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1/3/2013 3:22:06   

I think the base HP should be increased substantially, and increase by HP per stat point.

One of my biggest issues with Omega, is the fact that 1 stat will equal 1 point of HP. This means the amount of HP we have, will decrease by a pretty big margin. You can say what you like, but the less hp, the more impact luck will have. Think about it. Most of the changes coming in Omega, will revert damage/defense back to what it was in Gamma or possibly even Beta. However, even back then, people were hitting 50's with their aux, or dealing huge amounts of damage with massacre. Its all relative. Because BOTH damage (based on strength) AND defenses will be decreasing, DAMAGE itself will stay relative (or close to what it is now). However, out of nowhere the devs have made it so 1 stat = 1 hp. That means 1 normal crit will equal half your HP with a standard 5 focus build, maybe even more. I think that is ridiculous.

Raise the base HP, and then we can talk about 1 stat = 1 HP. The more base HP, the less effect a crit will have. It gives people a chance to work their strategy. How is someone supposed to comeback from an aux crit of 50 when they have 75 HP? But when they still have a good amount of HP to work with, they can heal it back, and come up with a strategy to work around their loss. Yes, I realize battles on average would take a little longer, but I think this would greatly decrease the effects of things like critting, blocking, and deflecting, in that they would still provide an advantage, but not necessarily one that automatically would win you the game.



Really, to be like every other game, the base health and energy should increase based on your level. I'm not saying it should be a lot, but it will be important in Omega to encourage leveling up (so people fight in PVP). If base health is like 50 at level 1, there is no reason it can't be 84 at level 35. Energy can go up every 2 levels IMO.

Good plan, maybe not with energy, but in terms of HP per level.


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 1/3/2013 15:15:19 >
Epic  Post #: 1
1/3/2013 3:25:16   

200 is too random of a number to throw out. I personally believe that you should remove that number from your post, or else people are going to focus just on "LOL BUT 200 IS 2 HI NUB" as opposed to the general idea, which is "Increase Base HP".
I agree that base HP should be higher, i also have believed for a long time that everything should be multiplied by 10 to allow for more accuracy in damage numbers (25.5 damage would be 255 instead of rounding)
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 2
1/3/2013 3:27:38   

You are right. I changed that ^^

Epic  Post #: 3
1/3/2013 3:56:33   

I'm more concerned about ep..
135 ep bh at the moment D:
Dun like mass so i don't use it, when they implement this new Hp thing, I won't know how to play...
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 4
1/3/2013 5:04:42   

Really, to be like every other game, the base health and energy should increase based on your level. I'm not saying it should be a lot, but it will be important in Omega to encourage leveling up (so people fight in PVP). If base health is like 50 at level 1, there is no reason it can't be 84 at level 35. Energy can go up every 2 levels IMO.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/3/2013 5:05:29   


the base health and energy should increase based on your level.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS It should. I've wanted this for a long time now.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 6
1/3/2013 6:36:42   

Things might end up better then it seems.

Instead of having less HP most people will probably just substitute power and defenses for more HP and EP.

Therefore turns overall would consist of low damage attacks on low defence champs. (On average compared to now)

This means that luck is actually reduced because the amount of damage blocked is lowered, the amount of damage gained through critting is also lowered.
Starting turn is less of an impact because overall turns are less damage reliant and more strategy reliant.

I say those who dont like the HP/EP idea should only start complaining after they give it a chance of playing with it.

If things work at like I assume, then it will probably return things to a beta style battle period.

Epic  Post #: 7
1/3/2013 8:24:43   

Health increasing by level would be a good choice if at all possible, energy should still be controlled by the player.
AQ Epic  Post #: 8
1/3/2013 8:30:50   
SouL Prisoner


the base health and energy should increase based on your level.

I think i support that :)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
1/3/2013 11:12:18   

Im supporting too.


Epic  Post #: 10
1/3/2013 13:38:54   

my heart agrees with u.
But my brain-not quite. Why do u think a critical is called 'critical?'
it's right in the name-because it is meant to seriously hurt. I myself seriously hate the luck engine what with all those deflections that saved the juggernauts from a true loss-but ur basically saying a critical should be weak? What use is a critical if it is weak?
And considering there is a weapon affected by this u will end up nerfing alot of things which makes other things more OP due to the nerf in others which will result in even more balance issues and complaints than there are now. So I'm on the fence here. One part of me agrees with u, the other does not.
Epic  Post #: 11
1/3/2013 13:39:27   

Yeah, great idea with having it increase by level. That would make perfect sense. People could then have an original HP num., something we haven't seen since early Gamma due to agility. You could still allocate stats to HP, but the base HP would rise per level, making it so 1 stat per 1 hp makes sense, and reducing the ridiculous effects of luck.

I can dig it.


In no way, shape, or form will a critical be weak, it just won't be a game-winning as it is now, and will be in Omega, if the planned system is put in place. Crits, blocks, deflects will all still exist, but the effect they have on the battle will not be an insta-win like they are now, but rather something that sets you or your opponent back, and forces you/them to strategize in order to recover. As it is, recovering from luck is pretty much impossible, especially in an even match up. I'm not saying remove luck, or even decrease it, but instead "dampen" its game-breaking effects by increasing the base HP.


Why do u think a critical is called 'critical?'
it's right in the name-because it is meant to seriously hurt.

I laughed.


< Message edited by Nexus... -- 1/3/2013 13:47:09 >
Epic  Post #: 12
1/3/2013 14:19:26   
Chosen 0ne


If we raise it to much battles at low level would take forever.

We would have to scale it by level.

DF AQW Epic  Post #: 13
1/3/2013 14:23:20   

Base stats will be up to someone compensate for the loss of stats. As for HP scaling with level I can support it.

However as for changing blocks, crits, deflects I would say wait for omega and see how they make their changes first before doing anything. We don't know what they planned for us yet and we can only guess for now. Once we got all the facts if it is still an issue fire away.
Epic  Post #: 14
1/3/2013 14:27:53   

Base HP (and EP?) raising with level could give you a sense of getting stronger as well which is normal in PvP, no? Since each class would get the same benefit, it could be balanced and allow us for a bit more creativity as well.
AQ Epic  Post #: 15
1/3/2013 14:31:34   

HP scaling with level would make lower level vs. higher level battles less balanced, but the higher level would almost always win anyways, so supported.
Post #: 16
1/3/2013 17:20:43   
ED Prince of Shadows

The max is being raised if I'm not mistaken, check the vid out on new enhancements, Goony mentions higher base hp and ep.
AQW Epic  Post #: 17
1/3/2013 17:25:00   

Yes we know that, but the suggestion is making base HP scale per level (or so) not just base raised and staying the same throughout the 35 levels.
AQ Epic  Post #: 18
1/3/2013 17:27:08   

Hp increasing on levelup is definitely something that should happen. I honestly feel that it wont cause all that much of a discrepency between levels, and the extra First Strike chance does somewhat make up for it.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 19
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