Well how about a seasonal class you can buy? Leprechaun for st Patrick's ^^ seeing Hun king so enthusiastic I felt motivated and made it in the last 20 mins lol. Leprechaun Class ROW ONE Field medic- Yeah we know this Drunken Jig- chance to deal a second hit. If first hit blocked deals a second unblock able hit dealing 75% damage. Chance and damage increase on skill lvl up. Str based CounterClover-[buff] Counters 30% of debuffs. % to increase all except support by 9. % of effect increase on skill lvl up. Stat increase support based. Every 24 supp increase all three stat buff by 1. Max debuff counter is 65% ROW TWO Smokescreen- only debuff not support based Rainbow Beam- Tech based. Deals damage to lowest armor. Increase 2 damage every 7 tech? Only considers armor before debuffs, so cannot stack with smoke (optional) Yawn- Yawns. Yawn is infectious. Opponent loses energy points.(lol) <Undecided> based ROW THREE Reroute-[passive] Yeah Luck o' the Irish-[buff] Support buff. Affected by- dex? Gold Rain- Multi attack dealing damage based on average of str and supp. On multi it deals 75% damage with 25% chance to crit ROW FOUR Four Leafed Clover- [passive] [Max]Increase crit chance, heal effect and connect chance At max- 7% of all Dex requirement. Lucky strike- ultimate Deals (lvl 1) 105% damage - (lvl 10) 150% damage of the average of both armors +20. Guaranteed critical. Optional- cannot stack with massive strike. BONUS- if this skill performs the last kill in game, you gain +10 credits :D Leprechaun Magic- [Max] 80% stun chance. Next turn all damage by you reduced by 45%. In 2v2, stun chance and damage reduction reduced by 15. Just for Lols really. Dunno if I made it OP :D. I gave it heal, 2 passives, 2 burst skills, 1 stun, 1 multi 1 ultimate 1 emp 2 buffs and 1 debuff. Don't bite my head off yeah? :D