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Make Gamma gear and Delta gear tag as Ultra-rares?

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11/30/2012 23:48:07   
l Chop Suey l

Since the the delta knight armor is going to tag as ultra-rare why not make Gamma gear(includes Gamma Bike and Gamma Bot) and Delta Gear(includes Delta Staff,Delta Maul,Delta Daggers,and Delta Destroyer) as Ultra-Rares because I know for a fact these promotional items sparkled the evolution of Epicduel from previous phases.It would be sad if these items weren't tagged as ultra-rares as well since they are removed from the game forever.I hope the devs would look at this before they conclude the delta phase and implement the omega phase.

< Message edited by l Chop Suey l -- 11/30/2012 23:59:51 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
12/1/2012 0:32:22   
legion of souls

No, otherwise it would cause too much complaining. People would want promo packs like Frost Destroyer or Azreal's Curse tagged as Azreal's Curse.
No when you think of THOSE getting "ultra-rare" it dosen't sound right eh?
All the Promo packs have the same value. Wouldn't be fair if one got "ultra-rare" while others only get "rare"

Also with Delta knight, if you look at the cost, it is VERY expensive while the number of stats you get are the same as Beast Rider/Frost Reaper.
Armor like Delta knight makes sense to be tagged as "ultra-rare"

Signature removed. In accordance to the ED Suggestions Forum Rules, the use of signatures is prohibited, as they are considered as clutter when used with suggestions. ~eVentus

< Message edited by Eventus -- 12/1/2012 9:29:59 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 2
12/1/2012 4:00:35   

Just because those items (Delta and Gamma items) are promotional items from old testing phrases doesn't mean that they should become ultra-rare.
Epic  Post #: 3
12/1/2012 4:07:12   

@ 8x

They did change the beta weapons from rare to ultra rare and they did the same for the founder armor. and unlike the other promos the ones that Chop did mention are the legacy items unlike the other promos.
Epic  Post #: 4
12/1/2012 4:28:32   

"ultra" rare = Rare
neither is coming back. the added "ultra" is just an extra sense of entitlement for the people who own those items.
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
12/1/2012 4:42:30   

as mother1 said, the founder armor, beta weapons and alpha weapons and delta knight are iconic legacy items so they make sense to be ultra-rare, i personally dont think the delta weapons should be ultra-rare as the delta knight armor since the cheevo of the delta phase is also called delta knight.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
12/1/2012 6:30:31   

I think it's too early to make them ultra-rare.
Epic  Post #: 7
12/1/2012 8:12:08   
SouL Prisoner

i don't think delta weapons need to be made ultra-rare. Gamma's fine .. its could be made ultra rare .
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
12/1/2012 11:15:49   
  Exploding Penguin

I agree with soul... as soon as Omega comes, I believe gamma legacy items should be tagged as ultra rare. I have no idea why they tagged delta armor as ultra rare, because you can still get it right now.
Epic  Post #: 9
12/1/2012 11:15:54   
Chosen 0ne

Delta gear shouldnt be ultra rare because it isnt ultra rare to find. However using my logic, low level varium weapons would be considered ultra rare too.

Anyways, I do support. Making one phases weapons ultra rare and the other ones not would be almost insipid.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 10
12/2/2012 8:24:41   

Gamma gear should go "Ultra Rare" when Omega comes, Delta weapons haven't been out that long, it wouldn't make sense for them to go ultra rare.
Post #: 11
12/2/2012 19:49:09   
l Chop Suey l

Yeah I wasn't thinking it more clearly but Since the Gamma Gear out for quite a while they should make it ultra-rare but the Delta gear should stay rare until omega is finished with the phase.
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
12/2/2012 23:13:05   
legion of souls


However using my logic, low level varium weapons would be considered ultra rare too.

AQW Epic  Post #: 13
12/3/2012 18:00:06   
Blaze The Aion Ender

Gamma, go ultra rare
Delta Knight, go ultra rare
Delta Gear, however, was not the "item of the phase", Delta Knight was, so I do not think these should be ultra rare, not just rare

And I am not just saying this because I have Delta Knight, I love the Delta weps, but I just don't think they have earned their place as an ultra rare
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
12/3/2012 18:19:57   

Maybe increasing delta weapons to ultra rare after a few months into OMEGA or maybe even in the NEXT PHASE of the game as OMEGA may be the last of the latin alpheabet but as stated omega may not be the final phase, maybe the Final big phase where majour updates are implemented but could always be further phases depending on the development and growth of the game
AQW Epic  Post #: 15
12/3/2012 22:18:36   

Vega: No "Phase" will be the final, there will always be updates, glitchs, & bugs. As for the "Delta Knight" I don't even think it should go Ultra rare, it has barly been in the game for that long of a time.
Post #: 16
12/3/2012 23:14:33   

@ scar

Neither was the founder bike or Ten year titan yet those were made ultra rare off the bat so by your logic neither of these should be ultra rare since they weren't in the game long.
Epic  Post #: 17
12/3/2012 23:18:42   

Unsupported their relevant and current I dont think you should change them.....
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
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