Ello there, I currently have nothing witty or silly to say/do here. Well, prepare to be bothered anyways. You guys don't bother me! 1. So, hows the cell and shackles? Comfy! 2. Did they teach you not to touch the big red button during training? Maybe.... 3. Well... It just so happens I have a present for you. What to know? :O You shouldn't have! Thank you! 4. Here, have this big red button labeled "Do Not Push" :O Thanks! I always wanted an apocalypse button! 5. Now, wasn't that fun? Yes. 6. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Healing hands, I think. That or magnetic manipulation. 7. If you could have any mythical creature as a loyal pet, what would it be? Hmmm, I'd like a Thunderbird or maybe an Ink Monkey. 8. Out of the entire AE games, which class/class version would you like to be in real life? Probably the Cryomancer or Tenebromancer from AQ, those seem my speed. 9. By the way, don't look behind you. My backs to the wall as I type this. 10. Did I not tell you? Nope, you didn't. 11. Well, to make up for that have these fuzzy shackles! They'll keep your wrists all warm. :O Thank you! 12. What is the answer to Life, The Universe and Everything? 42! But nobody knows the question. 13. Quick, you have an important mission! :O I'll do eet! 14. With the following items, you must complete your mission! (Two pens, three feathers, five feet of rope, a grappling hook and a very shiny rock) *huge explosion* 15. Good job, I'll be back later to see how you do. Seeya!
< Message edited by raylas -- 11/4/2012 15:57:18 >