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How To Run A Good Faction Discussion

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1/19/2013 22:12:47   

Heres a little discussion to discuss your own rules of running a good faction..
Here are Latin's 20 ways to run a good faction:

1) 3-4 Loyal friends who are active, whats better than loyals AND friends?.
2) Good personality. be a talkative person, get to know your players.
3) Friendly, noone wants to join a leader whos annoying and mean.
4) Wellknown, it helps in certain suituations when you are just a little bit behind.
5) Good resources, know your friends and who is made avaliable.
6) You have to be strategic and stay organized.
7) Be a friend to get a friend.
8) Know the players in the certain battlemode... watch the boards and see those loyal people abnd the people who go hard.
9) Weekday players, most of Epicduel is all kids so its lucky to find those weekday players.
10) People with blending personalities, causes less drama and no fighting.
11) Have a reliable co-founder who can run the faction when you arent around.
12) Know your competitors, always know who your facing and the manpower you need that day.
13) Be patient, you win some you lose some...
14) Have a strong backbone, Alot of competiting factions will have some serious backtalk.. try not to get caught up in it.
15) Dont lie to your players, self explanatory.
16) Dont force them into anything, if they feel forced; it loses its "home" feelings and they will find another "home"
17) DONT PAY YOUR PLAYERS; if you pay them then they are bound to only play when you pay them; and if you dont have that kind of money then you wont have that kind of player to stay loyal to your faction the end
18) Dont recruit varium beggars, cheaters, scammars, liars, or hackers. That can jeopardize your whole entire faction.
19) LISTEN to your players. They are the ones fighting for you, they are helping YOU. Make sure you assure them they are doing good.
20) Give positive affirmations when they do something good.

What kind of rules do you think should be implemented? What makes a good running faction?

< Message edited by LatinLover/Martini -- 1/20/2013 0:36:58 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
1/19/2013 22:28:56   
Blaze The Aion Ender

A successful faction is that which is with loyal members only
Which is why my faction-of-one is so effective ;)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
1/19/2013 22:29:40   

That made me LOL xD
AQW Epic  Post #: 3
1/19/2013 22:36:27   

Pretty much it needs a smart, interesting, active and friendly founder who knows what he or she is doing.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
1/19/2013 22:57:03   

Out of personal experience, Me and my fellow members of The Evil Council are as loyal as one can be...
Most of us have been in the same faction for years
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
1/19/2013 23:01:33   

How to get a good faction?

Brainwash a faction's worth of underground players to think that you are the god of EpicDuel and promise them glory.
AQ Epic  Post #: 6
1/19/2013 23:03:15   

According to me a good faction needs a good founder, who understands the members/officers and helps them
A founder who knows exactly when to go for dailies.
And yes a few loyal players
I guess you run it very well... 20points listed wow

< Message edited by CHELSEA ROX -- 1/19/2013 23:06:33 >
Epic  Post #: 7
1/19/2013 23:09:28   

Depressed Void... interesting tactic... used before? XD
AQW Epic  Post #: 8
1/19/2013 23:43:47   

AQ Epic  Post #: 9
1/19/2013 23:57:50   

Never be a 1 sided founder. E.g. 2 of yer best officers fight and you decide to take 1 of your officer's side. not a good thing to do, happened in 1 of the faction i was in not gonna say which 1 but yeah. Always be neutral and try to resolve the conflict fast and without taking sides.

AQW Epic  Post #: 10
1/20/2013 0:05:12   
SouL Prisoner

To me, just stay active, donate and have fun :D

No pressure on players :)


AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
1/20/2013 0:13:11   
ED Prince of Shadows

A good faction is one everyone has fun when they're in it.
My faction is starting to turn into an extended friend list.
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
1/20/2013 0:38:31   
legion of souls


noone wants to join a leader whos annoying and mean.

Go figures Latin.


Weekday players, most of Epicduel is all kids so its lucky to find those weekday players.

It is a kids game. That's why i spend my weekdays playing Star Wars: The Old Republic.

On another note, to be successful you really don't need all that. Just be friendly and help your players. Get them to love you.

And no pressure for wins Latin. That DESTROYS any pure gameplay

Glided Warlord

< Message edited by legion of souls -- 1/20/2013 0:41:08 >


AQW Epic  Post #: 13
1/20/2013 0:43:35   

I run my faction semi-casual style. Dailies on weekends, relaxing on weekdays. A friendly playerbase is really needed for a faction to go well.

< Message edited by mew626 -- 1/20/2013 0:45:50 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 14
1/20/2013 0:52:17   
Angels Holocaust

I run my faction like any dictator would. I'am the supreme law of the land, what I say goes and if you don't like it, leave. I make sure that my followers are responsible, loyal, and reliable. If we lose a 1 vs 1, someone will be blame for the loss and kicked. Never show weakness and be kind to them.
Post #: 15
1/20/2013 0:53:41   

This is actually pretty helpful - my factions members are pretty active for two months and then they never play again so I have to a clean out... Gets kind of annoying, especially since recruiting active people is so hard, and then half of them don't speak English so I can't really help them grow lol
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
1/20/2013 0:55:33   

i have never been a founder but im sure that before you can be a good leader, you must first be a good follower.
DF Epic  Post #: 17
1/20/2013 1:52:31   
Giras Wolfe

I tried to be a founder back in beta but I couldn't make the tough decisions of who to boot and who to keep. Its more fun and rewarding for me to be someone else's right hand man.

I've found pressuring players to get wins doesn't work though. If they want to play they should get good wins without being asked to. If the desire to fight isn't there they should be in a more laid back faction.

< Message edited by Giras Wolfe -- 1/20/2013 1:58:21 >
AQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
1/20/2013 3:44:10   

GlIded. like I said #16. Pressuring makes it worse.
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
1/20/2013 3:57:14   
SouL Prisoner


17) DONT PAY YOUR PLAYERS; if you pay them then they are bound to only play when you pay them; and if you dont have that kind of money then you wont have that kind of player to stay loyal to your faction the end

Not a good thing, but if you do this, you get higher output from your players. As long as you pay, they are loyal and sometimes nothing matters more then that ...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
1/20/2013 9:10:46   

But at the same time they will expect you to pay them everytime they need you to fight, resulting in unloyalty.
AQW Epic  Post #: 21
1/20/2013 12:29:05   

LOL Angels. But I think another strong point is to lead by example. I'm not saying to get the most wins out of all the players in the faction, but to definitely not take off for a week and expect your faction to have won 7 championships. The question "is the leader even trying as hard as me" should never even be brought up.
AQ Epic  Post #: 22
1/20/2013 12:37:01   

But that can also be contradictory. leaders need to be agile and know many people... thats why I spend most of my time meeting new people who can possibly be new recruits as I build new friendships. Still getting my daily 50..
AQW Epic  Post #: 23
1/20/2013 12:42:59   
One Winged Angel1357

I held myself to the highest win req when I lead Hells Angels as an active faction. Below me the officers where held to 75% of my standard and the members at 50% of my standard.

I had to show that the officers could look to me for any kind of advice through experience and that the members could look up to the officers and me. This did create a challenge because to become an officer you had to overtake an officer in wins or have the single highest donations in the faction so members really had to step up to beat the officer and then keep that lead.

But we never were truly active an example of that system is 100 wins a week for me 75 for the officers and 50 for the members which can be done with just daily NPC's
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 24
1/20/2013 12:49:42   


It is a kids game.

Not really, the large number of kids is due to AE, not the actual game design. The game was originally intended for young adults, but has shifted towards teenagers a bit.
Still, with some of the lines in this game ("I understand your skeleton is on the inside. May i see?", most of chairman platinum's dialogue) it most definitely is not a childrens game.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 25
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