Support has been the most underpowered stat for much too long now. First, they have stopped field medic from increasing with support. Next, they move deflection chance to tech. Support builds are unusable, easily destroyed by strength and focus tank builds. My suggestion? Make field medic improve with support once again. Before you rage on me, hear me out. At level 35, a lvl 1 field medic should start at +30 health at 20 support. For every 5 support improved (nerfed from the old field medic, which gave you +1 health for every 4 support.), you gain +1 health. This means you only get +46 health for a lvl 1 field medic when you have 100 support. Comments? Anything that could be changed to make it less OP/UP? Do you guys agree/disagree? Post them in the comments below :D