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free credits on birthdays

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4/2/2013 11:29:25   

Every players should get like 2500 or more credits on their birthdays
but to prevent any hack or glitch each player can get only ones this birth present so in a way the Mods are gifting to the players on their b-days and also inspiring them

< Message edited by Mecha Mario -- 4/3/2013 7:06:22 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/2/2013 11:58:14   
Sir Caden

Are you Mad?
Epic  Post #: 2
4/2/2013 12:03:45   

Epic  Post #: 3
4/2/2013 12:18:26   

Haha, this would be nice but I just don't ever see this happening.
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
4/2/2013 13:03:56   
President Obama

Seems to me that you are just dieing for credits, mostly because I seen your last post.... They do not give away credits because it is someones birthday... and even if it is your birthday you don't need to be on ED waiting for credits to pop into your account... You should be out there celebrating that you got to live another year..
Epic  Post #: 5
4/2/2013 13:17:21   
Sipping Cider

I like the gift on the birthday Idea. how about if instead of credits it was some free battle tokens. Or fame!
Epic  Post #: 6
4/2/2013 14:34:24   

First of all, Fame is supposed to promote the game outside of ED itself. So no free fame.

This is not some sort of game where there is free stuff everywhere. You work for it here.

Think about it- this is Delta V. Where would the concept of free Credits on your birthday fit in with the theme of this game?
A birthday tends to be cheery and happy, and Delta V is far from that.

So, no way.

Today is my birthday.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 7
4/2/2013 19:23:34   
Dual Thrusters

Supported ^_^
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 8
4/2/2013 19:37:26   

I definitely don't support this, if you're a kid playing this, you'd probably ask for some varium, that plus some credits? Nah. Besides that. . . It's easy to get credits as it is, if you lose a lot, just lose enough to be able to retrain and get a better build.
Epic  Post #: 9
4/2/2013 20:18:03   
Demon Emperor

Seems a little pointless. Also, if your birthday is soon after you start playing, you'll get a huge advantage as a lvl 1 with 2.5k more credits than everyone else. Not supported.
AQW Epic  Post #: 10
4/2/2013 20:36:26   

Demon Emperor brings up a good point. People would just change their birthdays to the most 'convenient' date so that they would get the Credits earlier. But wait- can you change your birthday? If you can do that, I see abuse potential in this...
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
4/2/2013 22:49:53   

How about the creation date of your account instead ? Demon Emperor did proved a point there . Plus , you can't change your account's creation date .
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
4/3/2013 5:57:19   

this would never happen :P
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 13
4/3/2013 6:28:44   
SouL Prisoner

Wow, so many negative people/reactions ...

I don't see anything wrong if you get 2.5k credits on your B'day. Its not like your B'day comes every week or something .. 2.5k credits for once in a year is hardly even a deal.. IMo they should at least give 5-10k credits..

Its not like he/she suggested 2.5k varium you know :)



Seems a little pointless. Also, if your birthday is soon after you start playing, you'll get a huge advantage as a lvl 1 with 2.5k more credits than everyone else. Not supported.

A simple solution to this prob of your's ..

You only start receiving the credits after one year of your account creation. Or you must be at least level 20 or above to receive the gift/credits. Any of the limitation is fine i guess

< Message edited by SOuL Prisnor -- 4/3/2013 6:32:42 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 14
4/3/2013 6:35:35   

still not gonna happen, if this happens then people would want more, whats next? 500 varium for your birthday? or free credits on some seasonal events.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 15
4/3/2013 6:58:50   

Why does everyone think it's a bad idea?

After all,it is your birthday.
AQW Epic  Post #: 16
4/3/2013 7:06:14   
Blitzex/Sr. Zeph

Exactly what Trizz says, once they do this, ppl will ask for more, saying that they already did it once so why not again?

Its a human thing to want more, more and more, give them something and you unleash the beast in them.

Not supported, even if my birthday is the 14th of april and i would like some :P.
it only causes more begging..
Epic  Post #: 17
4/3/2013 11:21:12   
SouL Prisoner


still not gonna happen, if this happens then people would want more, whats next? 500 varium for your birthday? or free credits on some seasonal events.

Well, many people even demand for trade feature, but its up to Dev's to decide if they want to implement such a feature or not.(They can't be forced or something ..)

Same things goes here, its up to Dev's to decide the gift for the B'days ...
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 18
4/3/2013 11:33:53   

Seems nice! Although it's not that possible to see it being implemented...
AQW Epic  Post #: 19
4/3/2013 14:09:28   

Yeah, I forgot Trizz's point. It works in response to most of these 'free stuff' suggestions. But he makes a good point.
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 20
4/3/2013 14:16:59   

I can agree to this.

About the theme of humans "wanting more and more". Someone has to teach kids that they cannot always take what they want. May as well be Artix Entertainment since I know a few irresponsible parents.
AQ Epic  Post #: 21
4/3/2013 14:23:15   
One Winged Angel1357

There is a pretty simple solution to Trizz's problem. Tell them to deal with it and that they are already getting 78 and 1/8 wins worth of credits for just having an account on their birthday.

There is an old saying you can apply to this "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." If you don't know what it means here it is, don't be ungrateful when you receive a gift.

In short I support this idea because it isn't like most free stuff ideas because it happens only once a year and 2.5K credits isn't going to affect much in the in-game economy as you will still need more wins if you want to use those credits
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 22
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