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Benefits of Varium

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11/12/2012 19:37:23   

First of all, EpicDuel is a free-2-play game, and a fighting game. So, battle victories should be decided by player decisions, not player money. Not only do more skills need to be introduced to the total skill count for improved strategy, but paying players need non-battle-related advantages to have their money's worth.

Some new features for strictly premium regimes can be introduced, as there is no membership. To start off, each purchase of varium could yield premium bonuses added onto the package that are valued for no sellback but are strictly obtained only through buying. These bonuses increase in count as the package value increases. Some examples include shout-outs, faction weaponry, bonus to battle tokens, space lasers (using space lasers allows the player to enter an online user's name... the chosen user will be shot from space by a surgical strike in the lobby... an admin message declaring the attack will show as well... and they will temporarily die... for fun), dispensable minigames for battle tokens, animations (actions, different battle animations, different movement animations), graphics (aesthetic pieces such as medals or gloves/shoes)... etc.

Please help give the staff ideas.
AQ Epic  Post #: 1
11/12/2012 19:43:59   

No varium is to increase the speed of a character's progression. The reason varium players are so strong id because of the enhancements they have purchased though varium . If a free to play character gains enough credit to fully enhance their gear. Any free to play players will be able to beat a varium player.
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
11/12/2012 19:51:38   

How would this work with everyone that have varium gear with enhancements already on. One would just simply keep his old gear and still be dominant.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/12/2012 20:09:43   

trust me no varium players would agree with this, faction is already not popular and players are more into battles and its a PVP game not a faction decoration game or a game with useless extra features. this would greatly decrease their profits....think about it, would you still pay varium if the item you get don't have any special in battle and you are equal to players that doesnt even pay a penny to support this game? the gay is closing slightly since now non-vars are getting a taste of varium items but there still need to be a advantage in battle for us varium players. so that means if this is implemented they will have to give us refund for every enhancement and every promo item that has extra stats and specials.

@depressed void: all of those ideas of yours AQW already have them, we do not need another dress-up game...im sure some varium players that play ED is because they are bored of AQW and so am i......so if some of you find that this game should be equal between paying and non paying players then go play AQW instead.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 11/12/2012 20:14:51 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
11/12/2012 20:09:43   


No varium is to increase the speed of a character's progression. The reason varium players are so strong id because of the enhancements they have purchased though varium . If a free to play character gains enough credit to fully enhance their gear. Any free to play players will be able to beat a varium player.

Varium is a premium currency you pay to get special features in game that free players do not get for not paying.

If you want an advantage from paying money, try your hand at starting a business or gambling at a casino, not that I condone gambling. Because I do not condone it. That is what you are asking. Or unless you mean an elitist faction such as Hitler's Reich.

Trust me, I have years of experience with online games on console and on PC, elitist games are forgotten about within a year and the company has to invent an entirely new game. That is why Runescape is still kicking World of Warcraft in number of players and therefore attracts more potential customers.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 11/12/2012 20:16:24 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 5
11/12/2012 20:40:14   

Not supported. This is a PVP game not a dress up your faction, character game. Besides we already have dress up in the form of armors, and we can also get homes for decoration. While some people pay or earn varium for these things they also pay for promo items and an advantage in battle. By them making equipment that is equal to varium equipment available with credits they already took away the varium Item advantage for Varium players. Now you want remove Promo specials and enhancements (which is the other reasons why people who get varium) so it would become more strategic?

Are you trying to make varium players suffer with this idea because that is what it sound like to me. If Varium players are on equal footing with non variums then there is no need to buy varium. No varium sales means no funding, and no funding means epic duel is dead.

While I am all for making the game more strategic, (since brainless strength builds are now killing the game for most builds and many want the luck factor gone cause it is annoying) don't make it so that those who support the game by using varium suffer to do so.
Epic  Post #: 6
11/12/2012 21:28:53   

"Remove promo specials and enhancements" that statement is false, do not lie. "No varium sales means no funding, and no funding means EpicDuel is dead" totally a presumptuous assumption. Not only does anyone not know if different varium sales make absolutely no money (so farfetched), so assume EpicDuel will die. EpicDuel is mmo because it is free-2-play. People buy things for improved status. Arguably having a better appearance is more a noticeable status than more stats in a battle. Try not to rationalize thinking you or anyone knows how EpicDuel works as a game in a game franchise called Artix Entertainment. AE is for the common person who can use a browser, it is not some ultra-premium Diablo or World of Warcraft that relies on the players' funding the life of the game. If you have not already noticed, AE is an expert marketer on the web. Ads everywhere whenever possible.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 11/12/2012 21:31:01 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 7
11/12/2012 21:51:04   

@ Depressed void

My point is that your idea will cut into their sells since most people buy varium for an advantage (which come in the form of enhancements and item specials) which your ideas if put into the game will take away.

The staff already is putting in items that are varium powered for non variums to get which already takes away the edge of having better gear. All that the paying players have left is enhancements (which the staff will be making cheaper soon so that soon that advantage will be gone.) and item special that come into promos. You take that away and I can grantee you varium sells will go down the tubes. Also even if they do have funding in other places I highly doubt the staff would slash their own income to make the came completely balance where a paying player is no better then a free player. If that is the case then there would be no need for varium in the first place since the staff already is making items that are equal to varium items for non variums.

Plus the staff themselves said it themselves that there has to be some sort of gap otherwise no one would buy varium. The staff also said what I said to you as well in previous post (If no players buy varium there is no funding, If there is no funding then epic duel will fail)

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 11/12/2012 21:52:22 >
Epic  Post #: 8
11/12/2012 22:02:40   

Nothing is absolute Mother1, as a game developer you have to be innovative and open to new things else the game stays in one time era and shifts away from popular culture.

If anything in-game item costs should be raised, and enhancements lowered. The credit weapons do not accurately reflect a high varium to credit ratio in costs. 30→40K may seem high, but given a couple weeks of playing is done. Really great things, especially the best things, should take a month at least. Varium allows you to get the same thing instantly and whop the players farming for these good items at the same time. Less time spent in-game, more time to yourself and actually utterly enjoying the game. The opposite argument is to say that we should drive them into the ground while they hate what they the free-players do.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 11/12/2012 22:03:50 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 9
11/12/2012 22:24:09   

Many of the old players quit the game for the fact that the staff is removing the gap in stats between free items and varium items. Also many players and factions have collapsed as well because of them changing the way factions work to benefit free to play.

Also it has been said that they were going to lower enhancement cost to benefit the players as well so when this happens the gap will close some more. But as it was said there has to be some sort of gap so people will want to buy varium.

While some do buy or earn varium for the cheevos that comes with varium features, (such as master of disguise Landlord etc) most buy it for the special promo items and enhancements. I myself don't even buy varium anymore but earn it which is something you said people should be doing which is working for their benefits in the game.

Also have you seen the new aux that trizz designed? If you add up the stat points on it they are equal to that of the caterpillar bugooka which is believe or not a varium only item. So in this case it does add up to a varium item. All the other items that can be brought with varium or credits (such as the cardboard armor, the harlinder husks, and even the charface weapons) have the same stat in both forms which is something many varium players don't like.

So slowly they are easing the gap but at the same time aren't trying to completely remove it. Without that gap there is no incentive to buy varium and we know while the staff wants to make this game as balanced as possible they aren't going to remove the gap completely for obvious reasons.
Epic  Post #: 10
11/12/2012 22:32:35   

@depressed void: hmm how about if lycus sees this..im sure he will agree will mother1 and I....non varium already got enough advantages, we are talking about epicduel not other boring games like warcraft or diablo or runescape...this game is already good enough and you just need to adjust the classes, and you want to make more fuss in this game? if we can have a poll you will understand better...the true fun thing in ED is pvp battles not extra dressing up features which you will get bored of after 2 or 3 days...also as mother1 stated, they will soon make enhancements cheaper for both currencies...how about lets make this game fully free and no need to pay varium for anything? because from what i can see thats what you want.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/12/2012 22:56:23   

Go to the VNV thread and see the last 2 posts. Your time is valuable.

Edit: You know, it is funny that someone mentioned my given varium examples are used in AQW.

Not only have I not played AQW...

Not that I am good business person, but that game makes majority of the AE revenue. I would think EpicDuel can use those themed features to sell more.

< Message edited by Depressed Void -- 11/12/2012 23:24:05 >
AQ Epic  Post #: 12
11/12/2012 23:02:34   

@above i saw the last 2 posts and yes the enhancement prices are too high for both varium and credit..but the cost of the VNV items that are 35k credits are a fair price since they have varium item stats and it would cost us $8 in realife....but it still doesnt make it a excuse to make the battle equal advantage for both variums and non vars.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
11/13/2012 22:36:13   

I think that an achievement (that comes with the varium at no extra cost) should exist, the graphic for the achievement as well as the rating points would change/increase as the amount of varium purchased increased. Varium items are understandably more powerful than credit weapons as the help to pay for the game (thank varium buyers that there is even a free version at all).
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
11/13/2012 22:38:40   

Varium is a super shortcut because it would take a nonvar player alot of days to group together lots of creds to get 1-3 vnv items. For varium players, it's cheaper (timewise) and easier to get such items and enhancements.
DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
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