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lower bloodlust

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11/5/2012 7:05:06   

bm and bh are just op because of bloodlust, look at the 1v1 daily comps, everytime top3 its always bloodmage
Epic  Post #: 1
11/5/2012 7:26:38   

Actually it has been BH for the past couple of days and also that is because they are using quick kill builds to get fast wins. In 1 vs 1 it is all about the most OP quick kill build and that just happens to be it.

Also even if you did that they would still be able to put out the same amount of insane damage as before. If anything the strength that these builds use needs to be nerfed more then the passive of bloodlust. If strength does less damage then they will also gain less with bloodlust as well.
Epic  Post #: 2
11/5/2012 7:36:19   
gangster a

^ actually its both and i agree the class needs a nerf but reducing blood lust wouldnt affect them since they would just use more dex and tech then strengh.
AQ MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 3
11/5/2012 7:42:18   

Wait why BL ? Sure it gives HP back , but on the flip side of it is that .... you have to deal high damage per turn just to be stronger than / equal to the other passives' bonuses . But really , it's not BL , it happens to be Massacre and other STR skills .
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
11/7/2012 4:33:24   

bm really needs to be nerfed there always on lb for every game m,ode
Epic  Post #: 5
11/7/2012 4:51:29   

Leaderboard proves nothing. I can use OP TM build and be there, does that mean TM needs a nerf? I can use OP TLM build and be on there, do I need to nerf TLM? No. LB is NOT a proof for how balanced a class is, just how fast it can kill. Just like TLMs take ages to kill, their ratio is better than say quick kill ones which have fast fins but not so good ratio.
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
11/7/2012 5:22:17   

Hey Krezax. BL doesn't need nerfed. Strength does. And if I can say before you complain about strength massacre builds, I remember fighting you.

You are a strength massacre CH, correct, and after malfing me doing 50 damage on strike? :)

If strength scaled slower, then BL would be OK. Also, maybe a slight nerf to massacre, but that would be fine of strength was nerfed.

As trans has said, the leaderboard is basically fast kills, meaning you will see (more than likely) high strenght BL builds that have low percentages (65-75 basically)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
11/19/2012 11:23:25   
Xx DooooooM xX

Bl does need nerfed on bm its skill are pretty much str and support related so hard to nerf the str need a weaker bloodlust and lower str for the bms and take away bluegoen and give new skill to lower str build or mainly get rid of deadly aim on bm
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
11/19/2012 13:43:42   

@ Doooooom

You are only proving that Strength itself needs a nerf not bloodlust. If you nerf bloodlust you will be hurting all the builds that use it but will it stop strength BM and BH from doing insane damage? I think not. They will still gain more health then any other class because they will be able to put out more Damage then any other build while the other builds using this skill will be hurting more because of it.

Nerf strength and all moves with this stat will go down and less damage out put means less health gained back without hurting the other classes. Simple isn't it?
Epic  Post #: 9
11/19/2012 14:27:23   

Blood lust is fine, no need to nerf it but it does need a buff maybe.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
11/19/2012 16:11:17   

Blood lust doesn't need buff... thats for sure.

Blood lust hasn't ever been changed..... I don't think it has ever been OP.....
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
11/19/2012 16:20:00   

BL doesn't really need a buff, but if it needs to have a change, I suggest moving it down to Tier 3 or Tier 4.
AQ MQ  Post #: 12
11/20/2012 0:11:17   

actually bm with deadly aim is just too op, they should replace DA on bm with another passive.....any passive as long as it doesnt make it deal high damage
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
11/20/2012 3:26:27   

Look... Deadly Aim is fine. BH doesn't have a defence debuff like malf or smoke. Plus, the number of strength BM is getting lower and lower. Most people beat strength BM because bludgeon gets blocked alot.
AQW Epic  Post #: 14
11/20/2012 4:05:01   

@above deadly aim on BM is not fine bcus most of them are becoming 5 focus BM, trust me no matter what build i tried with my cyber it just doesnt work against them, i always end up losing because they rage so fast and when they do they do 40+ damage with their gun considering i have above average defence.
techmages are fine with deadly aim since they can deal very high damage but they dont gain health back when dealing it.
and strength BM can always avoid using bludgeon, only those strength build copy cats use high level bludgeon.
and i have been strength BM, trust me they pwn. i have lost 5 out of 50 battles against lvl 35 and 34 full varium cybers, tac merc, techmage and BH and didnt lose to any of them unless they got 2 blocks in a row.

< Message edited by TRizZzCENTRINO -- 11/20/2012 4:08:28 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
11/20/2012 5:00:47   

Focus BMs are fine, that's just you who can't figure out how to beat them which actually is not hard. Its STR thats been abused and prolly needs a nerf.
Post #: 16
11/20/2012 5:47:10   

@above i cant figure out how to beat them? as i said only strength cyber has a chance against them, i waste a turn emp they just use booster and us intimidate while got energy shield on. you try to beat a good one as a cyber hunter
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 17
11/20/2012 6:59:51   

glad 37 people could offer the same opinion and go around in circles yet again :P

as much as I don't think the classes are balanced, the balance tracker supposedly shows most of the classes have similar win rates
so really BHs just need to be slowed down a bit on str builds, as all those above said. the solutions have been spammed almost daily
for years and staff have put in a few stat requirements on skills rather than addressing the core problem, the skills themselves.

isn't it time all skills became viable, and OP skills were brought down to a more realistic standard?
Post #: 18
11/21/2012 0:33:03   

Just bloody wait till azrael's bot come out again. We'll bloody massacre them xD
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 19
12/15/2012 13:01:33   

how so?
AQW Epic  Post #: 20
12/15/2012 17:21:07   

bloodlust doesn't need a nerf.

and str bh isn't as OP as people make it out to be, 1 simple energy drainer and str BH is screwed.

secondly, the people u see regularly on the boards (daddi fudge, other hard core players) use quick kill builds to get faster wins.
that doesn't necessarily makes it OP.
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
12/15/2012 17:34:03   

@ arthropleiura

The Azreal borg is perma rare so it isn't coming back ever.
Epic  Post #: 22
12/15/2012 19:38:32   

I say have a re look at your opinion of blood-lust after omega,

With less stat I think you'll find to be a lot more balanced.
Epic  Post #: 23
12/15/2012 21:00:10   

Gold is right, Str BH Doesn't Need a Nerf, What it needs a nerf is Focus Bm.
AQW Epic  Post #: 24
12/15/2012 21:08:57   

@ rayman

Powerful yes but not completely unbeatable with the right moves and equipment. Most use exact or near exact energy a good atom smash or EMP will stop them from using field medic or their shields if you debuff them. If you have an azreal's borg use it the nerf their shields if they put them up (this may not be an option for all players but it is one) If you are a merc, tech merc, or have the platinium pride use the skills to get rid of their rage when you get the chance.

on topic

Blood lust as I said before is fine as it is. What makes this so strong is because of the power hits (mostly from strength builds) that use it. Nerf strength itself and blood lust will follow it is that simple.
Epic  Post #: 25
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