The balance updates that they do. Is locking characters into one build. Perhaps two in some cases. They do not need to nerf more skills they need to raise/buff them. And remove certain requirements you need in a matter of skillsen. Raise healing with support, Raising life HP .... Like what happened to the game? All builds should work. Right now it seems they want to shape so all characters should have the same build. Equally important skills and the same damage. Same strengths and weaknesses. I'm just glad I got to experience the beta .... Best phase .... In my book. Fast combat,,, completely crazy builds. Healing loopers Mage! OMG NICE :) ore Tech one hit KO BOLT Str Merc when he hit one with his Berzerk. KO!! LOVE TIME Or Dex BH stun then multi-in 2vs2 Or mega mass lol Unlock skills total, Raise the stats you get from them. Raise the character's HP. and more. Freedom of opportunity do more builds and is fun to play. If you choose to have than 45 point focus build, Do you get back its 5 plus guaranteed damage to all skills, perhaps even more. Right now, everything should be the same,,, What then is the point? Nooo it starts to get boring ... Okay that they want varium and free players should be equal. But come on? should not they get to experience the glory. To play a healing loop build and more. For now change them skills for the worse. Do you become confined to a particular build. So when it comes weapons or core. That is new and unique. Of course it will be OP. You can not do a build that beats it? When one class will always have the advantage of weapons that are unique. When skills are always different on them, that's what makes the core OP. Though guess that everyone has the same skills in the end. Free and pay players alike. Well then I will not have to pay so glad for it. But one shaped builds without opportunities? Nah game gets boring then. Specielt when each core will be stronger for one class. Since each class has different skills, It's like asking for it, They must stop nerf, And start buff. HP skills, remove requirements of certain skills, etc.. Guessing that your thread is gone now. So have wasted a few minutes of typing lol.