I had an idea, for each faction that comes in the top 3 on the daily lb.. Shouldn't they get an achiv of somesort? For example... If your faction wins the daily 2v2... or 1v1... or juggernaut... every member (who played that day) should receive a 500rating achiv - obv you would only be able to get one for each playlist of these achivs.. and maybe, do it like - 3rd place, 100rating, 2ndplace, 250, 1st, 500.. This is 850 in total.. 2550 in total (providing you win all 3). Please reply with something! I think people would try harder to win daily's if this was here! My second point, is "weekly leaderboards" will you every introduce these? J.U.S.T.I.C.E. Injurious Leader of Going Solo Youtube: GoingSoloED