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Rebalancing Witchblade and Fiend of Vergill

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2/4/2013 22:01:00   

Hello Everyone!

As you know, we made a mistake and released the wrong skills for the purchasable versions of the the Witchblade and Fiend characters this weekend. Due to their overpowered-ness, we need to rebalance those characters. We don't want to throw off the pvp balance of the game. They will be able to keep a unique skill, Corruption, which is still the most powerful DOT in the game right now. The cost of casting Corruption will be increased to 10 points. In addition to corruption, these characters will be given a normal neutral offense-based deck:

We are currently working on the ability to sell back souls that you don't wish to keep . When we implement soul sellbacks, anyone who bought the characters this weekend will have the ability to sell them back for the full SG value at any time. So, if you are unhappy with the rebalanced character, you will soon be able to part with them without losing out on any SGs. This is only going to apply to the Witchblade and Fiend character purchased over the weekend time period. Anyone who buys them after the rebalance will be able to sell them back according to the normal sell back policy (90% within the first 24hours, 10% after). Sellbacks are coming very soon - Rolith is working on the server-side implementation as we speak.

Thank you so much for playing! We really appreciate your support and are working very hard to make this game fair and fun for all players!
Post #: 1
2/4/2013 22:08:35   
The Jop

I'm not very happy that you have to fight the boss versions of the Fiend and Witchblade only to get far weaker versions. Are the purchased boss characters going to be more powerful than the possessable versions no matter what?
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
2/4/2013 22:17:38   

Well if you do get the boss versions, then you'll just destroy just about everyone in PvP, and then people won't happy. I think that the ones in the shop are going to be the same as when you possess them, slightly stronger than most characters, but not like they are now.
DF  Post #: 3
2/4/2013 22:21:31   
The Jop

Then there's just no point of beating and possessing something if you don't get the same character. I'd prefer if the bosses were just weakened and you could possess them then; partially because they're unbeatable by most characters right now.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 4
2/4/2013 22:34:53   

I don't feel like debating anymore so: In the future give bosses better AIs, not better cards and better AIs.
DF  Post #: 5
2/4/2013 22:37:02   

Although I love corruption, the boss characters are now worse than the possess able versions. I just hope they can get some new cards that can make then capable of actually pvping against someone their level.
Post #: 6
2/4/2013 22:58:43   

The decks should just be put back to normal. Add Corruption and Death Flow onto a future character, they aren't necessary. The sellback also gives all the SG back so no one should be crying.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
2/4/2013 23:02:09   
The Jop

I agree. If it was a mistake it should be corrected instead of giving special cards to people who bought the boss characters. They should have just given the characters their intended cards and the players who bought them a refund; it was the way the characters were intended to be released so I don't see why you have to make an exception and give the characters something special.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
2/4/2013 23:52:53   

The Boss cards should at the very least simply have each card given 1+ charge point, that's the least I ask of you guys. My level 12 Revontheus, Level 10 Pumkinlord, and my Level 8 Frost Void no less, all lost more than 2/3rd of their health right on the first turn. That's pretty imballanced, and is pretty much screaming impossible.
AQW  Post #: 9
2/5/2013 0:00:00   

A rebalance AND soul-selling?!? My dreams have come true! We'll, two of them.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 10
2/5/2013 0:57:56   

The actual bosses are incredibly over the top compared to us, I suspect there wasn't a lot of testing >.>
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
2/5/2013 2:56:20   

Well, it won't keep everyone happy like my suggested idea, but it's better then I could have hoped. Keeping Corupption and the element makes it the best Nuteral char to date and allows some level of extra power without Opness (getting two Corupptions in a row is a MASSIVE sheild breaker), while at the same time implementing full sellback for these versions means that anyone who feels cheated can get back their SG's. Probably not a perfect way of handeling it I feel but MUCH better then I had anticipated.

Now the REAL question is do I want the SG's or do I want to keep the relativly more powerfull char who has a more powerfill poison. And it's a toughie. Eh, Rare version of Vergil is worth it.
DF  Post #: 12
2/5/2013 3:11:24   

why not keep them at the same state but ban the two boss char versions from pvp ? that way low leveled players with a fewsgs to spare can have a chance against the boss chars in dungeons?

< Message edited by shait0007 -- 2/5/2013 3:15:39 >
AQW  Post #: 13
2/5/2013 3:17:59   

Above: I did suggest that but I can see why. You don't want even PvE to be Op because then you can just blaze through the game which is no fun. Is it sad that we lose such power? Yeah, but look at it like I do:

We get the most powerfull DOT yet.
We get a sdecent offensive Nuteral Deck.
Most importantly of all, if you DON'T like them as they are now yiou can sell them back for FULL SG'S ANYTIME YOU WISH. This means that should it be needed you effetivly have 7 SG to buy something cooler or which you consider more worth your time.

My only REAL complaint is that I reckon they should have had 2 power attack cards instead of 1 power since it did not hurt Darkon, but eh, it's livable and they pretty much are still the best offensive nuteral char. just wait till Card Customising comes out and you can throw Counter Attacks on these guys.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 2/5/2013 3:18:35 >
DF  Post #: 14
2/5/2013 3:56:47   

Ah, I see my Witchblade (possessed version) doesn't have corruption. That's kind of stinky that they're starting to put pay-to-win characters in the game
Post #: 15
2/5/2013 4:19:14   

Papatank: It wasn't on purpose. The rlease of the Op chars was a miostake in the fiorst place and they are trying to compensate for that. If you don't like the WB you can always trade in for the full 7 SG's so you haven't lost anything.

Oh wait you have the poseesed version . In that case, well yeah it does kinda suck, but like I say above they are doing this to compensate those ewho brought the chars. They are not really Op or anything now save the coruoption card so you are not missing out.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 2/5/2013 4:20:44 >
DF  Post #: 16
2/5/2013 4:31:32   

Yeah, I agree that it's not OP the way the deck is stacked now. But it is the best card in the game and the only way to get it is to buy it. If the deck was stacked a little differently with some other good cards in there, then it would be.

I guess it just makes me scared that the shop is going to become a collection of decks that make it so you have to pay money to participate in pvp.
Post #: 17
2/5/2013 4:38:11   

I would not think so. WHile I can't garentee that all cards will not be SG I DO know from a Interview that Nulgath posted that the plan for Card Customisation is that you can find them on monsters. I can't garenteee you will find the card on there but effectivly you will be able to make a deck that can combat it in someway.
DF  Post #: 18
2/5/2013 6:12:42   

Am I the only one more psyched about soul sellbacks? Will we be able to sell everything we bought or only the two boss dudes?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 19
2/5/2013 6:16:59   

Blackshock: As said fully in the post, anyone who brough feind of Vergil and Witchblade before the nerf can sell it at it's full price at any time. Anyone who brought it after or for any other thing brought with SG is subject to the normal AE Sellback Rule, which is 90% for the first 24 hours and then 10% afterwards.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 2/5/2013 6:17:58 >
DF  Post #: 20
2/5/2013 6:17:57   

What? We can't keep Death Flow just with a higher charge cost (15)? Aw man.
AQ AQW  Post #: 21
2/5/2013 6:20:26   

Desmodus: Corupption is powerfull enough. It's 20 damage over 4 turns. Compared to the previous highest DOT of 12 damage that's a lot more power. It's also enough to completly destroy a five sheild in one turn. It's powerfull enough with just that card.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 2/5/2013 6:21:00 >
DF  Post #: 22
2/5/2013 6:21:35   

I was talking about things outside the bosses. For example, DD and degore, will we be able to sell them back too?
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 23
2/5/2013 6:24:42   

Blaclshock: Yes. I would EXPECT looking at other AE games when implemented all SG chars will be given the option to sell for 90% for the first 24 hours then having the 10% applied after that day and then following the rule in future. HOWEVER I have no idea how this will work with Evolutions of characters.

< Message edited by megakyle777 -- 2/5/2013 6:25:24 >
DF  Post #: 24
2/5/2013 6:28:55   

well we should be able to sellback SG evos I hope.
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 25
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