First of all, EpicDuel is a free-2-play game, and a fighting game. So, battle victories should be decided by player decisions, not player money. Not only do more skills need to be introduced to the total skill count for improved strategy, but paying players need non-battle-related advantages to have their money's worth. Some new features for strictly premium regimes can be introduced, as there is no membership. To start off, each purchase of varium could yield premium bonuses added onto the package that are valued for no sellback but are strictly obtained only through buying. These bonuses increase in count as the package value increases. Some examples include shout-outs, faction weaponry, bonus to battle tokens, space lasers (using space lasers allows the player to enter an online user's name... the chosen user will be shot from space by a surgical strike in the lobby... an admin message declaring the attack will show as well... and they will temporarily die... for fun), dispensable minigames for battle tokens, animations (actions, different battle animations, different movement animations), graphics (aesthetic pieces such as medals or gloves/shoes)... etc. Please help give the staff ideas.