'Ello Ging. Hi, Legendium. *stares at wolf, trying to think of a way to touch it without getting his hand ripped off in the process* *puts a restraining hand on Blaze* Don't. He hasn't tried yet. Grats on yo position. Thanks. Now then. Time for questions! *evil laugh* Did you hear something? 1. Do you like the color green? *absentmindedly strums fingers on green ax* I have friends that do. 2. Amulets or other methods of magical enhancement? I don't understand the question. Sorry. 3. Who suggested you become an AK? No idea who suggested it. I only know who first asked me. 4. What does an AKship look like to you? I have no idea. I've only seen the inside of my cell. 5. Why did you choose Gingkage for a name? On a different site years ago, I was going through a 'Japanese' phase and wanted a name made from two different Japanese words. 'Gin' means silver, and 'Kage' means shadow, and I thought it sounded cool. Unfortunately, I typo'd it and added an extra 'g' to the name. I just kinda... got used to it and the name's grown on me. So I use it for other things now. 6. What did you do when you saw the PM Title "Your Forum Behavior" ages ago? (I'm sidekick) "If you're trying to scare me, it's not working." 7. What is your weakness? I can't go around announcing that. It's dangerous to tell your weaknesses. 8. Are you counting these questions? Nope. 9. If so, then what is this question's number divided by ten, multiplied by Pie, fed to a cat and then used to fertilize a tree? The answer is always 42. 10. Why do you like wolves so much? (I liked them ever since I read "Wolf Brother") No idea. They've been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember. Anyway, that's it for me. So it is. Gratz on the AKShip. Thanks. I hope to do this forum justice. Anti-Shark. Shark fin soup? Oh, wait. That's bad for the sharks. Never mind.
< Message edited by Gingkage -- 12/2/2012 13:38:28 >