okay, I'm done. but I'll be back...and can I have that cookie?

How about now?
Hm... Nope. :D

Much like cake, cookies are a lie.

Fine, no tea for you, then >_>

No problem. I have a stash of tea leaves in my bag of everything.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 18:30:31 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
7/9/2012 18:36:34   

Congrats!! I"m sure you'll be great!
Thanks! I'll do my best.

What is your favorite toppings for pizza?
Meat, meat, and more meat. Meat lovers pizza all the way!

Do you have a pet?
I have a dog.

Do you play an instrument?
No, but I play at guitar sometimes (not good enough yet to be able to say I play it).

(Most importantly) Are you having fun???!!!!!
A lot more than I expected. Answering MTAK questions is WAY more fun than just reading them.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 18:41:03 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
7/9/2012 18:38:44   
Legendary AdventureGuide!

GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN! *glomps her excitedly!*
MRITHA! *is glomped* OOF!

Congrats on the shackles, what do they look like?
They're blue, of course. And there's the image of a wolf on them. The cool part is, the wolf keeps changing. One minute it will be sleeping, the next running, the next, howling. Mel really knows how to design awesome shackles. :D

Having fun so far?
Yep. :D

Tis all that I can think of, congratulations on the promotion. I know you will do a wonderful job helping keep this place clean :)
Thanks. I plan to do as much as I can. And once I've had some practice, it'll be even easier. For now, BUTTONS!

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 18:49:51 >


DF MQ AQW  Post #: 15
7/9/2012 18:50:31   

o.o Another unwary traveller is caught in the AK dungeons...How's you cell?
Surprisingly comfortable.

Anyway haidere Gin -.-'(looks and Gin's wolf that looks at me with a "I'll get you" look)
Hi. Don't mind the wolf. He's just hungry because I didn't let him eat all of the fish Chis gave me.

So...Do you think wolves (if we ever get to understand them) Can tell us what color the dinosaurs were?
I think wolves were more concerned with staying alive then paying attention to what color they were.

Random Question:If you got 5 bucks and Chuck Norris has 5 bucks...Who has more bucks?
Me. My bucks are of the deer variety, so in a couple years, I'll have LOTS of bucks. And does.

That's all questions that cross my mind now...may be back with more torture questions later on.
Look forward to seeing you again. :D

Congratz on you AKship and have fun...or else...
For some strange reason, the fact that I have a giant wolf next to me makes me completely unphased by your 'threat.'

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 18:54:13 >
AQW  Post #: 16
7/9/2012 18:55:58   
Edme MacHeath

HI! I'm nate(best girl in the world) and I got some questions for you!!!!
Hi! I'm Gingkage, the nebies AK in the world (until the next one gets shackled), and I've got som answers for you!

What is this shackle people are talking about? what is a shackle?
It's a sign of enslavement to the forums pretty metal bracelet saying that we're in charge of maintaining order in a specific forum.

I hope u do good on your job, (heheheh i might've told melissa and some other arch knight that u'd make them dinner tonight.... heheheh)
I know. I told you to. I had this amazing dinner, too. Then they all decided to eat roasted fish instead. Very sad.

oh and if the other Archies make fun of you for being a new comer then well lets say i warned u...
They won't make fun of me. Much. Actually, everyone's been incredibly nice and helpful.


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 19:02:19 >
AQ  Post #: 17
7/9/2012 19:16:37   
Shadows Morgenstern


Why did I have to stumble upon this? I didn't hear about it
To prove your awesome 'stumble upon interesting threads' skills.

And why didn't this happen earlier? *glares all around*
Because I took a day to learn the rules before making this.

I don't really have any question, so..well...gratz! *hands party hat*
Thanks. HAT! :D

Have fun and stuff and things! :D
Thanks. I will.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 19:19:52 >


Your signature has been removed because Photobucket replaced it
with a third-party hosting notice that was too large for the forums.
DF  Post #: 18
7/9/2012 19:25:37   

Hey. Thanks for the codes.

Just one question, don't you find your edit font a little cumbersome? It's got 4 codes on it >.>
Well, any less and it's illegible.

Have a good one.
You, too.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 19:28:35 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
7/9/2012 19:58:02   

Herro there AK. :3

1. What's your favorite Artix Entertainment Game? (I can probably take a guess, :3)
While I enjoy all of the AE games I play, DF is the one that holds my interest for the longest in general. It's also the game that got me into the forums, so yay for DF!

2. Have you ever had Flamin' Hot Cheetos? :3
Not that I recal. Not a huge fan of spicy things.

3. Dage or Nulgath
I prefer not to take sides in this.

4. Artix or Sepulchure
Artix. Because he has funny puns.

5. Dora the Explorer or Spongebob Squarepants :trollface:

6. Congrats on AK and I hope you be seeing you around here.

Thanks, and you probably will.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 20:08:44 >
AQW  Post #: 20
7/9/2012 20:10:40   

Hello there

1. Are you hiding someething from all of us?
If I was hiding something, I wouldn't go around telling people I was hiding it. For that would defeat the purpose of hiding. So I'm going to say 'no.'

2.Judging by why first post do you think i am in anyway demonic

3. Have you ever seen me before
Maybe. I'm terrible with names, but yours is familiar.

4. would you like one of my cookies?
Depends on what kind they are.

Thats all for now see you later. Or not

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 20:13:30 >
DF  Post #: 21
7/9/2012 21:27:42   

Hai Ginkage :D, gratz on ya new AK-ship
I'd thought you'd start in the DF Q&A??o.o
Hi, and thank you. And Mel asked me to AK for her here, so here I am.

Well *Place some cookies on a table, unguarded*
COOKIES! *stealthily takes them*

Here goes the questions
*insert evil music here*

1.Hmm seeing as you'll be with wolves alot *gulp* how many shackles do you have?-only for you? and how are they?(hmm 3 questions there)
Just one set for me. And they burn are perfectly comfortable.

4.Awkward moment on the forums?
Probably when someone in DF Q&A asked about the experience needed for his guide (experience by level), and since I didn't notice the name was the same guide that he was trying to update.

5.If you could turn back time and change something what would it be?
Nothing I'd care to share with the general public. :D

6.Greatest gaming moment?
Hitting 1000 waves in my first war ever (DF Ravenloss War).

Well there are all me question I have, goodluck here ;P and gratz again

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 21:40:25 >


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 22
7/9/2012 21:44:35   

Hello new AK of this section Gingkage!
Hello, Xia.

Hopefully you can answer questions better than me (Joke)
Hopefully. :P

Anyways, later I'm not so free of time :/
Bye. Hope to see you on the next page.

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 21:49:10 >
AQW  Post #: 23
7/9/2012 21:50:58   


How're you?
I'm great. This is a lot more fun then it seemed when I'd read other MTAKs.

Dem wolves be doin good?
Of course.

I've always been more of a wildcat person myself.
To quote a teacher of mine from high school: "You're allowed to be wrong." :P

How do the shackles feel?
Save me before the pain kills me! They feel great. Mel made them all nice and pretty for me.

Happy with your title?
It's finally the title I've wanted for years.

Really happy?
Happy enough to howl at the moon. If I could see the moon from here, that is.

How'd you react when you found out?
It alternated from nervous, to BUTTONS! to 'I'm going to die I'm so scared.' Turns out I didn't die, so, BUTTONS!

That's it, grats again!


< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 21:55:20 >
DF MQ  Post #: 24
7/9/2012 22:12:15   
Perry the Platypus

Hola! Nice to meet you Gingkage. Congratulations on AK-ship for the AQWorlds Q&A.
Hi. Thanks for the congratulations, and it's nice to meet you.

*hands cookies of appreciation, thanks, and congratulations*

I'm not one to look into personal lives so no personal questions here.
Thanks for the consideration.

Here are some stuff.

1) Could you please tell us about yourself using one simple sentence?
I am completely obsessed with wolves.

2) What will you do in the AQW Q&A as an AK?
Hopefully keep things peaceful while not drowing in all the posts. I've never seen a forum move so quickly.

3) Are you aware that there are people here that only use Quotes to answer without actually answering the question?
Which is in violation of this rule:

Mini-modding is posting to instruct another user of the rules in a post that serves no other purpose. It is acceptable to redirect a user to the appropriate forum or thread provided you do it in a polite manner, with more than just a link or a quote, and that you do your best to answer their question/address their issue first.

No comment.

4) Do you know the argument "half full/half empty"? ( Pic)
What's your take on the argument?
Optimist: The glass is half full. Pessimist: The glass is half empty. Realist: Who's drinking out of my glass? My take: who cares so long as it's not my glass? :P Jk: Actually my take is it doesn't really matter, because at some point the glass will be completely empty.

5) If a wolf rider rides wolves, what does a wolf ride?
They don't need to ride anything at all.

6) Why do you ride wolves? Why not ride horses?
Because I prefer wolves over horses. Besides: Someone might argue with a person riding a horse. I've yet to see someone argue with a person who's got a giant wolf on her side.

7) If 2+2 supposedly = a fish, what does 1+1=?

8) Are you a platypus-lover like one of the AK's here?
I'm a wolf lover.

9) How much time do you spend on a daily basis playing an AE Game?
Varies depending on how much time I have/how tired I am, but usually a good few hours.

That is all, and again congratz on your AK-ship.
*hands another cookie*
Thanks. *noms cookie*

~ Perry the Platypus (PTP)
~Gingkage the Wolf Rider

< Message edited by Gingkage -- 7/9/2012 22:24:25 >
DF AQW  Post #: 25
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