@ vorctic Players actually stand a chance against jugs now if they think correctly. Think about it. Most players I come across in jug fights don't have the stuff they should use to survive. Here are the complaints I hear about it. C1) Jugs use boosters when they are about to die it isn't fair. A) So use boosters yourself no one is stopping you currently not the jug. By not using them you are limiting yourself in fights. C2) I am under equipped and I keep getting pulled into jug fight it isn't fair A) You know you there is the possibly of you being pulled into a jug fight yet you are doing 2 vs 2 knowing this risk. If you don't want to run into jugs do 1 vs 1 until you have enough credits to get gear. This is also no fault of the jug in anyway. C3) No matter what I do unless I have extreme luck on my side I can't win it isn't fair A) A jug isn't a regular player and when you face a jug instead of going at it brainlessly find out what your partner can do and try to work with them. While it isn't always granteed that you will win (since luck works on both sides) you will have a much better chance of survival. C4) Why can't we choose when we fight jugs? it isn't fair that they force us to fight jugs, and I don't want to have to do 1 vs 1 to avoid them. A) Now we all know a jug button for the regular players would be the true death of Jug mode. No one would ever use this button since it would be their way out of fighting jugs, and those who would use it would make anti jug builds 100% of the time. While many say what is the issue with this, it would make jug fights more challenging, it would be an unfair advantage on the jug's opponents side. Jugs while they know they will face 2 opponents don't know what their opponents will have, however if this came into play the opponents will know they are facing a jug and most jugs if not all of them are tanks. As for the second part they you will have to deal with that risk if you don't want to do 1 vs 1 to avoid them.