Mecha Mario
Mechanized Plumber
Serenity ! Hi! Err, you name is too long, yet only 5 questions I can ask. D: D: been thinking about changing my name Really? yer Err, wasted a question. D: T:O No way! Yes way! I still got like 4 questions left. :D yep! To be, or not to be? That is the question? Y do I only have two questions after this question? waffles? O really? yes K. Alright, I still need to give my congrats for you becoming an AK, so congrats! You'll do fine. :) Thanks! :D My endless supplies of bag of cookies needs to be given away. So I'm going to leave a bag of your favorite cookies here. woot! om nomnom/b] I don't have to ask a 5th question right? just did! ~Mecha
< Message edited by Serenity Okami -- 11/11/2012 22:17:19 >