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is omega phase just a phase or a promise?

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12/25/2012 13:47:04   


i am a non varium tech mage. My name on the forum is same as my character. Epicduel is a good game but when i duel some players who have a huge advantage over me just by getting 40 enhancement while it will take me over a year to do so, it gets frusturating cause 1. I didnt loose cause i was less skillful. I could not win cause the varium player had over 10 level advantages over me.

With that said, i read the omega design notes and have a few questions to you gamers or the people who design the battle engine.

1. Titan said that the beta items will be the most powerful in omega in the design notes. So does this mean there will be a var and non varium advantage over the battle?

If there is going to be a advantage then omega holds no water what so ever right? There should be absolutely no difference in the number of stat points a non varium wep holds against a varium one.

With that said now. If i purchase the omega pack will the beta weapons still be better than the omega this will make old timers get a advantage over the new spenders which again holds no good when it comes to closing the gap.

So can someone tell me is omega a phase where all weapons will have the same damage and stats irrespective of their cost or if there is a advantage in the battle lemme know so i can stop hoping for a balanced game and move on to something i dont feel like i am being used like a punching bag.

if omega promises equal opportunity to all players then ima stick to this game. Its ok if the var players can get better looking weapons or cool hair styles or awesome bikes or custom stats that work with their build. There should be No advantage over stats what so ever.

Now question 2. The screen shot shows it takes 500 varium to move my stat on my weapon. So if i were to change 20 stats on a say delta sword its gonna cost of 10k varium ok i get this part. Now if change my class and decide i want a support build do i need to spend another 10 varium?

Question 3. Now i have a staff called caden staff. If i get the dark varium blaster the proton Aux and the cardboard armour i will have additional tech of 54 without enhancement. 10 from gun 10 from aux 10from armour and 24 from staff. With No stat requirements i will have inverted all stat points no tech giving me 140+54 tech. Looking at titans 5 focus build with the new hp scaling the plasma bolt will kill him in 1 hit with that tech. Or pretty sure He is dead with the bunkbust if it crit with massive strike.

Question 3. Have you tested the new hp scaling no 2vs2. 2 bunk potentially do 40 damage each non crit with 55 tech. I am pretty sure 2vs2 would be ending in three turns. Can we see some videos of how you test the upcoming omega balance battles.

If you are closing the gap between varium and non varium it will be only fair if all of us have access to the Bots. Why should we be treated like punching bags with the pyro bot and azreal bot.

If you varium players are thinking we are getting a huge favour here i am sorry to tell you but you are mistaken. I rather quit than being an amusement to you as a punching bag just cause you spent 50$ sorry but thats the truth. I can accept if you have cooler looking art work but when it comes to the fight we need to be equal or this should not be a pvp game. Give us pve i refuse to be used as a punching bag.

Would you play this game if npc farming is taken out and we are forced to fight players who have a huge advantage thats the real question. Just some done for thought. Peace
Post #: 1
12/25/2012 14:05:00   

Ok in order

1 Every item will be the same in power there will be no advantage with varium anymore

2 That information isn't known by the public yet. it will be revealed in omega.

3 Everything will be rescaled so we aren't OP in omega. They are doing an entire system overhaul to make things fair and balanced for all from what I read.


If you are closing the gap between varium and non varium it will be only fair if all of us have access to the Bots. Why should we be treated like punching bags with the pyro bot and azreal bot.

The bots that are available they will give you access to. From what I read the baby yeti and it counter part will available to the non variums. However the other bots are permanent rare and are never coming back. If they did bring them back it would be spitting in the faces of those who brought them when they were available plus all those bots that are rare are promos. All promos are varium exclusive and undoing that would tick off varium players.


If you varium players are thinking we are getting a huge favour here i am sorry to tell you but you are mistaken. I rather quit than being an amusement to you as a punching bag just cause you spent 50$ sorry but thats the truth. I can accept if you have cooler looking art work but when it comes to the fight we need to be equal or this should not be a pvp game. Give us pve i refuse to be used as a punching bag.

I know how you feel. I want a challenge from non variums as well and I didn't like the feeling either. But with omega items will not give extra power in battle (extra stats) so it will be level stat wise. So if anything it will be exclusive special abilites at best that won't give an extreme advantage like before. So if you are getting beaten when omega starts you will need to work on your build since there will be no more excuse for non variums to be punching bags.


Would you play this game if npc farming is taken out and we are forced to fight players who have a huge advantage thats the real question. Just some done for thought. Peace

I don't NPC farm unless it is for an event such as a war like the last too or am used the old token boost so it wouldn't affect me. However they are doing that more for non variums then variums so you can get the best gear and be prepared for battle without it getting outdated in omega.
Epic  Post #: 2
12/25/2012 14:09:44   

You have some good points here. I agree that the Beta Weps should have the same maxed stats as any other weapon with maxed stats. I sure hope that it's free to switch enhancements since, after all, we did pay for them in the first place. Just wondering, but where did you find Titan's "Omega Scaled" build?


AQW Epic  Post #: 3
12/25/2012 14:13:11   


Every weapon will be able to level up to your maxed level it was said in the design notes. No weapon will be any different then another power wise.
Epic  Post #: 4
12/25/2012 14:20:19   

Accept for special abilities like "Chairman's fury" :)
AQW Epic  Post #: 5
12/25/2012 14:35:08   


thank you for your feedback. Mother i do agree that those bots were rare and all but look at the skills that nightwraith is selling. We can add massive strike frost bite azreal mark and even the new omega onslaught for just 3k a pop. The frost and all are promo so is that "spit in the face" according to your words? You have to realise if the option to pve is taken from us we need to be on the same ground to fight a even fight. Else if you have a huge advantage over us than how is it closing the gap? All skills like chairman fury and all need to be given equal opportunity. To all players. Is it fair for my rage to be stolen while you with low support rage first and then call me noob. Sorry i disagree respectfully.
So with all due respect developers can omega come with a promise of closin the gap or do we now have to be forced to battle players being as punching bags?

I am happy farming npc at the moment.
Post #: 6
12/25/2012 14:49:14   

@ hawtnezz

They never said what skills they would give to the masses, and also they said some skills would be exclusive to their weapons so that they don't lose thier identify. In other words some specials won't be for sell such as the one's on the omega promo, and they may do the same with most of the promo specials. We don't know this yet and won't find out until omega so we can guess anything about that yet.

Also while I can agree that they should do all that to a degree, the developers are already take a huge risk in doing this. Most people brought promos because they gave a power advantage and because of this move they will be losing a lot of customers since promos won't offer power. If they were to give out everything to everyone paying or free to play then epic duel would crash and burn. You have to remember while non variums do help support the game the paying players are the ones who give them the money to keep epic duel running. If everything became available to everyone then no one would buy varium and the game would die. They need to keep the paying players happy right now and right now a lot aren't happy with this move for first reason.

Besides when omega comes the platinum pride will be rare as well, and that is an armor special not a weapon one. Unless they decided to give armor specials as well that one won't be available for non variums and even if it is they might have it on that exclusive no sell list.

As for how they are closing the gap they are removing the extra stats variums will get on items and battle. I can tell you from experience a varium player without enhancements is just a slightly more powerful varium player. I have paid on both sides of the fence so I know this since I have two varium alts without enhancements. If you remove those enhancements any non varium would be on just about equal ground as a varium player. The specials while offering a tactical advantage won't offer a stat one. That is how they are talking about closing the gap.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/25/2012 14:58:17 >
Epic  Post #: 7
12/25/2012 14:58:14   


do you know mother how many times i try to play this game. Every time i get to level 28 i start to loose cause the other guy has so many extra stats and so awesome special like massive frost bite and chairman fury. I try my best but i just punching bag. Have you played level 27 or 26 like 80% jugg i do bolt and then just 3 damage. So frusturating. This game is very bad for high level. I got many friends we just make new character and then quit at level 25 then do it over and over. We can spend but not so much on game right. Game = fun. Epicduel = fun low level frusturating high level.
Post #: 8
12/25/2012 15:05:41   


It was the same for me when I reached the higher levels. Most people at low levels don't use varium but when you get to the higher level that is where the pain of a non varium comes. I started out the same way and it was annoying.

When omega comes jugs won't be as hard because they will be losing their extra stat points, and believe it or not extra stats is what threw the game out of balance. Once those are gone power wise we will all be equal as I stated. Extra stats will most likely be gone and if they have enhancements they will be cheap for all.

As i stated before a varium player without enhancements is just a slightly stronger non varium player power wise. Special wise it depends on the specials and not all specials are promo exclusive. Mark or azreal which increase crit chance on strikes by %5 isn't promo exclusive since the azreal's bane came out first and that wasn't a promo. Also lucky strike is another. Also remember most of the varium items available in game will get credit counter parts so any of those with specials will be at your finger tips as well so while variums will have some things for them most of them will be given to non variums so if there is a gap you won't see it.
Epic  Post #: 9
12/25/2012 15:16:09   


a slight advantage is a huge advantage mother. Give you example. 13% chance on pumpkin rain = 13% chance i will loose that fight. One well placed chairman fury = i loose match.
I have ps3 i play black ops and battlefield 3 limited edition. Those games are about latency and skill. This game is supposed about strategy. But how is it supposed to be strategy to a non varium except be a punching bag? Give me one strategy you can use against a chairman fury or a thorn special or a frost bite. Its strategy if we both have the same opportunity to use the skills with No advantage over damage or stat points. If you want advantage even a slight one we need pve option right? Can you understand the option of fighting players and being forced to fight or upgrade?
Post #: 10
12/25/2012 15:33:31   

Ok if you are talking about a completely equal game where everyone has everything then no that won't happen. While the developers love the community and want to give the non variums a better fighting chance they know making it were you can get everything without the use of varium would literally die. Without money coming in from varium sells (which is the only source of income from epic duel) The game will die. So in order to keep the game alive the staff has to make sure there is a reason to by varium.

The staff will be taking away the extra stats that have been overpowering varium player which was the real reason why non variums were the punching bags. As I stated before that alone has ticked off the varium player community and sells will most likely be down for a while.

Now if they made completely like you wanted (Meaning everything being available for credits and everyone having the same chance to get everything) then what would be the purpose of buying varium? Can you answer me that one hawtnezz? If there is no reason to buy varium how would the game run when varium sells in the only source of income? The answer is it won't.

Besides as I said just about all of those advantages you mentioned that can from varium items will be at the non varium player's finger tips. While I don't know which one's yet a lot of varium exclusive stuff will be given credit counterparts.

If they do give promo special in game then they will be selective of them. They said it themselves in the design notes that some promo abilities will remain on only those promos so that right there says that they aren't going to give everything to non variums. You have to think of it staff perspective as well. Sure it sound unfair that they are going to leave some things varium exclusive, however if they take away all the reasons to buy varium when it is their only source of income then no one will buy it. If no one buys it they the game will die and no one will have epic duel to play.

So tell me which is better? A game that their is a slight gap and you can still play it, or no game to play at all because the staff killed their only source of income by giving everything a credit option?

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/25/2012 15:37:03 >
Epic  Post #: 11
12/25/2012 15:44:45   


they can introduce a new special that does 100% rage steal or insta kill. But one needs an option to pve if there is but one option when i fight players thats be a punching bag. If i find fighting players to be unfair cause of their advantage i will either quit or do pve. If i cant pve i will quit right. And what will you have advantage over then. If all us non varium will quit then basically your fighting players over no advantage. So now thats exactly what i am asking. Will omega be just a new hyped phase or a promise for equal opportunity fight.

The game wont die just ppl wont Buy varium.. varium can be made exclusive for so many things. Faction fights. War. Customizing fav weapons. Customizing looks. Shortcut to buying and enchanting gear. What takes us 3 months can cost you 1k varium. So what makes you feel the game will die.

the game will die when we will get frusturated and quit till you end us fighting all varium players and then end up with no advantage. Than sadly realize wish i was low level having fun like hot :)
Post #: 12
12/25/2012 16:12:24   

@ hawtnezz


they can introduce a new special that does 100% rage steal or insta kill. But one needs an option to pve if there is but one option when i fight players thats be a punching bag. If i find fighting players to be unfair cause of their advantage i will either quit or do pve. If i cant pve i will quit right. And what will you have advantage over then. If all us non varium will quit then basically your fighting players over no advantage. So now thats exactly what i am asking. Will omega be just a new hyped phase or a promise for equal opportunity fight.

Ok since you are new to the forums I will explain somethings. a special that would steal all rage would be OP for starts. Think about it if you think chairman's fury is OP then then this move that steal all rage would be worse. say if you had full rage but choose to heal, then I use this move on you. Boom all your rage is gone and you will have to build it up again. It isn't balanced in the least and would destroy the game.

Instant kill would kill the game as well. Whoever went first would always win and the game wouldn't have stredegy either. It would be have this special and go first or die. It isn't balanced in the least so it will never make it past the balance team.

Also NPC will be there to fight just not in the form of offering wins. The staff wanted the game to be pvp not pve. This also ticked off some people as well some for the same reasons you are saying so I understand that.

Also as I stated before the staff said they would be leaving some promo items weapons exclusive so that right there says no they won't make the game 100% non varium.


The game wont die just ppl wont Buy varium.. varium can be made exclusive for so many things. Faction fights. War. Customizing fav weapons. Customizing looks. Shortcut to buying and enchanting gear. What takes us 3 months can cost you 1k varium. So what makes you feel the game will die.

Yes it will die if no one buys varium. Varium is there only source of income. They need money to take care of their families as well as keep the game running. They can't do that for free. So they have to make varium look attractive to the paying customers. A lot of the things you have mentioned is already there. However with the way credits will come real easy in the game people aren't going to spend varium unless they have to.

Remember when the limited rare items for credits and varium came? The credit versions went quick while the varium versions were barely touched. If you don't get what that means it is saying if you give people the choice of varium or credits unless they are really lazy or pressed for time they will just buy the credit version of that item. Hardcore gamers and even casual player can do this without too much effort so your idea would hurt their income even worse if they made varium did this 100%.

Plus it was already said some things promo special won't be for sell in the design notes. so that says it right there if you didn't get that promo then you won't have a certain special.


the game will die when we will get frusturated and quit till you end us fighting all varium players and then end up with no advantage. Than sadly realize wish i was low level having fun like hot :)

Varium players believe it or not will always have some sort of advantage. Not everyone came at the same time so one varium player may have an item that went rare while another doesn't. Here is an example. A friend of mine got the frost weapons that apply frostbite but I don't. So he has the frostbite weapon advantage while I don't. I have an azreal's borg while another friend of mine who is varium doesn't. So I have the bot that break buff while he doesn't.

Also believe it or not the only way for someone not to have an advantage over another player is for everyone to have all the items. No one has all the times in one account because there isn't enough space to hold them all so believe it or not everyone will have some sort of advantage over another player. It doesn't sound right but it is true. Even with non variums it is the same thing. Some non varium items came into the game that another non varium couldn't get so that non varium will have an advantage over another.

Then there is advantage over builds as well. Remember some builds have advantages over others and if you have the wrong build you will become that person's punching bag even without stats advantages. So no matter how you look at it wheather it is special advantage or build advantage and advantage is an advantage and everyone will have some sort of advantage over another.

< Message edited by Mother1 -- 12/25/2012 16:17:05 >
Epic  Post #: 13
12/25/2012 21:33:46   
Santa ClawZz

I wonder how Artix agreed to this update...Literally killing their income so some non-variums can enjoy the game more. It's very poor marketing in my opinion. Instead of rewarding and worshiping their source of money, they listen to the leeches.
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
12/25/2012 21:37:50   

It seems like your opinion is wrong then since he agreed to it. Perhaps there's more under it but it's not shared to the public since why should you get access to AE's figures. MQ is pretty much dead, one-time payment, 2nd currency lasts you for ages, it takes server space, yet game still exists + is updated. Isn't that leeching money? No. People still play it and there are ways around it.
AQ Epic  Post #: 15
12/25/2012 21:43:29   

I'm 100% siding with Angels Holocaust for this one.

Btw, quick note: Can anyone see my signature?


AQW Epic  Post #: 16
12/25/2012 21:53:38   


If i find fighting players to be unfair cause of their advantage i will either quit or do pve. If i cant pve i will quit right. And what will you have advantage over then. If all us non varium will quit then basically your fighting players over no advantage.

You buy varium not to gain an advantage over other players, but to gain an advantage over your previous self.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 17
12/25/2012 22:09:27   

@hawtinees Well, if you ragequit then you don't really learn from previous experiences. If you meet a challenge you shouldn't just quit. Players like DestruRage persevere and come out on top. To be honest it isn't that hard to get varium in my opinion. I did surveys for it, got it for christmas, as well as working for it. If someone truly tries to get varium they will most likely find it. I like what ED is doing, however, I would change it slightly so that varium still had a clear advantage.
AQW Epic  Post #: 18
12/26/2012 0:35:05   
SouL Prisoner


No ur sigg is not working, link broken I guess ???

Anyways , as some one said, varium player will always have an upper hand, whatever maybe the changes ...


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 19
12/26/2012 0:37:45   

@ soul

OP wants the game to be at the point where non variums will have everything varium can get or ever had access to. If that were to happen the game would completely die due to the lack of funding from the paying players.
Epic  Post #: 20
12/26/2012 0:40:37   
SouL Prisoner


That's the point every f2p player fails to understand :/
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 21
12/26/2012 2:37:41   

Epic  Post #: 22
12/26/2012 3:07:17   

Well said mother1. Some players don't seem to be able to be appreciative for what they are about to be given.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 23
12/26/2012 3:40:38   

yeahhh... I would have to agree, I for one am one of the people who is pro-equality but if they gave non-var everything var had why would there be var in the first place? to look pretty in your inventory? there should still be perks to paying ( obvious the main one is cooler gear than non varium :P ) but I can also see it from the viewpoint that most varium players don't understand what
a true F2P game should be like. A lot of F2P games have stuff you buy for real life money and 99% of that stuff all it does is make you get from point a - point b faster than a free person. unfortunately this game started off as a f2p and turned to a P2Win game and now that there correcting there initial mistake people get fussy about it.

( Plus I just have to point this out @ hawtnezz black ops and battlefield require little to no skill )
Epic  Post #: 24
12/26/2012 3:52:30   


you should play against me and see what precise head shots or flash grenade with a head shot feels like. Maybe you really havent been in a multi player shooter environment. No offence. Maybe i can say that for counter strike But meh they are all the same :)

Back to topic. Maybe some people feel happy and grateful that Yay from our previous 10% chance to win we now have 40% chance to win. I would be better off getting 100% win off npc. Or play in the battlefield where we stand equal varium players are so used to be overpowered that you just cant take up a challenge. Or maybe its an ego issue to loose to a free to play noobie? Is that it? Do you feel real angry and bad when you loose to a non varium. Its things like these that make us play online multi shooters where 150$ gets you the game and the rest is 100% skill. Do i feel bad when fifa released 2012 hell no. I feel happy my investment in 2010 lasted for 2 years. Now thats supporting a game. Peace
Post #: 25
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